二阶微分方程解法总结 Summary of Second Order Equations


  • Second Order Equations
    • Definitions
      • Second-Order Differential Equation
      • Solution
      • Linear Equations
      • Existence and Uniqueness
      • Structure of General Solutions
      • Linear Combination
      • Linear Independent
      • General Solution
      • Wronskian
        • Use Wronskian to Check Linear Dependency
    • Second-Order Equations and Systems
    • General Solutions to Linear, Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients
    • Inhomogeneous Equations
      • General solution to inhomogeneous equation
      • The Method of Undetermined Coefficients
        • 特殊情况
      • The Method of Variation of Parameters
    • Harmonic Motion
      • Unforced Harmonic Motion
        • Simple harmonic motion
        • Damped Harmonic Motion
      • Forced Harmonic Motion
        • Forced Undamped Harmonic Motion
        • Forced Damped Harmonic Motion

Second Order Equations


Second-Order Differential Equation

y ′ ′ = f ( t , y , y ′ ) y'' = f(t,y,y') y=f(t,y,y)


y ′ ′ ( t ) = f ( t , y ( t ) , y ′ ( t ) ) y''(t) = f(t,y(t),y'(t)) y(t)=f(t,y(t),y(t))

Linear Equations

y ′ ′ + p ( t ) y ′ + q ( t ) y = g ( t ) y'' + p(t)y' + q(t)y = g(t) y+p(t)y+q(t)y=g(t)

Where coefficients p, q, and g can be arbitrary functions of independent variable t, but y, y’, and y’’ must all be first order.

g(t) is called forcing term.

If g(t) = 0, the equation is said to be homogeneous:
y ′ ′ + p ( t ) y ′ + q ( t ) y = 0 y''+p(t)y'+q(t)y=0 y+p(t)y+q(t)y=0

Existence and Uniqueness

Suppose the functions p(t), q(t), and g(t) are continuous on the interval ( α , β ) (\alpha, \beta) (α,β). Let t 0 t_0 t0 be any point in ( α , β ) (\alpha, \beta) (α,β). Then for any real numbers y 0 y_0 y0 and y 1 y_1 y1 there is one and only one function y ( t ) y(t) y(t) defined on ( α , β ) (\alpha, \beta) (α,β), which is a solution to
y ′ ′ + p ( t ) y ′ + q ( t ) y = g ( t ) f o r   α < t < β y''+p(t)y'+q(t)y=g(t) \quad for \ \alpha \lt t \lt \beta y+p(t)y+q(t)y=g(t)for α<t<β
and y ( t ) y(t) y(t) satisfies the initial conditions
y ( t 0 ) = y 0 y ′ ( t 0 ) = y 1 y(t_0)=y_0 \\ y'(t_0)=y_1 y(t0)=y0y(t0)=y1

Structure of General Solutions

Suppose that y 1 y_1 y1 and y 2 y_2 y2 are both solutions to the homogeneous, linear equation
y ′ ′ + p ( t ) y ′ + q ( t ) y = 0. y''+p(t)y'+q(t)y=0. y+p(t)y+q(t)y=0.
Then the function
y = C 1 y 1 + C 2 y 2 y=C_1y_1+C_2y_2 y=C1y1+C2y2
is also a solution.

Linear Combination

A linear combination of the two functions u u u and v v v is any function of the form
w = A u + B v , w=Au+Bv, w=Au+Bv,
where A A A and B B B are constants.

Linear Independent

Two functions u and v are said to be linearly independent on the interval ( α , β ) (\alpha, \beta) (α,β) if neither is a constant multiple of the other on that interval. If one is a constant multiple of the other on ( α , β ) (\alpha, \beta) (α,β) they are said to be linearly dependent there.

General Solution

Suppose that y 1 y_1 y1 and y 2 y_2 y2 are linearly independent solutions to the homogeneous, linear equation
y ′ ′ + p ( t ) y ′ + q ( t ) y = 0. y''+p(t)y'+q(t)y=0. y+p(t)y+q(t)y=0.
Then the general solution is
y = C 1 y 1 + C 2 y 2 , y=C_1y_1+C_2y_2, y=C1y1+C2y2,
where C 1 C_1 C1 and C 2 C_2 C2 are arbitrary constants.

y 1 y_1 y1 and y 2 y_2 y2 form a fundamental set of solutions.


