OGG-03521: Invalid character for character set {0} was found while performing character validation of source column {1} maps target column {2}.
Cause: An invalid character was found in the source column.
Action: Fix the source database data or use the REPLACEBADCHAR parameter to replace the invalid character.
OGG-03522: Setting session time zone to source database time zone '{0}'.
Cause: Replicat is setting its session time zone to the source database time zone.
Action: None
OGG-03523: Failed to set session time zone to source database time zone '{0}'.
Cause: Replicat could not set its session to the specified time zone. Either the specified value is invalid or the target database does not support that time zone.
Action: You can do one of the following, depending on the Extract version: If Extract is pre-12.1.2, use the SOURCETIMEZONE parameter to specify a time zone that is supported by the target database. If Extract is 12.1.2 or later, you can use the PRESERVETARGETTIMEZONE parameter to ignore the source database time zone (the Replicat default) and direct Replicat to use the target time zone in its session, or you can use the SOURCETIMEZONE parameter to direct Replicat to use a specific time zone.
OGG-03524: Invalid or unsupported time zone '{0}' is specified by SOURCETIMEZONE parameter.
Cause: The specified time zone is not valid or is not supported by Replicat.
Action: Specify a valid source database time zone.
OGG-03525: Invalid or unsupported time zone '{0}' in trail file.
Cause: The source database time zone in the trail file is not supported by this release of Replicat.
Action: Specify the source time zone with the SOURCETIMEZONE parameter or use PRESERVETARGETTIMEZONE to ignore the source time zone and use the target time zone for the Replicat session.
OGG-03526: The source database character set is specified for DB2 z/OS trail version 9.0/9/5 by SOURCECHARSET.
Cause: SOURCECHARSET DB2ZOS is specified, and Replicat assumes the trail file version is 9.0/9.5 and is written by an Extract capturing from DB2 z/OS.
Action: None
OGG-03527: Ignoring the invalid source database character set specified for DB2 z/OS trail version 9.0/9.5 by SOURCECHARSET.
Cause: The source database character set is specified for DB2 z/OS trail version 9.0/9.5. However the trail file version is not 9.0/9.5 or not written by an Extract for DB2 z/OS.
Action: Remove the SOURCECHARSET parameter from Replicat parameter file.
OGG-03528: The source database character set, as determined from the table definition file, is {0}.
Cause: The source database character set information in the table definition file is being assumed as the source database character set. The source database character set may be overwritten by the source database character set information in the trail file.
Action: None
OGG-03529: The source character set name is missing for the SOURCECHARSET parameter
Cause: The SOURCECHARSET parameter is specified without requiring character set name.
Action: Specify the character set name.
OGG-03530: The SOURCECHARSET OVERRIDE {0} parameter is specified. The trail file is version 11.2.1 or later and contains the source character set {1} will be ignored.
Cause: Because the SOURCECHARSET parameter is specified with OVERRIDE option, the source character set of the trail file is ignored.
Action: None
OGG-03531: Conversion from character set {1} of SQLEXEC parameter {0} to character set {2} failed because the source column contains a character that is not available in the target character set.
Cause: The source data contains a character that is not available in the character set of the target during SQLEXEC data conversion.
Action: Set the target database character set to the same set or a superset of the source database character set.
OGG-03532: Conversion from character set {1} of column {0} to character set {2} failed because the source column contains a character that is not available in the target character set.
Cause: The source data contains a character that is not available in the character set of the target during column mapping conversion.
Action: Set the target database character set to the same set or a superset of the source database character set.
OGG-03533: Conversion from character set {4} of source column {2} to character set {5} of target column {3} failed because the source column contains a character '{0}' at offset {1} that is not available in the target character set.
Cause: The source column contains a character that is not available in the character set of the target column.
Action: Set the target database character set to the same set or a superset of the source database character set.
OGG-03534: Invalid character '{0}' at offset {1} for character set {2} was found while performing character validation of source column {3} maps target column {4}.
Cause: An invalid character was found in the source column.
Action: Fix the source database data or use the REPLACEBADCHAR parameter to replace the invalid character.
OGG-03535: Conversion from character set {2} of column {1} to character set {3} in function {0} failed because the source column contains a character that is not available in the target character set.
Cause: The source data contains a character that is not available in the character set of the target during column mapping function conversion.
Action: Set the target database character set to the same set or a superset of the source database character set.
OGG-03536: Conversion from character set {4} of source column {2} to character set {4} failed because the source column contains a character '{0}' at offset {1} that is not available in the target character set.
Cause: The source column contains a character that is not available in the target character set.
Action: Check the source column data and repair the data if the source column contains a partial character or an invalid character. Alternatively, use the REPLACEBADCHAR option to replace, escape, or skip the invalid character.
OGG-03537: Source column {0} cannot be mapped to target during conversion from source character set {1} to target character set {2}, because the source or the target character set is not supported.
Cause: Either the source or the target column character set is not supported.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-03538: Source column {0} has more characters than target can hold. Some source characters will not be mapped during conversion from source character set {1} to target character set {2}.
Cause: The source column has more characters than the target can hold and the source column data was truncated during mapping.
Action: None
OGG-03539: Character set conversion failure occurred between source column {0} and target when converting from source character set {1} to target character set {2}. Error code: {3}
Cause: An internal error occurred during the character set conversion.
Action: Save the error message and contact Oracle Support.
OGG-04000: VAM module attempted to retrieve Conflict Detection Resolution column indexes for deletes from GG_ATTR_MD_CDRCOLS_DEL array, but none are available (GG_ATTR_MD_CDRCOLS_COUNT_DEL =0).
Cause: The VAM module failed to retrieve the column array of the indexes that represent the Conflict Detection Resolution columns for deletes in the table. GG_ATTR_MD_CDRCOLS_COUNT_DEL gives the number of delete CDR column indexes in the array; if zero, no indexes exist. In this case, a call to GG_ATTR_CDRCOLS_DEL should not be made. This is a development error that may require a bug report.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-04001: VAM module attempted to retrieve Conflict Detection Resolution column indexes for updates from GG_ATTR_MD_CDRCOLS_UPD array, but none are available (GG_ATTR_MD_CDRCOLS_COUNT_UPD =0).
Cause: The VAM module failed to retrieve the column array of the indexes that represent the Conflict Detection Resolution columns for updates in the table. GG_ATTR_MD_CDRCOLS_COUNT_UPD gives the number of update CDR column indexes in the array; if zero, no indexes exist. In this case, a call to GG_ATTR_CDRCOLS_UPD should not be made. This is a development error that may require a bug report.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-04002: VAM module set the three CDR and compression related parameters incorrectly.
Cause: The VAM module set the three CDR and compression related parameters incorrectly. When GG_ATTR_VAMMOD_CDR_SUPPORTED is set to GG_VALUE_TRUE, both GG_ATTR_VAMMOD_CDEL_SUPPORTED and GG_ATTR_VAMMOD_CUPD_SUPPORTED need to be set to GG_VALUE_TRUE. CDR processing in VAM module while delete and update compression in VAM API is not a supported scenario. This is a development error that may require a bug report.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-04003: Initialization of user module failed: Callback functions must be implemented
Cause: The VAM module in Extract failed to initialize.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04004: Object {0}.{1}.{2} does not exist in data source
Cause: An invalid table was encountered in the VAM Module Application Framework in Extract.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04005: Invalid value encountered in case statement: {0}
Cause: An internal logic error occurred in the VAM module in Extract.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04006: Call to {0} to load {1} failed
Cause: An internal logic error occurred in the VAM module in Extract.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04007: Call to {0} failed to retrieve the address of {1}
Cause: An internal logic error occurred in the VAM module in Extract.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04008: Object {0}: Attribute {1): Value {2}: Invalid attribute value for CDR settings
Cause: A CDR validation error occurred when checking the CDR processing parameters. Check the message for details.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04009: Column index {0}: {1} returned with error status {2}
Cause: An internal logic error occurred in the VAM module in Extract.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04010: Object {0}: Attribute {1}: Maximum number of columns exceeded
Cause: An internal logic error occurred in the VAM module in Extract.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04011: Object {0}: Attribute {1}: {2} returned with length {3}
Cause: An internal logic error occurred in the VAM module in Extract.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04012: Object {0}: Attribute {1}: {2} returned with error status {3}
Cause: An internal logic error occurred in the VAM module in Extract.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04013: Object {0}: Attribute {1}: {2} returned with value {3}
Cause: An internal logic error occurred in the VAM module in Extract.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04014: Object {0}: Attribute GG_ATTR_OP_COMPLETE: GGAttrGet returned with missing attribute {1}
Cause: An internal logic error occurred in the VAM module in Extract.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04015: {0}
Cause: An internal logic error occurred in the VAM Simulator Module in Extract.
