Lifecycle-Aware Components生命周期组件 Lifecycle、LiveData 和 ViewModel学习资料汇总


1. 官网对于Lifecycle的介绍

2. 却把清梅嗅的系列博客介绍

3. Chaos Leong的深度介绍Lifecycle原理的文章

4. 关于LiveData的使用

5. 官网关于Transform LiveData的介绍


2. Transformations.switchMap()

6. MediatorLiveData的使用

7. Learn how to use LiveData

8. 关于LiveDataReactiveStreams的使用

9. 更多详细内容介绍,请访问以下文档链接

1. 官网对于Lifecycle的介绍

Handling Lifecycles with Lifecycle-Aware Components

这里Core Topics里有个Architecture Components 专题,包含里其他的LiveData和ViewModel的介绍。


[译] Architecture Components 之 Handling Lifecycles



2. 却把清梅嗅的系列博客介绍


ShymanZhu的Android 架构组件(一)——Lifecycle


3. Chaos Leong的深度介绍Lifecycle原理的文章

Lifecycle-aware Components 源码分析

该博主的其他一些博客也极有学习价值,比如:LiveData 源码分析


4. 关于LiveData的使用

Architecture Components 之 LiveData


The fact that LiveData objects are lifecycle-aware means that you can share them between multiple activities, fragments, and services. To keep the example simple, you can implement the LiveData class as a singleton as follows:

class StockLiveData(symbol: String) : LiveData() {
    private val mStockManager: StockManager = StockManager(symbol)

    private val mListener = { price: BigDecimal ->
        value = price

    override fun onActive() {

    override fun onInactive() {

    companion object {
        private lateinit var sInstance: StockLiveData

        fun get(symbol: String): StockLiveData {
            sInstance = if (::sInstance.isInitialized) sInstance else StockLiveData(symbol)
            return sInstance


class MyFragment : Fragment() {

    override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        StockLiveData.get(symbol).observe(this, Observer { price: BigDecimal? ->
            // Update the UI.


Multiple fragments and activities can observe the MyPriceListener instance. LiveData only connects to the system service if one or more of them is visible and active.


5. 官网关于Transform LiveData的介绍

有时候,为了在将LiveData的数据传递到观察者之前,想做一些数据变换,或者基于当前的LiveData,返回另外一个LiveData实例,Transformations 类提供了两个函数:


Applies a function on the value stored in the LiveData object, and propagates the result downstream.


val userLiveData: LiveData = UserLiveData()
val userName: LiveData = {
    user -> "${} ${user.lastName}"


2. Transformations.switchMap()

Similar to map(), applies a function to the value stored in the LiveData object and unwraps and dispatches the result downstream. The function passed to switchMap() must return a LiveData object, as illustrated by the following example:

与map()类似,将函数应用于存储在LiveData对象中的值,并将结果解包并调度到下游。 传递给switchMap()的函数必须返回一个LiveData对象,如以下示例所示:

private fun getUser(id: String): LiveData {
val userId: LiveData = ...
val user = Transformations.switchMap(userId) { id -> getUser(id) }

使用这些转换允许在整个调用链中携带观察者的 Lifecycle 信息,以便只有在观察者观察到 LiveData 的返回时才运算这些转换。转换的这种惰性运算性质允许隐式的传递生命周期相关行为,而不必添加显式的调用或依赖。

每当你认为在 ViewModel 中需要一个 Lifecycle 类时,转换可能是解决方案。

 ⚠️注意:For example, assume that you have a UI component that accepts an address and returns the postal code for that address. You can implement the naive ViewModel for this component as illustrated by the following sample code:


class MyViewModel(private val repository: PostalCodeRepository) : ViewModel() {

    private fun getPostalCode(address: String): LiveData {
        // DON'T DO THIS
        return repository.getPostCode(address)

The UI component then needs to unregister from the previous LiveData object and register to the new instance each time it calls getPostalCode(). In addition, if the UI component is recreated, it triggers another call to therepository.getPostCode() method instead of using the previous call’s result.

Instead, you can implement the postal code lookup as a transformation of the address input, as shown in the following example:

class MyViewModel(private val repository: PostalCodeRepository) : ViewModel() {
    private val addressInput = MutableLiveData()
    private val postalCode: LiveData =
            Transformations.switchMap(addressInput) { address -> repository.getPostCode(address) }

    private fun setInput(address: String) {
        addressInput.value = address

6. MediatorLiveData的使用

Merge multiple LiveData sources

MediatorLiveData is a subclass of LiveData that allows you to merge multiple LiveData sources. Observers of MediatorLiveData objects are then triggered whenever any of the original LiveData source objects change.

For example, if you have a LiveData object in your UI that can be updated from a local database or a network, then you can add the following sources to the MediatorLiveData object:

  • LiveData object associated with the data stored in the database.
  • LiveData object associated with the data accessed from the network.

Your activity only needs to observe the MediatorLiveData object to receive updates from both sources. For a detailed example, see the Addendum: exposing network status section of the Guide to App Architecture.



7. Learn how to use LiveData


Contents [hide]

  • 1) What is LiveData
    • Observe changes
      • Asynchronous
      • Synchronous
  • 2) MutableLiveData
  • 3) Transformations of LiveData
    • 3.1) Transformations
    • 3.2) MediatorLiveData
    • 3.3) LiveDataReactiveStreams
  • 4) Add to project
  • 5) Example project
    • Scenario 1
    • Scenario 2
    • Scenario 3
    • Scenario 4
    • Scenario 5
    • Scenario 6
  • Resources


8. 关于LiveDataReactiveStreams的使用


1. Java Code Examples for LiveDataReactiveStreams

2. 一个LiveDataReactiveStreamsActivity.kt


9. 更多详细内容介绍,请访问以下文档链接

> 架构组件的官方开发者文档:

> ViewModel 的文档:


> 应用程序架构指南:  


> 使用生命周期管理库的架构组件实例

- Java:

- Kotlin:




ViewModelFactory 实例:



Android 生命周期备忘录: 
