This application note explains the way to build the secure BL1(1st Bootloader) and BL2(2nd Bootloader) images in the booting environment of Exynos4212. iROM code(iROM Bootloader) of Exynos4212 confirms to download the BL1 image with checksum, verifies the integrity of the secure BL1 image, decrypts the secure BL1 image, and then iROM goes to BL1 IROM CODE是三星提供的程序包,不开源,我们拿到的是一个bin文件,后面会描述烧写位置。
The booting device can be selected by OM pins.
首先看BL1,BL1 code copies the BL2 image to internal RAM.
BL2 code copies the OS image(BL3) to external DRAM area and checks the integrity of OS code
3.memory map
The size of the secure BL1 is8192B
In order to execute iROM properly, 5KB should be reserved at the start of internal memory. The secure context for BL1 code should be located at 0x0202_3000 of internal memory. The size of BL2 code can be user defined and depends on BL1 code. However, in S.LSI‟s reference code of BL1, the valid size of BL2 code would be less than 14332B 14KB-4B, 4B is the checksum) and if the size of BL2 code is less than 14332B, the rest area up to 14332B should be filled with zeros. The signature for BL2 should be located 0x0202_6C00 of internal memory and the checksum for BL2 should be at 0x0202_6BFC in S.LSI‟s reference code. 由上可知:
同生成的做法一样,添加和移除类成员只要去修改fields和methods中的元素即可。这里我们拿一个简单的类做例子,下面这个Task类,我们来移除isNeedRemove方法,并且添加一个int 类型的addedField属性。
package asm.core;
* Created by yunshen.ljy on 2015/6/
交换两个数字的方法有以下三种 ,其中第一种最常用
public class jiaohuan1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int a =4;
int b = 3;
// 第一种交换方式
int tmep =
1. Kafka提供了两种Consumer API
High Level Consumer API
Low Level Consumer API(Kafka诡异的称之为Simple Consumer API,实际上非常复杂)
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// this need android:minSdkVersion="11"
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
$(document).ready(function () {
var request = {
QueryString :
function (val) {
var uri =;
var re = new RegExp("" + val + "=([^&?]*)", &
ArticleSelect类在命名空间HoverTree.Model中可以认为是文章查询条件类,用于存放查询文章时的条件,例如HvtId就是文章的id。HvtIsShow就是文章的显示属性,当为-1是,该条件不产生作用,当为0时,查询不公开显示的文章,当为1时查询公开显示的文章。HvtIsHome则为是否在首页显示。HoverTree系统源码完全开放,开发环境为Visual Studio 2013
1. php 类
I found this class looking for something else actually but I remembered I needed some while ago something similar and I never found one. I'm sure it will help a lot of developers who try to
Design pattern for graph processing.
Since we consider a large number of graph-processing algorithms, our initial design goal is to decouple our implementations from the graph representation