【Unity】Unity接入讯飞语音的IOS SDK

因为在工作中的项目要求 要博主去接讯飞的IOS SDK 相信网上大多数资料都是接Android的SDK 

说道接IOS 的SDK 对于不懂OC 的博主 这就头大了 ,恰巧在蛮牛上看到双哥的一个视频从中了解到如何接IOS 的SDK,并整理下来。

在蛮牛教育中的视频 要花钱的 不过 蛮牛的会员 可以免费观看。

 首先在讯飞IOS 的SDK 中有一个Demo 把它直接拖到Xcode中运行

【Unity】Unity接入讯飞语音的IOS SDK_第1张图片

【Unity】Unity接入讯飞语音的IOS SDK_第2张图片

首先要看SDK 的说明文档 看看如何使用【Unity】Unity接入讯飞语音的IOS SDK_第3张图片

得知要使用这个 SDK的详细步骤,下面就开始使用吧;

【Unity】Unity接入讯飞语音的IOS SDK_第4张图片

我们在这里可以看到OC代码中  注释的第五行和第六行是我们需要的 截取下来。

然后在Xcode 创建一个新的工程 我们会发现有ViewController.h和ViewController.m文件

大概理解为.h中定义的方法要在.m文件中实现 所以 主要的代码都在.m文件中


//  ViewController.h
//  xunfeitest
//  Created by dys on 15/11/21.
//  Copyright (c) 2015年 dys. All rights reserved.

#import "iflyMSC/iflyMSC.h"
#import "Reachability.h"

@interface ViewController : UIViewController

@property (nonatomic, strong) IFlySpeechRecognizer *iFlySpeechRecognizer;//不带界面的识别对象
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString * result;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isCanceled;

+ (ViewController*) instance;
-(void) isConnectionAvailable;//判断是否有网络

void _startup(void);


就是_startup 方法 然后我们在.h文件中实现它

void _startup()
    NSString *initString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"appid=%@",@"578df2bd"];
    [IFlySpeechUtility createUtility:initString];

第二步如何初始化 还是看说明文档看你项目中的需求 博主是只需要语音听写
可以在文档中找出相关代码 我们在IATViewController.m中发现 然后并截取其中的一部分作为使用,

【Unity】Unity接入讯飞语音的IOS SDK_第5张图片


    if (_iFlySpeechRecognizer == nil) {
        _iFlySpeechRecognizer = [IFlySpeechRecognizer sharedInstance];
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant PARAMS]];
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"iat" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant IFLY_DOMAIN]];
    _iFlySpeechRecognizer.delegate = self;
    if (_iFlySpeechRecognizer != nil) {
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"30000" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant SPEECH_TIMEOUT]];
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"500" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant VAD_EOS]];
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"10000" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant VAD_BOS]];
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"5000" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant NET_TIMEOUT]];
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"16000" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant SAMPLE_RATE]];
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"zh_cn" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant LANGUAGE]];
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"0" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant ASR_PTT]];
我做了一些整改 只留下我们能用到的地方 好了 初始化我们就完成了 接下来看如何启用语音听写了


【Unity】Unity接入讯飞语音的IOS SDK_第6张图片

同样我们也是截取我们能用的地方 想xcode 里面自带的一些东西我们 就可以删除掉 最后放在我们的.m文件中

-(void) StartVoice
    if(_iFlySpeechRecognizer == nil)
        [self initRecognizer];
    [_iFlySpeechRecognizer cancel];
    [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:IFLY_AUDIO_SOURCE_MIC forKey:@"audio_source"];
    [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"json" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant RESULT_TYPE]];
    [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"asr.pcm" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant ASR_AUDIO_PATH]];
    [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setDelegate:self];
    [_iFlySpeechRecognizer startListening];

#import "iflyMSC/iflyMSC.h"
#import "Reachability.h"

@interface ViewController : UIViewController

@property (nonatomic, strong) IFlySpeechRecognizer *iFlySpeechRecognizer;//不带界面的识别对象



