CVAT 用户指南

CVAT 用户指南

  • 用户指南
    • 入门
      • 授权
      • 管理面板
      • 创建标注任务
        • 基本配置
        • 高级配置
      • 模型
      • 搜索
    • 标注工具的界面
      • 基本导航
      • 形状类型(基础)
      • Shape mode (basics)
      • Track mode (basics)
      • Attribute annotation mode (basics)
      • 下载标注
      • 同步存储库任务
      • 词汇
      • 工作区
      • 设置
      • Top Panel
        • 菜单按钮
        • 保存工作
        • 撤消重做按钮
        • Player
        • 全屏播放器
        • Info
        • UI switcher
      • 控件边栏
      • 对象提要栏
        • Objects
        • Labels
        • Appearance
    • Shape mode (advanced)
    • Track mode (advanced)
    • Attribute annotation mode (advanced)
    • Annotation with rectangle by 4 points
    • 带多边形的标注
      • 手工绘图
      • Drawing using automatic borders
      • Make AI polygon
      • Edit polygon
    • Annotation with polylines
    • Annotation with points
      • Points in shape mode
      • Linear interpolation with one point
    • Annotation with cuboids
      • Creating the cuboid
        • Drawing cuboid by 4 points
      • 从矩形画长方体
      • Editing the cuboid
    • 带标记的标注
    • 自动标注
    • Shape grouping
    • 过滤器
    • Analytics
    • 快捷键


计算机视觉标注工具(CVAT)是基于 Web 为计算机视觉算法标注视频和图像的在线工具。



  • 在关键帧之间插入边界框
  • 使用深度学习模型自动标注
  • 大多数关键行动的捷径
  • 带有注释任务列表的仪表板
  • LDAP和基本授权
  • 等……





  • 首先,您必须登录到CVAT工具。

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  • 要注册新用户,请按“创建帐户”


  • 您可以注册用户,但在默认情况下,新用户无权查看任务列表。因此,您应该创建一个超级用户。超级用户可以使用Django管理面板为用户分配正确的组。请使用以下命令创建管理员帐户:

    docker exec -it cvat bash -ic '/usr/bin/python3 ~/ createsuperuser'

  • 如果您想创建一个非管理员帐户,您可以使用下面登录页面上的链接来创建。别忘了在“管理”面板中修改新用户的权限。有几个组(又称角色):管理员、用户、标注员、质检员。

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  • 创建/编辑/删除用户
  • 控制用户的权限和对工具的访问。

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  1. 点击主页面上的 Create new task 按钮创建标注任务。

  2. 指定任务的参数:


    Name 要创建的任务的名称。
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    Labels. 使用标签有两种方法:

    • Constructor是添加和调整标签的简单方法。要添加新标签,请单击Add label按钮。CVAT 用户指南_第5张图片
      可以在Label name字段中设置标签的名称。
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      如有必要,您可以通过单击Add an attribute来添加属性并设置其属性:

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      1. 设置属性的名称。
      2. 选择显示属性的方式:
        • Select — 下拉列表选值
        • Radio — 从建议的几个选项中只选择一个时使用
        • Checkbox — 从建议的选项中选择任意数量的选项时使用
        • Text — 属性作为文本输入,默认属性
        • Number — 属性作为数字输入
      3. 为属性设置值。按Enter键可以分隔这些值。输入的值显示为一个单独的元素,可以通过按Backspace或单击“关闭”按钮(x)来删除该元素。
      4. 复选框Mutable确定属性是否将被逐帧更改。
      5. 可以通过单击关闭按钮(x)删除该属性。
        您可以通过单击Update attributesDelete label来编辑或删除标签。
    • Raw 是高级用户使用标签的一种方式。
      Raw 以 json 格式显示标签数据,并提供了编辑和复制标签作为文本的选项。
      Done 按钮应用更改,Reset 按钮取消更改。
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    Select files. 点击My computer从您的电脑中选择一些要添加批注的文件。
    如果点击Connected file share,则可以从网络中选择要标注的文件。
    如果选择Remote source,您将看到一个字段,您可以在其中输入URL列表(每行一个URL)。
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    Z-Order. 定义绘制多边形的顺序。选中启用分层显示复选框。

    Use zip chunks. 强制使用压缩块作为压缩数据。实际只用于视频。

    Image Quality. 使用此选项可指定上载图像的质量。

    Overlap Size. 使用此选项可生成重叠段。

    • 用于插值任务(视频序列)。
    • 标注(独立图像)。

    Segment size. 使用此选项可以将一个巨大的数据集分成几个较小的段。
    因此,使用"segment size"可以为同一注释任务创建多个作业。

    Start frame. 任务中的视频开始的帧。

    Stop frame. 任务中的视频结束的帧。

    Frame Step. 使用此选项可过滤视频帧。

    Chunk size. 定义从客户端发送到服务器时要打包在块中的帧数。


    • 1080p or less: 36
    • 2k or less: 8 - 16
    • 4k or less: 4 - 8
    • More: 1 - 4

