Guido van Rossum致中国读者信

大家可以从或网站列出的镜像网站)免费下载Python。Python完全开源,任何人都可以为它贡献力量,也都可以看到它在平台上的实现。Python没有那些只有软件厂商私有的隐藏算法。这也正是Python能够取得成功的关键因素之一。Python软件基金会(Python Software Foundation)是一个由Python开发人员和用户运行的非营利组织。Python软件基金会拥有,Python软件和Python商标,以确保这些资源的公开。

Guido van Rossum致上

以下是Guido van Rossum先生致中国读者信的英语原文:

Dear Chinese Readers.
I'm delighted that CSDN is giving me the opportunity to have my blog translated into Chinese. Python is a programming language that can make everybody's life easier -- by letting you focus on the task at hand, rather than on the obscure details of computer systems. Chinese users who want to learn more about Python are recommended to check out other Chinese-language resources, for example those listed here: .

Python's implementation is available as a free download for everybody from (and from mirror sites listed there). Moreover, Python is open source, meaning that everybody can contribute to its success, and everybody can see the implementation -- there are no proprietary parts implementing hidden algorithms only known to the software vendor. This is one of the keys to Python's success. An independent non-profit organization run by Python developers and users, the Python Software Foundation, owns the website, the rights to the Python software, and the Python trademark, to ensure that these will remain free to use for all.

But the actual work is done by volunteers like yourself. Python's developer community spans the globe, and I am looking forward to contributions from Chinese developers.

Welcome to my blog,
--Guido van Rossum (home page:




Guido van Rossum是Python编程语言的创始人,原在荷兰,现居美国,就职于Google公司。1989年圣诞节期间,在阿姆斯特丹,Guido为了打发无聊的圣诞假期,决心开发一个新的脚本解释程序,作为ABC语言的一种继承。之所以选中Python作为程序的名字,是因为他迷上了英国肥皂剧《Monty Python飞行马戏团》。Guido van Rossum先生的精品著作包括:An Introduction to PythonPython Library Reference (Open Source Library)Python Reference Manual Python TutorialInternet Programming with PythonThe Python Language Reference Manual等。由于他在Python编程语言方面所做出的杰出贡献,Rossum先生获得了自由软件基金会(Free Software Foundation :FSF)第四届自由软件进步大奖(FSF Award for the Advancement of Free Software)。

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