C8051F35x_中文数据手册.pdf : https://download.csdn.net/download/sudaroot/10933707
官方例程C8051xxx Examples.rar :https://download.csdn.net/download/sudaroot/12496814
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// F35x_ADC0_Buffered.c
// Copyright 2004 Silicon Laboratories, Inc.
// AUTH: BD / PC / BW
// LMOD: BW 15 JUL 2004
// DATE: 06 APR 2004
// This program demonstrates taking measurements using the 24-bit ADC on the
// C8051F350/51 devices.
// Input pin configuration shown in ADC0_Init().
// For a Noise measurement, connect AIN0 and AIN1 to AGND at the terminal
// block. Set "USE_FLOAT" to '1', "PRINT_STATISTICS" to '1',
// "PRINT_SAMPLES" to '0', and "PRINT_VOLTAGES" to '0'.
// This software configures the ADC to use an external VREF. Therefore,
// on the 'F350 target board, J13 and J14 should have their shorting blocks
// installed.
// The standard deviation (Sigma) of a sample set is equivalent to the
// effective RMS noise of the conversion system. "Sigma", when converted
// to Volts, is equivalent to the input-referred noise floor of the
// sampling system.
// Typical values of Sigma from the C8051F350 rev B target board with
// AIN0 and AIN1 grounded at the terminal block are around 9 to 11 LSBs
// in bipolar mode. For a DC measurement, this is equivalent to a Signal-
// to-Noise ratio of about 117dB, or about 20 bits of effective dynamic
// range.
// 117dB = 20 log10 ( 11 / 2^23)
// 20 bits = 117dB / 6dB/bit
// Another parameter of note for integrating converters is the number of
// Noise-Free bits. For a Gaussian-distributed noise floor, this number
// can be obtained by multiplying Sigma by 6, evaluating the number of
// bits required to contain the result, and subtracting this number of
// bits from the 24 available bits, as follows:
// 10 LSBs * 6 = 60 LSBs, which can be contained in 6 bits. Noise-free
// resolution is 24bits - 6 bits = 18 bits.
// Refer to 'F350 datasheet tables "ADC0 Electrical Characteristics" and
// "Absolute Maximum Ratings" for the MIN/MAX voltage range on input pins.
// If using the eval version of the Keil compiler, set "USE_FLOAT" to '0'
// and calculate the standard deviation by taking the square root
// of "variance".
// Target: C8051F35x
// Tool chain: KEIL C51
// v1.0 PC 26 MAY 2004
// Initial Revision (Adapted from 'F350 Temp Sensor Demo)
// set USE_FLOAT to '0' to use EVAL version of Keil compiler
#define USE_FLOAT 1
// Includes
#include // SFR declarations
#include // Standard I/O Library
// 16-bit SFR Definitions for 'F35x
sfr16 DP = 0x82; // data pointer
sfr16 TMR3RL = 0x92; // Timer3 reload value
sfr16 TMR3 = 0x94; // Timer3 counter
sfr16 ADC0DEC = 0x9a;
sfr16 TMR2RL = 0xca; // Timer2 reload value
sfr16 TMR2 = 0xcc; // Timer2 counter
sfr16 PCA0CP0 = 0xe9; // PCA0 Module 1 Capture/Compare
sfr16 PCA0CP1 = 0xeb; // PCA0 Module 2 Capture/Compare
sfr16 PCA0CP2 = 0xed; // PCA0 Module 2 Capture/Compare
sfr16 PCA0 = 0xf9; // PCA0 counter
#define SYSCLK 49000000 // SYSCLK frequency (Hz)
#define BAUDRATE 115200 // UART0 Baudrate (bps)
#define MDCLK 2457600 // Modulator Clock (Hz)
#define OWR 10 // desired Output Word Rate in Hz
#define VREF 250L // External VREF (x 10^-2 V)
#define VREF 243UL // Internal VREF (x 10^-2 V)
sbit LED0 = P0^6; // LED0='1' means ON
sbit LED1 = P0^7; // LED1='1' means ON
sbit SW2 = P1^0; // SW2='0' means switch pressed
// Function PROTOTYPES
void SYSCLK_Init (void);
void PORT_Init (void);
void ADC0_Init (void);
void IDA0_Init (void);
void UART0_Init (void);
// MAIN Routine
void main (void) {
volatile long ADC_OutputVal=0; // Concatenated ADC output value
long xdata sample_array[128];
unsigned i;
long min;
long max;
long l_temp;
long l_average;
long l_variance;
long l_owr;
#if (USE_FLOAT == 1)
float temp;
float average;
float variance;
float stdev;
float owr;
#endif // USE_FLOAT
// disable watchdog timer
PCA0MD &= ~0x40; // WDTE = 0 (clear watchdog timer
// enable)
SYSCLK_Init(); // Initialize system clock to 49 MHz
