Apache Drill源码分析(3)--DrilBit以及物理计划

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Drill源码阅读(3) : 分析DrillBit各个角色

UserServer处理RUN_QUERY_VALUE客户端的查询请求,会将任务分派给UserWorker处理, 由worker提交工作:
显然worker要在构造UserServer的时候也一起构造出来, 这样在收到任务的时候, 确保立即有工人接手这份工作.
UserWorker是由WorkerManager管理的, 而WorkerManager也是由DrillBit创建的.

Role Explain
WorkerBee 工蜂, 真正干活的
UserWorker 用户操作的(工人), 通过WorkerBee构成
WorkerManager 工人管理员,负责选择一个工人来工作
UserServer 用户操作的服务端,会将工作交给UserWorker,它需要一个UserWorker
Foreman 包工头,监工.由UserWorker创建出来. 因为UserWorker底层是WorkerBee,所以会将WorkerBee和Foreman关联起来
ServiceEngine 服务引擎,管理UserServer,Controller
DrillBit Drill的服务端控制进程,管理ServiceEngine,WorkerManager
BootStrapContext 启动DrillBit的上下文,包括配置信息,度量注册
DrillbitContext DrillBit工作时候的上下文
Controller 不同DrillBit节点的通信
ControllServer 不同节点间消息传输,连接等的RPC服务端
DataServer 负责数据交互的RPC服务端



public class UserWorker{
  private final WorkerBee bee;

  public QueryId submitWork(UserClientConnection connection, RunQuery query) {
    ThreadLocalRandom r = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
    // create a new queryid where the first four bytes are a growing time (each new value comes earlier in sequence).  Last 12 bytes are random.
    long time = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis()/1000);
    long p1 = ((Integer.MAX_VALUE - time) << 32) + r.nextInt();
    long p2 = r.nextLong();
    QueryId id = QueryId.newBuilder().setPart1(p1).setPart2(p2).build();
    Foreman foreman = new Foreman(bee, bee.getContext(), connection, id, query);
    return id;

返回的QueryId会由UserServer通过RPC发送给客户端, 表示客户端这一次的查询标识. 服务端已经接受了这次查询.
但是服务端还没有开始执行这个查询任务, 后续如果客户端需要查询结果, 可以凭这个QueryId, 就可以向服务端要数据结果.

WorkerBee从名字上看是工作的蜜蜂, 工蜂一直默默无闻地工作. 它为母蜂Foreman服务.
现在我们由UserWorker创建了一个Foreman. 工蜂把它加进来.


Foreman负责管理一次查询的所有fragments, Foreman会作为根节点/驱动节点

 * Foreman manages all the fragments (local and remote) for a single query where this is the driving/root node.
 * The flow is as follows:
 * - Foreman is submitted as a runnable.  被提交为可执行的
 * - Runnable does query planning. 做什么: 查询计划
 * - state changes from PENDING to RUNNING 状态改变
 * - Runnable sends out starting fragments 发射起始fragments
 * - Status listener are activated 监听器被激活
 * - The Runnable's run() completes, but the Foreman stays around 线程的run方法结束,而Foreman还停留...做什么, 看下面的
 * - Foreman listens for state change messages. 监听状态改变的消息
 * - state change messages can drive the state to FAILED or CANCELED, in which case 状态消息会驱动/更新Foreman的状态
 *   messages are sent to running fragments to terminate 消息会使得正在运行的fragments终结
 * - when all fragments complete, state change messages drive the state to COMPLETED 当所有的fragments完成后, 状态改变的消息更新Formeman的状态为已完成
public class Foreman implements Runnable {
  private final QueryId queryId; //the id for the query
  private final RunQuery queryRequest; //the query to execute
  private final QueryContext queryContext;
  private final QueryManager queryManager; // handles lower-level details of query execution
  private final WorkerBee bee; // provides an interface to submit tasks, used to submit additional work
  private final DrillbitContext drillbitContext;
  private final UserClientConnection initiatingClient; // used to send responses

