spark row在java和scala中实例化的方法


It is invalid to use the native primitive interface to retrieve a value that is null, instead a user must check isNullAt before attempting to retrieve a value that might be null.

To create a new Row, use RowFactory.create() in Java or Row.apply() in Scala.

A Row object can be constructed by providing field values. Example:

import org.apache.spark.sql._

// Create a Row from values.
Row(value1, value2, value3, ...)
// Create a Row from a Seq of values.
Row.fromSeq(Seq(value1, value2, ...))

A value of a row can be accessed through both generic access by ordinal, which will incur boxing overhead for primitives, as well as native primitive access. An example of generic access by ordinal:

import org.apache.spark.sql._

val row = Row(1, true, "a string", null)
// row: Row = [1,true,a string,null]
val firstValue = row(0)
// firstValue: Any = 1
val fourthValue = row(3)
// fourthValue: Any = null

For native primitive access, it is invalid to use the native primitive interface to retrieve a value that is null, instead a user must check isNullAt before attempting to retrieve a value that might be null. An example of native primitive access:

// using the row from the previous example.
val firstValue = row.getInt(0)
// firstValue: Int = 1
val isNull = row.isNullAt(3)
// isNull: Boolean = true




The following are top voted examples for showing how to use org.apache.spark.sql.Row. These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the examples you like and your votes will be used in our system to generate more good examples.

Example 1

Project: uberscriptquery   File:   Source Code and License 14 votes vote up
public void test_getDataSetResult() {

    StructField[] structFields = new StructField[]{
            new StructField("intColumn", DataTypes.IntegerType, true, Metadata.empty()),
            new StructField("stringColumn", DataTypes.StringType, true, Metadata.empty())

    StructType structType = new StructType(structFields);

    List rows = new ArrayList<>();
    rows.add(RowFactory.create(1, "v1"));
    rows.add(RowFactory.create(2, "v2"));

    Dataset df = sparkSession.createDataFrame(rows, structType);

    DataSetResult dataSetResult = SparkUtils.getDataSetResult(df);
    Assert.assertEquals(2, dataSetResult.getColumnNames().size());
    Assert.assertEquals(2, dataSetResult.getRows().size());
    Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(1), dataSetResult.getRows().get(0).get(0));
    Assert.assertEquals("v1", dataSetResult.getRows().get(0).get(1));
    Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(2), dataSetResult.getRows().get(1).get(0));
    Assert.assertEquals("v2", dataSetResult.getRows().get(1).get(1));

Example 2

Project: bunsen   File:   Source Code and License 11 votes vote up
 * Reads the LOINC mutliaxial hierarchy file and converts it to a {@link HierarchicalElement}
 * dataset.
 * @param spark the Spark session
 * @param loincHierarchyPath path to the multiaxial hierarchy CSV
 * @return a dataset of {@link HierarchicalElement} representing the hierarchical relationship.
public static Dataset readMultiaxialHierarchyFile(SparkSession spark,
    String loincHierarchyPath) {

      .option("header", true)
      .select(col("IMMEDIATE_PARENT"), col("CODE"))
      .map((MapFunction) row -> {

        HierarchicalElement element = new HierarchicalElement();



        return element;
      }, Hierarchies.getHierarchicalElementEncoder());

Example 3

Project: gaffer-doc   File:   Source Code and License 9 votes vote up
public void getDataFrameOfElementsWithEntityGroup() {
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    final GetDataFrameOfElements operation = new GetDataFrameOfElements.Builder()
            .view(new View.Builder()
    // ---------------------------------------------------------

    final Dataset df = runExample(operation, null);

    // Restrict to entities involving certain vertices
    final Dataset seeded = df.filter("vertex = 1 OR vertex = 2");
    String result = seeded.showString(100, 20);
    printJava("df.filter(\"vertex = 1 OR vertex = 2\").show();");
    print("The results are:\n");
    print(result.substring(0, result.length() - 2));

    // Filter by property
    final Dataset filtered = df.filter("count > 1");
    result = filtered.showString(100, 20);
    printJava("df.filter(\"count > 1\").show();");
    print("The results are:\n");
    print(result.substring(0, result.length() - 2));

