













__NAMESPACE__空间名称 v5.3.0新增



该函数属于文件系统相关扩展(FileSystem 函数)









require_once 导入$yii


 * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
 * @copyright Copyright © 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
 * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
 * @package system
 * @since 1.0


 * Yii is a helper class serving common framework functionalities.
 * It encapsulates {@link YiiBase} which provides the actual implementation.
 * By writing your own Yii class, you can customize some functionalities of YiiBase.
 * @author Qiang Xue 
 * @package system
 * @since 1.0
class Yii extends YiiBase











 * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
 * @copyright Copyright © 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
 * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
 * @package system
 * @since 1.0

 * Gets the application start timestamp.
defined('YII_BEGIN_TIME') or define('YII_BEGIN_TIME',microtime(true));
 * This constant defines whether the application should be in debug mode or not. Defaults to false.
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG',false);
 * This constant defines how much call stack information (file name and line number) should be logged by Yii::trace().
 * Defaults to 0, meaning no backtrace information. If it is greater than 0,
 * at most that number of call stacks will be logged. Note, only user application call stacks are considered.
defined('YII_TRACE_LEVEL') or define('YII_TRACE_LEVEL',0);
 * This constant defines whether exception handling should be enabled. Defaults to true.
 * This constant defines whether error handling should be enabled. Defaults to true.
 * Defines the Yii framework installation path.
defined('YII_PATH') or define('YII_PATH',dirname(__FILE__));
 * Defines the Zii library installation path.

 * YiiBase is a helper class serving common framework functionalities.
 * Do not use YiiBase directly. Instead, use its child class {@link Yii} where
 * you can customize methods of YiiBase.
 * @author Qiang Xue 
 * @package system
 * @since 1.0
class YiiBase
	 * @var array class map used by the Yii autoloading mechanism.
	 * The array keys are the class names and the array values are the corresponding class file paths.
	 * @since 1.1.5
	public static $classMap=array();
	 * @var boolean whether to rely on PHP include path to autoload class files. Defaults to true.
	 * You may set this to be false if your hosting environment doesn't allow changing the PHP
	 * include path, or if you want to append additional autoloaders to the default Yii autoloader.
	 * @since 1.1.8
	public static $enableIncludePath=true;

	private static $_aliases=array('system'=>YII_PATH,'zii'=>YII_ZII_PATH); // alias => path
	private static $_imports=array();					// alias => class name or directory
	private static $_includePaths;						// list of include paths
	private static $_app;
	private static $_logger;

	 * @return string the version of Yii framework
	public static function getVersion()
		return '1.1.13';

	 * Creates a Web application instance.
	 * @param mixed $config application configuration.
	 * If a string, it is treated as the path of the file that contains the configuration;
	 * If an array, it is the actual configuration information.
	 * Please make sure you specify the {@link CApplication::basePath basePath} property in the configuration,
	 * which should point to the directory containing all application logic, template and data.
	 * If not, the directory will be defaulted to 'protected'.
	 * @return CWebApplication
	public static function createWebApplication($config=null)
		return self::createApplication('CWebApplication',$config);

	 * Creates a console application instance.
	 * @param mixed $config application configuration.
	 * If a string, it is treated as the path of the file that contains the configuration;
	 * If an array, it is the actual configuration information.
	 * Please make sure you specify the {@link CApplication::basePath basePath} property in the configuration,
	 * which should point to the directory containing all application logic, template and data.
	 * If not, the directory will be defaulted to 'protected'.
	 * @return CConsoleApplication
	public static function createConsoleApplication($config=null)
		return self::createApplication('CConsoleApplication',$config);

	 * Creates an application of the specified class.
	 * @param string $class the application class name
	 * @param mixed $config application configuration. This parameter will be passed as the parameter
	 * to the constructor of the application class.
	 * @return mixed the application instance
	public static function createApplication($class,$config=null)
		return new $class($config);

	 * Returns the application singleton or null if the singleton has not been created yet.
	 * @return CApplication the application singleton, null if the singleton has not been created yet.
	public static function app()
		return self::$_app;