The Wronskian of two functions u u u and v v v is defined to be
KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \matrix at position 16: W(t)=det\left(\̲m̲a̲t̲r̲i̲x̲{u(t) & v(t)\\ …
Suppose the functions u u u and v v v are sulutions to the linear, homogeneous equation
y ′ ′ + p ( t ) y ′ + q ( t ) y = 0 y''+p(t)y'+q(t)y=0 y+p(t)y+q(t)y=0
in the interval ( α , β ) (\alpha, \beta) (α,β). Then the Wronskian of u u u and v v v is either identically equal to zero on ( α , β ) (\alpha, \beta) (α,β) or it is never equal to zero there.

Use Wronskian to Check Linear Dependency

Suppose the functions u u u and v v v are solutions to the linear, homogeneous equation
y ′ ′ + p ( t ) y ′ + q ( t ) y = 0 y''+p(t)y'+q(t)y=0 y+p(t)y+q(t)y=0
in the interval ( α , β ) (\alpha, \beta) (α,β). Then u u u and v v v are linearly dependent if and only if their Wronskian is identically zero in ( α , β ) (\alpha, \beta) (α,β).

If W ( t 0 ) ≠ 0 W(t_0)\neq 0 W(t0)=0 for some t 0 t_0 t0 in the interval ( α , β ) (\alpha, \beta) (α,β), then u and v are linearly independent in ( α , β ) (\alpha, \beta) (α,β). On the other hand, if u and v are linearly independent in ( α , β ) (\alpha, \beta) (α,β), then W ( t ) W(t) W(t) never vanishes in ( α , β ) (\alpha, \beta) (α,β)

Second-Order Equations and Systems


A planner system of first-order equation is a set of two first-order differential equations involving two unknown functions. It might be written as
x ′ = f ( t , x , y ) y ′ = g ( t , x , y ) , x'=f(t,x,y)\\ y'=g(t,x,y), x=f(t,x,y)y=g(t,x,y),
where f f f and g g g are functions of the independent variable t t t and the two unknowns x x x and y y y.

二阶方程 y ′ ′ = F ( t , y , y ′ ) y''=F(t,y,y') y=F(t,y,y)可以写成以下一阶系统:
y ′ = v v ′ = F ( t , y , v ) y' = v\\ v' = F(t,y,v) y=vv=F(t,y,v)

The yv-plan is called the phase plane.

二阶微分方程解法总结 Summary of Second Order Equations_第1张图片

Plotting y and v versus t is the composite plot.

二阶微分方程解法总结 Summary of Second Order Equations_第2张图片

General Solutions to Linear, Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients

Characteristic Equation for a differential equation y ′ ′ + p y ′ + q y = 0 y''+py'+qy=0 y+py+qy=0 is
λ 2 + p λ + q = 0. \lambda^2+p\lambda + q=0. λ2+pλ+q=0.
The polynomial λ 2 + p λ + q \lambda^2+p\lambda + q λ2+pλ+q is called the characteristic polynomial for the equation. The root(s) of the characteristic equation is called characteristic root.

There are three cases:

  • p 2 − 4 q > 0 p^2-4q \gt 0 p24q>0, the characteristic equation has two distinct, real roots λ 1 \lambda_1 λ1 and λ 2 \lambda_2 λ2. A fundamental set of solutions is
    y 1 ( t ) = e λ 1 t a n d y 2 ( t ) = e λ 2 t y_1(t)=e^{\lambda_1 t} \quad and \quad y_2(t)=e^{\lambda_2 t} y1(t)=eλ1tandy2(t)=eλ2t

  • p 2 − 4 q = 0 p^2-4q = 0 p24q=0, one repeated real root λ \lambda λ. Fundamental set of solutions:
    y 1 ( t ) = e λ t a n d y 2 ( t ) = t e λ t y_1(t)=e^{\lambda t} \quad and \quad y_2(t)=te^{\lambda t} y1(t)=eλtandy2(t)=teλt