Example 4

Project: PRoST   File:   Source Code and License 7 votes vote up
public Dataset computeJoins(SQLContext sqlContext){
	// compute all the joins
	Dataset results = node.computeJoinWithChildren(sqlContext);
	// select only the requested result
	Column [] selectedColumns = new Column[node.projection.size()];
	for (int i = 0; i < selectedColumns.length; i++) {
		selectedColumns[i]= new Column(node.projection.get(i));

	// if there is a filter set, apply it
	results =  filter == null ? : results.filter(filter).select(selectedColumns);
	// if results are distinct
	if(selectDistinct) results = results.distinct();
	return results;

Example 5

Project: integrations   File:   Source Code and License 7 votes vote up
public static String getSubjectIdentification( Row row ) {
    String name = row.getAs( "Defendant Name" );
    String gender = row.getAs( "Gender" );
    String race = row.getAs( "Race" );
    String dob = row.getAs( "DOB" );

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            .append( encoder.encodeToString( StringUtils.getBytesUtf8( name ) ) )
            .append( "|" )
            .append( encoder.encodeToString( StringUtils.getBytesUtf8( gender ) ) )
            .append( "|" )
            .append( encoder.encodeToString( StringUtils.getBytesUtf8( race ) ) )
            .append( "|" )
            .append( encoder.encodeToString( StringUtils.getBytesUtf8( dob ) ) );
    return sb.toString();

Example 6

Project: Explainer   File:   Source Code and License 7 votes vote up
public static List> constructListWithColumnNames(DataFrame dataframe,
    String[] columnNames) {

  List l;
  Row[] rows;

  List> list = new ArrayList<>();
  for (String name : columnNames) {
    l = new ArrayList<>();
    rows =;
    for (Row r : rows) {
  return list;


Example 7

Project: bunsen   File:   Source Code and License 6 votes vote up
public void coding() {

  Coding expectedCoding = condition.getSeverity().getCodingFirstRep();
  Coding actualCoding = decodedCondition.getSeverity().getCodingFirstRep();

  // Codings are a nested array, so we explode them into a table of the coding
  // fields so we can easily select and compare individual fields.
  Dataset severityCodings = conditionsDataset
      .select("coding.*") // Pull all fields in the coding to the top level.





Example 8

Project: embulk-input-parquet_hadoop   File:   Source Code and License 6 votes vote up
public List read() throws IOException
    spark.conf().set(SQLConf$.MODULE$.PARQUET_WRITE_LEGACY_FORMAT().key(), isLegacyFormat);

    Dataset dataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema).repartition(1);
    File file = new File(SparkTestBase.this.tempFolder.getRoot(), name);

    ArrayList results = new ArrayList<>();
    try (ParquetReader reader = ParquetReader
            .builder(new MessagePackReadSupport(), new Path(file.getPath()))
            .build()) {
        Value v;
        while ((v = != null) {
    return results;

Example 9

Project: rdf2x   File:   Source Code and License 6 votes vote up
 * Map a {@link Instance} into an Iterator of all of its relations
 * represented as rows of (related URI, predicate index, type index, instance ID)
 * @param instance the requested {@link Instance}
 * @return an Iterator of all of its relations represented as rows of (related URI, predicate index, type index, instance ID)
private Iterable getRelatedTypeIDs(Instance instance) {
    // typeIDs representing references to the instance in each table (or a single one, if instance has a single type)
    final Long id = instance.getId();

    final List> instanceTypeIDs = getRelationEntityTypes(instance)
            .map(typeIndex -> new Tuple2<>(typeIndex, id))

    return instance.getRelations().stream()
            .flatMap(relation ->
                            .map(instanceTypeID -> RowFactory.create(

Example 10

Project: MegaSparkDiff   File:   Source Code and License 6 votes vote up
private Pair, Dataset> returnDiff(String table1, String table2)
    AppleTable leftAppleTable = SparkFactory.parallelizeJDBCSource("org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver",
            "(select * from " + table1 + ")", "table1");

    AppleTable rightAppleTable = SparkFactory.parallelizeJDBCSource("org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver",
            "(select * from " + table2 + ")", "table2");

    return SparkCompare.compareAppleTables(leftAppleTable, rightAppleTable);

