Benedikt Bünz 等人(standford,ethereum,berkeley) 2019年论文《Proofs for Inner Pairing Products and Applications》、
通过巧妙构建commitment key v ⃗ , w ⃗ \vec{v},\vec{w} v,w,可在4.4节GIPA实现的基础上,借助polynomial commitment,进一步优化Verifier的算力。【具体参见5.2.1节】
Pairing-based cryptography可用于构建:
有效的签名——如BLS签名。BLS signature 来自于Boneh,Lynn和Shacham 2001年论文《Short signatures from the Weil pairing》。(参见博客 ECDSA VS Schnorr signature VS BLS signature 第3节内容)
zero-knowledge proofs——如 Groth等人[GS08] 2008年论文《Efficient Non-interactive Proof Systems for Bilinear Groups》 和 Gennaro等人 [GGPR13] 2013年论文《Quadratic Span Programs and Succinct NIZKs without PCPs》。
anonymous credentials——如Belenkiy等人 [BCLK08] 2008年论文《P-signatures and noninteractive anonymous credentials》。
以上这些协议均中,Verifier均需要借助pairings 来check bilinear relation between committed secrets。
如secret 信息 ( a , b ) (a,b) (a,b),分别commit to ( a , b , a b ) (a,b,ab) (a,b,ab) 为 ( C = g a b , g a , g b ) (C=g^{ab},g^a,g^b) (C=gab,ga,gb),验证 e ( C , g ) = ( g a , g b ) e(C,g)=(g^a,g^b) e(C,g)=(ga,gb)即可。
使用bilinear pairing可用于check a quadratic equation (二次方程式)in unkown variables is satisfied,如:
本文提出了generalized inner product argument (GIPA) 用于 pairing based languages,以解决:
本文的GIPA是a generalization of the inner product argument for discrete logarithm relations。(具体可参见Bootle等人2016年论文[BCCGP16] Efficient Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Arithmetic Circuits in the Discrete Log Setting 和 Bünz等人2018年论文 [BBBPWM18] Bulletproofs: Short Proofs for Confidential Transactions and More)
SIPP协议可用于outsource n n n arbitrary pairings to a prover。
Prover:运行SIPP来create a log-sized, publicly verifiable proof of the correct computation of an inner pairing product with respect to public source group elements。
Verifier:只需计算一次pairing和一次variable-base multi-exponentiation of size n n n in each source group。(计算开销:group exponentiation < pairing,现有的multi-exponentiation算法仅需要 O ( n / log n ) \mathcal{O}(n/\log n) O(n/logn)次exponentiation运算。)
相比于Verifier 直接进行pairing product,SIPP可渐近地减少Verifier进行cryprographic operations的数量(随着pairing product的数量增加,优势越明显。),当pairing product的数量大于128时,SIPP verify就有优势;当pairing数量达到百万级时,SIPP verify的速度大于 8 × 8\times 8× faster,同时prove的速度也比直接计算快 3 − 4 × 3-4\times 3−4×。
可用SIPP用于构建a new aggregate signature for BLS with a faster verifier than previous results ([BGLS03], [RY07], [BDN18] Boneh等人2018年论文《Compact Multi-signatures for Smaller Blockchains》。).【参见博客 Compact Multi-Signatures for Smaller Blockchains学习笔记】
TIPP具有logarithmic proof size and verifier time, and linear prover time (all with small contants)。相比于直接计算,TIPP的prover time可提升 9 − 12 × 9-12\times 9−12×。
可将TIPP用于an untrusted party to aggregate n n n Groth16 SNARKs ([Gro16] Groth 2016年论文《On the Size of Pairing-Based Non-interactive Arguments》) into a single log-sized proof with a log-time verifier。
