Netron 支持 ONNX (.onnx, .pb, .pbtxt), Keras (.h5, .keras), Core ML (.mlmodel), Caffe (.caffemodel, .prototxt), Caffe2 (predict_net.pb, predict_net.pbtxt), MXNet (.model, -symbol.json), ncnn (.param) and TensorFlow Lite (.tflite)
(.pt, .pth), PyTorch (.pt, .pth), Torch (.t7), Arm NN (.armnn), BigDL (.bigdl, .model), Chainer, (.npz, .h5), CNTK (.model, .cntk), Deeplearning4j (.zip), Darknet (.cfg), ML.NET (.zip), MNN (.mnn), OpenVINO (.xml), PaddlePaddle (.zip, model), scikit-learn (.pkl), TensorFlow.js (model.json, .pb) and TensorFlow (.pb, .meta, .pbtxt, .ckpt, .index).
macOS: Download the .dmg file or run brew cask install netron
Linux: Download the .AppImage file or run snap install netron
Windows: Download the .exe installer.
Browser: Start the browser version.
Python Server: Run pip install netron and netron [FILE] or import netron; netron.start(’[FILE]’).