NS2杂项(ns2相关的其他工具、NS2无线模拟相关的网站、计算机网络系列学术讲座、NS2 GDB调试、NS2跨层设计的思想、VANET路由--蚂蚁的一点启发、NS2一些有用的网站)

1.NS2 Related Tools


Network Animator

NANS - Network Analyzer for Network Simulator ns2
NANS is the utility which brings all these features into one and from now
on wards, strives to eliminate all the problem associated with it.

TRACEGRAPH - Network Simulator NS-2 trace files analyzer
Trace graph is a free network trace files analyzer developed for network simulator ns-2 trace processing.
Trace graph can support any trace format if converted to its own or ns-2 trace format.
Trace graph runs under Windows, Linux, UNIX and MAC OS systems.
Trace converter processes traces over 80x faster and is available to buy.

[Scenarios Generator]
NS2 Scenarios Generator 2(NSG2) is a JAVA based ns2 scenarios generator.
Since NSG2 is written by JAVA language, you can run NSG on any platform. NSG2
is capable of generating both wired and wireless TCL scripts for ns2. This tool provides wireless node function. Below this does not have.

NS WorkBench - Graphical User Interface For Network Simulator
nsBench makes NS-2 simulation development and analysis faster and easier for
students and researchers without losing the flexibility or expressiveness gained
by writing a script.

The Network Simulator ns-2: Topology Generation

The Network Simulator ns-2: Scenario Generation

Mobility Generator program for NS-2



柯博士的网站:台湾省 成功大学)/~smallko/ns2/ns2.htm, 内容覆盖很全了,适合去找具体的模型实现.




http://www.crhc.uiuc.edu/wireless/实验室推出的课程,实验室的教授也是很有名的,不但因为其无线多信道通信做的好,而且因为其在Infocom上的扫盲课程:Tutorial on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Routing, MAC and Transport Issues 。



计算机网络系列学术讲座    第一讲:基于马尔可夫过程的网络分析     介绍马尔可夫决策过程的概念以及它在计算机通信系统中的应用        Pdf 下载:  Introduction of Markov Decision Process  第二讲:博弈论在计算机网络中的应用    介绍博弈论以及它在计算机网络和分布式系统中的应用,应用包括拥塞控制,覆盖网络,无线网络中的共享媒介以及能量控制        PPT 下载: Introduction to Game Theory and its Applications in Computer Networks                         Introduction to Game Theory and its Applications in Computer Networks Part II  第三讲:怎样写出优秀的研究论文分享自己写论文的经验和心得    PPT 下载: How to write a great research paper                 Interaction of Overlay Networks: Properties and Control  

4.NS2 GDB调试

NS编程与调试 - gdb调试工具

NS编程与调试 - 内存调试工具 valgrind

NS编程与调试 - vim的用法zz




问题的解决是要吃透Mobile Networking in ns中的第一个示意图,其中的xxtarget_正是可以帮助我们解决问题的东东,方法也很简单:对target指针进行强制类型转换。当然,也有其它的办法,比如在hdr_cmn头部加一个域,包上上下下的时候把数值代入进去,这样也行,不过要执行一些操作就比较麻烦了。另外,还有要注意的就是,可能还需要设计一些public函数来操作所需对象的私有变量。由于面向对象机制的原因,很多变量的私有导致不是很好在其它类中操作它们。


6. VANET路由--蚂蚁的一点启发



为了寻找原因,Helbing和同事建造了一条连接蚁穴和糖块的有多座马路的高速公路,马路互相交叉,因此蚂蚁能够选择最短或最长的路径。一些蚂蚁很快就 发现了到达糖的最短路线,其它蚂蚁跟随前者留下的信息素前进,结果导致了最短路线饱和。之后发生了令人感兴趣的事情,当路线拥挤的时候,一些蚂蚁回到蚁 穴,用身体阻挡其它蚂蚁通过最短路线前往糖块,这些蚂蚁被迫选择其它路线,因此交通堵塞的情况从没有形成。这是一种令人惊讶的技巧,蚂蚁通过权力下放、个 别蚁的决定让有限的资源高效的分配,而在许多网络系统如公路交通和互联网数据传输,堵塞仍然是一个最具挑战性的大问题。当然,在现实中,你不可能用一辆车 与其它车辆相撞以改变方向,但是你可以让他们互相通信。Helbing的方法是让汽车行驶在一个方向上,向迎面而来的汽车告诉他们遭遇的交通情况,让后者 选择是否改道。
Why ant colonies don’t have traffic jams

NS2杂项(ns2相关的其他工具、NS2无线模拟相关的网站、计算机网络系列学术讲座、NS2 GDB调试、NS2跨层设计的思想、VANET路由--蚂蚁的一点启发、NS2一些有用的网站)_第1张图片