  • p 2 − 4 q < 0 p^2-4q \lt 0 p24q<0, two complex conjugate roots a ± i b a \pm ib a±ib. Fundamental set of solutions:
    y 1 ( t ) = e a t cos ⁡ ( b t ) a n d y 2 ( t ) = e a t sin ⁡ ( b t ) y_1(t)=e^{at}\cos(bt) \quad and \quad y_2(t)=e^{at}\sin(bt) y1(t)=eatcos(bt)andy2(t)=eatsin(bt)

Inhomogeneous Equations

y ′ ′ + p y ′ + q y = f y''+py'+qy = f y+py+qy=f

where p = p ( t ) p=p(t) p=p(t), q = q ( t ) q=q(t) q=q(t), and f = f ( t ) f=f(t) f=f(t) are functions of the independent variable t t t. f f f is called the inhomogeneous term, or the forcing term.

General solution to inhomogeneous equation

Suppose that y p y_p yp is a particular solution to the inhomogeneous equation, and that y 1 y_1 y1 and y 2 y_2 y2 form a fundamental set of solutions to the associated homogeneous equation y ′ ′ + p y ′ + q y = 0 y''+py'+qy=0 y+py+qy=0.

Then the general solution to the inhomogeneous equation is given by
y = y p + C 1 y 1 + C 2 y 2 , y = y_p + C_1 y_1 + C_2 y_2, y=yp+C1y1+C2y2,
where C 1 C_1 C1 and C 2 C_2 C2 are arbitrary constants.

The general solution can also be written as
y = y p + y h y=y_p + y_h y=yp+yh
where y h = C 1 y 1 + C 2 y 2 y_h = C_1 y_1 + C_2 y_2 yh=C1y1+C2y2

The Method of Undetermined Coefficients

y ′ ′ + p y ′ + q y = f y''+py'+qy=f y+py+qy=f

where p p p and q q q are constants.

因为通解的形式是 y = y p + y h y=y_p + y_h y=yp+yh,而我们之前已经知道了 y h y_h yh的解法,所以现在只要找到一个特解 y p y_p yp就行。怎么找,看 f ( t ) f(t) f(t)的形式,然后用待定系数法解出p和q。

二阶微分方程解法总结 Summary of Second Order Equations_第3张图片


f ( t ) f(t) f(t)本身就是齐次方程(homogeneous equation)的解,直接用上面的trial solution就可能导致方程两边不相等。这时候,就在trial solution基础上再乘上t,不行的就再乘t… 例如尝试的trial solution是 a e r t ae^{rt} aert,带入方程后造成两边不相等,那就尝试 a t e r t ate^{rt} atert,如果还不行,再试 a t 2 e r t at^2e^{rt} at2ert

The Method of Variation of Parameters

y ′ ′ + p y ′ + q y = f y''+py'+qy = f y+py+qy=f

  1. Find a fundamental set of solutions y 1 y_1 y1, y 2 y_2 y2 to the associated homogeneous equation y ′ ′ + p y ′ + q y = 0 y''+py'+qy=0 y+py+qy=0

  2. Form y p = v 1 y 1 + v 2 y 2 y_p=v_1 y_1 + v_2 y_2 yp=v1y1+v2y2, where v 1 v_1 v1 and v 2 v_2 v2 are functions to be determined.

  3. Find v 1 v_1 v1 and v 2 v_2 v2 by solving the equations and integrating:
    v 1 ′ y 1 + v 2 ′ y 2 = 0 v 1 ′ y 1 ′ + v 2 ′ y 2 ′ = f ( t ) v_1' y_1 + v_2' y_2 = 0\\ v_1' y_1' + v_2' y_2' = f(t) v1y1+v2y2=0v1y1+v2y2=f(t)

  4. Substitute v 1 v_1 v1 and v 2 v_2 v2 into y p = v 1 y 1 + v 2 y 2 y_p=v_1 y_1 + v_2 y_2 yp=v1y1+v2y2

Harmonic Motion

The equation for the motion of a vibrating spring is
m y ′ ′ + μ y ′ + k y = F ( t ) , my'' + \mu y' + ky = F(t), my+μy+ky=F(t),
where m m m is mass, μ \mu μ is damping constant, and k k k is spring constant, F(t) is the external force.