  // Sets up the Foreman, but does not initiate any execution. 设置Foreman, 但是并没有初始化任何的执行
  public Foreman(final WorkerBee bee, final DrillbitContext drillbitContext, final UserClientConnection connection, final QueryId queryId, final RunQuery queryRequest) {
    this.bee = bee;
    this.queryId = queryId;
    this.queryRequest = queryRequest;
    this.drillbitContext = drillbitContext;
    this.initiatingClient = connection;
    this.closeFuture = initiatingClient.getChannel().closeFuture();
    queryContext = new QueryContext(connection.getSession(), drillbitContext);
    queryManager = new QueryManager(queryId, queryRequest, drillbitContext.getPersistentStoreProvider(), stateListener, this);


  private void runSQL(final String sql) throws ExecutionSetupException {
    final DrillSqlWorker sqlWorker = new DrillSqlWorker(queryContext);
    final Pointer textPlan = new Pointer<>();
    final PhysicalPlan plan = sqlWorker.getPlan(sql, textPlan);

SQL Parser

Calcite的planner对SQL进行parse解析, 生成SqlNode节点, 对于不同的SqlNode类型, 由不同的Handler进行进行解析.

public class DrillSqlWorker {
  private final Planner planner;  //这两个Planner都是Calcite的,负责解析成逻辑计划
  private final HepPlanner hepPlanner;
  private final QueryContext context;

  public PhysicalPlan getPlan(String sql, Pointer textPlan) throws ForemanSetupException {
    SqlNode sqlNode = planner.parse(sql);  //将SQL语句解析成SqlNode解析树①
    AbstractSqlHandler handler;
    SqlHandlerConfig config = new SqlHandlerConfig(hepPlanner, planner, context);
    case EXPLAIN:
      handler = new ExplainHandler(config);
    case SET_OPTION:
      handler = new SetOptionHandler(context);
    case OTHER:
      if(sqlNode instanceof SqlCreateTable) {
        handler = ((DrillSqlCall)sqlNode).getSqlHandler(config, textPlan);
      if (sqlNode instanceof DrillSqlCall) {
        handler = ((DrillSqlCall)sqlNode).getSqlHandler(config);
      handler = new DefaultSqlHandler(config, textPlan);
    return handler.getPlan(sqlNode);

The Drillbit that receives the query from a client or application becomes the Foreman for the query and drives the entire query.
A parser in the Foreman parses the SQL[①], applying custom rules[②] to convert specific SQL operators into a specific logical operator syntax that Drill understands.
This collection of logical operators forms a logical plan. The logical plan describes the work required to generate the query results and defines what data sources and operations to apply.

Foreman中的parser解析SQL, 并运用定制的规则, 将SQL操作符(Calcite的节点)转换成Drill认识的逻辑操作符(Drill的节点DrillRel).
转换后的逻辑操作符集合会组成一个逻辑计划. 注意上面的sqlNode=planner.parse(sql)对应的是SQL操作符, 转换成DrillRelNode在Handler的getPlan中完成.

SqlNode(Calcite SQL操作符)

Calcite的编程API主要包括了: Operator, Rule, RelationExpression, SqlNode.

What's Rule?

Calcite的planner对SQL进行parse解析, 除了用到Calcite自身的一些规则外, Drill也会附加一些规则getRules给它. 定义在DrillSqlWorker的构造函数中.
规则包括物理计划, 逻辑计划, 转换规则. 其中逻辑计划包括基本规则,用户自定义规则. 物理计划包括物理规则,存储插件的规则. 比如hive插件有自己的SQL执行转换规则.

  public DrillSqlWorker(QueryContext context) {
    FrameworkConfig config = Frameworks.newConfigBuilder() ...
        .ruleSets(getRules(context))...  //Drill附加的规则②
    this.planner = Frameworks.getPlanner(config);    

  private RuleSet[] getRules(QueryContext context) {
    StoragePluginRegistry storagePluginRegistry = context.getStorage();
    RuleSet drillLogicalRules = DrillRuleSets.mergedRuleSets(DrillRuleSets.getDrillBasicRules(context), DrillRuleSets.getJoinPermRules(context), DrillRuleSets.getDrillUserConfigurableLogicalRules(context));
    RuleSet drillPhysicalMem = DrillRuleSets.mergedRuleSets(DrillRuleSets.getPhysicalRules(context), storagePluginRegistry.getStoragePluginRuleSet());
    // Following is used in LOPT join OPT.
    RuleSet logicalConvertRules = DrillRuleSets.mergedRuleSets(DrillRuleSets.getDrillBasicRules(context), DrillRuleSets.getDrillUserConfigurableLogicalRules(context));
    RuleSet[] allRules = new RuleSet[] {drillLogicalRules, drillPhysicalMem, logicalConvertRules};
    return allRules;

逻辑计划的基本规则, 这些规则是通用的, 不需要在物理计划阶段完成, 通用的规则尽早做.