Action: Review the error message and take appropriate action, or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04016: Object {0}: Column Index {1}: Column Format {2}: {3} returned with error status {4}
Cause: An internal logic error occurred in the VAM module in Extract.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04017: Object {0}: Record Type {1}: Transaction ID {2}: Transaction ID does not exist in transaction lookup table
Cause: An internal logic error occurred in the VAM module in Extract.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04018: Object {0}: Record Type {1}: Transaction ID {2}: Transaction ID already exists in transaction lookup table
Cause: An internal logic error occurred in the VAM module in Extract.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04019: No metadata was found for {0}
Cause: An internal logic error occurred in the VAM module in Extract.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04020: Unexpected condition in {0} at line {1,number,0}
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-04021: VAM module must support CDR in order to send unified trail records via the VAM API.
Cause: To support unified trail records, the GG_ATTR_VAMMOD_CDR_SUPPORTED attribute of the VAM must be set. This indicates that the VAM supports CDR handling.
Action: Remove UPDATERECORDFORMAT [FULL/COMPACT] from the Extract parameter file. If this error still occurs, contact Oracle Support or, if you are a developer, contact the VAM module development team.
OGG-04022: VAM module must support CDR in order to send unified trail records via the VAM API.
Cause: To support unified trail records, the GG_ATTR_VAMMOD_CDEL_SUPPORTED attribute of the VAM must be set. This indicates that the VAM supports CDR handling.
Action: Remove UPDATERECORDFORMAT [FULL/COMPACT] from the Extract parameter file. If this error still occurs, contact Oracle Support or, if you are a developer, contact the VAM module development team.
OGG-04023: VAM module must support compressing updates in order to send unified trail records via the VAM API.
Cause: To support unified trail records, the GG_ATTR_VAMMOD_CUPD_SUPPORTED attribute of the VAM must be set. This indicates that the VAM supports CDR handling.
Action: Remove UPDATERECORDFORMAT [FULL/COMPACT] from the Extract parameter file. If this error still occurs, contact Oracle Support or, if you are a developer, contact the VAM module development team.
OGG-04024: GG_OBJ_RECORD: GG_ATTR_BEFORE_AFTER can only be used with GG_OPTYPE_UPDATE_UNIFIED for unified trail records
Cause: The VAM module tried to add a before key column for a record that is not a primary key update.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04025: CHECKOPCOMPLETE: No before columns in a unified update were added for operation type: {0,number,0}
Cause: No before image key fields were sent for a unified update record being passed to the VAM API.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04026: CHECKOPCOMPLETE: Before column(s) in primary key update were added that are not a primary key column: {1}: Operation type: {0,number,0}
Cause: Before image columns were sent for a primary key update record being passed to the VAM API that are not primary key columns.
Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person.
OGG-04027: Source record exceeds the size of the output buffer used to assemble trail file records. The length required was {0,number,0} but the maximum length allowed is {1,number,0}.
Cause: The size of the output buffer used to hold the internal record written to the trail file is not large enough to contain the record that was sent to the VAM API.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-04028: COMPRESSUPDATES is ignored since LOGALLSUPCOLS has been specified.
Cause: LOGALLSUPCOLS parameter takes precedence over COMPRESSUPDATES.
Action: None
OGG-04029: NOCOMPRESSUPDATES is ignored for the before image of the update to table {0} because GETBEFORECOLS has been specified.
Cause: GETBEFORECOLS parameter takes precedence over COMPRESSUPDATES.
Action: None
OGG-04030: NOCOMPRESSUPDATES is ignored for the after image of the update to table {0} because UPDATERECORDFORMAT COMPACT has been specified.
Cause: UPDATERECORDFORMAT COMPACT takes precedence over NOCOMPRESSUPDATES for the after image of the update to the table.
Action: None
OGG-04031: UPDATERECORDFORMAT FULL is ignored since COMPRESSUPDATES has been specified for table {0}.
Cause: COMPRESSUPDATES parameter takes precedence over UPDATERECORDFORMAT FULL.
Action: None
Cause: The LOGALLSUPCOLS settings take precedence over the previous settings of [NO]COMPRESSDELETES, [NO]COMPRESSUPDATES and [GET/IGNORE]UPDATEBEFORES.
Action: None
Cause: The LOGALLSUPCOLS settings take precedence over the previous settings of [NO]COMPRESSDELETESand [GET/IGNORE]UPDATEBEFORES.
Action: None
OGG-04034: Column {1} in table {0} has a data type of SYS.ANYDATA with an opaque value and cannot be mapped using column mapping.
Cause: The value of a SYS.ANYDATA column is opaque, which means the data type is held along with the value internally. Because the value is not visible to Oracle GoldenGate, the column cannot be mapped.
Action: Do not use column mapping on tables containing SYS.ANYDATA columns.
OGG-04035: To Replicate SYS.ANYDATA columns using fetch requires an Oracle GoldenGate release of 12.1 or higher. The trail file compatibility setting is set to level {0}, a compatibility level of {1} or above is required.
Cause: Using the fetch-based functionality to Replicate SYS.ANYDATA columns requires an Oracle GoldenGate release of 12.1 or higher.
Action: Replication of SYS.ANYDATA columns requires Oracle GoldenGate release of 12.1 or higher.
OGG-04036: Positioning sequence ID is out of order, old sequence ID is {0}, new sequence ID is {1}.
Cause: The positioning sequence number should remain the same or increase rather than decrease.
Action: If you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate Developer, contact that person or contact Oracle Support.
OGG-04037: GG_OBJ_RECORD: {0} must be set.
Cause: A required attribute in the VAM API record object was not set.
Action: If you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate Developer, contact that person or contact Oracle Support.
OGG-04038: Object {0}: Callback {1} returned with error status {3}.
Cause: An internal logic error occurred in the VAM module in Extract.
Action: If you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate Developer, contact that person or contact Oracle Support.
Cause: The NOLOGALLSUPCOLS settings take precedence over the previous settings of [NO]COMPRESSDELETES and [GET/IGNORE]UPDATEBEFORES.
Action: None
OGG-04040: Error ({0,number,0}, {1}) start select object id for (2) in {3}
Cause: Parse and binding on one of the internal queries failed.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-04041: Error ({0,number,0}, {1}) selecting objectid for (2) in {3}
Cause: An error occurred when fetching data from an internal cursor.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-04042: The session context has not been initialized
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-04043: Cannot map column {0} to {1}. The source data type is incompatible with {2}.
Cause: The Source data type is incompatible with target data type.
Action: Use the column function to transform source data type to a number or string type that is compatible with target data type.
OGG-04044: A catalog name is required in order to alter the session and set the new PDB container
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-04501: Charset information: Client charset: [{0}], Database/Server charset: [{1}], CHARSETCONVERT: [{2,choice,0#OFF|1#ON}].
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate is performing character set conversion. This message shows the source and target character sets, and the conversion set.
Action: None required.
OGG-04502: The client charset: {0} is not supported.
Cause: The character set that is used in the client is deprecated by Sybase or is not supported by Oracle GoldenGate.
Action: See the Sybase and Oracle GoldenGate documentation for supported character sets.
OGG-04503: The server charset: {0} is not supported.
Cause: The character set that is used in the database server is deprecated by Sybase or is not supported by Oracle GoldenGate.
Action: See the Sybase and Oracle GoldenGate documentation for supported character sets.