Example 11

Project: stonk   File:   Source Code and License 6 votes vote up
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    JavaSparkContext context = buildJavaSparkContext();

    Dataset dataset = SparkDataFileConverter.extractDataFrame(taskInfo, context);
    String mlAlgoName = taskInfo.getSparkTaskAlgorithm().getName();
    MLAlgorithmDesc mlAlgoDesc = MLAlgorithmLoader.getMLAlgorithmDesc(mlAlgoName);

    if (mlAlgoDesc.getComponentsType() == ComponentType.ESTIMATOR) {
        excuteEstimator(taskInfo, dataset);
    } else if (mlAlgoDesc.getComponentsType() == ComponentType.TRANSFORMER) {
        excuteTransformer(taskInfo, dataset);

Example 12

Project: MegaSparkDiff   File:   Source Code and License 6 votes vote up
 * Test of compareRdd method, of class SparkCompare.
public void testCompareRdd() {
    //code to get file1 location
    String file1Path = this.getClass().getClassLoader().
    String file2Path = this.getClass().getClassLoader().

    Pair, Dataset> comparisonResult = SparkCompare.compareFiles(file1Path, file2Path);

    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {"Straightforward output of test results somehow failed");

Example 13

Project: MegaSparkDiff   File:   Source Code and License 6 votes vote up
public void testCompareJDBCtpFileAppleTablesWithDifference()
    AppleTable leftAppleTable = SparkFactory.parallelizeJDBCSource("org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver",
            "(select * from Persons1)", "table1");

    String file1Path = this.getClass().getClassLoader().

    AppleTable rightAppleTable = SparkFactory.parallelizeTextSource(file1Path,"table2");

    Pair, Dataset> pair = SparkCompare.compareAppleTables(leftAppleTable, rightAppleTable);

    //the expectation is one difference
    if (pair.getLeft().count() != 2)
    {"expected 2 different record in left");
    if (pair.getRight().count() != 5)
    {"expected 5 different record in right");

Example 14

Project: bunsen   File:   Source Code and License 6 votes vote up
 * Reads a Snomed relationship file and converts it to a {@link HierarchicalElement} dataset.
 * @param spark the Spark session
 * @param snomedRelationshipPath path to the SNOMED relationship file
 * @return a dataset of{@link HierarchicalElement} representing the hierarchical relationship.
public static Dataset readRelationshipFile(SparkSession spark,
    String snomedRelationshipPath) {

      .option("header", true)
      .option("delimiter", "\t")
      .select(col("destinationId"), col("sourceId"))
      .map((MapFunction) row -> {

        HierarchicalElement element = new HierarchicalElement();



        return element;
      }, Hierarchies.getHierarchicalElementEncoder());

Example 15

Project: PRoST   File:   Source Code and License 6 votes vote up
private TableStats calculate_stats_table(Dataset table, String tableName) {
	TableStats.Builder table_stats_builder = TableStats.newBuilder();
	// calculate the stats
	int table_size = (int) table.count();
	int distinct_subjects = (int);
	boolean is_complex = table_size != distinct_subjects;
	// put them in the protobuf object

Example 16

Project: Machine-Learning-End-to-Endguide-for-Java-developers   File:   Source Code and License 6 votes vote up
public static void main(String[] args) {
	SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder()

	// Load and parse data
	String filePath = "/home/kchoppella/book/Chapter09/data/covtypeNorm.csv";

	// Loads data.
	Dataset inDataset =
			.option("header", "true")
			.option("inferSchema", true)
	ArrayList inputColsList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(inDataset.columns()));
	//Make single features column for feature vectors 
	String[] inputCols = inputColsList.parallelStream().toArray(String[]::new);
	//Prepare dataset for training with all features in "features" column
	VectorAssembler assembler = new VectorAssembler().setInputCols(inputCols).setOutputCol("features");
	Dataset dataset = assembler.transform(inDataset);

	PCAModel pca = new PCA()

	Dataset result = pca.transform(dataset).select("pcaFeatures");
	System.out.println("Explained variance:");
	// $example off$