An alternative to using SIPP or TIPP is to prove the same relations by using NP-reductions and a general purpose SNARK. 与[Gro16]的constant-size proof相比,本文的SIPP和TIPP protocols均为logarithmic proof size,但是SIPP和TIPP有 much faster prover time and greater compatibility with existing systems。
对于general purpose SNARKs,通常需要利用pairing-friendly cycles (如 [BCTB14] 2014年 Ben-Sasson等人论文《Scalable Zero Knowledge via Cycles of Elliptic Curves》)或者 two-chains(如论文[BCGMMW20] 2020年《Zexe: Enabling Decentralized Private Computation》)来将pairing based languages高效表示为arithmetic circuits。 而现有已知的cycles和two-chains,如果想达到128-bit security level的话,则需要大约780-bit curves/380-bit curves when recursion is not necessary。而要找到效率更高的pairing-friendly cycles并不容易,现有的curve family也有一些缺陷,具体参看论文[CCW19] On Cycles of Pairing-Friendly Elliptic Curves。
即使使用pairing-friendly cycles将statements reduce to arithmetic circuits (or R1CS),the NP-language for general purpose SNARKs,is very expensive。如 a signle pairing operation requires about 15,000 R1CS constraints to express。而[Gro16] SNARK 算法的proving time与constraints的数量呈quasi-linear关系。
Polynomial commitment由[KZG10] Kate等人 2010年论文《Constant-Size Commitments to Polynomials and Their Applications》 首次提出,具体是指:
Polynomial commitment (PC) 在很多领域用于reduce communication and computation costs,如:
本文将polynomial commitment与inner product argument结合,构建了a pairing based inner product argument,具有constant-sized commitments、logarithmic-sized openings 和 square root reference string。
本文采用了与[Gro11] 中类似的two-tiered homomorphic commitment,同时支持单变量和双变量多项式。本文提供了一种实例化方式,使得其同时具有public-coin setup, achieving square root verifier time以及upadatable SRS [GKMMM18],achieving log-time verification。
The transparent variant is secure in the plain model under the standard SXDH assumption,而本文的trusted setup scheme is secure in the algebraic group model (AGM) [FKL18]。本文的这种trusted setup scheme 具有的优势主要体现在produce opening proofs的时效上:
[KZG10] 的trusted setup scheme 支持constant proof size and verifier time (而本文的算法是logarithmic),但是本文的算法quadratically improve the opening efficiency,同时the maximum degree polynomial supported by a SRS of a given size。更小的SRS有助于节约storage,提升setup效率,而且还有助于security。
Gurk等人在论文[GGW18] 中指出,Cheon‘s attck on q-type assumption [Che10] can degrade the security of some SNARK schemes over BLS12-381 from the advertised 128 bits of security to 114 bits of security。
[KZG10] 论文中的scheme is secure under an updatable setup in the algebraic group model。
[Gro11] 论文中 designed a pairing based “batch product argument” secure under SXDH。该argument可看作是一种类型的polynomial commitment scheme。
[BG13] 论文中 Bayer和Groth designed a zero-knowledge proving system to show that a committed value is the correct evaluation of a known polynomial, under discrete-logarithm assumption。
[WTSTW18] 论文中 Wahby等人证明了可借用Bulletproofs中的inner product argument 来构建polynomial commitment scheme。