Rewrite the equation as
d 2 y d t 2 + μ m d y d t + k m y = 1 m F ( t ) , \frac{d^2 y}{dt^2} + \frac{\mu}{m} \frac{dy}{dt} + \frac{k}{m} y = \frac{1}{m} F(t), dt2d2y+mμdtdy+mky=m1F(t),
and make c = μ 2 m c = \frac{\mu}{2m} c=2mμ, ω 0 = k m \omega_0 = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} ω0=mk , f ( t ) = F ( t ) m f(t)=\frac{F(t)}{m} f(t)=mF(t), and x = y x=y x=y, we get the equation
x ′ ′ + 2 c x ′ + ω 0 2 x = f ( t ) . x'' + 2cx' + \omega_0^2 x = f(t). x+2cx+ω02x=f(t).
We refer to this equation as the equation for harmonic motion. c c c is called damping constant, and f f f is the forcing term.

Unforced Harmonic Motion

x ′ ′ + 2 c x ′ + ω 0 2 x = 0 x'' + 2cx' + \omega_0^2 x = 0 x+2cx+ω02x=0

where c ≥ 0 c \ge 0 c0 and ω 0 > 0 \omega_0 \gt 0 ω0>0 are constants.

Simple harmonic motion

When there is no damping, that is, c = 0 c=0 c=0
x ′ ′ + ω 0 2 x = 0. x'' + \omega_0^2 x = 0. x+ω02x=0.
The general solution is
x ( t ) = a cos ⁡ ( ω 0 t ) + b sin ⁡ ( ω 0 t ) , x(t) = a\cos(\omega_0 t)+b\sin(\omega_0 t), x(t)=acos(ω0t)+bsin(ω0t),
where a and b are constants.

ω 0 \omega_0 ω0 is called the natural frequency.

T = 2 π ω 0 T = \frac{2\pi}{\omega_0} T=ω02π

The general solution to simple harmonic motion can be written as
x ( t ) = A cos ⁡ ( ω 0 t − ϕ ) x(t) = A\cos(\omega_0 t - \phi) x(t)=Acos(ω0tϕ)
where A is the amplitude, ϕ \phi ϕ is the phase
A = a 2 + b 2 tan ⁡ ϕ = b a A = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2} \\ \tan\phi = \frac{b}{a} A=a2+b2 tanϕ=ab
To solve for ϕ \phi ϕ, we take a r c t a n ( b a ) arctan(\frac{b}{a}) arctan(ab), but it takes value between − π / 2 -\pi/2 π/2 and π / 2 \pi/2 π/2, while ϕ \phi ϕ can be from − π -\pi π to π \pi π. Therefore, we take
ϕ = { arctan ⁡ ( b / a ) , i f   a > 0 ; arctan ⁡ ( b / a ) + π , i f   a < 0   a n d   b > 0 ; arctan ⁡ ( b / a ) − π , i f   a < 0   a n d   b < 0. \phi = \left\{ \begin{matrix} \arctan(b/a), & if\ a>0; \\ \arctan(b/a)+\pi, & if\ a<0\ and\ b>0; \\ \arctan(b/a)-\pi, & if\ a<0\ and\ b<0. \end{matrix} \right. ϕ=arctan(b/a),arctan(b/a)+π,arctan(b/a)π,if a>0;if a<0 and b>0;if a<0 and b<0.
二阶微分方程解法总结 Summary of Second Order Equations_第4张图片

Damped Harmonic Motion

Now c > 0 c>0 c>0,
x ′ ′ + 2 c x ′ + ω 0 2 x = 0. x'' + 2cx' + \omega_0^2 x = 0. x+2cx+ω02x=0.
The characteristic equation
λ 2 + 2 c λ + ω 0 2 = 0 \lambda^2 + 2c\lambda + \omega_0^2 = 0 λ2+2cλ+ω02=0
has roots
λ 1 = − c − c 2 − ω 0 2 a n d λ 2 = − c + c 2 − ω 0 2 . \lambda_1 = -c-\sqrt{c^2-\omega_0^2}\quad and\quad \lambda_2 = -c+\sqrt{c^2-\omega_0^2}. λ1=cc2ω02 andλ2=c+c2ω02 .
There are three cases for the sign of c 2 − ω 0 2 c^2-\omega_0^2 c2ω02, and thus for the general solution:

