Error: Unable to resolve module `./index` from `\node_modules\react-native\scripts/.`

Error: Unable to resolve module ./index from \node_modules\react-native\scripts/.: The module ./index could not be found from \node_modules\react-native\scripts/.. Indeed, none of these files exist:


"react": "^16.8.4", "react-native": "^0.59.0",


Though you will need to do this for every time you start a new project.. its an upgrade issue from react-native

Update node_modules\react-native\scripts\launchPackager.bat file. @echo off title Metro Bundler call .packager.bat

// delete this line
node "%~dp0..\cli.js" start 

Add this line
node "%~dp0..\cli.js" start --projectRoot ../../../ 


We are giving project root path to Metro instance here,

Or in \node_modules@react-native-community\cli\build\commands\runAndroid\runAndroid.js edit this, const procConfig = {

    // delete this line    
    cwd: scriptsDir

    // add this line
    cwd: process.cwd()