[BGH19] 论文中 Bowe等人证明了Bulletproofs的inner product argument 是可highly aggregatable to the point where aggregated proofs can be verified using a one off linear cost and an additional logarithmic factor per proof。
[ZXZS19] 论文中使用Reed-Solomon codes构建了polynomial commitment scheme。该论文中的commtiment使用了highly efficient symmetric key primitives,however the protocols that use them require soundness boosting techniques that result in large constant overheads。
[BFS19] 论文中 Bünz等人借助groups of unkown order such as RSA groups or class groups构建了polynomial commitment scheme,具有efficient verifier time and small proof size,但是需要super-linear commitment and prover time。
根据[AFGHO16],该假设在SXDH assumption下是安全的。
用于Aggregating pairing-based SNARKs:基于本文的TIPP算法,构建an aggregator for Groth16 [Gro16] pairing-based SNARKs。 aggregated proof具有logarithmic size,verifier computation 则depend on the cost of uploading the instances in addition to a logarithmic number of target group exponentiations。 本文构建了一层recursive proofs (如,a proof of proofs),既不依赖于抵消的pairing-friendly cycles or two-chains,也不依赖于昂贵的NP reductions。
用于Aggregating BLS signatures:基于本文的SIPP算法,用于aggregate BLS signatures。[BGLS03] 论文中的BLS signature aggregate算法需要Verifier to compute one pairing per distinct message。而使用SIPP算法,其verification 只需要compute a single pairing and a multi-exponentiation in each source group of size equal to the number of messages being verified。但是本文的aggregated siganture是logarithmic的,而[BGLS03]中的aggregated signature是constant-size的。但是本文的aggregation算法可computed offline by any untrusted party who requires no secrets。
在Lai等人2019年论文[LMR19] 《Succinct Arguments for Bilinear Group Arithmetic: Practical Structure-Preserving Cryptography 》中的inner product argument for pairing based languages,具有如下特性:
– 具有transparent setup;
– secure under the SXDH assumption;
– 可用于zero-knowledge proofs。
Groth等人2008年论文[GS08] 中提供了一种算法用于 prove pairing-based languages under zero-knowledge without reducing to NP (or alternatively under witness indistinguishably with smaller proofs)。
现有的inner pairing product protocol性能对比:
Abe等人在2016年论文[AFGHO16] 《Structure-Preserving Signatures and Commitments to Group Elements》中证明了:在double pairing assumption下,one can commit to group elements in asymmetric bilinear groups。该技术可用于构建structure preserving signatures (如,messages为group elements的signatures) in the standard model。本文借助了这种commitment scheme。
本文的核心就是generalized inner product argument,在Bootle等人2016年论文[BCCGP16] Efficient Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Arithmetic Circuits in the Discrete Log Setting 和 Bünz等人2018年论文 [BBBPWM18] Bulletproofs: Short Proofs for Confidential Transactions and More的基础上,使用了具有doubly homomorphic属性的commitment scheme,满足:
C M ( ( c k 1 + c k 2 ) , ( M 1 + M 2 ) ) = C M ( c k 1 , M 1 ) + C M ( c k 1 , M 2 ) + C M ( c k 2 , M 1 ) + C M ( c k 2 , M 2 ) CM((ck_1+ck_2),(M_1+M_2))=CM(ck_1,M_1)+CM(ck_1,M_2)+CM(ck_2,M_1)+CM(ck_2,M_2) CM((ck1+ck2),(M1+M2))=CM(ck1,M1)+CM(ck1,M2)+CM(ck2,M1)+CM(ck2,M2)
inner product具有bilinear属性,满足:
< a ⃗ + b ⃗ , c ⃗ + d ⃗ > = < a ⃗ , c ⃗ > + < a ⃗ , d ⃗ > + < b ⃗ , c ⃗ > + < b ⃗ , d ⃗ > <\vec{a}+\vec{b},\vec{c}+\vec{d}>=<\vec{a},\vec{c}>+<\vec{a},\vec{d}>+<\vec{b},\vec{c}>+<\vec{b},\vec{d}> <a+b,c+d>=<a,c>+<a,d>+<b,c>+<b,d>
对比以上两个公式可发现,二者结合可用于generalized inner product argument。
GIPA (Generalized Inner Product Argument) 可分为如下三种类型的inner product:
本文实际采用的commit算法是与Abe等人在2016年论文[AFGHO16] 《Structure-Preserving Signatures and Commitments to Group Elements》中的一样:
通过使用structured setup,在GIPA中Verifier计算的components也是highly structured的,具体的为 a KZG [KZG10] polynomial commitment为:
因此可将verifier的work outsource to the pover。相应的Prover只需要证明:
their honest intent by opening the KZG commitment to the correct evaluation (which the verifier computes themselves)。
本文采用的是Groth [Gro11] 中的 two-tiered homomorphic commitments,即:commitments to commitments。
假设要commit to a polynomial:
f ( X , Y ) = f 0 ( Y ) + f 1 ( Y ) X + ⋯ + f m − 1 ( Y ) X m − 1 = ∑ i = 0 m − 1 f i ( Y ) X i f(X,Y)=f_0(Y)+f_1(Y)X+\cdots+f_{m-1}(Y)X^{m-1}=\sum_{i=0}^{m-1}f_i(Y)X^i f(X,Y)=f0(Y)+f1(Y)X+⋯+fm−1(Y)Xm−1=∑i=0m−1fi(Y)Xi
可将polynomial f ( X , Y ) f(X,Y) f(X,Y) 以矩阵形式表示为:
f ( X , Y ) = ( 1 , X , X 2 , ⋯ , X m − 1 ) ( a 0 , 0 a 0 , 1 a 0 , 2 ⋯ a 0 , l − 1 a 1 , 0 a 1 , 1 a 1 , 2 ⋯ a 1 , l − 1 a 2 , 0 a 2 , 1 a 2 , 2 ⋯ a 2 , l − 1 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ a m − 1 , 0 a m − 1 , 1 a m − 1 , 2 ⋯ a m − 1 , l − 1 ) ( 1 Y Y 2 ⋯ Y l − 1 ) f(X,Y)=(1,X,X^2,\cdots,X^{m-1})\begin{pmatrix} a_{0,0} & a_{0,1} & a_{0,2} & \cdots & a_{0,l-1}\\ a_{1,0} & a_{1,1} & a_{1,2} & \cdots & a_{1,l-1}\\ a_{2,0} & a_{2,1} & a_{2,2} & \cdots & a_{2,l-1}\\ \vdots & & & \ddots & \vdots\\ a_{m-1,0} & a_{m-1,1} & a_{m-1,2} & \cdots & a_{m-1,l-1} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1\\ Y\\ Y^2\\ \cdots \\ Y^{l-1} \end{pmatrix} f(X,Y)=(1,X,X2,⋯,Xm−1)⎝⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎛a0,0a1,0a2,0⋮am−1,0a0,1a1,1a2,1am−1,1a0,2a1,2a2,2am−1,2⋯⋯⋯⋱⋯a0,l−1a1,l−1a2,l−1⋮am−1,l−1⎠⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎞⎝⎜⎜⎜⎜⎛1YY2⋯Yl−1⎠⎟⎟⎟⎟⎞
则commit to f ( X , Y ) f(X,Y) f(X,Y) 可表示为:
如上图所示,当收到challenge ( x , y ) (x,y) (x,y) 时,Prover:
使用 an interactive, RBR sound inner pairing product (SIPP) 来生产proofs of pairing products。
SIPP requires no setup and is public-coin。
L S I P P = { ( A ⃗ ∈ G 1 m , B ⃗ ∈ G 2 m , Z ∈ G T ) : Z = A ⃗ ∗ B ⃗ } \mathcal{L}_{SIPP}=\{(\vec{A}\in\mathbb{G}_1^m,\vec{B}\in\mathbb{G}_2^m,Z\in\mathbb{G}_T):Z=\vec{A}*\vec{B}\} LSIPP={(A∈G1m,B∈G2m,Z∈GT):Z=A∗B}
假设 m m m为二次幂,则可通过递归法,将vectors A ⃗ , B ⃗ \vec{A},\vec{B} A,B切分为长度为 m ′ = m / 2 m'=m/2 m′=m/2的new vectors A ⃗ ′ , B ⃗ ′ \vec{A}',\vec{B}' A′,B′,使得 A ⃗ ′ ∗ B ⃗ ′ = Z ′ \vec{A}'*\vec{B}'=Z' A′∗B′=Z′。使用Verifier生成的challenge,Prover和Verifier可以独立允许该递归算法。
