eclipse activity 插件安装 Activiti Designer

eclipse activity 插件安装 Activiti Designer


  1. 我eclipse版本eclipse activity 插件安装 Activiti Designer_第1张图片
  2. 安装一张图eclipse activity 插件安装 Activiti Designer_第2张图片
    3.常用设置eclipse activity 插件安装 Activiti Designer_第3张图片


  • activit官网
  • 推荐使用在线安装,方便,虽然大部人说在线慢,但是我觉得挺省心的,不用考虑版本兼容问题.
  • 打开eclipse,在Help->Install New Software后的弹出窗点击add按钮
  • 在弹出窗口的文本框里输入一下内容
  • Name:Activiti BPMN designer
  • Location:
  • 并非是任何一个人直接拿一个离线插件包解压缩扔到dropins目录就行,这里涉及到版本兼容,依赖,额外处理的很多东西,所以选择在线安装吧
    We released a new version of the Activiti Designer Eclipse plugin (5.18.0). This release is available on the following URLs (as always): (archived site) (update site)Note that the 5.18.0 release includes improvements to the BPMN palette with support for compensation and cancel events and transaction sub processes. Messages and signals are now defined at process root level and can be selected in the event element. We also improved pool and lanes handling and moving and resizing of containers so that bendpoints and boundary events are also moved correctly.The Activiti Designer now supports Kepler and Luna. Let us know if you want us to move to Luna and Mars instead.
  • activit安装成功后不显示,多半是因为安装出错,建议卸载后重新安装
