软件界面原型设计工具(BlackBerry):免费的BlackBerry UI Prototyping

用途:产品经理在Windows笔记本上画BlackBerry UI用户界面
注意:不是所见即所得的UI 代码生成工具

BlackBerry UI Prototyping- v1.0

BlackBerry UI Prototyping Visio Stencils is a free product that's oriented on project managers and gurus that participate in planning of the project as the first stage of development. We support ideas that planning at the beginning of the project saves time and efforts in the future, and for most cases helps to identify problems earlier.
Significant part of the project planning is Graphical User Interface prototyping. From the one side it is the most important part for all mobile applications and some teams spend weeks on UI design, from the other side, even graphics designer needs understanding what application's screen can do. Which interactivity screen elements contain? What is the behaviour of each element on the screen? Developer can answer these questions, but visual style feeling is not always the same as end users have. Developer should do stencils, designer should do the rest of the job. Our prototyping stencils helps project managers complete UI prototype in few hours and show complete logical design of application UI to customer or graphics designer. Early prototyping without writing a line of code can greatly help during project planning.


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