Example 17

Project: uberscriptquery   File:   Source Code and License 6 votes vote up
public Object execute(SparkSession sparkSession, ActionStatement actionStatement, CredentialProvider credentialManager) {

    String filePath = actionStatement.getParamValues().get(0).getValue().toString();
    String saveModeStr = actionStatement.getParamValues().get(1).getValue().toString();
    String dfTableName = actionStatement.getParamValues().get(2).getValue().toString();

    SaveMode saveMode = SaveMode.valueOf(saveModeStr);

    String sql = String.format("select * from %s", dfTableName);"Running sql [%s] to get data and then save it", sql));
    Dataset df = sparkSession.sql(sql);"Saving to csv %s, saveMode: %s", filePath, saveMode));
    df.coalesce(1).write().mode(saveMode).option("header", "false").csv(filePath);"Saved to csv %s, saveMode: %s", filePath, saveMode));
    return null;

Example 18

Project: net.jgp.labs.spark.datasources   File:   Source Code and License 6 votes vote up
public RDD buildScan() {
    log.debug("-> buildScan()");

    // I have isolated the work to a method to keep the plumbing code as simple as
    // possible.
    List table = collectData();

    JavaSparkContext sparkContext = new JavaSparkContext(sqlContext.sparkContext());
    JavaRDD rowRDD = sparkContext.parallelize(table)
            .map(photo -> SparkBeanUtils.getRowFromBean(schema, photo));

    return rowRDD.rdd();

Example 19

Project: integrations   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
public static void main( String[] args ) throws InterruptedException {

        final String path = args[ 0 ];
        final String username = args[ 1 ];
        final String password = args[ 2 ];
        final SparkSession sparkSession = MissionControl.getSparkSession();
        final String jwtToken = MissionControl.getIdToken( username, password ); "Using the following idToken: Bearer {}", jwtToken );

        Dataset payload = sparkSession
                .format( "com.databricks.spark.csv" )
                .option( "header", "true" )
                .load( path );

        Flight flight = Flight.newFlight()
                .addEntity( ENTITY_SET_TYPE )
                .to( ENTITY_SET_NAME )
                .key( ENTITY_SET_KEY )
                .addProperty( new FullQualifiedName( "iowastate.escene15" ) )
                .value( row -> get_geo( row.getAs( "NUMBER" ),
                        row.getAs( "STREET" ),
                        row.getAs( "UNIT" ),
                        row.getAs( "CITY" ),
                        row.getAs( "POSTCODE" ) ).getFormattedAddress() ).ok()
                .addProperty( new FullQualifiedName( "iowastate.escene11" ) )
                .value( row -> get_geo( row.getAs( "NUMBER" ),
                        row.getAs( "STREET" ),
                        row.getAs( "UNIT" ),
                        row.getAs( "CITY" ),
                        row.getAs( "POSTCODE" ) ) ).ok()

        Shuttle shuttle = new Shuttle( RetrofitFactory.Environment.LOCAL, jwtToken );
        shuttle.launch( flight, payload );

Example 20

Project: MegaSparkDiff   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
public void testCompareEqualTables()
    Pair,Dataset> pair = returnDiff("Test1","Test2");

    //the expectation is that both tables are equal
    if (pair.getLeft().count() != 0)"Expected 0 differences coming from left table." +
                "  Instead, found " + pair.getLeft().count() + ".");

    if (pair.getRight().count() != 0)"Expected 0 differences coming from right table." +
                "  Instead, found " + pair.getRight().count() + ".");

Example 21

Project: MegaSparkDiff   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
public void testCompareTable1IsSubset()
    Pair,Dataset> pair = returnDiff("Test4","Test1");

    //the expectation is that table1 is a complete subset of table2
    if (pair.getLeft().count() != 0)"Expected 0 differences coming from left table." +
                "  Instead, found " + pair.getLeft().count() + ".");

    if (pair.getRight().count() != 5)"Expected 5 differences coming from right table." +
                "  Instead, found " + pair.getRight().count() + ".");

Example 22

Project: rdf2x   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
 * Persist predicate metadata table storing all predicates.
public void writePredicateMetadata() {