Traffic jams are the bane of modern life. But could it be possible that one of this planet’s more ancient life forms could show us how to better regulate road traffic?
That’s the claim of congestion expert Dirk Helbing at the Dresden University of Technology in Germany and pals using a remarkable insight gained from the study of ants.
It turns out that ants are able to regulate ant traffic with remarkable efficiency. Let’s face it, you never see ants backed up and idling along a pheromone scent trail. On the contrary, ant colonies are a constant blur of organized and directed motion. How do they do it?
To find out, Helbing and pals built an ant motorway with several carriageways between a nest and a source of sugar. The carriageways had several interchanges where the ants could switch between longer and shorter routes.
Some ants soon found the shortest route to the sugar and others followed the pheromone trail they left behind until this shortest route became saturated with ants going to and from the sugar.
Then something interesting happened at the interchanges between the carriageways. When the route was about to become clogged, the ants coming back to the nest physically prevented the ants travelling to the sugar getting on to the highway. It wasn’t a conscious action, there simply wasn’t room for two ants to pass at these congested spots. So these ants were forced to take a different route.
The result was that just before the shortest route became clogged, the ants were diverted to another route. Traffic jams never formed.
That’s an impressive feat because the efficient distribution of limited resources by decentralized, individual decisions is still an open problem in many networked systems. As Helbing puts it: “This is one of the most challenging problems in road traffic and routing of data on the internet.”
But one that ants seem to have cracked and this gave Helbing an idea. Obviously, you can’t allow cars to collide with vehicles coming in the opposite direction as a form of traffic control; but you could do the next best thing and allow them to communicate. His plan is to force cars traveling in one direction to tell oncoming vehicles what traffic conditions they are about to encounter so that they can take evasive action if necessary.
And it’s not just road traffic that might benefit. Helbing speculates that all kinds of routing processes could benefit from a similar approach.
Simple really, if you’re an ant.
Ref: arxiv.org/abs/0810.4583: Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Ant Behavior Under Crowded Conditions


NS2 Notebook:

  • How to Use Promiscuous Mode in AODV
  • How to Get Neighbors of a Mobile Node in Wireless Simulation
  • How to Use Matlab in NS2
  • How to Automate your Simulation in NS2
  • How to Get Instance of Routing Agent
  • Some Important Notes for Wireless Simulation using NS2
  • How to Display RTS/CTS Packet Type in NS2 Trace File
  • Multi-channel Multi-interface Simulation in NS2
  • Some Notes on NS2 Installation Problems

Web Resources: General

  • NS2 Offical Website
  • Contributed Code to NS2
  • NS By Example
  • NS Tutorial
  • NS Simulator for Beginners
  • NS2 Trace Format
  • Tcl and OTcl for NS
  • The Enhanced Network Simulator(TeNS)
  • NS Cross-Reference ,a tool to read NS source code
  • Doxygen documentation for NS (Class Hierarchy)
  • Doxygen documentation for NS 2.27 (Class Hierarchy)
  • Pedro Vale Estrela - NS2 Page
  • Trace graph , a NS trace files analyser
  • NS2 code by Andrei Gurtov
  • trace2stats, a set of AWK scripts to get node-to-node statistics
  • NS2 Learning Guide, in Chinese
  • Per-Flow Delay and Loss in NS-2 with DelayBox
  • Web Traffic Generation in NS-2 with PackMime-HTTP

Web Resources: Wireless

  • Getting Started With ns2
  • Network Simulator 2 for Wireless
  • NS-2 for the impatient
  • NS-2 Emulation Extensions
  • NO Ad-Hoc Routing Agent (NOAH)
  • IEEE 802.16 model for NS-2 (NIST)
  • WiMAX Module for ns-2 Simulator
  • Bryan's NS2 DSR FAQ
  • NS FAQ maintained by Dazhi Chen in Syracuse University
  • New 802.11 by Mathieu Lacage, for future NS version
  • Auto Rate MAC code of Rice Networks Group
  • 802.11 MAC in NS-2 (version 2.28)
  • Making NS-2 simulate an 802.11b link
  • Simulate 802.11b Channel with NS2
  • Extend ns2 to support multi-channle multi-interface for wireless networks
  • Make "hyacinth" run on NS-2.29.2
  • Adding Multiple Interface Support in NS-2 (pdf)
  • An IEEE 802.11e EDCA and CFB Simulation Model for ns-2
  • Implementing a New Manet Unicast Routing Protocol in NS2 (HOWTOs)
  • Bluetooth extension for NS2
  • Additions to the NS network simulator to handle Ricean and Rayleigh fading