  // Get an immutable list of rules that will always be used when running logical planning.
  public static RuleSet getDrillBasicRules(QueryContext context) {
      DRILL_BASIC_RULES = new DrillRuleSet(ImmutableSet. builder().add( //
      // Add support for Distinct Union (by using Union-All followed by Distinct)

      // Add support for WHERE style joins. 添加支持where类型的join

举个where类型的join规则转换: http://blog.aliyun.com/733
Predict Push Down: 在遇有JOIN运算时,用户很有可能还要在JOIN之后做WHERE运算,此时就要从代数逻辑上分析,


public class DrillFilterJoinRules {
  /** Predicate that always returns true for any filter in OUTER join, and only true for EQUAL or IS_DISTINCT_FROM over RexInputRef in INNER join.
   * With this predicate, the filter expression that return true will be kept in the JOIN OP.
   * Example:  INNER JOIN,   L.C1 = R.C2 and L.C3 + 100 = R.C4 + 100 will be kepted in JOIN.
   *                         L.C5 < R.C6 will be pulled up into Filter above JOIN. 
   *           OUTER JOIN,   Keep any filter in JOIN.
  public static final FilterJoinRule.Predicate EQUAL_IS_DISTINCT_FROM =
      new FilterJoinRule.Predicate() {
        public boolean apply(Join join, JoinRelType joinType, RexNode exp) {
          // In OUTER join, we could not pull-up the filter. All we can do is keep the filter with JOIN, and then decide whether the filter could be pushed down into LEFT/RIGHT.
          if (joinType != JoinRelType.INNER) return true;
          List tmpLeftKeys = Lists.newArrayList();
          List tmpRightKeys = Lists.newArrayList();
          List sysFields = Lists.newArrayList();
          RexNode remaining = RelOptUtil.splitJoinCondition(sysFields, join.getLeft(), join.getRight(), exp, tmpLeftKeys, tmpRightKeys, null, null);
          if (remaining.isAlwaysTrue())  return true;
          return false;

  /** Rule that pushes predicates from a Filter into the Join below them. */
  public static final FilterJoinRule DRILL_FILTER_ON_JOIN =
      new FilterJoinRule.FilterIntoJoinRule(true, RelFactories.DEFAULT_FILTER_FACTORY,

这里最好要理解下Calcite的一些概念, 要不然理解起来有一定困难.

下面引用了Optiq作者的Apache Calcite Overview的一个示例:

两张表进行join后有一个where过滤条件, 没有使用规则的话, 则要join完后才进行过滤:

使用FilterJoinRule后, 把Filter提前到Join之前, 扫描之后立刻进行, 这样减少了join的数据量:

那么怎么定义一个规则呢? cal.rels是一个RelationExpression数组, 调用onMatch时, rels=[Join,Filter,Scan]
因此我们要获得call.rels中的Join和Filter. 使用数组索引rel(0)表示Join, rel(1)表示Filter.

Drill FilterJoin Example

执行下面的SQL语句, 第一次不加where,第二次添加where过滤条件, 第三次where是字段比较

select * FROM dfs.`/home/hadoop/soft/apache-drill-1.0.0/sample-data/nation.parquet` nations
join dfs.`/home/hadoop/soft/apache-drill-1.0.0/sample-data/region.parquet` regions
on nations.N_REGIONKEY = regions.R_REGIONKEY

select * FROM dfs.`/home/hadoop/soft/apache-drill-1.0.0/sample-data/nation.parquet` nations
join dfs.`/home/hadoop/soft/apache-drill-1.0.0/sample-data/region.parquet` regions
on nations.N_REGIONKEY = regions.R_REGIONKEY
where nations.N_NATIONKEY>10 and regions.R_NAME='AMERICA'

select * FROM dfs.`/home/hadoop/soft/apache-drill-1.0.0/sample-data/nation.parquet` nations
join dfs.`/home/hadoop/soft/apache-drill-1.0.0/sample-data/region.parquet` regions
on nations.N_REGIONKEY = regions.R_REGIONKEY
where nations.N_NAME

