首先感谢github大佬@Stefan Urban
double u = aU + bU * p + cU * p * p + dU * p * p* p;
double v = aV + bV * p + cV * p * p + dV * p * p* p;
double phi = hdg;
double cos_phi = cos(phi);
double sin_phi = sin(phi);
double x = (cos_phi * u - sin_phi * v) + x;
double y = (sin_phi * u + cos_phi * v) + y;
def calcPosition(self, s):
# Position
S = (s / self._length) * self._pRange
coeffsU = [self._aU, self._bU, self._cU, self._dU]
coeffsV = [self._aV, self._bV, self._cV, self._dV]
#(s) ->(u,v)
u = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(S, coeffsU)
v = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(S, coeffsV)
xrot = u * np.cos(self._heading) - v * np.sin(self._heading)
yrot = u * np.sin(self._heading) + v * np.cos(self._heading)
# Tangent is defined by derivation
dCoeffsU = coeffsU[1:] * np.array(np.arange(1, len(coeffsU)))
dCoeffsV = coeffsV[1:] * np.array(np.arange(1, len(coeffsV)))
dx = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(S, dCoeffsU)
dy = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(S, dCoeffsV)
tangent = np.arctan2(dy, dx)
return (self._startPosition + np.array([xrot, yrot]), self._heading + tangent)
def calc(self, sPos, addOffset=0.0):
""" Calculate the border """
if isinstance(self._reference, PlanView):
# Last reference has to be a reference geometry
refPos, refTang = self._reference.calc(self._refOffset + sPos)
elif isinstance(self._reference, Border):
# Offset of all inner lanes
refPos, refTang = self._reference.calc(self._refOffset + sPos)
raise Exception("Reference must be plan view or other lane border.")
if not self._coeffs or not self._coeffsOffsets:
raise Exception("No entries for width definitions.")
# Find correct coefficients
widthIdx = next((self._coeffsOffsets.index(n) for n in self._coeffsOffsets[::-1] if n <= sPos), len(self._coeffsOffsets))
# Calculate width at sPos
distance = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(sPos - self._coeffsOffsets[widthIdx], self._coeffs[widthIdx]) + addOffset
# New point is in orthogonal direction
ortho = refTang + np.pi / 2
newPos = refPos + np.array([distance * np.cos(ortho), distance * np.sin(ortho)])
return newPos, refTang