  1. Underdamped ( c 2 − ω 0 2 < 0 c^2-\omega_0^2 < 0 c2ω02<0, that is, c < ω 0 c < \omega_0 c<ω0)
    x ( t ) = e − c t [ C 1 cos ⁡ ( ω t ) + C 2 sin ⁡ ( ω t ) ] , x(t) = e^{-ct}[C_1\cos(\omega t)+C_2\sin(\omega t)], x(t)=ect[C1cos(ωt)+C2sin(ωt)],
    where ω = ω 0 2 − c 2 \omega = \sqrt{\omega_0^2 - c^2} ω=ω02c2

  2. Overdamped ( c 2 − ω 0 2 > 0 c^2-\omega_0^2 > 0 c2ω02>0, that is, c > ω 0 c > \omega_0 c>ω0)
    x ( t ) = C 1 e λ 1 t + C 2 e λ 2 t x(t) = C_1 e^{\lambda_1 t} + C_2 e^{\lambda_2 t} x(t)=C1eλ1t+C2eλ2t
    where λ 1 < λ 2 < 0 \lambda_1 < \lambda_2 < 0 λ1<λ2<0

  3. Critically damped ( c 2 − ω 0 2 = 0 c^2-\omega_0^2 = 0 c2ω02=0, that is, c = ω 0 c = \omega_0 c=ω0, λ = − c \lambda = -c λ=c)
    x ( t ) = C 1 e − c t + C 2 t e − c t x(t) = C_1 e^{-ct} + C_2 te^{-ct} x(t)=C1ect+C2tect

Forced Harmonic Motion

x ′ ′ + 2 c x ′ + ω 0 2 x = A cos ⁡ ( ω t ) x''+2cx'+\omega_0^2 x = A\cos(\omega t) x+2cx+ω02x=Acos(ωt)

where A A A is the amplitude of the driving force, and ω \omega ω is the driving frequency

Forced Undamped Harmonic Motion

x ′ ′ + ω 0 2 x = A cos ⁡ ( ω t ) x''+\omega_0^2 x = A\cos(\omega t) x+ω02x=Acos(ωt)

The associated homogeneous equation is
x ′ ′ + ω 0 2 x = 0 x''+\omega_0^2x = 0 x+ω02x=0
with general solution
x h = C 1 cos ⁡ ( ω 0 t ) + C 2 sin ⁡ ( ω 0 t ) x_h = C_1\cos(\omega_0 t) + C_2\sin(\omega_0 t) xh=C1cos(ω0t)+C2sin(ω0t)
There are two cases for the driving frequency ω \omega ω:

  1. ω ≠ ω 0 \omega \ne \omega_0 ω=ω0, that is, the driving frequency is not equal to the natural freq

    The equation becomes x ′ ′ + ω 0 2 x = A cos ⁡ ( ω 0 t ) x''+\omega_0^2 x = A\cos(\omega_0 t) x+ω02x=Acos(ω0t)

    Using undetermined coefficient method, x p = a cos ⁡ ( ω t ) + b sin ⁡ ( ω t ) x_p=a\cos(\omega t)+b\sin(\omega t) xp=acos(ωt)+bsin(ωt)

    We get
    a = A ω 0 2 − ω 2 a n d b = 0. a = \frac{A}{\omega_0^2 - \omega^2} \quad and \quad b=0. a=ω02ω2Aandb=0.
    The particular solution is
    x p ( t ) = A ω 0 2 − ω cos ⁡ ( ω t ) x_p(t) = \frac{A}{\omega_0^2 - \omega}\cos(\omega t) xp(t)=ω02ωAcos(ωt)

