Freescale k60的Comparator的操作

    The comparator (CMP) module provides a circuit for comparing two analog input voltages. The comparator circuit is designed to operate across the full range of the supply voltage, known as rail-to-rail operation.

    The Analog MUX (ANMUX) provides a circuit for selecting an analog input signal from  eight channels. One signal is provided by the 6-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC).The mux circuit is designed to operate across the full range of the supply voltage.The 6-bit DAC is 64-tap resistor ladder network which provides a selectable voltage reference for applications where voltage reference is needed. The 64-tap resistor ladder network divides the supply reference Vin into 64 voltage levels. A 6-bit digital signal input selects the output voltage level, which varies from Vin to Vin/64. Vin can be selected from two voltage sources, Vin1 and Vin2. The 6-bit DAC from a comparator is vailable as an on-chip internal signal only and is not available externally to a pin。


Freescale k60的Comparator的操作_第1张图片

// Configure CMP.
  hscmp_clear(); //clear comparator registers
  CMP_CR0_REG(cmpch) = 0x00;  // Filter and digital hysteresis disabled
  CMP_CR1_REG(cmpch) = 0x15;  // Continuous mode, high-speed compare, unfiltered output, output pin disabled
  CMP_FPR_REG(cmpch) = 0x00;  // Filter disabled
  CMP_SCR_REG(cmpch) = 0x1E;  // Enable rising and falling edge interrupts, clear flags
  CMP_DACCR_REG(cmpch) = 0xE0; // 6-bit reference DAC enabled, output set to 1/2-scale, Vdd reference
  CMP_MUXCR_REG(cmpch) = 0xC7; // P-input as external channel 0. M-input as 6b DAC
  CMP_CR1_REG(cmpch) |= CMP_CR1_OPE_MASK; // Enable output pin for HSCMP0


void hscmp_clear()
  CMP_MemMapPtr cmpch = CMP0_BASE_PTR;

  CMP_CR0_REG(cmpch) = 0;
  CMP_CR1_REG(cmpch) = 0;
  CMP_FPR_REG(cmpch) = 0; 
  CMP_SCR_REG(cmpch) = 0x06;  // Clear flags if set.
  CMP_DACCR_REG(cmpch) = 0;
  CMP_MUXCR_REG(cmpch) = 0;

(1)  CMP_CR0_REG(cmpch) = 0; 将CMP0 Control Register 0 赋值为0,

Freescale k60的Comparator的操作_第2张图片

This makes the filter mode disabled and the hystersis level is  Level 0.

(2)  CMP_CR1_REG(cmpch) = 0;

Freescale k60的Comparator的操作_第3张图片

SE = 0 means the samlping mode is not selected

WE = 0 means the windowing mode is not selected

PMODE = 0 means the Low-Speed Comprision is selected. In this mode, CMP has slower output propagation(传输) delay  and low current consumption.

INV = 0 means the Does not invert(反转) the comparator output

COS = 0 sets the filtered comparator output to equal COUT and COS = 1 sets the unfiltered comparator output to equal COUTA.

OPE = 0 :CMPO is not available on the associated pin .OPE = 1 :CMPO is  available on the associated pin . 

EN = 0 : The Analog  Comparator is disabled. When the user selects the same input from the analog mux to the positive and negetive port, the comparator is disabled automatically.

(3)CMP_FPR_REG(cmpch) = 0; 

CMP Filter Peroid Register 这个寄存器在CMP_CR1中的SE位置1 的时候不起任何作用,因为此时外部的采样信号决定了采样的周期,在SE=0的时候,如果FILT_PER = 0,则filter功能disabled。

(4)  CMP_SCR_REG(cmpch) = 0x06;  // Clear flags if set.
Freescale k60的Comparator的操作_第4张图片


CFR is cleared by writing 1 to it and the same as CFF



(5)CMP_DACCR_REG(cmpch) = 0;

Freescale k60的Comparator的操作_第5张图片
(6)  CMP_MUXCR_REG(cmpch) = 0;

 Freescale k60的Comparator的操作_第6张图片

以上描述了void hscmp_clear()对于CMP0的配置

  CMP_CR0_REG(cmpch) = 0x00;  // Filter and digital hysteresis disabled
  CMP_CR1_REG(cmpch) = 0x15;  // Continuous mode, high-speed compare, unfiltered output, output pin disabled
  CMP_FPR_REG(cmpch) = 0x00;  // Filter disabled
  CMP_SCR_REG(cmpch) = 0x1E;  // Enable rising and falling edge interrupts, clear flags
  CMP_DACCR_REG(cmpch) = 0xE0; // 6-bit reference DAC enabled, output set to 1/2-scale, Vdd reference
  CMP_MUXCR_REG(cmpch) = 0xC7; // P-input as external channel 0. M-input as 6b DAC
  CMP_CR1_REG(cmpch) |= CMP_CR1_OPE_MASK; // Enable output pin for HSCMP0

  #define CMP_CR1_OPE_MASK                         0x2u

Freescale k60的Comparator的操作_第7张图片