	 * Stores the application instance in the class static member.
	 * This method helps implement a singleton pattern for CApplication.
	 * Repeated invocation of this method or the CApplication constructor
	 * will cause the throw of an exception.
	 * To retrieve the application instance, use {@link app()}.
	 * @param CApplication $app the application instance. If this is null, the existing
	 * application singleton will be removed.
	 * @throws CException if multiple application instances are registered.
	public static function setApplication($app)
		if(self::$_app===null || $app===null){
			throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Yii application can only be created once.'));

	 * @return string the path of the framework
	public static function getFrameworkPath()
		return YII_PATH;

	 * Creates an object and initializes it based on the given configuration.
	 * The specified configuration can be either a string or an array.
	 * If the former, the string is treated as the object type which can
	 * be either the class name or {@link YiiBase::getPathOfAlias class path alias}.
	 * If the latter, the 'class' element is treated as the object type,
	 * and the rest of the name-value pairs in the array are used to initialize
	 * the corresponding object properties.
	 * Any additional parameters passed to this method will be
	 * passed to the constructor of the object being created.
	 * @param mixed $config the configuration. It can be either a string or an array.
	 * @return mixed the created object
	 * @throws CException if the configuration does not have a 'class' element.
	public static function createComponent($config)
			throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Object configuration must be an array containing a "class" element.'));


				$object=new $type($args[1]);
				$object=new $type($args[1],$args[2]);
				$object=new $type($args[1],$args[2],$args[3]);
				$class=new ReflectionClass($type);
				// Note: ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs() is available for PHP 5.1.3+
				// $object=$class->newInstanceArgs($args);
			$object=new $type;

		foreach($config as $key=>$value)

		return $object;