下面是对应物理计划可视化图, 图1在Scan和JOIN之间有Project:

图2虽然where过滤在join之后, 但是经过优化后, 会先于join执行的: 即filter之后才进行join


还有很多规则, 都在DrillRuleSets中.


getPlan的参数SqlNode在前面通过Calcite的解析, 结果是一颗SQL parse tree(不要以为Node就只有一个节点),
但它还只是Calcite认识的SQL操作符, 我们要将它转换为Drill能够认识的逻辑操作符即DrillRel.

  public PhysicalPlan getPlan(SqlNode sqlNode) throws ValidationException, RelConversionException, IOException, ForemanSetupException {
    SqlNode rewrittenSqlNode = rewrite(sqlNode);
    TypedSqlNode validatedTypedSqlNode = validateNode(rewrittenSqlNode);
    SqlNode validated = validatedTypedSqlNode.getSqlNode();
    RelDataType validatedRowType = validatedTypedSqlNode.getType();
    RelNode rel = convertToRel(validated);
    rel = preprocessNode(rel);
    log("Optiq Logical", rel);

    DrillRel drel = convertToDrel(rel, validatedRowType);
    log("Drill Logical", drel);

    Prel prel = convertToPrel(drel);
    log("Drill Physical", prel);

    PhysicalOperator pop = convertToPop(prel);
    PhysicalPlan plan = convertToPlan(pop);
    log("Drill Plan", plan);
    return plan;

Relational Expression(Rel)

在查询过程中也说了: 执行计划总是包含一个Screen Operator,用来阻塞并且等待返回的数据. 返回的DrillRel就是逻辑计划.
SqlNode,RelNode是Calcite的节点, DrillRel是Drill的关系表达式节点,在最外层包装了一个Screen用于屏幕输出.

  protected DrillRel convertToDrel(RelNode relNode, RelDataType validatedRowType) {
        // Put a non-trivial topProject to ensure the final output field name is preserved, when necessary.
        DrillRel topPreservedNameProj = addRenamedProject((DrillRel) convertedRelNode, validatedRowType);
        return new DrillScreenRel(topPreservedNameProj.getCluster(), topPreservedNameProj.getTraitSet(), topPreservedNameProj);

Screen Node和其他一些DrillRel的构造函数, 其中input指定了Screen的输入,表示用Screen节点包装上原先的节点, 使其成为一个新的节点.

public class DrillScreenRel extends DrillScreenRelBase implements DrillRel {
  public DrillScreenRel(RelOptCluster cluster, RelTraitSet traitSet, RelNode input) {
    super(DRILL_LOGICAL, cluster, traitSet, input);
  public LogicalOperator implement(DrillImplementor implementor) {
    LogicalOperator childOp = implementor.visitChild(this, 0, getInput());
    return Store.builder().setInput(childOp).storageEngine("--SCREEN--").build();

类继承关系: DrillScreenRel >> DrillRel >> DrillRelNode >> RelNode
其中DrillRel是逻辑计划的关系表达式. 子类要实现implement方法, 返回逻辑操作符.

// Relational expression that is implemented in Drill.
public interface DrillRel extends DrillRelNode {
  // Calling convention for relational expressions that are "implemented" by generating Drill logical plans
  public static final Convention DRILL_LOGICAL = new Convention.Impl("LOGICAL", DrillRel.class);

  LogicalOperator implement(DrillImplementor implementor);

DrillRel Nodes Tree → Drill LogicalPlan

DrillImplementor: Context for converting a tree of DrillRel nodes into a Drill logical plan


然后将逻辑计划转换为物理计划, 将DrillRel转换为Prel. 最后才是Drill的Plan. 注意Drill的物理计划和最终的Plan是有点差别的.

  protected Prel convertToPrel(RelNode drel) {
    Prel phyRelNode = (Prel) planner.transform(DrillSqlWorker.PHYSICAL_MEM_RULES, traits, drel);