    Dataset Repository. 存储库的URL链接可选地指定存储库的路径 (default: annotation / .zip).
    Field format: URL [PATH] example: [1/2/3/4/annotation.xml]


    • [email protected]:project/repos[.git]


    Use LFS. 如果标注文件很大,可以使用LFS创建一个存储库支持。

    Issue tracker. 如果需要,请指定问题跟踪程序的完整URL。


  3. 仪表板包含元素,每个元素都与单独的任务相关。它们按创建顺序排序。

    • Dump AnnotationExport as a dataset—下载特定格式的批注或批注和图像。以下格式可用:
      • CVAT for video
      • CVAT for images
      • PASCAL VOC
      • (VOC) Segmentation mask —
      • YOLO
      • COCO
      • TFRecord
      • MOT
      • LabelMe 3.0
      • Datumaro
    • Upload annotation的格式与Dump annotation中的格式相同。
      • CVAT 同时接受视频和图像子格式。
    • Automatic Annotation—使用OpenVINO toolkit进行自动注释。
    • Open bug tracker — 打开指向问题跟踪程序的链接。
    • Delete — 删除任务。

    Open 按钮转到任务详细信息。

  4. 任务详细信息是一个任务页面,其中包含预览、进度条、任务的详细信息(在创建任务时指定)和“作业”部分。


    • 此页上提供了以下操作:
      1. 更改任务的标题
      2. 打开“Actions”菜单
      3. 更改问题跟踪程序或打开问题跟踪程序(如果已指定)
      4. 更换标签。
      5. Assigned to — 用于将任务分配给某人。开始输入被派遣人的姓名和/或从下拉列表中选择合适的人。
    • Jobs — 是特定任务的所有作业的列表。在这里您可以找到下一个数据:
      • 带有超链接的作业名称。
      • Frames — 帧间隔。
      • 任务的状态。 状态由用户在任务内的菜单中指定。
      • Started on — 此任务的开始日期。
      • Duration — 是任务的时间量。
      • Assignee是正在处理任务的用户。
      • Copy. 单击“复制”可将作业列表复制到剪贴板。
  5. 按照“作业”部分中的链接开始标注过程。

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  • Primary — 包含默认的CVAT模型。每个模型都是一个单独的元素。
  • Uploaded by a user — 包含用户上载的模型。
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  • Model config (*.xml) - 具有网络配置的文本文件。
  • Model weights (*.bin) - 经过训练的权重的二进制文件。
  • Label map (*.json) - 一个简单的json文件,带有label_map的字典,类似于一个带有标签号字符串值的对象。
  • Interpretation script (*.py) - 用于将网络输出层转换为可由CVAT处理的预定义结构的文件。

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使用“Auto annotation”按钮使用您的一个DL模型对任务进行预注释。



  • 在所有字段中搜索(所有者、代理人、任务名称、任务状态、任务模式)。
  • 如何执行搜索特定字段:
    • owner: admin - 由名称中有子字符串“admin”的用户创建的所有任务
    • assignee: employee - 分配给名称中有子字符串“employee”的用户的所有任务
    • name: mighty - 所有名称中带有子字符串“mighty”的任务
    • mode: annotation or mode: interpolation - 所有带有图像或视频的任务。
    • status: annotation or status: validation or status: completed - 按状态搜索
    • id: 5 - id=5的任务。
  • Multiple filters. 可以使用关键字AND组合筛选器(标识符除外):
    • mode: interpolation AND owner: admin
    • mode: annotation and status: annotation

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  • Header - 用于导航CVAT部分和帐户设置的固定标题;
  • Top panel — 包含导航按钮、主要功能和菜单访问;
  • Workspace — 显示图像的空间;
  • Controls sidebar — 包含用于导航图像、缩放、创建形状和编辑轨迹的工具(合并、拆分、分组)
  • Objects sidebar — 包含标签过滤器,两个列表:

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  1. 使用下面的箭头移动到下一帧/上一帧。
    To get a hint about a shortcut, just move your mouse pointer over an UI element.
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  2. 要导航图像,请使用控件侧栏上的按钮。
    Another way an image can be moved/shifted is by holding the left mouse button inside an area without annotated objects.
    If the Mouse Wheel is pressed, then all annotated objects are ignored. Otherwise the a highlighted bounding box will be moved instead of the image itself.
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  3. You can use the button on the sidebar controls to zoom on a region of interest.
    Use the button Fit the image to fit the image in the workspace.
    You can also use the mouse wheel to scale the image
    (the image will be zoomed relatively to your current cursor position).