OGG-04504: Sybase warning 2401 occurred. Conversion of the character set can not be performed between the client and the server. This may break data integrity. Using default settings for the conversion: Client charset: [{0}], Database/Server charset: [{1}], CHARSETCONVERT: [OFF].
Cause: The process cannot force a conversion between the different client and server character sets because the Sybase server cannot interpret some of the client characters.
Action: Change the client or server character set to one that fixes the Sybase message 2401 and enables conversion.
OGG-04505: Wildcards not supported for database user.
Cause: The wildcard for the specified user is not supported. Check the database login configuration and also make certain _ALLOWWILDCARDSCHEMAS is used in the GLOBALS file.
Action: See the rules for schema wildcarding in the Oracle GoldenGate documentation or contact Oracle Support.
OGG-04506: Failed to convert source data type {2} to target data type {3} for column "{1}" in table "{0}".
Cause: These two data types are not compatible for character set conversion.
Action: Use the following Replicat parameter to ignore this conversion: reperror(error_number, ignore), where error_number is the error number returned from the database. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.
OGG-04507: Legacy {0} functionality started at the request of an Oracle GoldenGate user
Cause: The specified functionality was started by the VAM. Informational only.
Action: None
OGG-04508: Oracle GoldenGate is searching the Sybase CS library version that is to be used. Please ignore any error that is reported by Sybase as a part of this search process
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate is searching the Sybase CS library version that it needs to use.
Action: You can ignore any error that is reported by Sybase as a part of this search process.
OGG-04510: {0}
Cause: The specified database error occurred. The cause can be any of the following: Unknown user or invalid password, unknown host machine, server name not in interface file, maximum number of connections already established, sufficient memory not available, or cannot open the interface file. Another cause could be that the Adaptive Server is unavailable, does not exist, or is not configured.
Action: Take any actions based on the problem: Check the user name and password, and make sure the user exists in the database. Make certain the interface file exists and that Oracle GoldenGate can access it. Make certain the server name in the interface file is correct, or try adding another entry for the host machine , but use the IP address instead of the name. Make certain the Adaptive Server is configured in the local machine where Oracle GoldenGate is running. Increase the number of connections permitted to the database. Free up storage in the network layer and free up system memory. If the problem persists, see the instrunctions in the Oracle GoldenGate report file or contact Oracle Support.
OGG-04511: The current Sybase database version is not supported for the BatchSQL feature; Sybase ASE 15.7 ESD 4 (SP110) or greater is required.
Cause: BatchSQL is not supported with the current version of the Sybase database.
Action: See Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate for Sybase for a list of supported Sybase database versions.
OGG-04512: Sybase database version ASE 15.7 ESD 4 (SP110) and greater is required to support the BatchSQL feature.
Cause: BatchSQL is only supported with Sybase version ASE 15.7 ESD 4 (SP110) and greater.
Action: Ensure that a supported Sybase version is installed. See Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate for Sybase for a list of supported Sybase database versions.
OGG-04514: The log transfer context for the current database({1}) is already reserved by previous instance of Oracle GoldenGate Extract process{0}.SQL Error text ({2}).Grant SA_ROLE to Oracle GoldenGate Replication user to release the log transfer context.Alternatively,the log transfer context can be released manually with SA_ROLE user by finding spid of the process using sql query (select spid from master..sysprocesses where dbid=db_id('dbName') and program_name = 'GG_SYBLTM') and then killing the process by ASE provided kill command eg 'kill spid'.
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate Extract process has reserved the log transfer context of the database and due to abnormalities in ASE like crash, forcefully kill, slow in response etc of the server, the log transfer context reserved during startup is not released by previous instance Oracle GoldenGate Extract process, hence the next start of Extract will fail with the above error.
Action: Grant the Oracle GoldenGate database Replication user with SA_ROLE to kill the Extract process that has reserved the log context.
OGG-04521: Stopping at the request of a user exit.
Cause: Stopping at the request of a user exit. Informational only.
Action: None
OGG-04522: Unable to determine user exit compatibility level. {0} running with user exit library {1}, using default compatiblity level ({2}).
Cause: The process could not determine the compatibility level of the user exit. The default compatibility level is being used. Informational only.
Action: None
OGG-04523: {0} running with user exit library {1}, compatiblity level ({2}) is not current, using compatiblity level ({3}).
Cause: The user exit compatibility level is not current. The specified compatibility level will be used.
Action: None
OGG-04524: {0} running with user exit library {1}, compatiblity level ({2}) is current.
Cause: The user exit compatibility level is current. Informational only.
Action: None
OGG-04525: {0} running with user exit library {1}, current session character set is {2}.
Cause: The specified user exit library and session character set are in use. Informational only.
Action: None
OGG-04526: {0} running with user exit library {1}. Current session character set is operating system default character set.
Cause: The user exit session character set is the operating system default character set. Informational only.
Action: None
OGG-04527: The character set of the data source or the session could not be determined. Using ULIB_CS_DEFAULT. No character set conversion is performed for column data.
Cause: The character set of the data source or the session could not be determined. The default operating system character set is being used.
Action: None
OGG-05000: There is no MySQL database character set corresponding to ULibCharset {0}
Cause: A character set is specified in the SOURCEDB or TARGETDB parameter that is not supported by MySQL.
Action: Specify a character set that is supported by MySQL. If the problem persists, contact Oracle GoldenGate Support.
OGG-05001: Invalid sequence identifier length encountered. The current sequence identifier length:{0} must be equal to or greater than the length of its predecessor:{1}
Cause: The length of the new sequence identifier is not equal to or greater than the previous sequence identifier length.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-05002: GoldenGate does not support MySQL column character set {0} for column:"{1}" of table:"{2}".
Cause: A character set specified for the column in a MySQL table is not supported by GoldenGate.
Action: If the character set is listed in the MySQL documentation as a supported character set, contact Oracle Support and request that GoldenGate implements its support. As a possible workaround consider using an alternative character set if possible.
OGG-05101: Cannot specify both ETOLDFORMAT and ENCRYPTTRAIL for '{0}'
Cause: The Extract parameter ETOLDFORMAT is specified with the ENCRYPTTRAIL parameter.
Action: Remove ENCRYPTTRAIL from the parameter file.
OGG-05003: Schema name or table name is empty while trying to fetch metadata.
Cause: Without the schema and table name, it is not possible to fetch metadata from the history table.
Action: Undefined
OGG-05102: Retrying logon to Oracle database after previous attempt failed.
Cause: The process could not log on to the Oracle database because of a database error that showed the database is in the process of starting up or shutting down. The process will try the operation again.
Action: No action needed.
OGG-05103: Unrecognized field type ({1}) for column {0}
Cause: The specified column contains a data type that is not supported by Oracle GoldenGate MySQL.
Action: Remove tables or columns that contain unsupported data types from the Oracle GoldenGate configuration. For supported data types, see Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate for MySQL.
OGG-05200: The schema of table {0} (object id {1}) was altered. {2} If the change affected the physical data layout, you must re-synchronize the source and target databases.
Cause: An unsupported DDL change was done to the the specified object.
Action: Exclude the table from the TABLE parameter or re-synchronize the source and target tables.
OGG-05201: Backup {0} has been overwritten. LSN range {1} to {2} was found, but LSN range {3} to {4} was expected.
Cause: The backup was overwritten by a subsequent backup.
Action: Re-synchronize the source and target tables.
OGG-05202: The server name is reported as NULL by SQL Server. Assign a valid server name with the @@servername variable.
Cause: The SQL Server variable @@servername is NULL.
Action: Rename the server to a valid name according to the Microsoft recommended procedure.
OGG-05203: The SQL Server Native Client 11 driver is known to cause a memory leak when used to connect to SQL Server 2012 or later.
Cause: SQL Server Native Client 11 when used with OLE DB causes a memory leak see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2894115 and http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2881661 for more details.
Action: Switch to ODBC or upgrade to the patch levels as per the referenced KB articles.
OGG-05204: {0} is a third party backup file. Third party backups are not supported.
Cause: Third party backups are not supported.
Action: Convert backup file to native Microsoft tape format.
OGG-05205: {0} is a tape backup. Tape backups are not supported.
Cause: Tape backups are not supported.