	 * Imports a class or a directory.
	 * Importing a class is like including the corresponding class file.
	 * The main difference is that importing a class is much lighter because it only
	 * includes the class file when the class is referenced the first time.
	 * Importing a directory is equivalent to adding a directory into the PHP include path.
	 * If multiple directories are imported, the directories imported later will take
	 * precedence in class file searching (i.e., they are added to the front of the PHP include path).
	 * Path aliases are used to import a class or directory. For example,
  • application.components.GoogleMap: import the GoogleMap class.
  • *
  • application.components.*: import the components directory.
  • *
* * The same path alias can be imported multiple times, but only the first time is effective. * Importing a directory does not import any of its subdirectories. * * Starting from version 1.1.5, this method can also be used to import a class in namespace format * (available for PHP 5.3 or above only). It is similar to importing a class in path alias format, * except that the dot separator is replaced by the backslash separator. For example, importing * application\components\GoogleMap is similar to importing application.components.GoogleMap. * The difference is that the former class is using qualified name, while the latter unqualified. * * Note, importing a class in namespace format requires that the namespace corresponds to * a valid path alias once backslash characters are replaced with dot characters. * For example, the namespace application\components must correspond to a valid * path alias application.components. * * @param string $alias path alias to be imported * @param boolean $forceInclude whether to include the class file immediately. If false, the class file * will be included only when the class is being used. This parameter is used only when * the path alias refers to a class. * @return string the class name or the directory that this alias refers to * @throws CException if the alias is invalid */ public static function import($alias,$forceInclude=false) { if(isset(self::$_imports[$alias])) // previously imported return self::$_imports[$alias]; if(class_exists($alias,false) || interface_exists($alias,false)) return self::$_imports[$alias]=$alias; if(($pos=strrpos($alias,'\\'))!==false) // a class name in PHP 5.3 namespace format { $namespace=str_replace('\\','.',ltrim(substr($alias,0,$pos),'\\')); if(($path=self::getPathOfAlias($namespace))!==false) { $classFile=$path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.substr($alias,$pos+1).'.php'; if($forceInclude) { if(is_file($classFile)) require($classFile); else throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Alias "{alias}" is invalid. Make sure it points to an existing PHP file and the file is readable.',array('{alias}'=>$alias))); self::$_imports[$alias]=$alias; } else self::$classMap[$alias]=$classFile; return $alias; } else throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Alias "{alias}" is invalid. Make sure it points to an existing directory.', array('{alias}'=>$namespace))); } if(($pos=strrpos($alias,'.'))===false) // a simple class name { if($forceInclude && self::autoload($alias)) self::$_imports[$alias]=$alias; return $alias; } $className=(string)substr($alias,$pos+1); $isClass=$className!=='*'; if($isClass && (class_exists($className,false) || interface_exists($className,false))) return self::$_imports[$alias]=$className; if(($path=self::getPathOfAlias($alias))!==false) { if($isClass) { if($forceInclude) { if(is_file($path.'.php')) require($path.'.php'); else throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Alias "{alias}" is invalid. Make sure it points to an existing PHP file and the file is readable.',array('{alias}'=>$alias))); self::$_imports[$alias]=$className; } else self::$classMap[$className]=$path.'.php'; return $className; } else // a directory { if(self::$_includePaths===null) { self::$_includePaths=array_unique(explode(PATH_SEPARATOR,get_include_path())); if(($pos=array_search('.',self::$_includePaths,true))!==false) unset(self::$_includePaths[$pos]); } array_unshift(self::$_includePaths,$path); if(self::$enableIncludePath && set_include_path('.'.PATH_SEPARATOR.implode(PATH_SEPARATOR,self::$_includePaths))===false) self::$enableIncludePath=false; return self::$_imports[$alias]=$path; } } else throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Alias "{alias}" is invalid. Make sure it points to an existing directory or file.', array('{alias}'=>$alias))); } /** * Translates an alias into a file path. * Note, this method does not ensure the existence of the resulting file path. * It only checks if the root alias is valid or not. * @param string $alias alias (e.g. system.web.CController) * @return mixed file path corresponding to the alias, false if the alias is invalid. */ public static function getPathOfAlias($alias) { if(isset(self::$_aliases[$alias])) return self::$_aliases[$alias]; elseif(($pos=strpos($alias,'.'))!==false) { $rootAlias=substr($alias,0,$pos); if(isset(self::$_aliases[$rootAlias])) return self::$_aliases[$alias]=rtrim(self::$_aliases[$rootAlias].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.str_replace('.',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,substr($alias,$pos+1)),'*'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); elseif(self::$_app instanceof CWebApplication) { if(self::$_app->findModule($rootAlias)!==null) return self::getPathOfAlias($alias); } } return false; } /** * Create a path alias. * Note, this method neither checks the existence of the path nor normalizes the path. * @param string $alias alias to the path * @param string $path the path corresponding to the alias. If this is null, the corresponding * path alias will be removed. */ public static function setPathOfAlias($alias,$path) { if(empty($path)){ unset(self::$_aliases[$alias]); } else{ self::$_aliases[$alias]=rtrim($path,'\\/'); } } /** * Class autoload loader. * This method is provided to be invoked within an __autoload() magic method. * @param string $className class name * @return boolean whether the class has been loaded successfully */ public static function autoload($className) { // use include so that the error PHP file may appear if(isset(self::$classMap[$className])){ include(self::$classMap[$className]); } elseif(isset(self::$_coreClasses[$className])){ include(YII_PATH.self::$_coreClasses[$className]); } else { // include class file relying on include_path if(strpos($className,'\\')===false) // class without namespace { if(self::$enableIncludePath===false) { foreach(self::$_includePaths as $path) { $classFile=$path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$className.'.php'; if(is_file($classFile)) { include($classFile); if(YII_DEBUG && basename(realpath($classFile))!==$className.'.php') throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Class name "{class}" does not match class file "{file}".', array( '{class}'=>$className, '{file}'=>$classFile, ))); break; } } } else include($className.'.php'); } else // class name with namespace in PHP 5.3 { $namespace=str_replace('\\','.',ltrim($className,'\\')); if(($path=self::getPathOfAlias($namespace))!==false) include($path.'.php'); else return false; } return class_exists($className,false) || interface_exists($className,false); } return true; } /** * Writes a trace message. * This method will only log a message when the application is in debug mode. * @param string $msg message to be logged * @param string $category category of the message * @see log */ public static function trace($msg,$category='application') { if(YII_DEBUG) self::log($msg,CLogger::LEVEL_TRACE,$category); } /** * Logs a message. * Messages logged by this method may be retrieved via {@link CLogger::getLogs} * and may be recorded in different media, such as file, email, database, using * {@link CLogRouter}. * @param string $msg message to be logged * @param string $level level of the message (e.g. 'trace', 'warning', 'error'). It is case-insensitive. * @param string $category category of the message (e.g. 'system.web'). It is case-insensitive. */ public static function log($msg,$level=CLogger::LEVEL_INFO,$category='application') { if(self::$_logger===null) self::$_logger=new CLogger; if(YII_DEBUG && YII_TRACE_LEVEL>0 && $level!==CLogger::LEVEL_PROFILE) { $traces=debug_backtrace(); $count=0; foreach($traces as $trace) { if(isset($trace['file'],$trace['line']) && strpos($trace['file'],YII_PATH)!==0) { $msg.="\nin ".$trace['file'].' ('.$trace['line'].')'; if(++$count>=YII_TRACE_LEVEL) break; } } } self::$_logger->log($msg,$level,$category); } /** * Marks the beginning of a code block for profiling. * This has to be matched with a call to {@link endProfile()} with the same token. * The begin- and end- calls must also be properly nested, e.g., *
	 * Yii::beginProfile('block1');
	 * Yii::beginProfile('block2');
	 * Yii::endProfile('block2');
	 * Yii::endProfile('block1');
* The following sequence is not valid: *
	 * Yii::beginProfile('block1');
	 * Yii::beginProfile('block2');
	 * Yii::endProfile('block1');
	 * Yii::endProfile('block2');
* @param string $token token for the code block * @param string $category the category of this log message * @see endProfile */ public static function beginProfile($token,$category='application') { self::log('begin:'.$token,CLogger::LEVEL_PROFILE,$category); } /** * Marks the end of a code block for profiling. * This has to be matched with a previous call to {@link beginProfile()} with the same token. * @param string $token token for the code block * @param string $category the category of this log message * @see beginProfile */ public static function endProfile($token,$category='application') { self::log('end:'.$token,CLogger::LEVEL_PROFILE,$category); } /** * @return CLogger message logger */ public static function getLogger() { if(self::$_logger!==null) return self::$_logger; else return self::$_logger=new CLogger; } /** * Sets the logger object. * @param CLogger $logger the logger object. * @since 1.1.8 */ public static function setLogger($logger) { self::$_logger=$logger; } /** * Returns a string that can be displayed on your Web page showing Powered-by-Yii information * @return string a string that can be displayed on your Web page showing Powered-by-Yii information */ public static function powered() { return Yii::t('yii','Powered by {yii}.', array('{yii}'=>'Yii Framework')); } /** * Translates a message to the specified language. * This method supports choice format (see {@link CChoiceFormat}), * i.e., the message returned will be chosen from a few candidates according to the given * number value. This feature is mainly used to solve plural format issue in case * a message has different plural forms in some languages. * @param string $category message category. Please use only word letters. Note, category 'yii' is * reserved for Yii framework core code use. See {@link CPhpMessageSource} for * more interpretation about message category. * @param string $message the original message * @param array $params parameters to be applied to the message using strtr. * The first parameter can be a number without key. * And in this case, the method will call {@link CChoiceFormat::format} to choose * an appropriate message translation. * Starting from version 1.1.6 you can pass parameter for {@link CChoiceFormat::format} * or plural forms format without wrapping it with array. * This parameter is then available as {n} in the message translation string. * @param string $source which message source application component to use. * Defaults to null, meaning using 'coreMessages' for messages belonging to * the 'yii' category and using 'messages' for the rest messages. * @param string $language the target language. If null (default), the {@link CApplication::getLanguage application language} will be used. * @return string the translated message * @see CMessageSource */ public static function t($category,$message,$params=array(),$source=null,$language=null) { if(self::$_app!==null) { if($source===null) $source=($category==='yii'||$category==='zii')?'coreMessages':'messages'; if(($source=self::$_app->getComponent($source))!==null) $message=$source->translate($category,$message,$language); } if($params===array()) return $message; if(!is_array($params)) $params=array($params); if(isset($params[0])) // number choice { if(strpos($message,'|')!==false) { if(strpos($message,'#')===false) { $chunks=explode('|',$message); $expressions=self::$_app->getLocale($language)->getPluralRules(); if($n=min(count($chunks),count($expressions))) { for($i=0;$i<$n;$i++) $chunks[$i]=$expressions[$i].'#'.$chunks[$i]; $message=implode('|',$chunks); } } $message=CChoiceFormat::format($message,$params[0]); } if(!isset($params['{n}'])) $params['{n}']=$params[0]; unset($params[0]); } return $params!==array() ? strtr($message,$params) : $message; } /** * Registers a new class autoloader. * The new autoloader will be placed before {@link autoload} and after * any other existing autoloaders. * @param callback $callback a valid PHP callback (function name or array($className,$methodName)). * @param boolean $append whether to append the new autoloader after the default Yii autoloader. */ public static function registerAutoloader($callback, $append=false) { if($append) { self::$enableIncludePath=false; spl_autoload_register($callback); } else { spl_autoload_unregister(array('YiiBase','autoload')); spl_autoload_register($callback); spl_autoload_register(array('YiiBase','autoload')); } } /** * @var array class map for core Yii classes. * NOTE, DO NOT MODIFY THIS ARRAY MANUALLY. IF YOU CHANGE OR ADD SOME CORE CLASSES, * PLEASE RUN 'build autoload' COMMAND TO UPDATE THIS ARRAY. */ private static $_coreClasses=array( 'CApplication' => '/base/CApplication.php', 'CApplicationComponent' => '/base/CApplicationComponent.php', 'CBehavior' => '/base/CBehavior.php', 'CComponent' => '/base/CComponent.php', 'CErrorEvent' => '/base/CErrorEvent.php', 'CErrorHandler' => '/base/CErrorHandler.php', 'CException' => '/base/CException.php', 'CExceptionEvent' => '/base/CExceptionEvent.php', 'CHttpException' => '/base/CHttpException.php', 'CModel' => '/base/CModel.php', 'CModelBehavior' => '/base/CModelBehavior.php', 'CModelEvent' => '/base/CModelEvent.php', 'CModule' => '/base/CModule.php', 'CSecurityManager' => '/base/CSecurityManager.php', 'CStatePersister' => '/base/CStatePersister.php', 'CApcCache' => '/caching/CApcCache.php', 'CCache' => '/caching/CCache.php', 'CDbCache' => '/caching/CDbCache.php', 'CDummyCache' => '/caching/CDummyCache.php', 'CEAcceleratorCache' => '/caching/CEAcceleratorCache.php', 'CFileCache' => '/caching/CFileCache.php', 'CMemCache' => '/caching/CMemCache.php', 'CWinCache' => '/caching/CWinCache.php', 'CXCache' => '/caching/CXCache.php', 'CZendDataCache' => '/caching/CZendDataCache.php', 'CCacheDependency' => '/caching/dependencies/CCacheDependency.php', 'CChainedCacheDependency' => '/caching/dependencies/CChainedCacheDependency.php', 'CDbCacheDependency' => '/caching/dependencies/CDbCacheDependency.php', 'CDirectoryCacheDependency' => '/caching/dependencies/CDirectoryCacheDependency.php', 'CExpressionDependency' => '/caching/dependencies/CExpressionDependency.php', 'CFileCacheDependency' => '/caching/dependencies/CFileCacheDependency.php', 'CGlobalStateCacheDependency' => '/caching/dependencies/CGlobalStateCacheDependency.php', 'CAttributeCollection' => '/collections/CAttributeCollection.php', 'CConfiguration' => '/collections/CConfiguration.php', 'CList' => '/collections/CList.php', 'CListIterator' => '/collections/CListIterator.php', 'CMap' => '/collections/CMap.php', 'CMapIterator' => '/collections/CMapIterator.php', 'CQueue' => '/collections/CQueue.php', 'CQueueIterator' => '/collections/CQueueIterator.php', 'CStack' => '/collections/CStack.php', 'CStackIterator' => '/collections/CStackIterator.php', 'CTypedList' => '/collections/CTypedList.php', 'CTypedMap' => '/collections/CTypedMap.php', 'CConsoleApplication' => '/console/CConsoleApplication.php', 'CConsoleCommand' => '/console/CConsoleCommand.php', 'CConsoleCommandBehavior' => '/console/CConsoleCommandBehavior.php', 'CConsoleCommandEvent' => '/console/CConsoleCommandEvent.php', 'CConsoleCommandRunner' => '/console/CConsoleCommandRunner.php', 'CHelpCommand' => '/console/CHelpCommand.php', 'CDbCommand' => '/db/CDbCommand.php', 'CDbConnection' => '/db/CDbConnection.php', 'CDbDataReader' => '/db/CDbDataReader.php', 'CDbException' => '/db/CDbException.php', 'CDbMigration' => '/db/CDbMigration.php', 'CDbTransaction' => '/db/CDbTransaction.php', 'CActiveFinder' => '/db/ar/CActiveFinder.php', 'CActiveRecord' => '/db/ar/CActiveRecord.php', 