    // create the schema
    List fields = new ArrayList<>();
    fields.add(DataTypes.createStructField(PREDICATE_ID, DataTypes.IntegerType, false));
    fields.add(DataTypes.createStructField(PREDICATE_URI, DataTypes.StringType, false));
    fields.add(DataTypes.createStructField(PREDICATE_LABEL, DataTypes.StringType, true));
    StructType schema = DataTypes.createStructType(fields);

    List> indexes = new ArrayList<>();
    indexes.add(new Tuple2<>(PREDICATES_TABLE_NAME, PREDICATE_URI));

    List> primaryKeys = new ArrayList<>();
    primaryKeys.add(new Tuple2<>(PREDICATES_TABLE_NAME, PREDICATE_ID));

    final IndexMap predicateIndex = rdfSchema.getPredicateIndex();
    final Map uriLabels = rdfSchema.getUriLabels();
    // create table rows
    List rows = predicateIndex.getValues().stream()
            .map(uri -> {
                Object[] valueArray = new Object[]{
                return RowFactory.create(valueArray);

    // create and write the META_Predicates dataframe
    DataFrame df = sql.createDataFrame(rows, schema);
    persistor.writeDataFrame(PREDICATES_TABLE_NAME, df);

Example 23

Project: bunsen   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
public void testSnomedHasAncestor() {

  Dataset results = spark.sql("select id from test_snomed_cond "
      + "where in_valueset(code, 'diabetes')");

  Assert.assertEquals(1, results.count());
  Assert.assertEquals("diabetes", results.head().get(0));

Example 24

Project: integrations   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
public static String getFirstName( Row row ) {
    String name = row.getAs( "NAME" );
    if ( StringUtils.isBlank( name ) ) {
        return null;
    Matcher m = p.matcher( name );
    if ( !m.matches() ) {
        return null;
    return (String) 2 );

Example 25

Project: integrations   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
public static String getLastName( Row row ) {
    String name = row.getAs( "NAME" );
    if ( StringUtils.isBlank( name ) ) {
        return null;
    Matcher m = p.matcher( name );
    if ( !m.matches() ) {
        return null;
    return (String) 1 );

Example 26

Project: integrations   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
public static String getFirstName( Row row ) {
    String name = row.getAs( "NAME" );
    if ( StringUtils.isBlank( name ) ) {
        return null;
    Matcher m = p.matcher( name );
    if ( !m.matches() ) {
        return null;
    return (String) 2 );

Example 27

Project: integrations   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
public static String getLastName( Row row ) {
    String name = row.getAs( "NAME" );
    if ( StringUtils.isBlank( name ) ) {
        return null;
    Matcher m = p.matcher( name );
    if ( !m.matches() ) {
        return null;
    return (String) 1 );

Example 28

Project: bunsen   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
 * Writes value records to a table. This class ensures the columns and partitions are mapped
 * properly, and is a workaround similar to the problem described here.
 * @param values a dataset of value records
 * @param tableName the table to write them to
private static void writeValuesToTable(Dataset values, String tableName) {

  // Note the last two columns here must be the partitioned-by columns in order and in lower case
  // for Spark to properly match them to the partitions
  Dataset orderColumnDataset ="system",


Example 29

Project: rdf2x   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
public void testWriteRelationTablesWithoutPredicateIndex() throws IOException {
    InstanceRelationWriter writer = new InstanceRelationWriter(config
            .setStorePredicate(false), jsc(), persistor, rdfSchema);
    writer.writeRelationTables(getTestRelationSchema(), getTestRelations());

    List rows = new ArrayList<>();
    rows.add(RowFactory.create(1L, 3L));
    rows.add(RowFactory.create(2L, 3L));

    DataFrame result = this.result.values().iterator().next();
    assertEquals("Expected schema of A_B was extracted", getExpectedSchemaOfAB(false, false), result.schema());
    assertRDDEquals("Expected rows of A_B were extracted", jsc().parallelize(rows), result.toJavaRDD());

