MASS会议的Keynote speech

好久没有关注研究的动向了,昨天去了办公室,发现同事们已经完成了Research  Proposal,感觉到自己有些松散了。虽然说准备课件需要很多的时间,但是也不至于看PAPER的时间也没有。如果硬要找一个理由,恐怕是五年的PHD生活让自己对RESEARCH产生了恐慌。但是不管怎么样,还是得慢慢拾回来。如果说当年只是为了那一纸文凭,现在应该将它做为一项兴趣来培养了。

刚刚收到一个会议的CFP(,怎么越看越象咱们老板的风格,也不知道这个iaria是何方组织,好像办了几个会议,都是IEEE  CS出版的,也不知道到底怎么样,反正现在的会议满天飞,谁知道谁是认真的呢?

进了IEEE CS的主页(,看了一下upcoming  conferences,就发现了MASS 08的keynote speaker之一 Mani  Srivatsava,感觉他做的应该是一个Networked  Sensing的新动向,现摘录如下:

Cellular and Wi-Fi  networks now form a global substrate that provides billions of mobile phone  users with consistent, location-aware communication and multimedia data access.  On this substrate is emerging a new class of mobile phone  applications that use the phone's location, image and acoustic  sensors(声像传感器), and enable people to choose what to sense and when to share data  about themselves and their surroundings. Peoples' natural movement through and  among living, work, and "third" spaces, provides spatial and temporal coverage  for these modalities, the character of which is impossible to achieve through  traditional embedded sensor networks alone. If successfully coordinated, the data capture possibilities can be uniquely  relevant to the interests of individuals, groups, and communities as they seek  to understand the social and physical processes of the world around them. These  personal data streams are particularly meaningful when they are analyzed in  real-time using external data sources and models.

This talk will describe  research at UCLA's Center for Embedded Networked Sensing on realizing this  vision of participatory sensing of urban, social, and personal spaces by turning  the global cellular and Wi-Fi network into a fluid substrate for hosting  widespread but coordinated participatory sensing applications. In addition to  describing our initial experience with creating and deploying the first  generation of such systems, the talk will describe the critical  technology challenges that are posed in responsibly realizing sensing  that is widespread and participatory. Such challenges include network  coordination services enabling applications to efficiently select, incentivize  and task mobile users based on measures of coverage, capabilities and interests;  attestation mechanisms to enable data consumers to know how much to trust the  data they access; and participatory privacy regulation mechanisms used by data  contributors to control what data they share. Common to many of these  challenges are the human factors that arise not only because the data being  sensed is about the people, but also because the data is being sensed by the  people.

人们可以 感知自身的位置,可以感知自身的周围的环境,并且可以将这些声像数据与其它人共享,这与普通的传感网络是不一样的。因为人是在不停、自然的移动,因此获得的数据会更加有用。换句话说,人们可以通过这项技术实时共享自己的处境,这与现实中人们通过DV随时记录自己的生活相似、然后在网络上发布类似,但是前者应该是实时无缝地共享。当然,会涉及到隐私、共享数据真实性等关健技术问题。

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