  • Rectangle or Bounding box
  • Polygon
  • Polyline
  • Points
  • Cuboid
  • Tag


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Tag - 工作区中没有形状,但显示在对象侧栏中。

Shape mode (basics)

Usage examples:

  • Create new annotations for a set of images.
  • Add/modify/delete objects for existing annotations.
  1. You need to select Rectangle on the controls sidebar:


    Before you start, select the correct Label (should be specified by you when creating the task)
    and Drawing Method (by 2 points or by 4 points):


  2. Creating a new annotation in Shape mode:

    • Create a separate Rectangle by clicking on Shape.


    • Choose the opposite points. Your first rectangle is ready!


    • To learn about creating a rectangle using the by 4 point drawing method, (read here).

    • It is possible to adjust boundaries and location of the rectangle using a mouse.
      Rectangle’s size is shown in the top right corner , you can check it by clicking on any point of the shape.
      You can also undo your actions using Ctrl+Z and redo them with Shift+Ctrl+Z or Ctrl+Y.

  3. You can see the Object card in the objects sidebar or open it by right-clicking on the object.
    You can change the attributes in the details section.
    You can perform basic operations or delete an object by clicking on the action menu button.


  4. The following figure is an example of a fully annotated frame with separate shapes.


    Read more in the section shape mode (advanced).

Track mode (basics)

Usage examples:

  • Create new annotations for a sequence of frames.
  • Add/modify/delete objects for existing annotations.
  • Edit tracks, merge several rectangles into one track.
  1. Like in the Shape mode, you need to select a Rectangle on the sidebar,
    in the appearing form, select the desired Label and the Drawing method.


  2. Creating a track for an object (look at the selected car as an example):

    • Create a Rectangle in Track mode by clicking on Track.


    • In Track mode the rectangle will be automatically interpolated on the next frames.

    • The cyclist starts moving on frame #2270. Let’s mark the frame as a key frame.
      You can press K for that or click the star button (see the screenshot below).


    • If the object starts to change its position, you need to modify the rectangle where it happens.
      It isn’t necessary to change the rectangle on each frame, simply update several keyframes
      and the frames between them will be interpolated automatically.

    • Let’s jump 30 frames forward and adjust the boundaries of the object. See an example below:


    • After that the rectangle of the object will be changed automatically on frames 2270 to 2300:


  3. When the annotated object disappears or becomes too small, you need to
    finish the track. You have to choose Outside Property, shortcut O.


  4. If the object isn’t visible on a couple of frames and then appears again,
    you can use the Merge feature to merge several individual tracks
    into one.


    • Create tracks for moments when the cyclist is visible:


    • Click Merge button or press key M and click on any rectangle of the first track
      and on any rectangle of the second track and so on:


    • Click Merge button or press M to apply changes.


    • The final annotated sequence of frames in Interpolation mode can
      look like the clip below:


      Read more in the section track mode (advanced).

Attribute annotation mode (basics)

  • In this mode you can edit attributes with fast navigation between objects and frames using a keyboard.
    Open the drop-down list in the top panel and select Attribute annotation Mode.


  • In this mode objects panel change to a special panel :


  • The active attribute will be red. In this case it is gender . Look at the bottom side panel to see all possible
    shortcuts for changing the attribute. Press key 2 on your keyboard to assign a value (female) for the attribute
    or select from the drop-down list.


  • Press Up Arrow/Down Arrow on your keyboard or click the buttons in the UI to go to the next/previous
    attribute. In this case, after pressing Down Arrow you will be able to edit the Age attribute.


  • Use Right Arrow/Left Arrow keys to move to the previous/next image with annotation.

To see all the hot keys available in the attribute annotation mode, press F2.
Read more in the section attribute annotation mode (advanced).


  1. 要下载最新的标注,必须先保存所有更改。
  2. 然后,单击“菜单”按钮。
  3. 按“转储批注”按钮。

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  1. 选择转储标注文件的格式.:
    • CVAT for video

    • CVAT for images
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    • (VOC) Segmentation mask —
      archive contains class and instance masks for each frame in the png
      format and a text file with the value of each color.

    • YOLO

    • COCO

    • TFRecord

    • MOT

    • LabelMe 3.0

    • Datumaro


  1. At the end of the annotation process, a task is synchronized by clicking
    Synchronize on the task page. Notice: this feature
    works only if a git repository was specified when the task was created.


  2. After synchronization the button Sync is highlighted in green. The
    annotation is now in the repository in a temporary branch.


