Smart Pointers - What, Why, Which?
To look and feel like pointers, smart pointers need to have the same interface that pointers do: they need to support pointer operations like dereferencing (operator *) and indirection (operator ->). An object that looks and feels like something else is called a proxy object, or just proxy. The proxy pattern and its many uses are described in the books Design Patterns and Pattern Oriented Software Architecture.
To be smarter than regular pointers, smart pointers need to do things that regular pointers don't. What could these things be? Probably the most common bugs in C++ (and C) are related to pointers and memory management: dangling pointers, memory leaks, allocation failures and other joys. Having a smart pointer take care of these things can save a lot of aspirin...
The simplest example of a smart pointer is auto_ptr, which is included in the standard C++ library. You can find it in the header
As you can see, auto_ptr is a simple wrapper around a regular pointer. It forwards all meaningful operations to this pointer (dereferencing and indirection). Its smartness in the destructor: the destructor takes care of deleting the pointer.template <class T> class auto_ptr { T* ptr; public: explicit auto_ptr(T* p = 0) : ptr(p) {} ~auto_ptr() {delete ptr;} T& operator*() {return *ptr;} T* operator->() {return ptr;} // ... };
For the user of auto_ptr, this means that instead of writing:
You can write:void foo() { MyClass* p(new MyClass); p->DoSomething(); delete p; }
void foo()
auto_ptr<MyClass> p(new MyClass);
And trust p to cleanup after itself.
What does this buy you? See the next section.
Automatic initialization. Another nice thing is that you don't need to initialize the auto_ptr to NULL, since the default constructor does that for you. This is one less thing for the programmer to forget.
Dangling pointers. A common pitfall of regular pointers is the dangling pointer: a pointer that points to an object that is already deleted. The following code illustrates this situation:
For auto_ptr, this is solved by setting its pointer to NULL when it is copied:MyClass* p(new MyClass); MyClass* q = p; delete p; p->DoSomething(); // Watch out! p is now dangling! p = NULL; // p is no longer dangling q->DoSomething(); // Ouch! q is still dangling!
Other smart pointers may do other things when they are copied. Here are some possible strategies for handling the statement q = p, where p and q are smart pointers:template <class T> auto_ptr& auto_ptr ::operator=(auto_ptr & rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { delete ptr; ptr = rhs.ptr; rhs.ptr = NULL; } return *this; }
What happens if DoSomething() throws an exception? All the lines after it will not get executed and p will never get deleted! If we're lucky, this leads only to memory leaks. However, MyClass may free some other resources in its destructor (file handles, threads, transactions, COM references, mutexes) and so not calling it my cause severe resource locks.void foo() { MyClass* p(new MyClass); p->DoSomething(); delete p; }
If we use a smart pointer, however, p will be cleaned up whenever it gets out of scope, whether it was during the normal path of execution or during the stack unwinding caused by throwing an exception.
But isn't it possible to write exception safe code with regular pointers? Sure, but it is so painful that I doubt anyone actually does this when there is an alternative. Here is what you would do in this simple case:
Now imagine what would happen if we had some if's and for's in there...void foo() { MyClass* p; try { p = new MyClass; p->DoSomething(); delete p; } catch (...) { delete p; throw; } }
A common strategy for using memory more efficiently is copy on write (COW). This means that the same object is shared by many COW pointers as long as it is only read and not modified. When some part of the program tries to modify the object ("write"), the COW pointer creates a new copy of the object and modifies this copy instead of the original object. The standard string class is commonly implemented using COW semantics (see the
string s("Hello"); string t = s; // t and s point to the same buffer of characters t += " there!"; // a new buffer is allocated for t before // appending " there!", so s is unchanged.
Optimized allocation schemes are possible when you can make some assumptions about the objects to be allocated or the operating environment. For example, you may know that all the objects will have the same size, or that they will all live in a single thread. Although it is possible to implement optimized allocation schemes using class-specific new and delete operators, smart pointers give you the freedom to choose whether to use the optimized scheme for each object, instead of having the scheme set for all objects of a class. It is therefore possible to match the allocation scheme to different operating environments and applications, without modifying the code for the entire class.
