Android HIDL 中 hidl-gen使用


在 Android HIDL 详解 一文提到HIDL 使用的整个过程都是跟其工具hidl-gen 分不开,这一篇来详细分析hidl-gen 的使用。

代码基于:Android P



hidl-gen 的代码路径为:system/tools/hidl

cc_library_host_shared {
    name: "libhidl-gen",
    defaults: ["hidl-gen-defaults"],
    srcs: [

编译之后会在out 下生成,详细看out/host/linux-x86/bin/hidl-gen


shift:shift# hidl-gen -h
usage: hidl-gen [-p ] -o  -L  [-O ] (-r )+ [-v] [-d ] FQNAME...

Process FQNAME, PACKAGE(.SUBPACKAGE)*@[0-9]+.[0-9]+(::TYPE)?, to create output.

         -h: Prints this menu.
         -L : The following options are available:
            check           : Parses the interface to see if valid but doesn't write any files.
            c++             : (internal) (deprecated) Generates C++ interface files for talking to HIDL interfaces.
            c++-headers     : (internal) Generates C++ headers for interface files for talking to HIDL interfaces.
            c++-sources     : (internal) Generates C++ sources for interface files for talking to HIDL interfaces.
            export-header   : Generates a header file from @export enumerations to help maintain legacy code.
            c++-impl        : Generates boilerplate implementation of a hidl interface in C++ (for convenience).
            c++-impl-headers: c++-impl but headers only
            c++-impl-sources: c++-impl but sources only
            c++-adapter     : Takes a x.(y+n) interface and mocks an x.y interface.
            c++-adapter-headers: c++-adapter but helper headers only
            c++-adapter-sources: c++-adapter but helper sources only
            c++-adapter-main: c++-adapter but the adapter binary source only
            java            : (internal) Generates Java library for talking to HIDL interfaces in Java.
            java-constants  : (internal) Like export-header but for Java (always created by -Lmakefile if @export exists).
            vts             : (internal) Generates vts proto files for use in vtsd.
            makefile        : (removed) Used to generate makefiles for -Ljava and -Ljava-constants.
            androidbp       : (internal) Generates Soong bp files for -Lc++-headers, -Lc++-sources, -Ljava, -Ljava-constants, and -Lc++-adapter.
            androidbp-impl  : Generates boilerplate bp files for implementation created with -Lc++-impl.
            hash            : Prints hashes of interface in `current.txt` format to standard out.
         -O : The owner of the module for -Landroidbp(-impl)?.
         -o : Location to output files.
         -p : Android build root, defaults to $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP or pwd.
         -r : E.g., android.hardware:hardware/interfaces.
         -v: verbose output.
         -d : location of depfile to write to.


在创建对应模块的hal 文件之后,通过hidl-gen 就可以简单的创建一些开发的文件。

通过/hardware/interfaces/ 可以创建编译HIDL 文件的Android.bp。

假设我们创建一个helloworld的模块,在hardware/interfaces 下创建helloworld/1.0/IHelloWorld.hal:

package [email protected];                                                               
interface IHelloWorld {                                                                                
    justTest(string name);                                                                             

通过 就可以在对应package 的目录下创建Android.bp:

// This file is autogenerated by hidl-gen -Landroidbp.

hidl_interface {                                                                                       
    name: "[email protected]",
    root: "android.hardware",
    vndk: {
        enabled: true,
    srcs: [
    interfaces: [
        "[email protected]",
    gen_java: true,

name:FQName 的全名

root:定义好的package root name,详细看Android HIDL 接口和软件包使用

interfaces:编译过程中依赖的接口名称,如c 中的shared library

gen_java:是否编译为Java 使用的接口

当然,还有其他的参数,例如gen_java_constants设为true 的时候会生成为Java 使用的Constants类。



IHelloWorld.hal 和对应的Android.bp 创建好后,就可以根据需要实现FQName-impl 和FQName-service所需要的文件,而这些文件也是通过hidl-gen 创建的,就是下面这个脚本。

#! /bin/bash

[email protected]

hidl-gen -o $LOC -Lc++-impl -randroid.hardware:hardware/interfaces \
        -randroid.hidl:system/libhidl/transport $PACKAGE
hidl-gen -o $LOC -Landroidbp-impl -randroid.hardware:hardware/interfaces \
        -randroid.hidl:system/libhidl/transport $PACKAGE

可以看到创建的是c++-impl 所需要的文件以及对应的Android.bp。执行后如下:

total 20
drwxr-xr-x 2 shift shift 4096 1月  17 20:05 ./
drwxrwxr-x 3 shift shift 4096 1月  17 20:05 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 shift shift  973 1月  17 20:05 Android.bp
-rw-rw-r-- 1 shift shift  605 1月  17 20:05 HelloWorld.cpp
-rw-rw-r-- 1 shift shift 1159 1月  17 20:05 HelloWorld.h


cc_library_shared {                                                                                                                                                         
    // FIXME: this should only be -impl for a passthrough hal.                                         
    // In most cases, to convert this to a binderized implementation, you should:                      
    // - change '-impl' to '-service' here and make it a cc_binary instead of a                        
    //   cc_library_shared.                                                                            
    // - add a *.rc file for this module.                                                              
    // - delete HIDL_FETCH_I* functions.                                                               
    // - call configureRpcThreadpool and registerAsService on the instance.                            
    // You may also want to append '-impl/-service' with a specific identifier like                    
    // '-vendor' or '-' etc to distinguish it.                                    
    name: "[email protected]",                                                      
    relative_install_path: "hw",                                                                       
    // FIXME: this should be 'vendor: true' for modules that will eventually be                        
    // on AOSP.                                                                                        
    proprietary: true,                                                                                 
    srcs: [                                                                                            
    shared_libs: [                                                                                     
        "[email protected]",                                                             

如注释部分,可以根据特殊的需要进行修改,例如,vendor 需要设为true,这样编译出来的so位于vendor下面,而不是system。也可以使用同样的方式为FQName-service 创建对应的规则。


关于HIDL 在helloworld的详细使用可以看另一篇博文:Android HIDL 实例




Android Treble 简介

Android HIDL 详解

Android HIDL 编程规范

Android HIDL 接口和软件包使用

Android HIDL 实例

Android HIDL 中的函数

Android HIDL 中的数据类型


