

#define BUFFER_SIZE 64

// KEY: [0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9A-Z]{6}
#define KEY “1234-4321-123456”


  • Professional: 0 1 8 9
  • Trial: 2 3 6 7
  • Student: 4 5
  • CDF Player: 10 11
  • CDF Player Trial: 12 13
    #define LICENSE_TYPE “1”


  • Mathematica 11.0.1: 0x25DB
  • Mathematica 11.1: 0x42DD 0x29C2
  • Mathematica 11.2: 0x6A91 0x29C2
  • Mathematica 11.3: 0xA439 0x29F8
  • Mathematica Other: 0xA68B 0xE4A8 0x2FDB 0xD227 0xDB75 0xEE71 0x44F1 0x0D00 0x72C4 0x8330 0x81DD 0x47C5 0xB4D3 0xAB0B 0x6188 0xBF47 0x1330 0xF536 0xA5CE 0x755E 0x1361
  • SystemModeler 5.0: 0x8330 0x81DD 0x47C5 0xB4D3 0xAB0B 0x6188 0xBF47 0x1330
  • SystemModeler 5.1.0: 0x81DD
  • To find the hash for future releases,
  • look up for 85 C0 7E 0E 39 3C 8D in WolframEngine.dll (32-bits),
  • get the following oprand (such as 0x11D9D790, MIND THE ENDIAN),
  • go to the address
  • (Do a conversion from VA to File Offset,
  • (virtual address found) + (offset of .text section) - (virtual address of .text section) - (image base) = (file offset).
  • Using Address Converter in CFF Explorer is recommended),
  • there are the accepted hash values (MIND THE ENDIAN as the same).
  • For who want to DIY, the easiest way to find password checking call is search for 0x105C3 and etc.
    #define INIT_HASH 0x29F8
    #define HASH_MAGIC_1 0x105C3
    #define HASH_MAGIC_2 0x1064B
    #define GOOD_HASH 0xA5B6

static uint_fast8_t getDigit(uint_fast32_t number, uint_fast8_t digit){
return (uint_fast8_t) ((number / (uint_fast32_t)pow(10, digit - 1)) % 10);

// inverse of privHash: nextHash(privHash(x, y, c), c, y, c) == x
static uint_fast32_t nextHash(uint_fast32_t hash, uint_fast8_t byte, uint_fast32_t magic) {
for (uint_fast8_t bitIndex = 0; bitIndex <= 7; bitIndex++) {
uint_fast8_t bit = (byte >> bitIndex) & 1;
if (bit + ((hash - bit) & ~1) == hash) {
hash = (hash - bit) >> 1;
} else {
hash = ((magic - bit) ^ hash) >> 1;
return hash;

static uint_fast32_t privHash(uint_fast32_t hash, uint_fast8_t byte, uint_fast32_t magic) {
for (uint_fast8_t bitIndex = 7; bitIndex >= 0; bitIndex–) {
uint_fast8_t bit = (byte >> bitIndex) & 1;
uint_fast32_t temp = (hash << 1) + bit;
if (hash & 0x8000) {
temp ^= magic;
hash = temp;
return hash;

void genPass(char* string, uint_fast8_t length) {

uint_fast32_t hash = INIT_HASH;
for (int byteIndex = length - 1; byteIndex >= 0; byteIndex--) {
    hash = nextHash(hash, string[byteIndex], HASH_MAGIC_1);

uint_fast32_t n1 = 0;
while (nextHash(nextHash(hash, n1 & 0xFF, HASH_MAGIC_1), n1 >> 8, HASH_MAGIC_1) != GOOD_HASH) {
    if (++n1 >= 0xFFFF) {
        printf("Failed to find a key!");

n1 = (uint_fast32_t) floor(((n1 + 0x72FA) & 0xFFFF) * 99999.0 / 0xFFFF);

uint_fast32_t temp = (n1/1000*1000) + n1%1000/100 + n1%100*10;
temp = (uint_fast32_t) ceil((temp / 99999.0) * 0xFFFF);
temp = nextHash(nextHash(0, temp & 0xFF, HASH_MAGIC_2), temp >> 8, HASH_MAGIC_2);

for (int byteIndex = length - 1; byteIndex >= 0; byteIndex--) {
    temp = nextHash(temp, (uint_fast8_t) string[byteIndex], HASH_MAGIC_2);

uint_fast16_t n2 = 0;
while (nextHash(nextHash(temp, n2 & 0xFF, HASH_MAGIC_2), n2 >> 8, HASH_MAGIC_2) != GOOD_HASH) {
    if (++n2 >= 0xFFFF) {
        printf("Failed to find a key!");
n2 = (uint_fast16_t) floor((n2 & 0xFFFF) * 99999.0 / 0xFFFF);


int main(){
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
int offset = 0;
scanf("%s%n", buffer, &offset); // Input MathID here
strcpy(buffer+offset, “$” LICENSE_TYPE “&” KEY);
genPass(buffer, (uint_fast8_t) strlen(buffer));
return 0;
