
  这学期有模式识别课程, 讲到线性分类器, 找到一篇很好的博客讲关于感知器算法的, 现在wordpress似乎要FQ了

  源地址: 小崔爱自由



线性分类器在数学上被理解为线性判别函数(Linear Discriminant Functions),在几何上可以理解为决策超平面(Decision Hyperplanes)。感知器算法的诞生也就是为了确定线性判别函数中的未知参数向量w





这是一个经典的感知器模型,包括n个输入、n个权值,被称作突触权(synaptic weights),还有阈值(threshold)w0,在他们相加就和后,进入方块所示的非线性部分–激活函数,通常使用硬限幅器(Hard Limiter)来实现,他们都是阶跃函数,其输出一般为两个电平值0和1。我们称带有Hard Limiter的神经元为McCulloch-Pitts神经元。它是神经网络的基础,我们模型都是由这种MP神经元构成。


  • 为了解决一些线性不可分的数据集,在[Gal 90]中提出了新的袋式算法(Pocket Algorithm)
  • 为了把perceptron推广到解决多类分类问题,有人提出了Kesler结构。


    • Perceptron Learning Rule
      In a Perceptron, we define the update-weights function in the learning algorithm above by the formula:

      wi = wi + delta_wi


      delta_wi = alpha * (T – O) xi

      xi is the input associated with the ith input unit. alpha is a constant between 0 and 1 called the learning rate.

      Notes about this update formula:

      • Based on a basic idea due to Hebb that the strength of a connection between two units should be adjusted in proportion to the product of their simultaneous activations. A product is used as a means of measuring the correlation between the values output by the two units.
      • Also called the Delta Rule or the Widrow-Hoff Rule
      • "Local" learning rule in that only local information in the network is needed to update a weight
      • Performs gradient descent in "weight space" in that if there are n weights in the network, this rule will be used to iteratively adjust all of the weights so that at each iteration (training example) the error is decreasing (more correctly, the error is monotonically non-increasing)
      • Correct output (T = O) causes no change in a weight
      • xi = 0 causes no change in weight
      • Does not depend on wi
      • If T=1 and O=0, then increase the weight so that hopefully next time the result will exceed the threshold at the output unit and cause the output O to be 1
      • If T=0 and O=1, then decrease the weight so that hopefully next time the result will be below the threshold and cause the output to be 0.