  3. The next step is to go to the repository and manually create a pull request to the main branch.

  4. After confirming the PR, when the annotation is saved in the main branch, the color of the task changes to blue.



Label 是带注释对象的一种类型(例如人、车等)
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Attribute 是注释对象的属性(例如颜色、模型、质量等)。有两种类型的属性:

  • Unique: 不可变,不能在帧之间更改(例如年龄、性别、颜色等)
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  • Temporary: 可变,可在任何帧上更改(例如质量、姿势、截断等)
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Track 是不同框架上对应于一个对象的一组形状。

Annotation 是一组形状和轨迹。有几种类型的标注:

  • Manual 是个人创造的
  • Semi-automatic which is created mainly automatically, but the user provides some data (e.g. interpolation)
  • Automatic which is created automatically without a person in the loop


This is the main field in which drawing and editing objects takes place.
In addition the workspace also has the following functions:

  • Right-clicking on an object calls up the Object card - this is an element containing
    the necessary controls for changing the label and attributes of the object, as well as the action menu.
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  • Right-clicking a point deletes it.
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  • Z-axis slider - Allows you to switch annotation layers hiding the upper layers
    (slider is enabled if several z layers are on a frame).
    This element has a button for adding a new layer. When pressed, a new layer is added and switched to it.
    You can move objects in layers using the + and - keys.
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Settings 有两个选项卡:


  • Control step of C and V shortcuts.
  • Control speed of Space/Play button.
  • Show Grid, change grid size, choose color and transparency:

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  • Show every image in full size or zoomed out like previous
    (it is enabled by default for interpolation mode and disabled for annotation mode).
  • Rotate all images checkbox — switch the rotation of all frames or an individual frame.
  • Adjust Brightness/Contrast/Saturation of too exposed or too
    dark images using F3 — color settings (changes displaying settings and not the
    image itself).


  • Shift+B+=/Shift+B+- for brightness.

  • Shift+C+=/Shift+C+- for contrast.

  • Shift+S+=/Shift+S+- for saturation.
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  • Reset color settings to default values.

In tab Workspace you can:
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  • Enable auto save checkbox — turned off by default.

  • Auto save interval (min) input box — 15 minutes by default.

  • Show all interpolation tracks checkbox — shows hidden objects on the
    side panel for every interpolated object (turned off by default).

  • Always show object details - show text for an object on the canvas not only when the object is activated:
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  • Automatic bordering - enable automatic bordering for polygons and polylines during drawing/editing.
    For more information To find out more, go to the section annotation with polygons.

  • Attribute annotation mode (AAM) zoom margin input box — defines margins (in px)
    for shape in the attribute annotation mode.

  • Press Go back or F3 to return to the annotation.

Top Panel



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  • Dump Annotations — 从任务下载标注。
  • Upload Annotations — 将批注上载到任务中。
  • Remove Annotations — 从当前作业中删除标注。
  • Export as a dataset — 从任务下载数据集。有几种格式可用:
    • Datumaro
    • Pascal VOC 2012
    • MS COCO
    • YOLO
  • Open the task — 打开包含任务详细信息的页面。
  • Run ReID merge — 形状或轨迹的自动合并。








Go to the next/previous frame with a predefined step. Shortcuts:
V — step backward, C — step forward. By default the step is 10 frames
(change at Account Menu —> Settings —> Player Step).

Go to the next/previous frame (the step is 1 frame). Shortcuts: D — previous, F — next.

Play the sequence of frames or the set of images.
Shortcut: Space (change at Account Menu —> Settings —> Player Speed).

Go to a specific frame. Press ~ to focus on the element.




Open the job info.


  • Job status: annotation, validation or completed task


  • Assinger - the one to whom the job is assigned.
  • Start Frame - the number of the first frame in this job.
  • End Frame - the number of the last frame in this job.
  • Frames - the total number of all frames in the job.
  • Z-Order - z-order enable indicator.

Annotations statistics:

This is a table number of created shapes, sorted by labels (e.g. vehicle, person)
and type of annotation (shape, track). As well as the number of manual and interpolated frames.

UI switcher

Switching between user interface modes.



Navigation block - 包含用于移动和旋转图像的工具。

Icon Description
在这里插入图片描述 Cursor (Esc)- a basic annotation pedacting tool.
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-tU6iHk4u-1596171612023)(static/documentation/images/image149.jpg)] Move the image- a tool for moving around the image without
the possibility of editing.
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-Bw0lVxrL-1596171612024)(static/documentation/images/image102.jpg)] Rotate- two buttons to rotate the current frame
a clockwise (Ctrl+R) and anticlockwise (Ctrl+Shift+R).
You can enable Rotate all images in the settings to rotate all the images in the job

Zoom block - contains tools for image zoom.

Icon Description
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-DDYuWn0b-1596171612025)(static/documentation/images/image151.jpg)] Fit image- fits image into the workspace size.
Shortcut - double click on an image
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-cvEN197d-1596171612027)(static/documentation/images/image166.jpg)] Select a region of interest- zooms in on a selected region.
You can use this tool to quickly zoom in on a specific part of the frame.

Shapes block - contains all the tools for creating shapes.

