typedef struct
float32_t A0; /**< The derived gain, A0 = Kp + Ki + Kd . */
float32_t A1; /**< The derived gain, A1 = -Kp - 2Kd. */
float32_t A2; /**< The derived gain, A2 = Kd . */
float32_t state[3]; /**< The state array of length 3. */
float32_t Kp; /**< The proportional gain. */
float32_t Ki; /**< The integral gain. */
float32_t Kd; /**< The derivative gain. */
} arm_pid_instance_f32;
/*PID库中的PID参数结构体 是float_32格式数据 */
arm_pid_instance_f32 PID;
/* 1、设置PID参数 */
PID.Kp = PID_PARAM_KP; /* Proporcional --比例参数 */
PID.Ki = PID_PARAM_KI; /* Integral --积分参数*/
PID.Kd = PID_PARAM_KD; /* Derivative --微分参数*/
arm_pid_init_f32(&PID, 1);
void arm_pid_init_f32(arm_pid_instance_f32 * S, int32_t resetStateFlag)
while (1) {
/* 计算误差 */
float pid_error = TEMP_CURRENT - TEMP_WANT;
/* Calculate PID here, argument is error */
/* Output data will be returned, we will use it as duty cycle parameter */
duty = arm_pid_f32(&PID, pid_error);