Example 30

Project: HiveUnit   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
static Tabular tabularDataset(Dataset ds){
    return new Tabular(){
        public int          numRows()                   { return (int)ds.count(); }
        public int          numCols()                   { return ds.columns().length; }
        public List headers()                   { return Arrays.asList(ds.columns()) ; }
        public String val(int rowNum, int colNum) {
            int ri = rowNum-1;
            int ci = colNum-1;
            Object v = ds.collectAsList().get(ri).get(ci);
            return v == null ? "" : v.toString(); }

Example 31

Project: spark-cassandra-poc   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
private void writeUserViewCountResultToCassandra(List collectAsList, String tableName,
		Connection connection) throws QueryExecutionException {
	connection.execute(new CassandraQuery("DROP table if exists wootag." + tableName + ";"));
	connection.execute(new CassandraQuery("create table IF NOT EXISTS wootag." + tableName + " ("
			+ " user_id text, view_duration_in_second int, view_counts int,"
			+ " PRIMARY KEY ( user_id, view_duration_in_second )" + ");"));

	connection.insertRows(collectAsList, tableName,
			Arrays.asList("user_id", "view_duration_in_second", "view_counts"));
	System.out.println("Output size : " + collectAsList.size());

Example 32

Project: rdf2x   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
 * Write metadata describing relation tables
 * @param relationSchema the relation schema
public void writeRelationMetadata(RelationSchema relationSchema) {
    // create the schema
    List fields = new ArrayList<>();
    fields.add(DataTypes.createStructField(RELATIONS_NAME, DataTypes.StringType, false));
    fields.add(DataTypes.createStructField(RELATIONS_FROM_NAME, DataTypes.StringType, true));
    fields.add(DataTypes.createStructField(RELATIONS_TO_NAME, DataTypes.StringType, true));
    fields.add(DataTypes.createStructField(RELATIONS_PREDICATE_ID, DataTypes.IntegerType, true));

    // create table rows
    List rows = relationSchema.getTables().stream()
            .map(table -> {
                RelationPredicateFilter predicateFilter = table.getPredicateFilter();
                RelationEntityFilter entityFilter = table.getEntityFilter();
                Object[] valueArray = new Object[]{
                        entityFilter == null ? null : entityFilter.getFromTypeName(),
                        entityFilter == null ? null : entityFilter.getToTypeName(),
                        predicateFilter == null ? null : rdfSchema.getPredicateIndex().getIndex(predicateFilter.getPredicateURI())
                return RowFactory.create(valueArray);

    StructType schema = DataTypes.createStructType(fields);

    // add index for each field
    List> indexes =
            .map(field -> new Tuple2<>(RELATIONS_TABLE_NAME,

    // create and write the META_Relations dataframe
    DataFrame df = sql.createDataFrame(rows, schema);
    persistor.writeDataFrame(RELATIONS_TABLE_NAME, df);

Example 33

Project: integrations   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
public static String safeDOBParse( Row row ) {
    String dob = row.getAs( "birthd" );
    if ( dob == null ) {
        return null;
    if ( dob.contains( "#" ) ) {
        return null;
    return bdHelper.parse( dob );

Example 34

Project: uberscriptquery   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
public Dataset execute(SparkSession sparkSession, StatementAssignment statementAssignment, CredentialProvider credentialManager) {"Running query by sql jdbc: " + statementAssignment);
    Map queryConfig = statementAssignment.getQueryConfig();
    String connectionString = queryConfig.get(StatementAssignment.QUERY_CONFIG_CONNECTION_STRING);
    String passwordFile = queryConfig.get(StatementAssignment.QUERY_CONFIG_PASSWORD_FILE);
    String passwordEntry = queryConfig.get(StatementAssignment.QUERY_CONFIG_PASSWORD_ENTRY);
    String password = credentialManager.getPassword(passwordFile, passwordEntry);
    if (password != null) {
        connectionString = connectionString.replace("[password]", password);
    return SparkUtils.readJdbc(connectionString, statementAssignment.getQueryStatement(), sparkSession);

Example 35

Project: rdf2x   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
private JavaRDD getExpectedRowsOfMetaPredicates() {
    List rows = new ArrayList<>();
    rows.add(RowFactory.create(predicateIndex.getIndex(""), "", "Knows label"));
    rows.add(RowFactory.create(predicateIndex.getIndex(""), "", "Likes label"));
    rows.add(RowFactory.create(predicateIndex.getIndex(""), "", "Name label"));
    rows.add(RowFactory.create(predicateIndex.getIndex(""), "", null));
    return jsc().parallelize(rows);