    /*  The order of the following transformation is important */

     * 0.) For select * from join query, we need insert project on top of scan and a top project just
     * under screen operator. The project on top of scan will rename from * to T1*, while the top project
     * will rename T1* to *, before it output the final result. Only the top project will allow
     * duplicate columns, since user could "explicitly" ask for duplicate columns ( select *, col, *).
     * The rest of projects will remove the duplicate column when we generate POP in json format.
    phyRelNode = StarColumnConverter.insertRenameProject(phyRelNode);  //* is star, and this column should convert

转换的过程比较复杂, 而且转换的顺序也很重要. 先看第一个, 在select * from join这种情况下, 要插入两个Project.
一个是scan(bottom)之上, 一个是screen(top)之下. 比如下面的SQL语句:

select * from dfs.`/usr/install/apache-drill-1.1.0/sample-data/nation.parquet` nations
join dfs.`/usr/install/apache-drill-1.1.0/sample-data/region.parquet` regions
on nations.N_REGIONKEY = regions.R_REGIONKEY;
| N_NATIONKEY  |     N_NAME      | N_REGIONKEY  |       N_COMMENT       | R_REGIONKEY  |    R_NAME    |       R_COMMENT       |
| 0            | ALGERIA         | 0            |  haggle. carefully f  | 0            | AFRICA       | lar deposits. blithe  |
| 1            | ARGENTINA       | 1            | al foxes promise sly  | 1            | AMERICA      | hs use ironic, even   |


00-00    Screen : rowType = RecordType(ANY *, ANY *0): rowcount = 25.0, cumulative cost = {62.5 rows, 402.5 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 88.0 memory}, id = 2432
00-01   ⑤ ProjectAllowDup(*=[$0], *0=[$1]) : rowType = RecordType(ANY *, ANY *0): rowcount = 25.0, cumulative cost = {60.0 rows, 400.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 88.0 memory}, id = 2431
00-02   ④   Project(T0¦¦*=[$0], T1¦¦*=[$2]) : rowType = RecordType(ANY T0¦¦*, ANY T1¦¦*): rowcount = 25.0, cumulative cost = {60.0 rows, 400.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 88.0 memory}, id = 2430
00-03   ③     HashJoin(condition=[=($1, $3)], joinType=[inner]) : rowType = RecordType(ANY T0¦¦*, ANY N_REGIONKEY, ANY T1¦¦*, ANY R_REGIONKEY): rowcount = 25.0, cumulative cost = {60.0 rows, 400.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 88.0 memory}, id = 2429
00-05   ①       Project(T0¦¦*=[$0], N_REGIONKEY=[$1]) : rowType = RecordType(ANY T0¦¦*, ANY N_REGIONKEY): rowcount = 25.0, cumulative cost = {25.0 rows, 50.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 2426
00-07              Scan(groupscan=[ParquetGroupScan [entries=[ReadEntryWithPath [path=file:/usr/install/apache-drill-1.1.0/sample-data/nation.parquet]], selectionRoot=file:/usr/install/apache-drill-1.1.0/sample-data/nation.parquet, numFiles=1, columns=[`*`]]]) : rowType = (DrillRecordRow[*, N_REGIONKEY]): rowcount = 25.0, cumulative cost = {25.0 rows, 50.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 2425
00-04   ②       Project(T1¦¦*=[$0], R_REGIONKEY=[$1]) : rowType = RecordType(ANY T1¦¦*, ANY R_REGIONKEY): rowcount = 5.0, cumulative cost = {5.0 rows, 10.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 2428
00-06              Scan(groupscan=[ParquetGroupScan [entries=[ReadEntryWithPath [path=file:/usr/install/apache-drill-1.1.0/sample-data/region.parquet]], selectionRoot=file:/usr/install/apache-drill-1.1.0/sample-data/region.parquet, numFiles=1, columns=[`*`]]]) : rowType = (DrillRecordRow[*, R_REGIONKEY]): rowcount = 5.0, cumulative cost = {5.0 rows, 10.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 2427


物理计划中的$0, $1...这些数字代表的是as后的变量,如果是join有可能列名相同,所以也要添加project重命名防止名称冲突:

① select T0.* as $0, T0.N_REGIONKEY as $1 from nations T0 
② select T1.* as $0, T1.R_REGIONKEY as $1 from regions T1
③ select T0.$0 as $0, T0.$1 as $1, T1.$0 as $2, T1.$1 as $3 
   from (select T0.$0 as $0, T0.$1 as $1 from nations) T0
   join (select T1.$0 as $2, T1.$1 as $3 from regions) T1
   on T0.$1 = T1.$3 
④ select $0 as $0,$2 as $1 from ( 
     select T0.$0 as $0, T0.$1 as $1, T1.$0 as $2, T1.$1 as $3 
     from (select T0.$0 as $0, T0.$1 as $1 from nations) T0
     join (select T1.$0 as $2, T1.$1 as $3 from regions) T1
     on T0.$1 = T1.$3
⑤ select $0 as *, $1 as *0 from(  
     select $0 as $0,$2 as $1 from ( 
       select T0.$0 as $0, T0.$1 as $1, T1.$0 as $2, T1.$1 as $3 
       from (select T0.$0 as $0, T0.$1 as $1 from nations) T0
       join (select T1.$0 as $2, T1.$1 as $3 from regions) T1
       on T0.$1 = T1.$3
   select *,*0 from ...     

上面的StarColumn规则有点复杂, 我们看下Join列冲突的规则. 对应上面的③JOIN. 将所有的列都重命名了($0,$1,$2,$3, 然后以$1,$3进行join).

     * 1.)
     * Join might cause naming conflicts from its left and right child.
     * In such case, we have to insert Project to rename the conflicting names.
    phyRelNode = JoinPrelRenameVisitor.insertRenameProject(phyRelNode);

根据注释中说的join有left或者right child. 注意child这个词的含义. join作为根, 而left和right表分别是根的左右子节点.

为了防止名称冲突, 添加project, 这样就和上面我们看到的可视化Plan图是一一对应的了.
那么思考下: 这里的join插入的Project是在①和②,还是④??
我觉得是在④这里, 因为①和②已经在上面第一个转换规则StarColumnConverter中运用过了.

insert操作让传入的phyRelNode节点调用它的accept方法, 并接收JoinPrelRenameVisitor实例对象.

public class JoinPrelRenameVisitor extends BasePrelVisitor{
  private static JoinPrelRenameVisitor INSTANCE = new JoinPrelRenameVisitor();

  public static Prel insertRenameProject(Prel prel){
    return prel.accept(INSTANCE, null);

这里的Prel通过层层的规则嵌套, 最终返回的还是一个Prel, 也就是说,每次运用一个规则,都要把当前最新值传进来. Prel也实现了DrillRelNode接口.
DrillRelNode再结合上Visitor, 有种层层嵌套的感觉.首先注册操作符的规则,从而构成一张图,最后根据DAG图访问每个操作符的时候,再运用上规则.


public abstract class JoinPrel extends DrillJoinRelBase implements Prel{
  public  T accept(PrelVisitor logicalVisitor, X value) throws E {
    return logicalVisitor.visitJoin(this, value);

  public Iterator iterator() {
    return PrelUtil.iter(getLeft(), getRight());

accept()的参数logicalVisitor显然就是JoinPrelRenameVisitor了. this是当前对象即JoinPrel.
那么就要调用JoinPrelRenameVisitor的visitJoin方法. 你看又回到Visitor来了.

public class JoinPrelRenameVisitor extends BasePrelVisitor{

  public Prel visitJoin(JoinPrel prel, Void value) throws RuntimeException {
    List children = Lists.newArrayList();
    for(Prel child : prel){
      child = child.accept(this, null);

    final int leftCount = children.get(0).getRowType().getFieldCount();
    List reNamedChildren = Lists.newArrayList();

    RelNode left = prel.getJoinInput(0, children.get(0));
    RelNode right = prel.getJoinInput(leftCount, children.get(1));
    return (Prel) prel.copy(prel.getTraitSet(), reNamedChildren);

JoinPrel是个迭代器, 因此用for-loop方式可以遍历它的节点: 即参与join的left和right表(实现了iterator方法).
JoinPrel的getJoinInput方法参数是offset和RelNode. offset表示join之后列的索引(两张表join后的所有列).

假设我们用两张一样的表进行join,可以看到相同的列, 右边的表会被重命名:

select * from dfs.`/usr/install/apache-drill-1.1.0/sample-data/region.parquet` region1
join dfs.`/usr/install/apache-drill-1.1.0/sample-data/region.parquet` regions
on region1.R_REGIONKEY = regions.R_REGIONKEY;
| R_REGIONKEY  |    R_NAME    |       R_COMMENT       | R_REGIONKEY0  |   R_NAME0    |      R_COMMENT0       |
| 0            | AFRICA       | lar deposits. blithe  | 0             | AFRICA       | lar deposits. blithe  |

分别调用两次getJoinInput,传入不同的offset和input, 这两个结果一定是不同的.

  // Check to make sure that the fields of the inputs are the same as the output field names.  If not, insert a project renaming them.
  public RelNode getJoinInput(int offset, RelNode input) {
    final List fields = getRowType().getFieldNames();
    final List inputFields = input.getRowType().getFieldNames();
    final List outputFields = fields.subList(offset, offset + inputFields.size());
    if (!outputFields.equals(inputFields)) {
      // Ensure that input field names are the same as output field names.
      // If there are duplicate field names on left and right, fields will get lost.
      // In such case, we need insert a rename Project on top of the input.
      return rename(input, input.getRowType().getFieldList(), outputFields);
    } else {
      return input;

上面的处理不知道什么情况下会进入if部分. 假设有两张表都是A,B,C三列.
left表不可能有重复的列名, right表相对于left而言,三个列都是重复的. 调用getJoinInput(3, rightNode){}
inputFields=[A,B,C], fields=[A,B,C,A,B,C]. outputFields=[A,B,C],不是相等的吗??

看下相同表的join的可视化树, 对比一下就知道了, 在00-04中加了Project:

00-00    Screen : rowType = RecordType(ANY *, ANY *0): rowcount = 5.0, cumulative cost = {20.5 rows, 120.5 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 88.0 memory}, id = 1299
00-01      ProjectAllowDup(*=[$0], *0=[$1]) : rowType = RecordType(ANY *, ANY *0): rowcount = 5.0, cumulative cost = {20.0 rows, 120.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 88.0 memory}, id = 1298
00-02        Project(T0¦¦*=[$0], T1¦¦*=[$2]) : rowType = RecordType(ANY T0¦¦*, ANY T1¦¦*): rowcount = 5.0, cumulative cost = {20.0 rows, 120.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 88.0 memory}, id = 1297
00-03          HashJoin(condition=[=($1, $3)], joinType=[inner]) : rowType = RecordType(ANY T0¦¦*, ANY R_REGIONKEY, ANY T1¦¦*, ANY R_REGIONKEY0): rowcount = 5.0, cumulative cost = {20.0 rows, 120.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 88.0 memory}, id = 1296
00-04            Project(T1¦¦*=[$0], R_REGIONKEY0=[$1]) : rowType = RecordType(ANY T1¦¦*, ANY R_REGIONKEY0): rowcount = 5.0, cumulative cost = {5.0 rows, 10.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 1295
00-06              Project(T1¦¦*=[$0], R_REGIONKEY=[$1]) : rowType = RecordType(ANY T1¦¦*, ANY R_REGIONKEY): rowcount = 5.0, cumulative cost = {5.0 rows, 10.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 1294
00-08                Scan(groupscan=[ParquetGroupScan [entries=[ReadEntryWithPath [path=file:/usr/install/apache-drill-1.1.0/sample-data/region.parquet]], selectionRoot=file:/usr/install/apache-drill-1.1.0/sample-data/region.parquet, numFiles=1, columns=[`*`]]]) : rowType = (DrillRecordRow[*, R_REGIONKEY]): rowcount = 5.0, cumulative cost = {5.0 rows, 10.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 1293
00-05            Project(T0¦¦*=[$0], R_REGIONKEY=[$1]) : rowType = RecordType(ANY T0¦¦*, ANY R_REGIONKEY): rowcount = 5.0, cumulative cost = {5.0 rows, 10.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 1292
00-07              Scan(groupscan=[ParquetGroupScan [entries=[ReadEntryWithPath [path=file:/usr/install/apache-drill-1.1.0/sample-data/region.parquet]], selectionRoot=file:/usr/install/apache-drill-1.1.0/sample-data/region.parquet, numFiles=1, columns=[`*`]]]) : rowType = (DrillRecordRow[*, R_REGIONKEY]): rowcount = 5.0, cumulative cost = {5.0 rows, 10.0 cpu, 0.0 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 1291

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