leetcode Word Search回溯算法

Given a 2D board and a word, find if the word exists in the grid.

The word can be constructed from letters of sequentially adjacent cell, where "adjacent" cells are those horizontally or vertically neighboring. The same letter cell may not be used more than once.

For example,
Given board =

word  =  "ABCCED" , -> returns  true ,
word  =  "SEE" , -> returns  true ,

word = "ABCB", -> returns false.



visited.resize(row, vector(col));//初始化visited


class Solution {
	string str;
	int row;
	int col;
	bool res = false;
	vector> visited;//辅助数组,用于记录是否访问过
	vector> boardcopy;
	void backtracking(int r, int c, int dep)
		if (dep == str.size())
		if (r>0 && !res&&!visited[r - 1][c] && boardcopy[r - 1][c] == str[dep])//上:能往上走,res还没true,没被访问过,且与字符串相等
			visited[r - 1][c] = true;
			backtracking(r-1, c, dep + 1);
			visited[r - 1][c] = false;
		if (r0 && !res&&!visited[r][c - 1] && boardcopy[r][c - 1] == str[dep])//左:还没true,没被访问过,且与字符串相等
			visited[r][c - 1] = true;
			backtracking(r, c-1, dep + 1);
			visited[r][c-1] = false;
		if (c>& board, string word) {
		row = board.size();
		if (!row) return false;
		col = board[0].size();
		str = word;
		boardcopy = board;
		visited.resize(row, vector(col));//初始化visited
		for (int i = 0; i < row&&!res; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < col&&!res; j++)
				if (board[i][j]==word[0])//入口点
					visited[i][j] = true;//入口点标记访问过
				    backtracking(i, j, 1);//dep为1
					visited[i][j] = false;//记得返回成未访问
		return res;