首先,Prover commit to a pair of target group elements ( Z L , Z R ) (Z_L, Z_R) (ZL,ZR)。Verifier可利用 ( Z L , Z R ) (Z_L, Z_R) (ZL,ZR)来生成 m ′ = 1 m'=1 m′=1的情况(即对应为last round)的 a new target group element Z ′ Z' Z′,Verifier只需验证 e ( A ′ , B ′ ) = Z ′ e(A',B')=Z' e(A′,B′)=Z′ 成立即可(in the final round of recursion where m ′ = 1 m'=1 m′=1)。
需要执行 log ( m ) \log(m) log(m) 轮 recursive protocol。
详细的interactive证明过程为:( m ′ = m / 2 m'=m/2 m′=m/2开始, m ′ = 1 m'=1 m′=1结束。)
以上interactive证明成立,遵循的是 DeMillo-Lipton-Schwartz-Zippel lemma,即:
the prover must commit to the coeeficients of a polynomial that is then evaluated at a random point。
对于任意的随机数 x ← r F x\overset{r}{\leftarrow} \mathbb{F} x←rF,伪造 Z L , Z , Z R Z_L,Z,Z_R ZL,Z,ZR使得如下等式成立的概率可忽略:
Z ′ = A ⃗ ′ ∗ B ⃗ ′ ⇔ Z L x ⋅ Z ⋅ Z R − x = ( A ⃗ [ m ′ : ] ∗ B ⃗ [ : m ′ ] ) x ⋅ A ⃗ ∗ B ⃗ ⋅ ( A ⃗ [ : m ′ ] ∗ B ⃗ [ m ′ : ] ) − x Z'=\vec{A}'*\vec{B}'\Leftrightarrow Z_L^x\cdot Z\cdot Z_R^{-x}=(\vec{A}_{[m':]}*\vec{B}_{[:m']})^x\cdot \vec{A}*\vec{B}\cdot (\vec{A}_{[:m']}*\vec{B}_{[m':]})^{-x} Z′=A′∗B′⇔ZLx⋅Z⋅ZR−x=(A[m′:]∗B[:m′])x⋅A∗B⋅(A[:m′]∗B[m′:])−x。
因此,Verifier无需在每个round都做check,仅需在 m ′ = 1 m'=1 m′=1时,验证 e ( A ′ , B ′ ) = Z ′ e(A',B')=Z' e(A′,B′)=Z′是否成立即可。
整个SIPP协议,存在 log ( m ) \log(m) log(m) rounds,每个round Prover都发送2个target group elements ( Z L , Z R ) (Z_L,Z_R) (ZL,ZR)给Verifier,也就是说总的proof size为 2 log ( n ) 2\log(n) 2log(n)个target group elements。
SIPP具有perfect completeness和RBR soundness,详情参见论文4.3节内容。
很多证明系统最终验证的形式为 e ( A i , B i ) = e ( C i , D i ) e(A_i,B_i)=e(C_i,D_i) e(Ai,Bi)=e(Ci,Di),借助random linear combination,SIPP可用与outsource m m m 个类似这样的pairing checks。
核心思想为:若 e ( A i , B i ) = e ( C i , D i ) e(A_i,B_i)=e(C_i,D_i) e(Ai,Bi)=e(Ci,Di) 成立,则对于任意的 r ← F p r\leftarrow \mathbb{F}_p r←Fp, e ( A i , B i ) r i = e ( C i , D i ) r i e(A_i,B_i)^{r^i}=e(C_i,D_i)^{r^i} e(Ai,Bi)ri=e(Ci,Di)ri均成立,也即 e ( A i r i , B i ) e ( C i − r i , D i ) = 1 e(A_i^{r^i},B_i)e(C_i^{-r^i},D_i)=1 e(Airi,Bi)e(Ci−ri,Di)=1成立。
对 m m m个这样的等式进行线性组合,有:
∏ i = 1 m e ( A i r i , B i ) e ( C i − r i , D i ) = 1 \prod_{i=1}^{m}e(A_i^{r^i},B_i)e(C_i^{-r^i},D_i)=1 ∏i=1me(Airi,Bi)e(Ci−ri,Di)=1应成立。
由此,将 m m m个任意的pairing check reduce to an inner pairing product of length 2 m 2m 2m。
若Verifier直接验证的话,需要计算 2 n 2n 2n次pairing。
若借助SIPP协议,则相当于设置 A ⃗ = ( A 1 r , A 2 r 2 , ⋯ , A m r m , C 1 − r , C 2 − r 2 , ⋯ , C m − r m ) = ( A 1 , A 2 , ⋯ , A m , A m + 1 , A m + 2 , ⋯ , A 2 m ) , B ⃗ = ( B 1 , B 2 , ⋯ , B m , D 1 , D 2 , ⋯ , D m ) = ( B 1 , B 2 , ⋯ , B m , B m + 1 , B m + 2 , ⋯ , B 2 m ) \vec{A}=(A_1^r,A_2^{r^2},\cdots,A_m^{r^m},C_1^{-r},C_2^{-r^2},\cdots,C_m^{-r^m})=(\mathcal{A}_1,\mathcal{A}_2,\cdots,\mathcal{A}_m,\mathcal{A}_{m+1},\mathcal{A}_{m+2},\cdots,\mathcal{A}_{2m}),\vec{B}=(B_1,B_2,\cdots,B_m,D_1,D_2,\cdots,D_m)=(\mathcal{B}_1,\mathcal{B}_2,\cdots,\mathcal{B}_m,\mathcal{B}_{m+1},\mathcal{B}_{m+2},\cdots,\mathcal{B}_{2m}) A=(A1r,A2r2,⋯,Amrm,C1−r,C2−r2,⋯,Cm−rm)=(A1,A2,⋯,Am,Am+1,Am+2,⋯,A2m),B=(B1,B2,⋯,Bm,D1,D2,⋯,Dm)=(B1,B2,⋯,Bm,Bm+1,Bm+2,⋯,B2m),证明 A ⃗ ∗ B ⃗ = 1 \vec{A}*\vec{B}=1 A∗B=1。