What can you do if you need a collection of objects from different classes? The simplest solution is to have a collection of pointers:class Base { /*...*/ }; class Derived : public Base { /*...*/ }; Base b; Derived d; vector<Base> v; v.push_back(b); // OK v.push_back(d); // error
The problem with this solution is that after you're done with the container, you need to manually cleanup the objects stored in it. This is both error prone and not exception safe.vector<Base*> v; v.push_back(new Base); // OK v.push_back(new Derived); // OK too // cleanup: for (vector<Base*>::iterator i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i) delete *i;
Smart pointers are a possible solution, as illustrated below. (An alternative solution is a smart container, like the one implemented in pointainer.h.)
Since the smart pointer automatically cleans up after itself, there is no need to manually delete the pointed objects.vector< linked_ptr<Base> > v; v.push_back(new Base); // OK v.push_back(new Derived); // OK too // cleanup is automatic
Note: STL containers may copy and delete their elements behind the scenes (for example, when they resize themselves). Therefore, all copies of an element must be equivalent, or the wrong copy may be the one to survive all this copying and deleting. This means that some smart pointers cannot be used within STL containers, specifically the standard auto_ptr and any ownership-transferring pointer. For more info about this issue, see C++ Guru of the Week #25.
Using a copied pointer instead of auto_ptr solves this problem: the copied object (y) gets a new copy of the member.class MyClass { auto_ptr<int> p; // ... }; MyClass x; // do some meaningful things with x MyClass y = x; // x.p now has a NULL pointer
Note that using a reference counted or reference linked pointer means that if y changes the member, this change will also affect x! Therefore, if you want to save memory, you should use a COW pointer and not a simple reference counted/linked pointer.
It is important to consider the characteristics of the specific garbage collection scheme used. Specifically, reference counting/linking can leak in the case of circular references (i.e., when the pointed object itself contains a counted pointer, which points to an object that contains the original counted pointer). Its advantage over other schemes is that it is both simple to implement and deterministic. The deterministic behavior may be important in some real time systems, where you cannot allow the system to suddenly wait while the garbage collector performs its housekeeping duties.
Generally speaking, there are two ways to implement reference counting: intrusive and non-intrusive. Intrusive means that the pointed object itself contains the count. Therefore, you cannot use intrusive reference counting with 3-rd party classes that do not already have this feature. You can, however, derive a new class from the 3-rd party class and add the count to it. Non-intrusive reference counting requires an allocation of a count for each counted object. The counted_ptr.h is an example of non-intrusive reference counting.
Both reference counting and reference linking require using locks if the pointers are used by more than one thread of execution.
Using an owned pointer as the function argument is an explicit statement that the function is taking ownership of the pointer.
For this: | Use that: |
Local variables | auto_ptr |
Class members | Copied pointer |
STL Containers | Garbage collected pointer (e.g. reference counting/linking) |
Explicit ownership transfer | Owned pointer |
Big objects | Copy on write |
Feel free to use my own smart pointers in your code.
The Boost C++ libraries include some smart pointers, which are more rigorously tested and actively maintained. Do try them first, if they are appropriate for your needs.
智能指针在感观上像普通指针,需要提供与普通指针相同的接口:即需要支持指针操作,如直接取内容(*),间接访问(->)。一个对象如果在感观和别的东西类似,则称之为一个代理对象,或者就叫代理。可以参考《DesignPatterns》和《Pattern Oriented Software Architecture》,书中介绍了设计模式,以及许多该模式的用法。
template class auto_ptr
T* ptr;
explicit auto_ptr(T* p = 0) : ptr(p) {}
~auto_ptr() {delete ptr;}
T& operator*() {return *ptr;}
T* operator->() {return ptr;}
// ...
MyClass* p(new MyClass);
delete p;
auto_ptr p(new MyClass);
MyClass*p(new MyClass);
MyClass*q = p;
delete p;
p->DoSomething(); // Watch out! p is now dangling!
p =NULL; // p is no longerdangling
q->DoSomething(); // Ouch! q is still dangling!