PORT_Init(); // Initialize crossbar and GPIO
LED0 = 0;
LED1 = 0;
ADC0_Init(); // Initialize ADC0
UART0_Init(); // Initialize UART0
EA = 1; // enable global interrupts
printf("\nMeasurements using the 24-bit ADC in C8051F350\n");
printf("\nCalibrating ...\n");
EIE1 &= ~0x08; // Disable ADC0 interrupts
ADC0MD |= 0x01; // Init Internal Full cal
while (!AD0CALC); // Wait for calibration complete
ADC0MD &= ~0x07; // clear bits (put ADC0 in IDLE
// mode)
printf("Calibration complete\n\n");
AD0INT = 0; // clear pending sample indication
ADC0MD = 0x83; // Start continuous conversions
// capture 128 samples
printf ("Collecting 128 samples...\n");
LED0 = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
while(!AD0INT); // wait till conversion complete
AD0INT = 0; // clear AD0 interrupt flag
// concatenate ADC0 data bytes to form the 24-bit value
ADC_OutputVal = (char)ADC0H;
ADC_OutputVal <<= 16;
ADC_OutputVal += (long)ADC0L + ((long)ADC0M << 8);
sample_array[i] = ADC_OutputVal;
LED0 = 0;
// calculate mean, min, and max
#if (USE_FLOAT == 1)
average = 0;
#endif // USE_FLOAT
l_average = 0L;
min = 0x7fffffffL;
max = 0x80000000L;
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
ADC_OutputVal = sample_array[i];
l_average = l_average + ADC_OutputVal;
if (ADC_OutputVal < min)
min = ADC_OutputVal;
if (ADC_OutputVal > max)
max = ADC_OutputVal;
#if (USE_FLOAT == 1)
average = average + (float) ADC_OutputVal;
#endif // USE_FLOAT
l_average = l_average / 128;
#if (USE_FLOAT == 1)
average = average / 128;
#endif // USE_FLOAT
// calculate variance
l_variance = 0L;
#if (USE_FLOAT == 1)
variance = 0;
#endif // USE_FLOAT
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
ADC_OutputVal = sample_array[i];
l_temp = ADC_OutputVal;
l_temp = l_temp - l_average;
l_temp = l_temp * l_temp;
l_variance = l_variance + l_temp;
#if (USE_FLOAT == 1)
temp = (float) ADC_OutputVal;
temp = temp - average;
temp = temp * temp;
variance = variance + temp;
#endif // USE_FLOAT
l_variance = l_variance / 127; // unbiased variance
l_owr = (long) SYSCLK / (long)(ADC0CLK + 1);
l_owr = (long) l_owr / (long)(ADC0DEC + 1);
l_owr = (long) l_owr / (long)128;
#if (USE_FLOAT == 1)
variance = variance / 127; // unbiased variance
stdev = sqrt (variance);
owr = SYSCLK /(ADC0CLK + 1);
owr = owr / (ADC0DEC + 1);
owr = owr / 128;
#endif // USE_FLOAT
// print statistics
LED1 = 1;
printf ("SYSCLK = %lu\n", (unsigned long) SYSCLK);
printf ("ADC0CLK = 0x%02x\n", (unsigned) ADC0CLK);
printf ("ADC0DEC = 0x%02x%02x\n", (unsigned) ADC0DECH,
(unsigned) ADC0DECL);
printf ("min = %ld\n", min);
printf ("max = %ld\n", max);
#if (USE_FLOAT == 1)
printf ("average = %.2f\n", average);
printf ("stdev = %.2f\n", stdev);
printf ("variance = %.2f\n", variance);
printf ("OWR = %.2f Hz\n", owr);
printf ("average = %ld\n", l_average);
printf ("variance = %ld\n", l_variance);
printf ("OWR = %ld Hz\n", l_owr);
#endif // USE_FLOAT
printf ("\n");
LED1 = 0;
// print samples
#if (PRINT_SAMPLES == 1)
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
ADC_OutputVal = sample_array[i];
printf ("%6ld\n", ADC_OutputVal);
// printf ("0x%06lx\n", ADC_OutputVal);
// print voltages
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
long Calculated_uV; // Measured voltage in uV
ADC_OutputVal = sample_array[i];
// Caculate measured voltage in uV:
// V (in uV) = ADCcode * VREF * 10 / 2^24
// Note1: Multiplying by 10 because VREF is in 10^-2 V
// Note2: Shifting by 4 before multiplying 10 to prevent overflow
// of unsigned long variable (32 bits)
Calculated_uV = ((((((ADC_OutputVal*2*VREF)/16)*10)/1024)*1000)/1024);
// Output result:
printf("ADC Output Code = %6ld [Calculated voltage = %+07ld uV]\n",
ADC_OutputVal, Calculated_uV);
}// end while(1)
// SYSCLK_Init
// This routine initializes the system clock to use the internal 24.5MHz
// oscillator as its clock source, with x 2 multiply for
// 49 MHz operation. Also enables missing clock detector reset.