Action: Backup to file.
OGG-05206: Backup, {0}, is of an unknown type.
Cause: Backup is of an unknown type.
Action: Backup to a supported format.
OGG-05207: Backup, {0}, is of an unsupported type: {1}.
Cause: Backup is of an unsupported type.
Action: Backup to a supported format.
OGG-05208: Failed to duplicate the SQL Server process handle {0} with Windows system error {1}.
Cause: Extract needed to duplicate the SQL Server process handle but was unable to do so.
Action: Ensure that the SQL Server process is running.
OGG-05209: Failed to open the SQL Server process, {0}, with Windows system error {1}.
Cause: Extract needed to open the SQL Server process but was unable to do so.
Action: Verify the connection is to a local instance and that permissions are granted for access the SQL Server process.
OGG-05210: {0}: A query to SQL Server has failed: {1} : {2}.
Cause: A query issued against SQL Server has failed.
Action: None. Action depends on error.
OGG-05211: Buffer initialization has failed with a count of {0} and block size of {1}.
Cause: Initialization of an internal log data buffer has returned failure.
Action: Ensure there exists enough memory for use by Extract.
OGG-05212: Failed to get value for object {0}, attribute {1} from API.
Cause: An internal function returned failure.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-05213: Hardware parity failure detected for file id {0} at offset {1}.
Cause: File was incorrectly written to disk.
Action: Verify the integrity of the file using SQL Server.
OGG-05214: Unable to open device {0} with Windows system error {1}.
Cause: Unable to open device.
Action: Action depends on system error.
OGG-05215: Unable to find device {0} with Windows system error {1}.
Cause: Unable to find device.
Action: Action depends on system error.
OGG-05216: Invalid start type: {0}.
Cause: Invalid start type.
Action: Supply a valid start type.
OGG-05217: The starting LSN ({0}) is greater than the flush LSN ({1}) of this database. Positioning not attempted.
Cause: The starting LSN is too high.
Action: Supply a valid starting LSN that is less than or equal to the flush LSN.
OGG-05218: The LSN, {0}, is lower than the first LSN in the online log of this database, {1}, and cannot be found in any backups.
Cause: Extract cannot find the LSN in the logical log span of the database.
Action: Ensure that backups exist, that they are readable, and that they are not currently open.
OGG-05219: The log data provider could not be started.
Cause: The log data provider failed to start.
Action: None
OGG-05220: A read attempt failed on device {0} at offset {1} with Windows system error {2}.
Cause: A device read failed.
Action: Action depends on system error.
OGG-05221: Unable to retrieve virtual log information for LSN {0}.
Cause: Could not get virtual log information for the specified lsn.
Action: None
OGG-05222: {0} is not a valid SQL Server backup.
Cause: The backup device is not a valid native MTF backup.
Action: Supply a valid native MTF backup.
OGG-05223: LEGACYLOBREADING is no longer supported for SQL Server Extract.
Cause: User supplied LEGACYLOBREADING parameter which is no longer supported.
Action: Remove the parameter from the param file.
OGG-05224: The LSN, {0}, does not exist in the logical log span of this database.
Cause: Extract cannot find the LSN in the logical log span of the database.
Action: Ensure that backups exist, that they are readable, and that they are not currently open.
OGG-05225: SQL Server {0} is not supported. The minimum supported version is SQL Server {1}.
Cause: The SQL Server version is not supported.
Action: Review the Oracle GoldenGate Certification Matrix for the supported versions of SQL Server.
OGG-05226: Record processing will begin at LSN 0x{0}.
Cause: The start LSN has been found.
Action: None
OGG-05227: Debug backup starting at LSN {0}.
Cause: Extract is beginning a debug backup run at the specified LSN.
Action: None
OGG-05228: Debug backup complete.
Cause: Extract has reached the end of the debug backup.
Action: None
OGG-05229: An internal LOB Buffer was overrun. Expected {0}, appended {1} to Marker [{2}]
Cause: More data was appended to an internal LOB buffer than expected.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-05230: An internal LOB Buffer was completed before all of the data was appended. Expected {0}, appended {1} to Marker [{2}]
Cause: Less data was appended to an internal LOB buffer than expected.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-05231: COM unexpectedly returned a read offset by {0} bytes.
Cause: Data was not returned to the buffer correctly from COM.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-05232: COM unexpectedly returned {0} bytes more than requested.
Cause: Data was not returned to the buffer correctly from COM.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-05233: An invalid identifier ({0}) was specified for DBOPTIONS TRANSNAME in the Replicat parameter file.
Cause: The value of DBOPTIONS TRANSNAME is not a valid transaction identifier.
Action: Identifier rules:\n\n-. Must start with a letter\n- Can have up to 32 characters, but no spaces\n- Are case insensitive (PART, Part, and part are identical)\n- Can include any combination of letters, numbers, and these special characters:\n- -Dash\n- _ Underscore\n- $ Dollar sign\n- # Number sign
OGG-05234: Native backup compression version {0} not supported.
Cause: Extract is trying to decompress a SQL Server backup that was compressed with an algorithm that is not supported. This likely means you are using a version of SQL Server is not supported.
Action: Verify the SQL Server version. If that is a supported version, uncompress the backup and restart Extract. If it fails again, contact Oracle support.
OGG-05235: The current LSN {0} is out of sequence, the previous LSN was {1}.
Cause: The current LSN is out of sequence.
Action: This is an internal failure, contact Oracle support.
OGG-05236: ODBC Warning: The specified DSN '{0}' uses a client driver that may be incompatible with the database server. {1} requires {2} or a more recent version.
Cause: The DSN for the database connection is using a client driver that may be incompatible with the server.
Action: Verify that the client driver is compatible with the database server it connects to.
OGG-05237: Error getting character set for column {1} of table {0}: Database error: {2,number,0} ({3})
Cause: An internal error occurred while fetching column collation information.
Action: Save the error message and contact Oracle GoldenGate Support.
OGG-05238: Unknown character set for column {1} of table {0} : {2}
Cause: An internal error occurred while fetching column character set information.
Action: Save the error message and contact Oracle GoldenGate Support.
OGG-05239: The LSN, {0}, does not exist in the online log of this database. The first LSN of the online log is {1}.
Cause: Extract cannot find the LSN in the online log of the database.
Action: Ensure that the LSN has not already been backed up.
OGG-05240: Waiting for transaction log backups...
Cause: Extract is in ARCHIVEONLY mode and is waiting for a backup.
Action: None
OGG-05241: Table {0} contains both compressed and uncompressed partitions, this configuration is not supported.
Cause: The table has both compressed and uncompressed partitions.
Action: Exclude the table from Replication or recreate the table to contain either all compressed or uncompressed partitions.
OGG-05242: The TRANLOGOPTIONS ALTARCHIVELOGDEST 'FILESPEC' parameter has been deprecated for SQL Server Extract.
Cause: The FILESPEC parameter has been deprecated.
OGG-05243: The primary replica on server {0} for database {1} is not in a healthy state.
Cause: The primary replica for the database is not in a healthy state.
Action: Make sure the primary replica for this availability group is healthy and restart Extract.
OGG-05244: The local replica on server {0} for database {1} is not in a healthy state.
Cause: The local replica for the database is not in a healthy state.
Action: Make sure the local replica for this availability group is healthy and restart Extract.
OGG-05245: Connection to the primary node {0} failed.
Cause: The primary node is inaccessible.
Action: Check if the primary node is running and the current login has access.
OGG-05246: Secondary truncation point management is running on server {0}.
Cause: The current database is part of an availability group that has a secondary role.
Action: None
OGG-05247: SQL Server {0} is not supported. The maximum supported version is SQL Server {1}.
Cause: The SQL Server version is not supported.
Action: Review the Oracle GoldenGate Certification Matrix for the supported versions of SQL Server.
OGG-05248: The cdc.lsn_time_mapping table does not exist. Please ensure that CDC is enabled on the database.
Cause: The CDC LSN time mapping table does not exist. This means CDC is not enabled on the database.
Action: Enable CDC on the database.