Forauto_ptr, this is solved by setting its pointer to NULL when it is copied:
auto_ptr&auto_ptr::operator=(auto_ptr& rhs)
if (this != &rhs) {
delete ptr;
ptr = rhs.ptr;
rhs.ptr = NULL;
return *this;
· 创建一个新的副本:为p所指向的对象创建一个新的副本,让q指向这个副本。这一策略的实现在copied_ptr.h中。
· 所有权转让:让p和q指向同一个对象,但清理的责任(“所有权”)从p转移到q。这一策略的实现在owned_ptr.h中。
· 引用计数:维护一个计数器,统计指向同一对象的智能指针的数目,当数目变为0时,删除对象。那么语句q=p导致p所指向的对象增加一个计数。这一策略的实现在counted_ptr.h中。ScottMeyers在他的《More Effective C++》一书中提供了另一种引用计数的实现方式。
· 引用链:思想与引用计数类似,但不是使用计数器,而是维护一个环形双向链表,保存所有指向同一对象的智能指针。这一策略的实现在linked_ptr.h中。
· 写拷贝:不修改对象的时候,使用引用计数或者引用链;当需要修改对象时,将对象复制一份并修改副本。这种策略的实现在incow_ptr.h中。
MyClass* p(new MyClass);
delete p;
MyClass* p;
try {
p = new MyClass;
delete p;
catch (...) {
delete p;
string t= s; // t and s point to the samebuffer of characters
t +=" there!"; // a new bufferis allocated for t before
// appending " there!",so s is unchanged.
C++标准库包含了一系列被称为标准模板库(STL)的容器和算法。 STL的设计目标是通用性(可用于任何类型的对象)和高效性(不会比其他替代品有更多的时间开销)。为了达到这两个设计目标,STL容器中存储的是对象的值。这意味着,如果你有一个STL容器,存储基类Base的对象,那么它就不能存储从该基类派生的子类的对象。
classBase { /*...*/ };
classDerived : public Base { /*...*/ };
Base b;
vector v;
v.push_back(b);// OK
v.push_back(d);// error
vector v;
v.push_back(newBase); // OK
v.push_back(newDerived); // OK too
for(vector ::iterator i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i)
vector > v;
v.push_back(newBase); // OK
v.push_back(newDerived); // OK too
//cleanup is automatic
注:STL容器可以在“幕后”复制和删除元素(例如,resize)。因此,所有的副本元素必须是相同的,否则,错误的拷贝可能让所有的拷贝和删除的作用在同一个对象上。这意味着,一些智能指针不能用在STL容器内,特别是标准型auto_ptr智能指针,和所有的所有权转让型智能指针。如需此问题的更多信息,请参见《C++ Guru ofthe Week #25》。
auto_ptr p;
// ...
// dosome meaningful things with x
MyClass y= x; // x.p now has a NULL pointer
引用链不需要修改被指向的对象(的代码),也不需要任何额外的内存。引用链型的智能指针比引用计数型的智能指针需要稍多一点的空间– 只需要存储一个或两个指针的空间。 |
有时候,你想接收指针作为函数参数,但是又想保留自己对对象的所有权(即在其生命周期内的控制权)。一种方法是使用一致的命名来约定好这种情况。《Taligent'sGuide to DesigningPrograms》建议使用“adopt”标记函数接受指针的所有权。
For this: |
Use that: |
Local variables |
auto_ptr |
Class members |
Copied pointer |
STL Containers |
Garbage collected pointer (e.g. reference counting/linking) |
Explicit ownership transfer |
Owned pointer |
Big objects |
Copy on write |
智能指针对于用C++编写安全,高效的代码来说,是非常有用的工具。同任何工具一样,使用时需要适当留意,考虑和知识。想要全面和深入的分析,智能指针的问题,我建议阅读AndreiAlexandrescu的《Modern C++ Design》一书中chapterabout smart pointers章节。