实际基于Zexe的BLS12-377 elliptic curve做了代码实现,并对比了直接计算pairing products和通过Pippenger’s fast multi-exponentiation 算法的效率。当pairing products的数量大于128个时,基于SIPP的verifier性能有优势,而当有 2 2 0 2^20 220次个pairing products时,性能将优于 8 × 8\times 8×。
接下来,需要对[BCCGP16][BBBPWM18]的 inner product argument 的基础上,构建doubly-homomorphic inner product commitments,满足:
C M ( ( c k 1 + c k 2 ) , ( M 1 + M 2 ) ) = C M ( c k 1 , M 1 ) + C M ( c k 1 , M 2 ) + C M ( c k 2 , M 1 ) + C M ( c k 2 , M 2 ) CM((ck_1+ck_2),(M_1+M_2))=CM(ck_1,M_1)+CM(ck_1,M_2)+CM(ck_2,M_1)+CM(ck_2,M_2) CM((ck1+ck2),(M1+M2))=CM(ck1,M1)+CM(ck1,M2)+CM(ck2,M1)+CM(ck2,M2)
Pedersen commitment可看成是doubly homomorphic commitment,因为:
可将inner product可看成是一个map,用于map two vectors to a group in a manner that satisfies bilinearity。inner product 定义为:
如2.1节所述,本文主要关注三种类型的inner product:
则设置 C M ( ( c k ⃗ 1 , c k ⃗ 2 , c k 3 ) ; ( M 1 , M 2 , < M 1 , M 2 > ) ) CM((\vec{ck}_1,\vec{ck}_2,ck_3);(M_1,M_2,
以下均假设message space dimension为二次幂,即vector长度为二次幂。
其实即为an argument of knowledge given a binding inner product commitment。
需要执行 log ( m ) \log(m) log(m) 轮 recursive protocol。
详细的interactive证明过程为:( m ′ = m / 2 m'=m/2 m′=m/2开始, m ′ = 1 m'=1 m′=1结束。)
GIPA具有perfect completeness和computational witness-extended emulation,详情参见论文5章内容。
整个GIPA有 log 2 ( m ) \log_{2}(m) log2(m) 个rounds,有 2 log 2 ( m ) 2\log_{2}(m) 2log2(m)个commitments。在有一些应用场景,part of the commitment can be computed from the verifier’s input and don’t need to be transmitted。【?】
Prover依次produce commitments for vectors of length m / 2 , m / 4 , m / 8 , ⋯ m/2,m/4,m/8,\cdots m/2,m/4,m/8,⋯。相应的,The total length of all committed vectors为 4 ⋅ log 2 m 4\cdot \log_2m 4⋅log2m。【?】
Verifier在每个round都会计算 C ′ = x ⋅ C L + C + x − 1 ⋅ C R C'=x\cdot C_L + C + x^{-1}\cdot C_R C′=x⋅CL+C+x−1⋅CR。总共会计算 2 log 2 ( m ) 2\log_{2}(m) 2log2(m)次scalar multiplications in I m a g e ( C M ) Image(CM) Image(CM)。
Prover和Verifier在每个round都会计算 c k ⃗ 1 ′ = x − 1 ⋅ c k ⃗ 1 , [ : m ′ ] + c k ⃗ 1 , [ m ′ : ] , c k ⃗ 2 ′ = x ⋅ c k ⃗ 2 , [ : m ′ ] + c k ⃗ 2 , [ m ′ : ] \vec{ck}_1'=x^{-1}\cdot\vec{ck}_{1,[:m']}+\vec{ck}_{1,[m':]},\vec{ck}_2'=x\cdot\vec{ck}_{2,[:m']}+\vec{ck}_{2,[m':]} ck1′=x−1⋅ck1,[:m′]+ck1,[m′:],ck2′=x⋅ck2,[:m′]+ck2,[m′:]。总共会计算 2 ⋅ log 2 m 2\cdot \log_{2}m 2⋅log2m次scalar multiplications in K \mathcal{K} K。
借助Bünz等人2018年论文 [BBBPWM18] Bulletproofs: Short Proofs for Confidential Transactions and More 中的技术,the verifier can use a single large multi-exponentiation in K \mathcal{K} K to compute the final c k ck ck。