Icon Description Links to section
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-lxhHLtW9-1596171612028)(static/documentation/images/image167.jpg)] Rectangle Shape mode; Track mode;
Drawing by 4 points
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-HJ3fmllq-1596171612029)(static/documentation/images/image168.jpg)] Polygon Annotation with polygons
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-I4Lb4jxW-1596171612030)(static/documentation/images/image169.jpg)] Polyline Annotation with polylines
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-elI2Xwb5-1596171612030)(static/documentation/images/image170.jpg)] Points Annotation with points
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-CHTtzaws-1596171612031)(static/documentation/images/image176.jpg)] Cuboid Annotation with cuboids
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-2r1dheNM-1596171612032)(static/documentation/images/image171.jpg)] Tag Annotation with tagss

Edit block - contains tools for editing tracks and shapes.

Icon Description Links to section
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-BECK3ozg-1596171612033)(static/documentation/images/image172.jpg)] Merge Shapes(M) — starts/stops the merging shapes mode. Track mode (basics)
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-Kceg3Cro-1596171612034)(static/documentation/images/image173.jpg)] Group Shapes (G) — starts/stops the grouping shapes mode. Shape grouping
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-GZPRgbEJ-1596171612035)(static/documentation/images/image174.jpg)] Split — splits a track. Track mode (advanced)


Hide - 该按钮隐藏对象的侧栏。
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Filter input box

The way how to use filters is described in the advanced guide here.

List of objects
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  • Switch lock property for all - switches lock property of all objects in the frame.
  • Switch hidden property for all - switches hide property of all objects in the frame.
  • Expand/collapse all - collapses/expands the details field of all objects in the frame.
  • Sorting - sort the list of objects: updated time, ID - accent, ID - descent

In the objects sidebar you can see the list of available objects on the current
frame. The following figure is an example of how the list might look like:

Shape mode Track mode
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-Qod8ZqOE-1596171612040)(static/documentation/images/image044.jpg)] [外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-4vcy4vWx-1596171612041)(static/documentation/images/image045.jpg)]

Objects on the side bar

The type of a shape can be changed by selecting Label property. For instance, it can look like shown on the figure below:


Object action menu

The action menu calls up the button:


The action menu contains:

  • Create object URL - puts a link to an object on the clipboard. After you open the link, this object will be filtered.

  • Make a copy- copies an object. The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + C Ctrl + V.

  • Propagate - Сopies the form to several frames,
    invokes a dialog box in which you can specify the number of copies
    or the frame onto which you want to copy the object. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + B.


  • To background - moves the object to the background. The keyboard shortcut -,_.

  • To foreground - moves the object to the foreground. The keyboard shortcut +,=.

  • Remove - removes the object. The keyboard shortcut Del,Shift+Del.

A shape can be locked to prevent its modification or moving by an accident. Shortcut to lock an object: L.


A shape can be Occluded. Shortcut: Q. Such shapes have dashed boundaries.



You can change the way an object is displayed on a frame (show or hide).


Switch pinned property - when enabled, a shape cannot be moved by dragging or dropping.


You can change an object’s color.
To do so, click on the color bar of the object and select a color from the palette that appears.


By clicking on the Details button you can collapse or expand the field with all the attributes of the object.



You can also change the color of any object to random, to do so just hover
the mouse over the object on the frame and highlight them by clicking on a label you need.
In this tab, you can lock or hide objects of a certain label.



Color By options

Change the color scheme of annotation:

  • Instance — every shape has random color


  • Group — every group of shape has its own random color, ungrouped shapes are white


  • Label — every label (e.g. car, person) has its own random color


    You can change any random color pointing to a needed box on a frame or on an
    object sidebar.

Fill Opacity slider

Change the opacity of every shape in the annotation.


Selected Fill Opacity slider

Change the opacity of the selected object’s fill.


Black Stroke checkbox

Changes the shape border from colored to black.


Show bitmap checkbox

If enabled all shapes are displayed in white and the background is black.


Show projections checkbox

Enables / disables the display of auxiliary perspective lines. Only relevant for cuboids
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Shape mode (advanced)

Basic operations in the mode were described in section shape mode (basics).

Occlusion is an attribute used if an object is occluded by another object or
isn’t fully visible on the frame. Use Q shortcut to set the property


Example: the three cars on the figure below should be labeled as occluded.
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If a frame contains too many objects and it is difficult to annotate them
due to many shapes placed mostly in the same place, it makes sense
to lock them. Shapes for locked objects are transparent, and it is easy to
annotate new objects. Besides, you can’t change previously annotated objects
by accident. Shortcut: L.

Track mode (advanced)

Basic operations in the mode were described in section track mode (basics).

Shapes that were created in the track mode, have extra navigation buttons.

  • These buttons help to jump to the previous/next keyframe.
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  • The button helps to jump to the initial frame and to the last keyframe.
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You can use the `` Split ‘’ function to split one track into two tracks:

Attribute annotation mode (advanced)

Basic operations in the mode were described in section attribute annotation mode (basics).

It is possible to handle lots of objects on the same frame in the mode.
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It is more convenient to annotate objects of the same type. In this case you can apply the appropriate filter. For example, the following filter will hide all objects except person: label=="Person".