【Unity】Unity接入讯飞语音的IOS SDK_第7张图片


- (NSString *)stringFromJson:(NSString*)params
    if (params == NULL) {
        return nil;
    NSMutableString *tempStr = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
    NSDictionary *resultDic  = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:    //返回的格式必须为utf8的,否则发生未知错误
                                [params dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] options:kNilOptions error:nil];
    if (resultDic!= nil) {
        NSArray *wordArray = [resultDic objectForKey:@"ws"];
        for (int i = 0; i < [wordArray count]; i++) {
            NSDictionary *wsDic = [wordArray objectAtIndex: i];
            NSArray *cwArray = [wsDic objectForKey:@"cw"];
            for (int j = 0; j < [cwArray count]; j++) {
                NSDictionary *wDic = [cwArray objectAtIndex:j];
                NSString *str = [wDic objectForKey:@"w"];
                [tempStr appendString: str];
    return tempStr;

另外在博主的项目中 还需要加一些检测网络 和 错误返回(SDK有)所以博主就先附上我的.h文件和.m文件吧


//  ViewController.h
//  xunfeitest
//  Created by dys on 15/11/21.
//  Copyright (c) 2015年 dys. All rights reserved.

#import "iflyMSC/iflyMSC.h"
#import "Reachability.h"

@interface ViewController : UIViewController

@property (nonatomic, strong) IFlySpeechRecognizer *iFlySpeechRecognizer;//不带界面的识别对象
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString * result;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isCanceled;

+ (ViewController*) instance;
-(void) isConnectionAvailable;//判断是否有网络

void _startup(void);


//  ViewController.m
//  xunfeitest
//  Created by dys on 15/11/21.
//  Copyright (c) 2015年 dys. All rights reserved.

#import "ViewController.h"
#import "iflyMSC/IFlyMSC.h"

@interface ViewController ()


@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

static ViewController* gameMgr=nil;

- (id)init
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        // Initialization code here.
    return self;

+ (ViewController*) instance
    if (gameMgr==nil)
        gameMgr=[[ViewController alloc]init];
    return gameMgr;

    if (_iFlySpeechRecognizer == nil) {
        _iFlySpeechRecognizer = [IFlySpeechRecognizer sharedInstance];
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant PARAMS]];
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"iat" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant IFLY_DOMAIN]];
    _iFlySpeechRecognizer.delegate = self;
    if (_iFlySpeechRecognizer != nil) {
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"30000" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant SPEECH_TIMEOUT]];
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"500" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant VAD_EOS]];
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"10000" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant VAD_BOS]];
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"5000" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant NET_TIMEOUT]];
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"16000" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant SAMPLE_RATE]];
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"zh_cn" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant LANGUAGE]];
        [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"0" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant ASR_PTT]];

-(void) StartVoice
    if(_iFlySpeechRecognizer == nil)
        [self initRecognizer];
    [_iFlySpeechRecognizer cancel];
    [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:IFLY_AUDIO_SOURCE_MIC forKey:@"audio_source"];
    [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"json" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant RESULT_TYPE]];
    [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setParameter:@"asr.pcm" forKey:[IFlySpeechConstant ASR_AUDIO_PATH]];
    [_iFlySpeechRecognizer setDelegate:self];
    [_iFlySpeechRecognizer startListening];

- (NSString *)stringFromJson:(NSString*)params
    if (params == NULL) {
        return nil;
    NSMutableString *tempStr = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
    NSDictionary *resultDic  = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:    //返回的格式必须为utf8的,否则发生未知错误
                                [params dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] options:kNilOptions error:nil];
    if (resultDic!= nil) {
        NSArray *wordArray = [resultDic objectForKey:@"ws"];
        for (int i = 0; i < [wordArray count]; i++) {
            NSDictionary *wsDic = [wordArray objectAtIndex: i];
            NSArray *cwArray = [wsDic objectForKey:@"cw"];
            for (int j = 0; j < [cwArray count]; j++) {
                NSDictionary *wDic = [cwArray objectAtIndex:j];
                NSString *str = [wDic objectForKey:@"w"];
                [tempStr appendString: str];
    return tempStr;