Example 36

Project: net.jgp.labs.spark.datasources   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
private boolean start() {
    SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder()
            .appName("EXIF to Dataset")
    String importDirectory = "/Users/jgp/Pictures";
    Dataset df =
            .option("recursive", "true")
            .option("limit", "100000")
            .option("extensions", "jpg,jpeg")
    // We can start analytics
    df = df
    System.out.println("I have imported " + df.count() + " photos.");
    return true;

Example 37

Project: rdf2x   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
private DataFrame getTestRDD() {
    SQLContext sql = new SQLContext(jsc());
    List rdd = new ArrayList<>();

    // cycle one -> two -> three -> one
    rdd.add(RowFactory.create(0, uriIndex.getIndex(""), 1L, uriIndex.getIndex(""), 2L));
    rdd.add(RowFactory.create(0, uriIndex.getIndex(""), 2L, uriIndex.getIndex(""), 3L));
    rdd.add(RowFactory.create(0, uriIndex.getIndex(""), 3L, uriIndex.getIndex(""), 1L));

    // one -> four, four -> one
    rdd.add(RowFactory.create(0, uriIndex.getIndex(""), 1L, uriIndex.getIndex(""), 4L));
    rdd.add(RowFactory.create(0, uriIndex.getIndex(""), 4L, uriIndex.getIndex(""), 1L));

    // five -> one
    rdd.add(RowFactory.create(0, uriIndex.getIndex(""), 5L, uriIndex.getIndex(""), 1L));

    return sql.createDataFrame(rdd, new StructType()
            .add("predicateIndex", DataTypes.IntegerType, false)
            .add("fromTypeIndex", DataTypes.IntegerType, false)
            .add("fromID", DataTypes.LongType, false)
            .add("toTypeIndex", DataTypes.IntegerType, false)
            .add("toID", DataTypes.LongType, false)

Example 38

Project: rdf2x   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
private JavaRDD getExpectedRowsOfEAV() {
    List rows = new ArrayList<>();
    rows.add(RowFactory.create(1L, uriIndex.getIndex(""), "STRING", null, "First A 1"));
    rows.add(RowFactory.create(1L, uriIndex.getIndex(""), "STRING", null, "First A 2"));
    rows.add(RowFactory.create(2L, uriIndex.getIndex(""), "STRING", null, "Second A"));
    rows.add(RowFactory.create(3L, uriIndex.getIndex(""), "INTEGER", null, "100"));
    rows.add(RowFactory.create(3L, uriIndex.getIndex(""), "STRING", "en", "First B"));
    return jsc().parallelize(rows);

Example 39

Project: bunsen   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes vote up
 * Writes mapping records to a table. This class ensures the columns and partitions are mapped
 * properly, and is a workaround similar to the problem described here.
 * @param mappings a dataset of mapping records
 * @param tableName the table to write them to
private static void writeMappingsToTable(Dataset mappings,
    String tableName) {

  // Note the last two columns here must be the partitioned-by columns
  // in order and in lower case for Spark to properly match
  // them to the partitions.
  Dataset orderedColumnDataset ="sourceValueSet",


Example 40

Project: MegaSparkDiff   File:   Source Code and License 5 votes  
public void testCompareJDBCTableToTextFile()

    AppleTable leftAppleTable = SparkFactory.parallelizeJDBCSource("org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver",
            "(select * from Test4)", "table1");

    String file2Path = this.getClass().getClassLoader().
    AppleTable rightAppleTable = SparkFactory.parallelizeTextSource(file2Path,"table2");

    Pair,Dataset> pair = SparkCompare.compareAppleTables(leftAppleTable, rightAppleTable);

    //the expectation is that both tables are completely different
    if (pair.getLeft().count() != 0)"Expected 0 differences coming from left table." +
                "  Instead, found " + pair.getLeft().count() + ".");

    if (pair.getRight().count() != 1)"Expected 1 difference coming from right table." +
                "  Instead, found " + pair.getRight().count() + ".");