To navigate between objects (person in this case),
use the following buttons switch between objects in the frame on the special panel:
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or shortcuts:

  • Tab — go to the next object
  • Shift+Tab — go to the previous object.

In order to change the zoom level, go to settings (press F3)
in the workspace tab and set the value Attribute annotation mode (AAM) zoom margin in px.

Annotation with rectangle by 4 points

It is an efficient method of bounding box annotation, proposed
Before starting, you need to make sure that the drawing method by 4 points is selected.
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Press Shape or Track for entering drawing mode. Click on four extreme points:
the top, bottom, left- and right-most physical points on the object.
Drawing will be automatically completed right after clicking the fourth point.
Press Esc to cancel editing.






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  • 单击Shape进入绘图模式。
点击点 按住Shift+拖动
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  • 未按“Shift”时,您可以放大/缩小(滚动鼠标滚轮时)和移动(单击鼠标滚轮并移动鼠标时),也可以通过右键单击删除上一个点。
  • 按“N”完成形状。
  • 创建多边形后,可以通过右键单击并选择“删除点”来移动或删除这些点或者在上下文菜单中按“Ctrl”键双击。

Drawing using automatic borders


You can use auto borders when drawing a polygon. Using automatic borders allows you to automatically trace
the outline of polygons existing in the annotation.

  • To do this, go to settings -> workspace tab and enable Automatic Bordering
    or press Ctrl while drawing a polygon.


  • Start drawing / editing a polygon.

  • Points of other shapes will be highlighted, which means that the polygon can be attached to them.

  • Define the part of the polygon path that you want to repeat.


  • Click on the first point of the contour part.


  • Then click on any point located on part of the path. The selected point will be highlighted in purple.


  • Сlick on the last point and the outline to this point will be built automatically.


Besides, you can set a fixed number of points in the Number of points field, then
drawing will be stopped automatically. To enable dragging you should right-click
inside the polygon and choose Switch pinned property.

Below you can see results with opacity and black stroke:


If you need to annotate small objects, increase Image Quality to
95 in Create task dialog for your convenience.

Make AI polygon

Used to create a polygon semi-automatically.

  • Before starting, you have to make sure that the Make AI polygon is selected.


  • Click Shape to enter drawing mode. Now you can start annotating the necessary area.
    A shape must consist of 4 points minimum. You can set a fixed number of points in the Number of points field,
    then drawing will be stopped automatically. You can zoom in/out and move while drawing.

  • Press N again to finish marking the area. At the end of Auto Segmentation,
    a shape is created and you can work with it as a polygon.


Edit polygon

To edit a polygon you have to double-click with pressed Shift, it will open the polygon editor.

  • There you can create new points or delete part of a polygon closing the line on another point.

  • After closing the polygon, you can select the part of the polygon that you want to leave.

  • You can press Esc to cancel editing.


Annotation with polylines

It is used for road markup annotation etc.

Before starting, you need to select the Polyline. You can set a fixed number of points
in the Number of points field, then drawing will be stopped automatically.

Click Shape to enter drawing mode. There are two ways to draw a polyline —
you either create points by clicking or by dragging a mouse on the screen while holding Shift.
When Shift isn’t pressed, you can zoom in/out (when scrolling the mouse wheel)
and move (when clicking the mouse wheel and moving the mouse), you can delete
previous points by right-clicking on it. Press N again to complete the shape.
You can delete a point by double-clicking on it with pressed Ctrl or right-clicking on a point
and selecting Delete point. Double-click with pressed Shift will open a polyline editor.
There you can create new points(by clicking or dragging) or delete part of a polygon closing
the red line on another point. Press Esc to cancel editing.
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Annotation with points

Points in shape mode

It is used for face, landmarks annotation etc.

Before you start you need to select the Points. If necessary you can set a fixed number of points
in the Number of points field, then drawing will be stopped automatically.
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Click Shape to entering the drawing mode. Now you can start annotation of the necessary area.
Points are automatically grouped — all points will be considered linked between each start and finish.
Press N again to finish marking the area. You can delete a point by double-clicking with pressed Ctrl
or right-clicking on a point and selecting Delete point. Double-clicking with pressed Shift will open the points
shape editor. There you can add new points into an existing shape. You can zoom in/out (when scrolling the mouse wheel)
and move (when clicking the mouse wheel and moving the mouse) while drawing. You can drag an object after
it has been drawn and change the position of individual points after finishing an object.
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Linear interpolation with one point

You can use linear interpolation for points to annotate a moving object:

  1. Before you start, select the Points.

  2. Linear interpolation works only with one point, so you need to set Number of points to 1.

  3. After that select the Track.
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  4. Click Track to enter the drawing mode left-click to create a point and after that shape will be automatically completed.
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  5. Move forward a few frames and move the point to the desired position,
    this way you will create a keyframe and intermediate frames will be drawn automatically.
    You can work with this object as with an interpolated track: you can hide it using the Outside,
    move around keyframes, etc.
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  6. This way you’ll get linear interpolation using the Points.
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Annotation with cuboids

It is used to annotate 3 dimensional objects such as cars, boxes, etc…
Currently the feature supports one point perspective and has the constraint
where the vertical edges are exactly parallel to the sides.