OGG-05249: User '{0}' is not authorized to disable CDC on the '{1}' database. Sysadmin privileges are required. To fully remove CDC from database '{1}', grant sysadmin to user '{0}' and re-run DELETE TRANDATA *.* or manually run sys.sp_cdc_disable_db against the database
Cause: sysadmin privileges are required.
Action: Grant sysadmin privileges to the user.
OGG-05250: Change data capture has been disabled for the database '{0}' successfully
Cause: A shell command expressed the successful execution of CDC stored procedure. Information only.
Action: None
OGG-05251: Could not resolve metadata for object ID {0}.
Cause: Could not get the metadata for this object ID from the database.
Action: Ensure that the object exists on the database.
OGG-05252: Could not resolve metadata for table [{0}].[{1}].
Cause: Could not get the metadata for this table from the database.
Action: Ensure that the table exists on the database.
OGG-05253: The SQL Server provider has thrown an exception. {0}
Cause: The database has encountered an error.
Action: Review the message returned from SQL Server.
OGG-05254: SQL Server does not allow Change Data Capture to be set for table '{0}' based on its maximum row size. Reduce the size of the table or consult the Microsoft SQL Server documentation about how to enable Change Data Capture.
Cause: The row size exceeded the maximum allowable table row size.
Action: Reduce the size of the table or consult the Microsoft SQL Server documentation.
OGG-05255: Current CDC Capture Settings - job name {0}, maxtrans: {1}, maxscans: {2}, continuous: {3}, polling interval: {4}
Cause: Reporting CDC capture job settings.
Action: None
OGG-05256: Current CDC Cleanup Settings - job name: {0}, retention: {1}, threshold: {2}
Cause: Reporting CDC cleanup job settings.
Action: None
OGG-05257: For CDC tuning best practices, please see https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd266396number=sql.100%29.aspx.
Cause: Reporting CDC tuning best practices link.
Action: None
OGG-05258: Could not retrieve the current Change Data Capture settings for database {0}. Ensure that the database is enabled for Change Data Capture. For information regarding enabling supplemental logging, see Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate for SQL Server.
Cause: Could not get CDC settings from the database.
Action: Ensure that the database is enabled for Change Data Capture. For information regarding enabling supplemental logging, see Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate for SQL Server.
OGG-05259: The Extract's recovery checkpoint LSN {0} is not in the cdc.lsn_time_mapping table of database '{1}'. Extract cannot re-position without possible data loss.
Cause: Extract cannot find the recovery LSN in the cdc.lsn_time_mapping table.
Action: Increase the retention period of the CDC cleanup job and re-sync the target with the source, then re-enable change data capture. Review the Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate for SQL Server guide for more information.
OGG-05260: The specified filter table {0} is not found in the database.
Cause: The specified filter table is not found in the database.
Action: Specify the correct filter table name or create one using ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE, and then enable supplemental log data using ADD TRANDATA.
OGG-05261: Logging of supplemental log data is not enabled for filter table {0}.
Cause: Supplemental (extended) logging is not enabled for the specified filter table.
Action: Issue the DBLOGIN command in GGSCI, and then issue the ADD TRANDATA command to enable the supplemental logging. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate for SQL Server documentation.
OGG-05262: Using filter table {0} with capture instance of {1}.
Cause: Extract to identify as a Replicat transaction any transaction that has operation on the filter table.
Action: None
OGG-05263: No GGSCHEMA clause was specified in the GLOBALS file. Please specify a GGSCHEMA shema name.
Cause: No GGSCHEMA clause was specified in the GLOBALS file.
Action: Specify a GGSCHEMA schema name.
OGG-05264: Opening DSN connection: {0}, Server: {1}, Database: {2}
Cause: This is an informational message that indicates the DSN string that Extract used to connect to the source database.
Action: None
OGG-05265: The SQL Agent on server {0} is not running. SQL Server CDC requires that the SQL Agent be running to capture change records.
Cause: The SQL Agent process is not running. SQL Server requires that the agent be running in order to capture change records. This means Extract will not capture data either.
Action: Start the SQL Agent on the server.
OGG-05266: Unable to check the status of the SQL Agent on server {0}. Ensure that it is running. SQL Server CDC requires that the SQL Agent be running in order to capture change records.
Cause: Extract was unable to check the status of the SQL Agent.
Action: Ensure that the SQL Agent is running on the server.
OGG-05267: Change data capture is disabled for the database
Cause: This is an informational message that indicates the CDC is already disabled for the database.
Action: None
OGG-05268: Change data capture failed for the table '{3}' in the database '{2}': error: SQLCODE {0,number,0}. SQL Error {1}
Cause: This is a generic error message that is used to report various different conditions.
Action: Take corrective action based on the message text. Look for related messages that were logged along with this message. If you cannot resolve the problem based on the context provided in the messages, contact Oracle Support.
OGG-05269: Disable Change data capture failed for the database '{2}'. error: SQLCODE {0,number,0}. SQL Error {1}
Cause: This is a generic error message that is used to report Change Data Capture failure.
Action: Take corrective action based on the message text. Look for related messages that were logged along with this message. If you cannot resolve the problem based on the context provided in the messages, contact Oracle Support.
OGG-05270: Failed to create object '{2}': error: SQLCODE {0,number,0}. SQL Error {1}
Cause: This is a generic error message that is used to report various different conditions.
Action: Take corrective action based on the message text. Look for related messages that were logged along with this message. If you cannot resolve the problem based on the context provided in the messages, contact Oracle Support.
OGG-05271: Failed to drop object '{2}': error: SQLCODE {0,number,0}. SQL Error {1}
Cause: This is a generic error message that is used to report various different conditions.
Action: Take corrective action based on the message text. Look for related messages that were logged along with this message. If you cannot resolve the problem based on the context provided in the messages, contact Oracle Support.
OGG-05272: Failed to execute stored procedure '{2}' : error: SQLCODE {0,number,0}. SQL Error {1}
Cause: This is a generic error message that is used to report various different conditions.
Action: Take corrective action based on the message text. Look for related messages that were logged along with this message. If you cannot resolve the problem based on the context provided in the messages, contact Oracle Support.
OGG-05273: Invalid LSN value: {0}
Cause: The LSN value is invalid.
Action: LSN values are generated and validated by the system and should always be valid. Contact Oracle support for help.
OGG-05274: Unsupported data type '{2}' in column '{1}' for table '{0}'. Column '{1}' will not be captured.
Cause: The table contains an unsupported column.
Action: Review the Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate for SQL Server Guide for more information.
OGG-05275: Unsupported data type '{2}' in key column '{1}' for table '{0}'. Table '{0}' will not be captured.
Cause: The table contains an unsupported column as primary key.
Action: Review the Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate for SQL Server Guide for more information.
OGG-05276: Table '{0}' contains no supported data types. Table '{0}' will not be captured.
Cause: All columns of the table are unsupported.
Action: Review the Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate for SQL Server Guide for more information.
OGG-05278: Failed to enable logging of supplemental log data for table: {0}
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate failed to enable supplemental logging for the specified table.
Action: Look for other warnings or error messages, because there are many possible causes for this error, such as insufficient privileges for the Oracle GoldenGate user and connectivity failures.
OGG-05279: Failed to disable logging of supplemental log data for table: {0}
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate failed to disable supplemental logging for the specified table.
Action: Look for other warnings or error messages, because there are many possible causes for this error, such as insufficient privileges for the Oracle GoldenGate user and connectivity failures.
OGG-05280: Could not retrieve the Oracle GoldenGate clean up job settings for database {0}. Ensure that the Oracle GoldenGate clean up job is enabled on the database.
Cause: Could not get Oracle GoldenGate clean up job settings for the given database.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle GoldenGate clean up job is enabled for the given database.
OGG-05281: Current OGG cleanup Job Settings - Job Name: {0}, JobSchedRec: {1}, JobSchedFreq: {2}, DatabaseName: {3}, Tranlogoption managecdccleanup: {4}, threshold: {5}, retention: {6}
Cause: Reporting Oracle GoldenGate cleanup job settings.
Action: None
OGG-05282: Could not retrieve the Oracle GoldenGate clean up job settings for database {0}. Ensure that the database is enabled with the Oracle GoldenGate clean up job.
Cause: Could not retrieve the Oracle GoldenGate clean up job settings for database {0}. Ensure that the Oracle GoldenGate clean up job is enabled on the database.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle GoldenGate cleanup job is enabled for the given database.
OGG-05283: Could not retrieve the current Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up Job settings for database {0}. Ensure that the database is enabled for Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up job.
Cause: Could not retrieve the Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up job settings for database {0}. Ensure that the Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up job is enabled on the database.
Action: Ensure that the database is enabled with Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up Job.
OGG-05284: The clean up job provided by Database in Change Data Capture (CDC) is not currently running. Ensure that the database {0} is enabled for Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up job.
Cause: The Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up job is not currently running on database {0}.
Action: Ensure that the database is enabled with Change Data Capture (CDC) Clean up Job.
OGG-05285: The clean up job provided by Oracle GoldenGate to clean up the Change Data Capture (CDC) tables is not running on the current database {0}.
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate clean up job is not running on database {0}.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle GoldenGate cleanup job is enabled for the database.
OGG-05286: The clean up job provided by the Oracle GoldenGate or the CDC clean up job provided by Database is not running on the database {0}. The purging of Change Data Capture (CDC) enabled tables will not happen.
Cause: Neither the Oracle GoldenGate clean up job nor the Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up job are running on database {0}. Change Data Capture (CDC) enabled tables will not be purged.
Action: Ensure that the database is enabled with either the Oracle GoldenGate clean up job or Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up job from the database.
OGG-05287: The Oracle GoldenGate clean up job and the Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up job are both running on database {0}. Running both jobs simultaneously could result in data integrity issues.
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate clean up job and the Database provided Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up job are running on the same database. This may result in data inconsistency and/or loss.
Action:Ensure that the database is enabled with either the Oracle GoldenGate clean up job or the Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up job, but not both
OGG-05288: The Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up job for database {0} is disabled by the Oracle GoldenGate capture process to avoid any data loss.
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate capture process is running with TRANLOGOPTIONS MANAGECDCCLEANUP and it is found that user has also enabled the Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up job. So it has disabled the Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up job.
Action: Ensure that the database is enabled with either the Oracle GoldenGate clean up job or Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up job. Disable either Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up job or the Oracle GoldenGate clean up job.
OGG-05292: The Oracle GoldenGate capture job is running on database {0} with NOMANAGECDCCLEANUP. Oracle GoldenGate will not purge CDC enabled tables.
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate capture process is running with NOMANAGECDCCLEANUP.
Action: Ensure that the cleanup of CDC enabled tables is done by the SQL Server CDC cleanup job. Additionally, make sure that if the capture process is not running, the SQL Server CDC cleanup job does not purge the records that have not yet been read by the Oracle GoldenGate capture process. For production environments, Oracle recommends allowing Oracle GoldenGate to manage CDC cleanup.
OGG-05295: Change Data Capture (CDC) is disabled on database {0}. Ensure that the database is enabled for Change Data Capture. For information regarding enabling supplemental logging, see Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate for SQL Server.
Cause: CDC is disabled.
Action: Enable CDC on the database.
OGG-05296: Could not determine if Change Data Capture (CDC) is enabled on database {0}. Ensure that the database is enabled for Change Data Capture. For information regarding enabling supplemental logging, see Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate for SQL Server.
Cause: Could not get Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up Job settings from the database.
Action: Ensure that the database is enabled with Change Data Capture (CDC) clean up Job.
OGG-05298: Oracle GoldenGate object(s) {1} is missing from database {0}. Run ADD TRANDATA for table {2} to re-enable supplemental logging.
Cause: The process could not find the global CDC object(s) in the current database.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle GoldenGate required global CDC object(s) exist in the database. If object(s) are missing, then Run ADD TRANDATA for any table to create the required global CDC object(s).
OGG-05299: Native Transactional Replication is enabled for database {0}. Ensure that the SQL Server Log Reader Agent job is running.
Cause: Native transactional Replication is enabled on the database.
Action: None
OGG-05300: The Oracle GoldenGate cleanup job and the SQL Server CDC cleanup job both exist on database {0}. Ensure the SQL Server CDC cleanup job is disabled to allow Oracle GoldenGate to manage CDC cleanup.
Cause: The SQL Server provided CDC cleanup job exists alongside the Oracle GoldenGate CDC cleanup job.
Action: Ensure the SQL Server CDC cleanup job is disabled.
OGG-05301: Shell command output: '{0}'
Cause: A SHELL command declared as part of an EVENTACTIONS expression has produced output which was captured for reporting purposes. Informational only.
Action: None
OGG-05302: An error occurred while doing commit handling.
Cause: Ensure that the SQL Server Log Reader Agent job is running.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-05303: GRAPHIC/VARGRAPHIC/DBCLOB column support requires a UNICODE character set.
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate supports GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC and DBCLOB columns only if the character set of the column is UNICODE.
Action: Create the GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC or DBCLOB column in a UNICODE database or with a UNICODE character set, if that is not possible, exclude the table from the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.
OGG-05304: Database instance {0} has logarchmeth1 set to off.
Cause: The DB2 configuration parameter LOGARCHMETH1 is set to off.
Action: Set LOGARCHMETH1, LOGRETAIN or USEREXIT configuration parameter appropriately to enable DB2 log retention.
OGG-05305: Process {0} is not in a suspended state. RESUME is ignored.
Cause: A SEND command with RESUME was issued for a process that is not in the SUSPEND state. The RESUME request is being ignored.
Action: None
OGG-05306: Table {0}, column {1}, contains data type: {2,number,0} which is not a supported data type with COMPRESS SYSTEM DEFAULT ON.
Cause: The specified column is not supported for COMPRESS SYSTEM DEFAULT.
Action: Specify one of the valid COMPRESS SYSTEM DEFAULT data types: numerical, fixed-length character, fixed-length graphic string. For more information on supported data types, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for this database.
OGG-05500: Detected database metadata mismatch between current trail file {0} and the previous sequence. {1}
Cause: An inconsistency in database metadata was detected between the current and previous trail file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-05501: Detected trail format inconsistency between current trail file {0} and the previous sequence
Cause: An inconsistency in the trail format was detected between the current and previous trail file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-05502: WARNING: Table {0} is an IOT with Mapping Table. DML Replication of this type of table is not supported.
Cause: IOT with Mapping is not supported. DDL for IOT with Mapping will be Replicated correctly, but not DML for IOT with Mapping.
Action: Edit the parameter file to remove the table and others of this type from the TABLE statements, and then restart Extract. (If TABLE uses a wildcard, you can exclude those tables with TABLEEXCLUDE.) If DDL support was configured for this table, contact Oracle Support.
OGG-05503: WARNING: Improper VAM Implementation. The LOB data handle is not associated with the same transaction that contains the base row.
Cause: The LOB data handle was associated with a different transaction than the base row that is being Replicated at the time the data handle was created. Data handles can only be assigned to columns that belong to base rows that are in the same transaction.
Action: Contact Oracle Support for help with using TRANLOGOPTIONS LEGACYLOBREADING as a temporary workaround.
OGG-05506: Table {0}, column {1}, contains an unsupported data type: {2}.The column will be excluded.
Cause: The specified column contains an unsupported data type. The column will be excluded.
Action: For supported data types, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for this database.
OGG-05507: Table {0} column {1} : the fractional part of the captured timestamp will be truncated to {2,number,0} digits.
Cause: The timestamp column has higher granularity than the maximum supported fraction digits. The captured timestamp data will be truncated.
Action: None. Extract will process the timestamp data with less granularity.
OGG-05508: The CSN value {0} given with the ATCSN or AFTERCSN option is less than the CSN value {1} already committed by the previous instance of this process. Only transactions not yet committed will be processed.
Cause: START EXTRACT or START REPLICAT was issued with an ATCSN or AFTERCSN option, but the specified CSN value is lower than the highest CSN that has already been committed to the trail or target database. This would cause duplicate transactions if allowed.
Action: If you issued START EXTRACT or START REPLICAT at the given CSN to confirm that all transactions starting from that CSN got captured to the trail, no action is necessary. However, if it is your intention to start the output of the new process with the transaction at the specified CSN or immediately after it, contact Oracle Support for assistance in determining which output trail is to be affected.
OGG-05509: The CSN value {0} given in the command line was not seen. Processing begins with the first actual CSN value seen above the value in the command line.
Cause: The ATCSN option was used with a CSN value that does not exist in the transaction stream. This CSN value may not be a valid CSN.
Action: Make certain the provided CSN value exists in the input transaction stream. You can use the Logdump utility to examine the input trail file if you issued START REPLICAT or START EXTRACT for data pump with the ATCSN option. Refer to the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation for how CSN values are determined for your specific database.
OGG-05510: The CSN value {0} given with the ATCSN or AFTERCSN option is less than a CSN value {1} already committed by the previous instance of this process to at least one output trail file. Some transactions associated with the given CSN might be skipped, but others cannot be skipped because they have already been committed to a trail.
Cause: START EXTRACT was issued with an ATCSN or AFTERCSN option, but the specified CSN value is lower than the highest CSN that has already been committed to at least one of multiple output trails. This same specified CSN value is also higher than the highest CSN already committed to least one of the same set of multiple output trails. Some transactions might be skipped, but other transactions that were already committed to a trail during the previous process run cannot be skipped.
Action: None
OGG-05511: DROP TABLE encountered for {0}, DBID: {1}, OBID: {2}.
Cause: A DROP TABLE was the first log record encountered for the specified table after Extract started. Because WILDCARDRESOLVE IMMEDIATE was not specified, an entry in the definitions file for this table cannot be created, and no truncate record can be created for it.
Action: None
OGG-05512: TRUNCATE cannot be generated for table DBID: {0}, OBID: {1}. Refer to previous message for the name of the table.
Cause: A log record that indicates a DROP TABLE was processed. Because the DB2 catalog no longer contains the table, a TRUNCATE record cannot be captured for it.
Action: Refer to the previous message to get the name of the table. Then, resolve the target table so that it matches the source table, such as deleting or truncating the target table as appropriate.
OGG-05513: An INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE was encountered for table DBID: {0}, OBID: {1}. A table with the same DBID / OBID was identified as dropped during the current execution of Extract.
Cause: An INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE was encountered for a table that was identified as dropped during the current run of Extract. Because Extract did not acquire the definition of the dropped table from the DB2 catalog, it is not possible to determine if the table definition has changed.
Action: Refer to the previous message to get the name of the table. Then, resolve the target table so that it matches the source table, such as deleting or truncating the target table as appropriate. If using the SOURCEDEFS parameter, make certain that the data definitions file is current. Then, restart Extract.
OGG-05514: An INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE was encountered for table {0}, DBID: {1}, OBID: {2}, which was identified as dropped during the current execution of Extract. The current table definition does not match that of the dropped table.
Cause: An INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE was encountered for a table that was identified as dropped during the current run of Extract. The current table definition does not match that of the dropped table.
Action: Resolve the target table so that it matches the source table, such as deleting or truncating the target table as appropriate. If using the SOURCEDEFS parameter, make certain that the data definitions file is current. Then, restart Extract.
OGG-05515: DATA CAPTURE CHANGES is not enabled for SYS IBM.SYSTABLES. Processing will be switched from APIFILTER to NOAPIFILTER to allow the capture of data related to SYSIBM.SYSTABLES.
Cause: APIFILTER is enabled and DATA CAPTURE CHANGES is not enabled for SYSIBM. SYSTABLES. NOAPIFILTER will be used to capture data.
Action: To enable DATA CAPTURE CHANGESfor SYSIBM.SYSTABLES, use this GGSCI command: ADD TRANDATA sysibm.systables. This may allow processing to be done with APIFILTER, if no other conditions exist that would force NOAPIFILTER. One such condition is the need to capture change data for any table that includes one or more LOB columns.
OGG-05516: A table with one or more LOB column was encountered. Processing will be switched from APIFILTER to NOAPIFILTER to allow capture of data from the LOB column(s).
Cause: A table with one or more LOB column was encountered and APIFILTER is enabled, which would prevent capture of data from the LOB column(s).
Action: To allow filtering for this Extract group, move all tables that contain LOB columns to a different Extract group.
OGG-05517: OCI error ({0}-{1}) determining whether to ignore the object.
Cause: The process encountered the specified OCI error when trying to determine whether or not to ignore the object.
Action: Check the OCI error detail and resolve the cause of error.
OGG-05518: No data found when determining whether or not to ignore the object.
Cause: No data was found when determining if the object is to be ignored.
Action: Contact Oracle Support for help.
OGG-05519: Output trail file encryption: {0}
Cause: The ENCRYPTTRAIL parameter was specified or the data pump is sending an encrypted trail file.
Action: None
OGG-05520: Input trail file encryption: {0}
Cause: The input trail is encrypted.
Action: None
OGG-05600: Table {0} has a self-referencing foreign key. Records from this table will be ignored.
Cause: The specified table has a self-referencing foreign key. Oracle GoldenGate does not support this type of table and ignores operations on them.
Action: Undefined
OGG-05601: Error determining whether to ignore the object. OCI error ({0}-{1}) encountered executing SQL query: <{2}>
Cause: The process encountered the specified OCI error when trying to determine whether or not to ignore the object.
Action: Check the OCI error detail and resolve the cause of error. Ensure that the user has privileges to execute the SQL statement.
OGG-05663: CSN-based filtering suppressed a duplicate transaction from trail Seqno {0,number,0}, RBA {1,number,0}, with CSN {2} and transaction ID {3}.
Cause: CSN-based filtering identified a duplicate transaction and filtered it out.
Action: None
OGG-05664: CSN-based filtering suppressed {8,number,0} duplicate transactions, from trail Seqno {0,number,0}, RBA {1,number,0} to Seqno {4,number,0}, RBA {5,number,0}. The first transaction suppressed has CSN {2} and transaction ID {3}, and the last suppressed one has CSN {6} and transaction ID {7}
Cause: CSN-based filtering identified duplicate transactions and filtered them out.
Action: None
OGG-05672: CSN-based duplicate suppression is disabled because there is no checkpoint table for this Replicat.
Cause: There is no checkpoint table for the Replicat group. To store the CSN state, a checkpoint table is required.
Action: To use duplicate suppression, add a checkpoint table for Replicat.
OGG-05673: CSN-based duplicate suppression is disabled because there is no checkpoint table for this Replicat.
Cause: There is no checkpoint table for the Replicat group. To store the CSN state, a checkpoint table is required.
Action: To use duplicate suppression, add a checkpoint table for Replicat.
OGG-05700: WARNING: The ADD TRANDATA command was not issued for table {0}. No records will be processed for this table.
Cause: The ADD TRANDATA command was not issued for the specified table to enable supplemental logging.
Action: Issue the DBLOGIN command in GGSCI, and then issue the ADD TRANDATA command. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.
OGG-05701: Failed to drop supplemental log group on table {0} due to {1} SQL {2}
Cause: DELETE TRANDATA was issued for the specified table, but Oracle GoldenGate was not able to drop a supplemental log group on the table.
Action: Fix the problem based on the database error that is returned in the message.
OGG-06000: Replicat Coordinator failed to start Replicat thread {0}. Reason {1}.
Cause: An error occurred when Replicat Coordinator attempted to start a Replicat thread.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06001: Replicat Coordinator failed to send a message to Replicat thread {0}. Detail: {1}
Cause: An error occurred when Replicat Coordinator attempted to send a message to a Replicat thread.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06002: Coordinated Replicat process received an unsupported message: type {0}
Cause: An unsupported message was received by a Coordinated Replicat process.
Action: None
OGG-06003: All Replicat threads are registered.
Cause: The communication links with all Replicat threads are established.
Action: None
OGG-06004: Coordinated Replicat thread {0} exited unexpectedly. Please check the report file of {0} for more details.
Cause: The coordinator of the coordinated Replicat group received an unexpected thread disconnect event.
Action: Contact Oracle Support if you cannot determine the cause after viewing the report file for the specified thread.
