MTK ubuntu 使用SP Flash Tool

QT FlashTool can not flash under ubuntu14.04, while under windows XP/7/8.1 and ubuntu 12.04/10.04 it’s ok.

For now, QT flashtool can flash under ubuntu 10.04/12.04/14.04, and the windows OS supported are winXP/7/8.1.
We have found that a software “ModemManager” will occupy the download com port to send data, and it will damage the protocol bettwen tool and phone,
which will lead to download fail.


1, ubuntu shell cmd: sudo apt-get purge modemmanager
2, Double confirm if the ModemManager is under the root directory /bin, if yes, remove it or rename the software.
3, Using configuration in udev to avoid USB device to be recognized as modem device.
– add the file “99-ttyacms.rules” in the path “/etc/udev/rules.d”
– add the following content in the file “99-ttyacms.rules”
ATTRS{idVendor}==“0e8d”, ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}=“1”

Note: If after that the QT flashtool still can not flash, there are some notics need to be checked also while download under ubuntu OS,
the detail please refer to [FAQ09734] [FlashTool]Qt FlashTool在Linux下不能下载,提示S_COM_PROT_OPEN_FAIL

sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart
请在terminal 中 sudo 运行
sudo ./flash_tool