Creating the cuboid

Before you start, you have to make sure that Cuboid is selected
and choose a drawing method ”from rectangle” or “by 4 points”.
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Drawing cuboid by 4 points

Choose a drawing method “by 4 points” and click Shape to enter the drawing mode. There are many ways to draw a cuboid.
You can draw the cuboid by placing 4 points, after that the drawing will be completed automatically.
The first 3 points determine the plane of the cuboid while the last point determines the depth of that plane.
For the first 3 points, it is recommended to only draw the 2 closest side faces, as well as the top and bottom face.

A few examples:
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Choose a drawing method “from rectangle” and click Shape to enter the drawing mode.
When you draw using the rectangle method, you must select the frontal plane of the object using the bounding box.
The depth and perspective of the resulting cuboid can be edited.

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Editing the cuboid

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The cuboid can be edited in multiple ways: by dragging points, by dragging certain faces or by dragging planes.
First notice that there is a face that is painted with gray lines only, let us call it the front face.

You can move the cuboid by simply dragging the shape behind the front face.
The cuboid can be extended by dragging on the point in the middle of the edges.
The cuboid can also be extended up and down by dragging the point at the vertices.
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To draw with perspective effects it should be assumed that the front face is the closest to the camera.
To begin simply drag the points on the vertices that are not on the gray/front face while holding Shift.
The cuboid can then be edited as usual.
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If you wish to reset perspective effects, you may right click on the cuboid,
and select Reset perspective to return to a regular cuboid.
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The location of the gray face can be swapped with the adjacent visible side face.
You can do it by right clicking on the cuboid and selecting Switch perspective orientation.
Note that this will also reset the perspective effects.
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Certain faces of the cuboid can also be edited,
these faces are: the left, right and dorsal faces, relative to the gray face.
Simply drag the faces to move them independently from the rest of the cuboid.
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You can also use cuboids in track mode, similar to rectangles in track mode (basics and advanced)


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You can find the list of available models in the Models section.

  1. To launch automatic annotation, you should open the dashboard and find a task which you want to annotate.
    Then click the Actions button and choose option Automatic Annotation from the dropdown menu.
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  2. In the dialog window select a model you need. DL models are created for specific labels, e.g.
    the Crossroad model was taught using footage from cameras located above the highway and it is best to
    use this model for the tasks with similar camera angles.
    If it’s necessary select the Clean old annotations checkbox.
    Adjust the labels so that the task labels will correspond to the labels of the DL model.
    For example, let’s consider a task where you have to annotate labels “car” and “person”.
    You should connect the “person” label from the model to the “person” label in the task.
    As for the “car” label, you should choose the most fitting label available in the model - the “vehicle” label.
    The task requires to annotate cars only and choosing the “vehicle” label implies annotation of all vehicles,
    in this case using auto annotation will help you complete the task faster.
    Click Submit to begin the automatic annotation process.
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  3. At runtime - you can see the percentage of completion.
    You can cancel the automatic annotation by clicking on the Cancelbutton.

  4. The end result of an automatic annotation is an annotation with separate rectangles (or other shapes)
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  5. Separated bounding boxes can be edited by removing false positives, adding unlabeled objects and
    merging into tracks using ReID merge function. Click the ReID merge button in the menu.
    You can use the default settings (for more information click here).
    To launch the merging process click Merge. Each frame of the track will be a key frame.
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  6. You can remove false positives and edit tracks using Split and Merge functions.
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Shape grouping

This feature allows us to group several shapes.

You may use the Group Shapes button or shortcuts:

  • G — start selection / end selection in group mode
  • Esc — close group mode
  • Shift+G — reset group for selected shapes

You may select shapes clicking on them or selecting an area.

Grouped shapes will have group_id filed in dumped annotation.

Also you may switch color distribution from an instance (default) to a group.
You have to switch Color By Group checkbox for that.

Shapes that don’t have group_id, will be highlighted in white.
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  1. 使用过滤器时,与过滤器不匹配的对象将被隐藏。
  2. 在具有感兴趣对象的帧之间快速导航。Use Left Arrow / Right Arrow keys for this purpose. If there are no objects matching the filter,
    the will go to arrows the previous/next frames which contains any objects.
  3. 该列表包含常用和最近使用的筛选器。


Supported properties:

Properties Supported values Description
width number of px or height shape width
height number of px or width shape height
label "text" or ["text"] label name
serverID number ID of the object on server
(You can find out by forming a link to the object through the Action menu)
clientID number ID of the object in your client (indicated on the objects sidebar)
type "shape", "track", "tag" type of object
shape "rectangle","polygon",
type of shape
occluded true or false occluded properties
attr "text" attribute name

Supported operators:

== - Equally; != - Not equal; > - More; >= - More or equal; < - Less; <= - Less or equal;
() - Brackets; & - And; |- Or.

