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中文文档:中文使用文档 中国内地用户务必阅读!


Quick start

Just “Quick start”, visit English doc for more.


npm install --save hexo-submit-urls-to-search-engine

2.Edit hexo config.yml


Of course, you can use environment variables to record the key, so that even if the source code is placed in a public warehouse, it will not reveal the secret key.

  submit_condition: count # count/period The submitted condition, only supports count now
  count: 10 ## Submit the latest 10 links
  period: 900 #A period of time, in seconds, the update time of the article is away from the running time of the plugin. Within this period of time, the link will be submitted
  google: 0 #  1/0->on/off   Submit to Google
  bing: 1 #Submit to bing
  baidu: 1 #Submit to baidu
  txt_path: submit_urls.txt ## The address of the text document, the link to be pushed will be saved in this text document
  baidu_host: https://cjh0613.github.io ## Domain name registered in Baidu webmaster platform
  baidu_token: xxxxx ## Please note that this is your secret key, so do not publish the website source code in the public repository!
  bing_host: https://cjh0613.github.io ## Domain name registered in Bing webmaster platform
  bing_token: xxxxx ## Please note that this is your secret key, so do not publish the website source code in the public repository!
  google_host: https://cjh0613.github.io ## Domain name registered in Google webmaster platform
  google_key_file: Project.json #Store the json file of the google key in the root directory of the website (same location as the hexo config.yml file), please do not publish the source code of the website in the public warehouse!


- type: cjh_google_url_submitter
- type: cjh_bing_url_submitter
- type: cjh_baidu_url_submitter

If you can push successfully, please click “Star” as support, thank you!



hexo clean && hexo generate && hexo deploy

And enjoy!

success response:

Bing response:  { d: null }
Baidu response:  {"remain":2999,"success":1}
Google response:  { urlNotificationMetadata:
   { url:
      { url:
        type: 'URL_UPDATED',
        notifyTime: '2020-06-12T05:37:25.701779228Z' } } }