'CActiveRecordBehavior' => '/db/ar/CActiveRecordBehavior.php', 'CDbColumnSchema' => '/db/schema/CDbColumnSchema.php', 'CDbCommandBuilder' => '/db/schema/CDbCommandBuilder.php', 'CDbCriteria' => '/db/schema/CDbCriteria.php', 'CDbExpression' => '/db/schema/CDbExpression.php', 'CDbSchema' => '/db/schema/CDbSchema.php', 'CDbTableSchema' => '/db/schema/CDbTableSchema.php', 'CMssqlColumnSchema' => '/db/schema/mssql/CMssqlColumnSchema.php', 'CMssqlCommandBuilder' => '/db/schema/mssql/CMssqlCommandBuilder.php', 'CMssqlPdoAdapter' => '/db/schema/mssql/CMssqlPdoAdapter.php', 'CMssqlSchema' => '/db/schema/mssql/CMssqlSchema.php', 'CMssqlSqlsrvPdoAdapter' => '/db/schema/mssql/CMssqlSqlsrvPdoAdapter.php', 'CMssqlTableSchema' => '/db/schema/mssql/CMssqlTableSchema.php', 'CMysqlColumnSchema' => '/db/schema/mysql/CMysqlColumnSchema.php', 'CMysqlCommandBuilder' => '/db/schema/mysql/CMysqlCommandBuilder.php', 'CMysqlSchema' => '/db/schema/mysql/CMysqlSchema.php', 'CMysqlTableSchema' => '/db/schema/mysql/CMysqlTableSchema.php', 'COciColumnSchema' => '/db/schema/oci/COciColumnSchema.php', 'COciCommandBuilder' => '/db/schema/oci/COciCommandBuilder.php', 'COciSchema' => '/db/schema/oci/COciSchema.php', 'COciTableSchema' => '/db/schema/oci/COciTableSchema.php', 'CPgsqlColumnSchema' => '/db/schema/pgsql/CPgsqlColumnSchema.php', 'CPgsqlSchema' => '/db/schema/pgsql/CPgsqlSchema.php', 'CPgsqlTableSchema' => '/db/schema/pgsql/CPgsqlTableSchema.php', 'CSqliteColumnSchema' => '/db/schema/sqlite/CSqliteColumnSchema.php', 'CSqliteCommandBuilder' => '/db/schema/sqlite/CSqliteCommandBuilder.php', 'CSqliteSchema' => '/db/schema/sqlite/CSqliteSchema.php', 'CChoiceFormat' => '/i18n/CChoiceFormat.php', 'CDateFormatter' => '/i18n/CDateFormatter.php', 'CDbMessageSource' => '/i18n/CDbMessageSource.php', 'CGettextMessageSource' => '/i18n/CGettextMessageSource.php', 'CLocale' => '/i18n/CLocale.php', 'CMessageSource' => '/i18n/CMessageSource.php', 'CNumberFormatter' => '/i18n/CNumberFormatter.php', 'CPhpMessageSource' => '/i18n/CPhpMessageSource.php', 'CGettextFile' => '/i18n/gettext/CGettextFile.php', 'CGettextMoFile' => '/i18n/gettext/CGettextMoFile.php', 'CGettextPoFile' => '/i18n/gettext/CGettextPoFile.php', 'CChainedLogFilter' => '/logging/CChainedLogFilter.php', 'CDbLogRoute' => '/logging/CDbLogRoute.php', 'CEmailLogRoute' => '/logging/CEmailLogRoute.php', 'CFileLogRoute' => '/logging/CFileLogRoute.php', 'CLogFilter' => '/logging/CLogFilter.php', 'CLogRoute' => '/logging/CLogRoute.php', 'CLogRouter' => '/logging/CLogRouter.php', 'CLogger' => '/logging/CLogger.php', 'CProfileLogRoute' => '/logging/CProfileLogRoute.php', 'CWebLogRoute' => '/logging/CWebLogRoute.php', 'CDateTimeParser' => '/utils/CDateTimeParser.php', 'CFileHelper' => '/utils/CFileHelper.php', 'CFormatter' => '/utils/CFormatter.php', 'CMarkdownParser' => '/utils/CMarkdownParser.php', 'CPropertyValue' => '/utils/CPropertyValue.php', 'CTimestamp' => '/utils/CTimestamp.php', 'CVarDumper' => '/utils/CVarDumper.php', 'CBooleanValidator' => '/validators/CBooleanValidator.php', 'CCaptchaValidator' => '/validators/CCaptchaValidator.php', 'CCompareValidator' => '/validators/CCompareValidator.php', 'CDateValidator' => '/validators/CDateValidator.php', 'CDefaultValueValidator' => '/validators/CDefaultValueValidator.php', 'CEmailValidator' => '/validators/CEmailValidator.php', 'CExistValidator' => '/validators/CExistValidator.php', 'CFileValidator' => '/validators/CFileValidator.php', 'CFilterValidator' => '/validators/CFilterValidator.php', 'CInlineValidator' => '/validators/CInlineValidator.php', 'CNumberValidator' => '/validators/CNumberValidator.php', 'CRangeValidator' => '/validators/CRangeValidator.php', 'CRegularExpressionValidator' => '/validators/CRegularExpressionValidator.php', 'CRequiredValidator' => '/validators/CRequiredValidator.php', 'CSafeValidator' => '/validators/CSafeValidator.php', 'CStringValidator' => '/validators/CStringValidator.php', 'CTypeValidator' => '/validators/CTypeValidator.php', 'CUniqueValidator' => '/validators/CUniqueValidator.php', 'CUnsafeValidator' => '/validators/CUnsafeValidator.php', 'CUrlValidator' => '/validators/CUrlValidator.php', 'CValidator' => '/validators/CValidator.php', 