Verifier仅需做一次 < a , b > <a,b>inner product 计算。这对于在pairing settings场景下,inner product 计算 significantly more expensive than scalar multiplications in K \mathcal{K} K。
可使用 Fiat-Shamir heuristic for logarithmic round public coin protocols【In the random oracle model the heuristic is secure for constant-round protocols and for multi-round protocols satisfying soundness against restoration attacks functions [FS86; BCS16; CCHLRR18]】,将GIPA转为non-interactive and publicly verifiable协议。chanllenge x x x不再来自于Verifier,而来自于 a hash function H a s h Hash Hash applied to the transcript。Verifier也可以check that all challenges were computed correctly。
如Bünz等人2018年论文 [BBBPWM18] Bulletproofs: Short Proofs for Confidential Transactions and More 中采用Pedersen commitment来实例化:
C M ( ( g ⃗ , h ⃗ ) ; ( a ⃗ , b ⃗ ) ) = g ⃗ a ⃗ h ⃗ b ⃗ u < a ⃗ , b ⃗ > CM((\vec{g},\vec{h});(\vec{a},\vec{b}))=\vec{g}^{\vec{a}}\vec{h}^{\vec{b}}u^{<\vec{a},\vec{b}>} CM((g,h);(a,b))=gahbu<a,b>
其中 g ⃗ ∈ G m , h ⃗ ∈ G m , u ∈ G , a ⃗ , b ⃗ ∈ F p m \vec{g}\in\mathbb{G}^m,\vec{h}\in\mathbb{G}^m,u\in\mathbb{G},\vec{a},\vec{b}\in\mathbb{F}_p^m g∈Gm,h∈Gm,u∈G,a,b∈Fpm for a group G \mathbb{G} G of prime order p p p。
若the discrete logarithm assumption holds for G \mathbb{G} G,则该commitment具有binding属性,
Lai等人2019年论文[LMR19] 《Succinct Arguments for Bilinear Group Arithmetic: Practical Structure-Preserving Cryptography 》中采用pairing commitment来实例化:
C M ( ( v ⃗ 1 , v ⃗ 2 , w ⃗ 1 , w ⃗ 2 ) ; ( A ⃗ , B ⃗ ) ) = ( ( A ⃗ ∗ v ⃗ 1 ) ⋅ ( w ⃗ 1 ∗ B ⃗ ) , ( A ⃗ ∗ v ⃗ 2 ) ⋅ ( w ⃗ 2 ∗ B ⃗ ) , A ⃗ ∗ B ⃗ ) CM((\vec{v}_1,\vec{v}_2,\vec{w}_1,\vec{w}_2);(\vec{A},\vec{B}))=((\vec{A}*\vec{v}_1)\cdot(\vec{w}_1*\vec{B}),(\vec{A}*\vec{v}_2)\cdot(\vec{w}_2*\vec{B}),\vec{A}*\vec{B}) CM((v1,v2,w1,w2);(A,B))=((A∗v1)⋅(w1∗B),(A∗v2)⋅(w2∗B),A∗B)
[LMR19] 论文中指出,该commitment部分内容Verifier可直接根据其输入计算,这样Prover就不再需要传输该部分commitment内容,提高效率。
在[LMR19] 的基础上,借助SIPP commitment,可将SIPP转化为GIPA的一种实例化方式。
Lai等人2019年论文[LMR19] 《Succinct Arguments for Bilinear Group Arithmetic: Practical Structure-Preserving Cryptography 》中的pairing commitment为:
C M ( ( v ⃗ 1 , v ⃗ 2 , w ⃗ 1 , w ⃗ 2 ) ; ( A ⃗ , B ⃗ ) ) = ( ( A ⃗ ∗ v ⃗ 1 ) ⋅ ( w ⃗ 1 ∗ B ⃗ ) , ( A ⃗ ∗ v ⃗ 2 ) ⋅ ( w ⃗ 2 ∗ B ⃗ ) , A ⃗ ∗ B ⃗ ) CM((\vec{v}_1,\vec{v}_2,\vec{w}_1,\vec{w}_2);(\vec{A},\vec{B}))=((\vec{A}*\vec{v}_1)\cdot(\vec{w}_1*\vec{B}),(\vec{A}*\vec{v}_2)\cdot(\vec{w}_2*\vec{B}),\vec{A}*\vec{B}) CM((v1,v2,w1,w2);(A,B))=((A∗v1)⋅(w1∗B),(A∗v2)⋅(w2∗B),A∗B)
当需要commit to 2 vectors of length m m m时,需要的commitment key length为 4 ⋅ m 4\cdot m 4⋅m。
而Abe等人在2016年论文[AFGHO16] 《Structure-Preserving Signatures and Commitments to Group Elements》中的 SXDH assumption pairing commitment为:
C M ( ( v ⃗ , w ⃗ ) ; ( A ⃗ , B ⃗ , Z ) ) = ( A ⃗ ∗ v ⃗ , w ⃗ ∗ B ⃗ , Z ) CM((\vec{v},\vec{w});(\vec{A},\vec{B},Z))=(\vec{A}*\vec{v},\vec{w}*\vec{B},Z) CM((v,w);(A,B,Z))=(A∗v,w∗B,Z)
