遵循E5, E30, E37
遵循 SEMI 人机交互设计,提供触摸屏支持让你触手可及。
5.1 General Requirements
5.1.1 Leak Detector — The leak detector shall be of the helium mass spectrometer type. It shall have sensitivity at
least equal to or smaller than the specified leak rating of the MFC to be tested. If the actual leak rate is to be reported,
the sensitivity shall be five times smaller than the leak to be measured. If the sensitivity is not five times smaller, the
actual leak rate may be reported if the sensitivity of the detector is also reported.
5.1.2 Helium must have access to all primary seals.
5.1.3 Connections between the MFC and the leak detector must be leak-tight.
5.1.4 The ambient temperature of the MFC should be 25°C ± 5°C unless otherwise specified. If another test
temperature is used, it must be recorded during the test.
5.2 Test Procedures — There are two basic setups which may be used to measure the leak rate from the external
environment to the internal gas passages of the MFC or from the internal passages to the external environment. Results
for either test method may be reported. The method used must be reported as well. A third test, the through-the-valve
setup, is intended to measure the quality of the valve seat shutoff.
5.2.1 Internally-Pressurized Leak Test — The purpose of this test set-up is to simulate operation of the MFC under
conditions where the internal pressure is above ambient. The recommended internal pressure is 300 kPa absolute
(30 psig) of helium (see Figure 1).
5.1 General Requirements
5.1.1 Leak Detector — The leak detector shall be of the helium mass spectrometer type. It shall have sensitivity at
least equal to or smaller than the specified leak rating of the MFC to be tested. If the actual leak rate is to be reported,
the sensitivity shall be five times smaller than the leak to be measured. If the sensitivity is not five times smaller, the
actual leak rate may be reported if the sensitivity of the detector is also reported.
5.1.2 Helium must have access to all primary seals.
5.1.3 Connections between the MFC and the leak detector must be leak-tight.
5.1.4 The ambient temperature of the MFC should be 25°C ± 5°C unless otherwise specified. If another test
temperature is used, it must be recorded during the test.
5.2 Test Procedures — There are two basic setups which may be used to measure the leak rate from the external
environment to the internal gas passages of the MFC or from the internal passages to the external environment. Results
for either test method may be reported. The method used must be reported as well. A third test, the through-the-valve
setup, is intended to measure the quality of the valve seat shutoff.
5.2.1 Internally-Pressurized Leak Test — The purpose of this test set-up is to simulate operation of the MFC under
conditions where the internal pressure is above ambient. The recommended internal pressure is 300 kPa absolute
(30 psig) of helium (see Figure 1).
5.1 Kinematic Coupling Pin Shapes — The physical alignment interface on the bottom of the wafer carrier consists
of features (not specified in this standard) that mate with six pins underneath. As shown in Figure 1 and defined in
Table 1, each pin is radially symmetric about the vertical center axis line and can be seen as the intersection of a
cylinder of diameter d91 and a sphere of radius r93 (which might contact a flat plate). An additional rounding radius
r95 provides contact with angled mating surfaces, and blend radii r94 and r96 smooth the resulting edges. The final
roughness height of the over-all surface finish must be less than or equal to r97. Dimensions r92 and z91 have zero
tolerance because they only give a distance to another toleranced dimension. (Dimensions in parenthesis are not part
of the requirements in this standard but are intended to clarify the preparation of manufacturing instructions.)
5.2 Kinematic Coupling Pin Locations — The pins are arranged in three sets with two pins in each set. As shown in
Figure 2, the outer pin in each set is designated the primary pin for use on a tool load-port or vehicle nest or inside a
box, and the inner pin in each set is designated the secondary pin for use on a robotic arm that would pick up the
carrier (typically from the side opposite the load face plane). The location of each pin is determined with respect to
the three orthogonal datum planes defined in § 4: the horizontal datum plane, the facial datum plane, and the bilateral
datum plane. Figure 3 shows the locations of the kinematic coupling pins as viewed from above, and Table 2 defines
the locations (all of which are bilaterally symmetric about the bilateral datum plane). Angle is shown in Figure 3 for
clarity and is not part of the requirements in this Standard.
5.3 Empirical Determination of Datum Plane Locations — Given a set of three primary or secondary kinematic
coupling pins, the datum planes should be determined as follows. The two pins that are closest together are the front
pins which (along with a known vertical direction) define a Cartesian coordinate system. The center axis line of each
pin is defined to be the vertical line whose x (left-right) coordinate is the average of the maximum protrusions of the
pin to the left and to the right and whose y (front-back) coordinate is the average of the maximum protrusions of the
pin to the front and to the back. The bilateral datum plane is defined to be the vertical plane that contains the center
axis line of the rear pin and that is equally distant from the center axis lines of the front pins. The facial datum plane
is defined to be the vertical plane that is perpendicular to the bilateral datum plane and whose distance to the center
axis line of the rear pin is 1.5 times the average of the distances to the center axis lines of the front pins. The horizontal
datum plane is defined to be the horizontal plane that is 13 mm (0.51 in.) below the average of the heights of the
highest and lowest pin tops. Once these datum planes have been determined, the three kinematic coupling pins can be
evaluated to see if they conform to ¶¶ 5.1 and 5.2 of this Specification. If they comply, the kinematic coupling pins
and datum planes can be used to evaluate the compliance of carriers to standards cited in § 6.