'CActiveDataProvider' => '/web/CActiveDataProvider.php', 'CArrayDataProvider' => '/web/CArrayDataProvider.php', 'CAssetManager' => '/web/CAssetManager.php', 'CBaseController' => '/web/CBaseController.php', 'CCacheHttpSession' => '/web/CCacheHttpSession.php', 'CClientScript' => '/web/CClientScript.php', 'CController' => '/web/CController.php', 'CDataProvider' => '/web/CDataProvider.php', 'CDataProviderIterator' => '/web/CDataProviderIterator.php', 'CDbHttpSession' => '/web/CDbHttpSession.php', 'CExtController' => '/web/CExtController.php', 'CFormModel' => '/web/CFormModel.php', 'CHttpCookie' => '/web/CHttpCookie.php', 'CHttpRequest' => '/web/CHttpRequest.php', 'CHttpSession' => '/web/CHttpSession.php', 'CHttpSessionIterator' => '/web/CHttpSessionIterator.php', 'COutputEvent' => '/web/COutputEvent.php', 'CPagination' => '/web/CPagination.php', 'CSort' => '/web/CSort.php', 'CSqlDataProvider' => '/web/CSqlDataProvider.php', 'CTheme' => '/web/CTheme.php', 'CThemeManager' => '/web/CThemeManager.php', 'CUploadedFile' => '/web/CUploadedFile.php', 'CUrlManager' => '/web/CUrlManager.php', 'CWebApplication' => '/web/CWebApplication.php', 'CWebModule' => '/web/CWebModule.php', 'CWidgetFactory' => '/web/CWidgetFactory.php', 'CAction' => '/web/actions/CAction.php', 'CInlineAction' => '/web/actions/CInlineAction.php', 'CViewAction' => '/web/actions/CViewAction.php', 'CAccessControlFilter' => '/web/auth/CAccessControlFilter.php', 'CAuthAssignment' => '/web/auth/CAuthAssignment.php', 'CAuthItem' => '/web/auth/CAuthItem.php', 'CAuthManager' => '/web/auth/CAuthManager.php', 'CBaseUserIdentity' => '/web/auth/CBaseUserIdentity.php', 'CDbAuthManager' => '/web/auth/CDbAuthManager.php', 'CPhpAuthManager' => '/web/auth/CPhpAuthManager.php', 'CUserIdentity' => '/web/auth/CUserIdentity.php', 'CWebUser' => '/web/auth/CWebUser.php', 'CFilter' => '/web/filters/CFilter.php', 'CFilterChain' => '/web/filters/CFilterChain.php', 'CHttpCacheFilter' => '/web/filters/CHttpCacheFilter.php', 'CInlineFilter' => '/web/filters/CInlineFilter.php', 'CForm' => '/web/form/CForm.php', 'CFormButtonElement' => '/web/form/CFormButtonElement.php', 'CFormElement' => '/web/form/CFormElement.php', 'CFormElementCollection' => '/web/form/CFormElementCollection.php', 'CFormInputElement' => '/web/form/CFormInputElement.php', 'CFormStringElement' => '/web/form/CFormStringElement.php', 'CGoogleApi' => '/web/helpers/CGoogleApi.php', 'CHtml' => '/web/helpers/CHtml.php', 'CJSON' => '/web/helpers/CJSON.php', 'CJavaScript' => '/web/helpers/CJavaScript.php', 'CJavaScriptExpression' => '/web/helpers/CJavaScriptExpression.php', 'CPradoViewRenderer' => '/web/renderers/CPradoViewRenderer.php', 'CViewRenderer' => '/web/renderers/CViewRenderer.php', 'CWebService' => '/web/services/CWebService.php', 'CWebServiceAction' => '/web/services/CWebServiceAction.php', 'CWsdlGenerator' => '/web/services/CWsdlGenerator.php', 'CActiveForm' => '/web/widgets/CActiveForm.php', 'CAutoComplete' => '/web/widgets/CAutoComplete.php', 'CClipWidget' => '/web/widgets/CClipWidget.php', 'CContentDecorator' => '/web/widgets/CContentDecorator.php', 'CFilterWidget' => '/web/widgets/CFilterWidget.php', 'CFlexWidget' => '/web/widgets/CFlexWidget.php', 'CHtmlPurifier' => '/web/widgets/CHtmlPurifier.php', 'CInputWidget' => '/web/widgets/CInputWidget.php', 'CMarkdown' => '/web/widgets/CMarkdown.php', 'CMaskedTextField' => '/web/widgets/CMaskedTextField.php', 'CMultiFileUpload' => '/web/widgets/CMultiFileUpload.php', 'COutputCache' => '/web/widgets/COutputCache.php', 'COutputProcessor' => '/web/widgets/COutputProcessor.php', 'CStarRating' => '/web/widgets/CStarRating.php', 'CTabView' => '/web/widgets/CTabView.php', 'CTextHighlighter' => '/web/widgets/CTextHighlighter.php', 'CTreeView' => '/web/widgets/CTreeView.php', 'CWidget' => '/web/widgets/CWidget.php', 'CCaptcha' => '/web/widgets/captcha/CCaptcha.php', 'CCaptchaAction' => '/web/widgets/captcha/CCaptchaAction.php', 'CBasePager' => '/web/widgets/pagers/CBasePager.php', 'CLinkPager' => '/web/widgets/pagers/CLinkPager.php', 'CListPager' => '/web/widgets/pagers/CListPager.php', ); } spl_autoload_register(array('YiiBase','autoload')); require(YII_PATH.'/base/interfaces.php');