其中 key space为 ( v ⃗ , w ⃗ ) ∈ G 2 m × G 1 m (\vec{v},\vec{w})\in \mathbb{G}_2^m\times\mathbb{G}_1^m (v,w)∈G2m×G1m,message space为 ( A ⃗ , B ⃗ , Z ) ∈ G 1 m × G 2 m × G T (\vec{A},\vec{B},Z)\in\mathbb{G}_1^m\times\mathbb{G}_2^m\times\mathbb{G}_T (A,B,Z)∈G1m×G2m×GT,commitment space为 ( A ⃗ ∗ v ⃗ , w ⃗ ∗ B ⃗ , Z ) ∈ G T 3 (\vec{A}*\vec{v},\vec{w}*\vec{B},Z)\in\mathbb{G}_T^3 (A∗v,w∗B,Z)∈GT3。
可以看出,在message space, key space和commitment space均为doubly homomorphic,所以该commitment也为an inner product commitment。
当需要commit to 2 vectors of length m m m时,需要的commitment key length为 2 ⋅ m 2\cdot m 2⋅m。
[LMR19] 和 [AFGHO16] 的proof size 相同,但是 [AFGHO16]的commitment key size更小,可以节约Prover和Verifier的时间。
在该论文中,可通过structured setup 进一步节约verifier的时间,使其仅为logarithmic in the length of the committed vectors。
构建an inner pairing product argument,要求相比于直接传输 A ⃗ , B ⃗ \vec{A},\vec{B} A,B,具有significantly less communication。
基于以上思路构建的为GIPA的一种实例化,称为trusted inner pairing product T I P P TIPP TIPP。
借助[GKMMM18] (Groth等人2018年论文《Updatable and Universal Common Reference Strings with Applications to zk-SNARKs》)和[BGH19] (Bowe等人2019年论文《Halo: Recursive Proof Composition without a Trusted Setup》)的思路,本文在构建TIPP时使用 an updatable references string,使得Verifier can efficiently check that c k f i n a l ck_{final} ckfinal was computed correctly。
在Abe等人2016年论文[AFGHO16] 《Structure-Preserving Signatures and Commitments to Group Elements》的pairing based commitment scheme的基础上,进行扩展。
在选择structure of SRS elements时,需要注意保证commitment scheme的binding 属性。
commitment key为: c k = ( p a i r , w ⃗ = [ g α 2 i ] i = 0 m − 1 , v ⃗ = [ h β 2 i ] i = 0 m − 1 ) ck=(pair,\vec{w}=[g^{\alpha^{2i}}]_{i=0}^{m-1},\vec{v}=[h^{\beta^{2i}}]_{i=0}^{m-1}) ck=(pair,w=[gα2i]i=0m−1,v=[hβ2i]i=0m−1)
commitment 算法为: C M : G 1 m × G 2 m → G T 2 CM:\mathbb{G}_1^m\times\mathbb{G}_2^m\rightarrow \mathbb{G}_T^2 CM:G1m×G2m→GT2
C M ( ( v ⃗ , w ⃗ ) ; ( A ⃗ . B ⃗ ) ) = ( A ⃗ ∗ v ⃗ , w ⃗ ∗ B ⃗ ) = ( T , U ) CM((\vec{v},\vec{w});(\vec{A}.\vec{B}))=(\vec{A}*\vec{v},\vec{w}*\vec{B})=(T,U) CM((v,w);(A.B))=(A∗v,w∗B)=(T,U),其中key space为 ( v ⃗ , w ⃗ ) ∈ G 2 m × G 1 m (\vec{v},\vec{w})\in\mathbb{G}_2^m\times\mathbb{G}_1^m (v,w)∈G2m×G1m,message space为 ( A ⃗ . B ⃗ ) ∈ G 1 m × G 2 m (\vec{A}.\vec{B})\in\mathbb{G}_1^m\times\mathbb{G}_2^m (A.B)∈G1m×G2m,commitment space为 ( T , U ) ∈ G T 2 (T,U)\in\mathbb{G}_T^2 (T,U)∈GT2。
除commitment key 外,Prover还具有的额外SRS信息为: g β , h α , { g α i , h β i } i = 0 2 m − 2 g^{\beta},h^{\alpha},\{g^{\alpha^i},h^{\beta^i}\}_{i=0}^{2m-2} gβ,hα,{gαi,hβi}i=02m−2
注意,odd powers of α \alpha α in G 1 \mathbb{G}_1 G1,如 g α 2 i + 1 g^{\alpha^{2i+1}} gα2i+1并不使用,原因是:
避免使用SRS中的 h α h^{\alpha} hα来碰撞commitment,因为 e ( g , h α ) ⋅ e ( g α , h − 1 ) = 1 T e(g,h^{\alpha})\cdot e(g^{\alpha},h^{-1})=1_{\mathbb{T}} e(g,hα)⋅e(gα,h−1)=1T。
以上commitment在 q q q-ASDBP assumption下,具有binding属性。
基于5.1节的commitment scheme,基本信息变为: