
journal 主要用途是,当事务要修改page时,先把未修改的page存入journal中,如果事务rollback时,就从journal中得到修改前的数据,覆盖已改的,达到事务的一致性。




The format for the journal header is as follows:
- 8 bytes: Magic identifying journal format.
- 4 bytes: Number of records in journal, or -1 no-sync mode is on.
- 4 bytes: Random number used for page hash.
- 4 bytes: Initial database page count.
- 4 bytes: Sector size used by the process that wrote this journal.
- 4 bytes: Database page size.



** The journal file format is as follows:
**  (1)  8 byte prefix.  A copy of aJournalMagic[].
**  (2)  4 byte big-endian integer which is the number of valid page records
**       in the journal.  If this value is 0xffffffff, then compute the
**       number of page records from the journal size.
**  (3)  4 byte big-endian integer which is the initial value for the
**       sanity checksum.
**  (4)  4 byte integer which is the number of pages to truncate the
**       database to during a rollback.
**  (5)  4 byte big-endian integer which is the sector size.  The header
**       is this many bytes in size.
**  (6)  4 byte big-endian integer which is the page size.
**  (7)  zero padding out to the next sector size.
**  (8)  Zero or more pages instances, each as follows:
**        +  4 byte page number.
**        +  pPager->pageSize bytes of data.
**        +  4 byte checksum
** When we speak of the journal header, we mean the first 7 items above.
** Each entry in the journal is an instance of the 8th item.