- (void) onError:(IFlySpeechError *) error
    NSString *text ;
    if (self.isCanceled) {
        text = @"识别取消";
    } else if (error.errorCode == 0 ) {
        if (_result.length == 0) {
            text = @"无识别结果";
        }else {
            text = @"识别成功";
    }else {
        text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"发生错误:%d %@", error.errorCode,error.errorDesc];

- (void) onResults:(NSArray *) results isLast:(BOOL)isLast
    NSMutableString *resultString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
    NSDictionary *dic = results[0];
    for (NSString *key in dic) {
        [resultString appendFormat:@"%@",key];
    NSString *temp = [[NSString alloc] init];
    _result =[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", temp,resultString];
    NSString * resultFromJson =  [gameMgr stringFromJson:resultString];
    temp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", temp,resultFromJson];
    if (isLast){
        NSLog(@"听写结果(json):%@测试",  self.result);
    char* str1 = [temp UTF8String];

-(void) isConnectionAvailable{
    NSString *isExistenceNetwork = [[NSString alloc] init];
    Reachability *reach = [Reachability reachabilityWithHostName:@"www.baidu.com"];
    NSParameterAssert([reach isKindOfClass:[Reachability class]]);
    NetworkStatus stats = [reach currentReachabilityStatus];
    if (stats == ReachableViaWiFi)
        isExistenceNetwork = @"检测已连接wifi";
        isExistenceNetwork = @"检测没有连接wifi";
    char* networkstatus = [isExistenceNetwork UTF8String];

void _startup()
    NSString *initString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"appid=%@",@"578df2bd"];
    [IFlySpeechUtility createUtility:initString];

void _startVoice()
    [gameMgr StartVoice];

-(void) closeVoice
    [_iFlySpeechRecognizer cancel];
void _closeVoice()
    [gameMgr closeVoice];
void _enterURL(char* url)
    NSString* str_URL = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:url];
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:str_URL]];
void _networkTest()
    [ViewController instance];
    [gameMgr isConnectionAvailable];



【Unity】Unity接入讯飞语音的IOS SDK_第8张图片

这样我们基本的功能就都可以实现了 注意 我说的实现 是可以使用了 此时还没有和Unity 做一些交互

吊大的朋友一定发现了 我在.m文件中 定义了一个单例

ViewController instance

void _networkTest()  等等 那是为什么呢?上文说了我们还没有和unity交互  这里就简单说一下

unity 调用OC  需要 把 OC 封装成C 然后在调用

而OC 调用Unity 目前我查到的是用


这里的参数1 就是OC发送unity 中的哪一个对象,参数2 就是定义好的方法,参数3 就是 OC 传給unity 的参数 Str 也好其他的也好

接下来我们就看看 unity 中的准备工作吧

【Unity】Unity接入讯飞语音的IOS SDK_第9张图片


【Unity】Unity接入讯飞语音的IOS SDK_第10张图片

在Plugins 中的ios 文件夹下放入我们的.h和.m文件

然后 创建一个脚本

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public static class IOS_Test

	[DllImport ("__Internal")]
	private static extern void _startup ();

	[DllImport ("__Internal")]
	private static extern void _startVoice ();

	[DllImport ("__Internal")]
	private static extern void _enterURL (string url);

	[DllImport ("__Internal")]
	private static extern void _networkTest ();

	public static void StartUp ()
		_startup ();

	public static void StartVoice ()
		_startVoice ();

	public static void EnterURL (string url)
		_enterURL (url);

	public static void NetWorkStatus ()
		_networkTest ();
里面都是对应的方法 这是 unity 调用IOS 方法

那么OC 如何传参給Unity呢  

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class IosFuc : MonoBehaviour

	public Text label;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start ()
		IOS_Test.NetWorkStatus ();

	public void UnityNetWork (string info)
		label.text = info;
		StartCoroutine (LabelActive (2));

	IEnumerator LabelActive (float time)
		yield return new WaitForSeconds (time);
		label.text = null;
UnitySendMessage( "Canvas" , "UnityNetWork" ,networkstatus);

OK了 接下来我们就可以愉快的使用了 博主并不会OC代码  以至于 有些 OC代码为什么这么写  博主也是现查的。好了目前讯飞的语音SDK 可以告一段落了。

QQ群 : 593906968 有什么不懂的可以加群咨询互相学习 