If you have double quotes in your query string, please escape them using backslash: \" (see the latest example)
All properties and values are case-sensitive. CVAT uses json queries to perform search.

Examples filters

  • label=="car" | label==["road sign"] - this filter will show only objects with the car or road sign label.
  • shape == "polygon" - this filter will show only polygons.
  • width >= height - this filter will show only those objects whose width will be greater than
    or equal to the height.
  • attr["color"] == "black" - this filter will show objects whose color attribute is black.
  • clientID == 50 - this filter will show the object with id equal to 50 (e.g. rectangle 50).
  • (label=="car" & attr["parked"]==true) | (label=="pedestrian" & width > 150) - this filter will display objects
    with the “car” label and the parking attribute enabled or objects with the “pedestrian” label with a height of more
    than 150 pixels
  • (( label==["car \"mazda\""]) | (attr["parked"]==true & width > 150)) & (height > 150 & (clientID == serverID))) -
    This filter will show objects with the label “car” mazda “” or objects that have the parked attribute turned on
    and have a width of more than 150 pixels, and those listed should have a height of more than 150 pixels
    and their clientID is equal to serverID.

Filter history


You can add previously entered filters and combine them. To do so, click on the input field and a list of previously
entered filters will open. Click on the filters to add them to the input field.
Combined filters occur with the “or” operator.


If your CVAT instance was created with analytics support, you can press the Analytics button in the dashboard
and analytics and journals will be opened in a new tab.


The analytics allows you to see how much time every user spends on each task
and how much work they did over any time range.


It also has an activity graph which can be modified with a number of users shown and a timeframe.



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快捷键 功能
F2 打开/隐藏可用快捷键列表
F3 转到“设置”页或返回
Ctrl+S 转到“设置”页或返回
Ctrl+Z 取消与对象相关的最新操作
Ctrl+Shift+Z or Ctrl+Y 取消撤消操作
Hold Mouse Wheel To move an image frame (for example, while drawing)
F Go to the next frame
D Go to the previous frame
V Go forward with a step
C Go backward with a step
Right Search the next frame that satisfies to the filters
or next frame which contain any objects
Left Search the previous frame that satisfies to the filters
or previous frame which contain any objects
Space Start/stop automatic changing frames
` or ~ Focus on the element to change the current frame
N Repeat the latest procedure of drawing with the same parameters
M Activate or deactivate mode to merging shapes
G Activate or deactivate mode to grouping shapes
Shift+G Reset group for selected shapes (in group mode)
Esc Cancel any active canvas mode
Image operations
Ctrl+R Change image angle (add 90 degrees)
Ctrl+Shift+R Change image angle (substract 90 degrees)
Shift+B+= Increase brightness level for the image
Shift+B+- Decrease brightness level for the image
Shift+C+= Increase contrast level for the image
Shift+C+- Decrease contrast level for the image
Shift+S+= Increase saturation level for the image
Shift+S+- Increase contrast level for the image
Shift+G+= Make the grid more visible
Shift+G+- Make the grid less visible
Shift+G+Enter Set another color for the image grid
Operations with objects
Ctrl Switch automatic bordering for polygons and polylines during drawing/editing
Hold Ctrl When the shape is active and fix it
Ctrl+Double-Click on point Deleting a point (used when hovering over a point of polygon, polyline, points)
Shift+Double-Click on point Editing a shape (used when hovering over a point of polygon, polyline or points)
Right-Click on shape Display of an object element from objects sidebar
T+L Change locked state for all objects in the sidebar
L Change locked state for an active object
T+H Change hidden state for objects in the sidebar
H Change hidden state for an active object
Q or / Change occluded property for an active object
Del or Shift+Del Delete an active object. Use shift to force delete of locked objects
- or _ Put an active object “farther” from the user (decrease z axis value)
+ or = Put an active object “closer” to the user (increase z axis value)
Ctrl+C Copy shape to CVAT internal clipboard
Ctrl+V Paste a shape from internal CVAT clipboard
Hold Ctrl while pasting When pasting shape from the buffer for multiple pasting.
Crtl+B Make a copy of the object on the following frames
Operations are available only for track
K Change keyframe property for an active track
O Change outside property for an active track
R Go to the next keyframe of an active track
E Go to the previous keyframe of an active track
Attribute annotation mode
Up Arrow Go to the next attribute (up)
Down Arrow Go to the next attribute (down)
Tab Go to the next annotated object in current frame
Shift+Tab Go to the previous annotated object in current frame
Assign a corresponding value to the current attribute