  2. ω = ω 0 \omega = \omega_0 ω=ω0

    In this case, x p = a   c o s ( ω 0 t ) + b   s i n ( ω 0 t ) x_p=a\ cos(\omega_0 t)+b\ sin(\omega_0 t) xp=a cos(ω0t)+b sin(ω0t) is the solution of homogeneous equation x h = C 1 c o s ( ω 0 t ) + C 2 s i n ( ω 0 t ) x_h = C_1cos(\omega_0 t) + C_2sin(\omega_0 t) xh=C1cos(ω0t)+C2sin(ω0t). Therefore, we look for a particular solution
    x p = t ( a cos ⁡ ( ω 0 t ) + b sin ⁡ ( ω 0 t ) ) . x_p = t(a\cos(\omega_0 t) + b\sin(\omega_0 t)). xp=t(acos(ω0t)+bsin(ω0t)).
    We get
    b = A 2 ω 0 a n d a = 0. b = \frac{A}{2\omega_0} \quad and \quad a = 0. b=2ω0Aanda=0.
    The particular solution is
    x p = A 2 ω 0 t sin ⁡ ( ω 0 t ) . x_p = \frac{A}{2\omega_0}t\sin (\omega_0 t). xp=2ω0Atsin(ω0t).
    As t t t increases, x p x_p xp grows larger.

    This case is called resonance.

Forced Damped Harmonic Motion

x ′ ′ + 2 c x ′ + ω 0 2 x = A cos ⁡ ( ω t ) x''+2cx'+\omega_0^2 x = A\cos(\omega t) x+2cx+ω02x=Acos(ωt)

The associated homogeneous equation:
x ′ ′ + 2 c x ′ + ω 0 2 x = 0 x'' + 2cx' + \omega_0^2 x = 0 x+2cx+ω02x=0
The characteristic roots are
λ = − c ± c 2 − ω 0 2 \lambda = -c \pm \sqrt{c^2 - \omega_0^2} λ=c±c2ω02
和unforced的时候一样,有三种情况。但是homogeneous equation的通解 x h x_h xh是一样的,不一样的是特解 x p x_p xp.

对于Underdamped情况,即 c < ω 0 c<\omega_0 c<ω0
x ( t ) = e − c t [ C 1 cos ⁡ ( η t ) + C 2 sin ⁡ ( η t ) ] , x(t) = e^{-ct}[C_1\cos(\eta t)+C_2\sin(\eta t)], x(t)=ect[C1cos(ηt)+C2sin(ηt)],
η = ω 0 2 − c 2 . \eta = \sqrt{\omega_0^2 - c^2}. η=ω02c2 .
就这里与之前unforced不一样,之前用的是 ω \omega ω表示 η \eta η,但是因为在forced这里已经表示了driving frequency,所以只能换成另外的字母表示,即 η \eta η

x p = G ( ω ) A cos ⁡ ( ω t − ϕ ) . x_p = G(\omega)A\cos(\omega t-\phi). xp=G(ω)Acos(ωtϕ).
G ( ω ) = 1 R G(\omega) = \frac{1}{R} G(ω)=R1

R cos ⁡ ϕ = ω 0 2 − ω 2 a n d R sin ⁡ ϕ = 2 c ω R = ( ω 0 2 − ω ) 2 + 4 c 2 ω 2 R\cos\phi = \omega_0^2 - \omega^2 \quad and \quad R\sin\phi=2c\omega \\ R = \sqrt{(\omega_0^2-\omega)^2 + 4c^2\omega^2} Rcosϕ=ω02ω2andRsinϕ=2cωR=(ω02ω)2+4c2ω2

cos ⁡ ϕ = ω 0 2 − ω 2 ( ω 0 2 − ω 2 ) 2 + 4 c 2 ω 2 sin ⁡ ϕ = 2 c ω ( ω 0 2 − ω 2 ) 2 + 4 c 2 ω 2 \cos\phi=\frac{\omega_0^2 - \omega^2}{\sqrt{(\omega_0^2 - \omega^2)^2 + 4c^2\omega^2}} \quad \sin\phi = \frac{2c\omega}{\sqrt{(\omega_0^2 - \omega^2)^2 + 4c^2\omega^2}} cosϕ=(ω02ω2)2+4c2ω2 ω02ω2sinϕ=(ω02ω2)2+4c2ω2 2cω

c o t ϕ = ω 0 2 − ω 2 2 c ω cot\phi = \frac{\omega_0^2 - \omega^2}{2c\omega} cotϕ=2cωω02ω2
