public class
extends Objectjava.lang.Object | |
↳ | |
Known Direct Subclasses
Class Overview
Base class for implementing application instrumentation code. When running with instrumentation turned on, this class will be instantiated for you before any of the application code, allowing you to monitor all of the interaction the system has with the application. An Instrumentation implementation is described to the system through an AndroidManifest.xml's
Nested Classes | |||||||||||
class | Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor | Information about a particular kind of Intent that is being monitored. | |||||||||
class | Instrumentation.ActivityResult | Description of a Activity execution result to return to the original activity. |
Constants | |||||||||||
String | REPORT_KEY_IDENTIFIER | If included in the status or final bundle sent to an IInstrumentationWatcher, this key identifies the class that is writing the report. | |||||||||
String | REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT | If included in the status or final bundle sent to an IInstrumentationWatcher, this key identifies a string which can simply be printed to the output stream. |
Public Constructors | |||||||||||
Instrumentation() |
Public Methods | |||||||||||
Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor | addMonitor(IntentFilter filter, Instrumentation.ActivityResult result, boolean block)
A convenience wrapper for
addMonitor(ActivityMonitor) that creates an intent filter matching
Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor for you and returns it.
void | addMonitor(Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor monitor)
Add a new
Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor that will be checked whenever an activity is started.
Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor | addMonitor(String cls, Instrumentation.ActivityResult result, boolean block)
A convenience wrapper for
addMonitor(ActivityMonitor) that creates a class matching
Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor for you and returns it.
void | callActivityOnCreate(Activity activity, Bundle icicle)
Perform calling of an activity's
onCreate(Bundle) method.
void | callActivityOnDestroy(Activity activity) | ||||||||||
void | callActivityOnNewIntent(Activity activity, Intent intent)
Perform calling of an activity's
onNewIntent(Intent) method.
void | callActivityOnPause(Activity activity)
Perform calling of an activity's
onPause() method.
void | callActivityOnPostCreate(Activity activity, Bundle icicle)
Perform calling of an activity's
onPostCreate(Bundle) method.
void | callActivityOnRestart(Activity activity)
Perform calling of an activity's
onRestart() method.
void | callActivityOnRestoreInstanceState(Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState)
Perform calling of an activity's
onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle) method.
void | callActivityOnResume(Activity activity)
Perform calling of an activity's
onResume() method.
void | callActivityOnSaveInstanceState(Activity activity, Bundle outState)
Perform calling of an activity's
onPause() method.
void | callActivityOnStart(Activity activity)
Perform calling of an activity's
onStart() method.
void | callActivityOnStop(Activity activity)
Perform calling of an activity's
onStop() method.
void | callActivityOnUserLeaving(Activity activity)
Perform calling of an activity's
onUserLeaveHint() method.
void | callApplicationOnCreate(Application app)
Perform calling of the application's
onCreate() method.
boolean | checkMonitorHit(Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor monitor, int minHits)
Test whether an existing
Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor has been hit.
void | endPerformanceSnapshot() | ||||||||||
void | finish(int resultCode, Bundle results)
Terminate instrumentation of the application.
Bundle | getAllocCounts()
Returns a bundle with the current results from the allocation counting.
Bundle | getBinderCounts()
Returns a bundle with the counts for various binder counts for this process.
ComponentName | getComponentName()
Returns complete component name of this instrumentation.
Context | getContext()
Return the Context of this instrumentation's package.
Context | getTargetContext()
Return a Context for the target application being instrumented.
boolean | invokeContextMenuAction(Activity targetActivity, int id, int flag)
Show the context menu for the currently focused view and executes a particular context menu item.
boolean | invokeMenuActionSync(Activity targetActivity, int id, int flag)
Execute a particular menu item.
boolean | isProfiling()
Check whether this instrumentation was started with profiling enabled.
Activity | newActivity(ClassLoader cl, String className, Intent intent)
Perform instantiation of the process's
Activity object.
Activity | newActivity(Class clazz, Context context, IBinder token, Application application, Intent intent, ActivityInfo info, CharSequence title, Activity parent, String id, Object lastNonConfigurationInstance)
Perform instantiation of an
Activity object.
Application | newApplication(ClassLoader cl, String className, Context context)
Perform instantiation of the process's
Application object.
static Application | newApplication(Class clazz, Context context)
Perform instantiation of the process's
Application object.
void | onCreate(Bundle arguments)
Called when the instrumentation is starting, before any application code has been loaded.
void | onDestroy()
Called when the instrumented application is stopping, after all of the normal application cleanup has occurred.
boolean | onException(Object obj, Throwable e)
This is called whenever the system captures an unhandled exception that was thrown by the application.
void | onStart()
Method where the instrumentation thread enters execution.
void | removeMonitor(Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor monitor)
Remove an
Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor that was previously added with
addMonitor(Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor) .
void | runOnMainSync(Runnable runner)
Execute a call on the application's main thread, blocking until it is complete.
void | sendCharacterSync(int keyCode)
Higher-level method for sending both the down and up key events for a particular character key code.
void | sendKeyDownUpSync(int key)
Sends an up and down key event sync to the currently focused window.
void | sendKeySync(KeyEvent event)
Send a key event to the currently focused window/view and wait for it to be processed.
void | sendPointerSync(MotionEvent event)
Dispatch a pointer event.
void | sendStatus(int resultCode, Bundle results)
Provide a status report about the application.
void | sendStringSync(String text)
Sends the key events corresponding to the text to the app being instrumented.
void | sendTrackballEventSync(MotionEvent event)
Dispatch a trackball event.
void | setAutomaticPerformanceSnapshots() | ||||||||||
void | setInTouchMode(boolean inTouch)
Force the global system in or out of touch mode.
void | start()
Create and start a new thread in which to run instrumentation.
Activity | startActivitySync(Intent intent)
Start a new activity and wait for it to begin running before returning.
void | startAllocCounting() | ||||||||||
void | startPerformanceSnapshot() | ||||||||||
void | startProfiling()
This method will start profiling if isProfiling() returns true.
void | stopAllocCounting() | ||||||||||
void | stopProfiling()
Stops profiling if isProfiling() returns true.
void | waitForIdle(Runnable recipient)
Schedule a callback for when the application's main thread goes idle (has no more events to process).
void | waitForIdleSync()
Synchronously wait for the application to be idle.
Activity | waitForMonitor(Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor monitor)
Wait for an existing
Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor to be hit.
Activity | waitForMonitorWithTimeout(Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor monitor, long timeOut)
Wait for an existing
Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor to be hit till the timeout expires.