void SYSCLK_Init (void)
unsigned i;
OSCICN = 0x80; // enable intosc
CLKSEL = 0x00; // select intosc as sysclk source
// INTOSC configure
OSCICN = 0x83;
// PLL configure
CLKMUL = 0x00; // Reset Clock Multiplier
CLKMUL &= ~0x03; // select INTOSC / 2 as PLL source
CLKMUL |= 0x80; // Enable 4x Multipler (MULEN = 1)
for (i = 0; i < 125; i++); // Delay for at least 5us
CLKMUL |= 0xC0; // Initialize Multiplier
while (!(CLKMUL & 0x20)); // Poll for Multiply Ready
// SYSCLK configure
VDM0CN = 0x80; // enable VDD monitor
RSTSRC = 0x06; // enable missing clock detector
// and VDD monitor reset sources
CLKSEL = 0x02; // select PLL as clock source
// PORT_Init
// Configure the Crossbar and GPIO ports.
// P0.4 - TX0 (push-pull)
// P0.5 - RX0
// P0.6 - LED1 (push-pull)
// P0.7 - LED2 (push-pull)
void PORT_Init (void)
XBR0 = 0x01; // UART0 Selected
XBR1 = 0x40; // Enable crossbar and weak pull-ups
P0MDOUT |= 0xD0; // TX, LEDs = Push-pull
// ADC0_Init extVREF Bipolar AIN0.1-AIN0.0
// This function initializes the ADC to measure across AIN0.1 and AIN0.0
// on the Target Board (Differential measurements, Bipolar codes)
void ADC0_Init (void)
unsigned ADC0_decimation;
REF0CN &= ~0x01; // disable internal vref
REF0CN |= 0x01; // (enable if using internal vref)
ADC0CN = 0x10; // Bipolar output codes, GAIN=1
ADC0CF = 0x00; // interrupts upon SINC3 filter output
// and uses internal VREF
ADC0CF = 0x04; // interrupts upon SINC3 filter output
// and uses external VREF
// Generate MDCLK for modulator.
// Ideally MDCLK = 2.4576
// Ideally, MDCLK = 2.4576 MHz
// ADC0DEC = 0x7FF; // set slowest OWR
// program decimation rate for desired OWR
ADC0_decimation = (unsigned long) SYSCLK/ (unsigned long) OWR /
(unsigned long) (ADC0CLK+1)/(unsigned long)128;
ADC0DEC = ADC0_decimation;
ADC0BUF = 0x00; // Turn off Input Buffers
// Select Mux inputs
// ADC0MUX = 0x08; // Input pin selection:
// Setup for differential measurements
// AIN+ => AIN0.0
// AIN- => AGND
// ADC0MUX = 0x00; // Input pin selection:
// Setup for differential measurements
// AIN+ => AIN0.0
// AIN- => AIN0.0
ADC0MUX = 0x01; // Input pin selection:
// Setup for differential measurements
// AIN+ => AIN0.0
// AIN- => AIN0.1
// ADC0MUX = 0x10; // Input pin selection:
// Setup for differential measurements
// AIN+ => AIN0.1
// AIN- => AIN0.0
// ADC0MUX = 0x32; // Input pin selection:
// Setup for differential measurements
// AIN+ => AIN0.3
// AIN- => AIN0.2
// ADC0MUX = 0x54; // Input pin selection:
// Setup for differential measurements
// AIN+ => AIN0.5
// AIN- => AIN0.4
// ADC0MUX = 0x76; // Input pin selection:
// Setup for differential measurements
// AIN+ => AIN0.7
// AIN- => AIN0.6
// ADC0MUX = 0xff; // Input pin selection:
// Setup for differential measurements
// AIN+ => Temp+
// AIN- => Temp-
// ADC0MUX = 0x88; // Input pin selection:
// Setup for differential measurements
// AIN+ => AGND
// AIN- => AGND
ADC0MD = 0x80; // Enable the ADC0 (IDLE Mode)
// UART0_Init
// Configure the UART0 using Timer1, for and 8-N-1.
void UART0_Init (void)
SCON0 = 0x10; // 8-bit variable bit rate
// level of STOP bit is ignored
// RX enabled
// ninth bits are zeros
// clear RI0 and TI0 bits
if (SYSCLK/BAUDRATE/2/256 < 1) {
CKCON |= 0x08; // T1M = 1; SCA1:0 = xx
} else if (SYSCLK/BAUDRATE/2/256 < 4) {
CKCON &= ~0x0B; // T1M = 0; SCA1:0 = 01
CKCON |= 0x01;
} else if (SYSCLK/BAUDRATE/2/256 < 12) {
CKCON &= ~0x0B; // T1M = 0; SCA1:0 = 00
} else {
CKCON &= ~0x0B; // T1M = 0; SCA1:0 = 10
CKCON |= 0x02;
TL1 = TH1; // init Timer1
TMOD &= ~0xf0; // TMOD: timer 1 in 8-bit autoreload
TMOD |= 0x20;
TR1 = 1; // START Timer1
TI0 = 1; // Indicate TX0 ready