OGG-06005: Replicat Coordinator failed to receive a message from Replicat thread {0}. Detail: {1}
Cause: An error occurred when Replicat Coordinator attempted to receive a message from a Replicat thread.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06006: Replicat thread failed to make a connection to Replicat Coordinator at {0}. Detail: {1}
Cause: An error occurred when Replicat thread attempted to connect to Replicat Coordinator.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06007: Replicat thread failed to register with Replicat Coordinator. Detail: {0}
Cause: An error occurred when Replicat thread attempted to register with Replicat Coordinator.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06008: Replicat thread failed to send a message to Replicat Coordinator. There was a communication error, or Replicat Coordinator may be in the process of stopping. Detail: {0}
Cause: An error occurred when Replicat thread attempted to send a message to Replicat Coordinator.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06009: Replicat thread failed to receive a message from Replicat Coordinator. Detail: {0}
Cause: An error occurred when Replicat thread attempted to receive a message from Replicat Coordinator.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06010: Not the default Partition, not applying DDL record. This is informational only.
Cause: Coordinated Replicat thread is not executing a barrier record. This is expected for all but one of the threads.
Action: None
OGG-06011: Not the default thread, aborting transaction containing PKUPDATE and letting barrier thread apply the transaction.
Cause: Coordinated Replicat thread is not executing a record containing PK Updates. This is expected for all but one of the threads.
Action: None
OGG-06012: The parameter file of a non-coordinated Replicat contains a THREAD, THREADS or THREADRANGE parameter. These parameters are ignored by non-coordinated Replicats.
Cause: The parameter file for a non-coordinated Replicat contains the THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE parameter, which is not supported.
Action: Remove the THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE parameter or run the Replicat as a coordinated Replicat.
OGG-06013: A HANDLECOLLISIONS clause in the parameter file for a non-coordinated Replicat contains a THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE parameter. The THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE parameter will be ignored.
Cause: The parameter file for a non-coordinated Replicat contains a HANDLECOLLISIONS or NOHANDLECOLLISIONS clause with a THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE parameter, which is not supported.
Action: Remove the THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE parameters from the HANDLECOLLISIONS clause or run the Replicat as a coordinated Replicat.
OGG-06014: A non-coordinated Replicat received a HANDLECOLLISIONS or NOHANDLECOLLISIONS command with a THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE parameter. The THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE parameter will be ignored.
Cause: A non-coordinated Replicat received a HANDLECOLLISIONS or NOHANDLECOLLISIONS command with a THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE parameter, which is not supported by a non-coordinated Replicat.
Action: Do not send HANDLECOLLISIONS commands with the THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE parameter to a non-coordinated Replicat.
OGG-06015: The last Coordinated Replicat run did not stop at a clean state and the parameter file has changed.
Cause: Changes have been made to the parameter file, and the last run of this Coordinated Replicat group stopped in an inconsistent state.
Action: Make sure the previous configuration stopped in a consistent state, where all the threads are at the same position (synchronized). Use the normal STOP command to stop threads in a synchronized state, or if they are already stopped, use the SYNCHRONIZE command.
OGG-06016: Unable to set the Coordinated thread checkpoint files or checkpoint table to the desired states. Error: {0}
Cause: There was a problem reading or writing a checkpoint file or checkpoint table.
Action: Make sure the checkpoint files exist and have the proper read/write permissions for Replicat to access them and ensure that the state of the checkpoint table is correct. Contact Oracle support if the problem persists.
OGG-06017: MAP statements can only have one THREAD or THREADRANGE parameter: {0}
Cause: A MAP statement contains more than one THREAD or THREADRANGE parameter.
Action: Remove all but one of the THREAD or THREADRANGE parameters from the MAP statement.
OGG-06018: A HANDLECOLLISIONS or NOHANDLECOLLISIONS parameter in a MAP statement does not match the THREAD or THREADRANGE parameter in that MAP statement: {0}
Cause: A HANDLECOLLISIONS or NOHANDLECOLLISIONS parameter within the MAP statement specifies a thread that is not in the THREAD or THREADRANGE clause in that MAP statement.
Action: Modify the parameters so that HANDLECOLLISIONS and NOHANDLECOLLISIONS specify only threads that are within the map's THREAD or THREADRANGE clause.
OGG-06019: The last Coordinated Replicat run did not stop at a clean state, and the threads were changed in the parameter file. Make sure the previous run stopped in a consistent state (synchronized).
Cause: Changes were made to the THREAD or THREADRANGE option in the parameter file, but the last run of this Coordinated Replicat group stopped in an inconsistent state.
Action: Make sure the previous configuration stopped in an consistent state, where all the threads are at the same position (synchronized). Use the normal STOP command to stop threads in a synchronized state, or if they are already stopped, use the SYNCHRONIZE command.
OGG-06020: Register timed out
Cause: A TCP/IP error occurred while the thread was trying to register with the coordinator.
Action: Check for any firewalls that forbid the connection, such as blocking certain ports or processes. Consult your network administrator if you cannot resolve the problem, before contacting Oracle Support, to rule out any other network issues.
OGG-06021: Register timed out
Cause: The Coordinated Replicat thread received an incorrect message from the Coordinator.
Action: Check for any network issues that may be causing the problem, then contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06022: Cannot execute global SQLEXEC because the thread is not in the coordinated Replicat THREAD list.
Cause: The coordinated Replicat thread is not in the list specified in the parameter file. This is expected behavior.
Action: None
OGG-06023: Parameters associated with the THREAD token in {0} are invalid.
Cause: SQLEXEC when used with the THREAD parameter requires valid thread id's.
Action: Modify THREAD parameter associated with SQLEXEC to include valid id's.
OGG-06024: The {0} parameter is not supported for Coordinated Replicat.
Cause: The specified parameter is not supported for Coordinated Replicat.
Action: Remove the parameter from the parameter file or delete the Replicat and add it as a non-coordinated Replicat.
OGG-06025: The THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE options of the TRACE parameter cannot be used for a non-coordinated Replicat.
Cause: A THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE option was detected in the TRACE parameter for a non-coordinated Replicat. These are only supported for Coordinated Replicat.
Action: Remove the THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE specification from the parameter file or delete the Replicat and then add it as a Coordinated Replicat.
OGG-06026: The parameter file has been changed since Coordinated Replicat started. The Coordinator and threads must all be using the same parameter file.
Cause: The parameter file crc value does not match the one recorded when Coordinated Replicat started. This indicates the parameter file was edited and changed during the startup sequence.
Action: Restart Coordinated Replicat to make sure Coordinator and threads are using the same file.
OGG-06027: Coordinator received a message that it was not expecting. Detail: {0}
Cause: A Coordinated Replicat thread belonging to another group (or another program) has sent the Coordinator a message. This can happen if the Coordinator reused a port used by a previous program or if the sending program is using the wrong port number.
Action: Check the process that sent the bad message, or restart Coordinated Replicat.
OGG-06028: Coordinated thread {0} cannot continue because the Coordinator is not running.
Cause: The Coordinator is not running.
Action: Check the Coordinator logs to see why it stopped working before the threads could register.
OGG-06029: Coordinator cannot continue because all Coordinated threads failed to register in the time allowed.
Cause: The Coordinator waits for a period of time before assuming Coordinated threads have died or had problems registering. The reason for the threads not registering could mean the processes died or had issues connecting with the Coordinator.
Action: Check the thread logs to see why they had issues starting and registering.
OGG-06030: The THREADRANGE option is only valid for the MAP statement. Use the THREADS option instead
Cause: It is not valid to specify the THREADRANGE option outside of a MAP statement.
Action: Use the THREADS option instead.
OGG-06031: The THREADS option is not valid for the MAP statement. Use the THREADRANGE option instead
Cause: It is not valid to specify the THREADS option in a MAP statement.
Action: Use the THREADRANGE option instead.
OGG-06032: Coordinator has not received message from thread {0}. Heartbeat timer expired.
Cause: The Coordinator did not receive a statistics response from the specified thread in the time period specified by the heartbeat timer.
Action: Check the logs to see what may have caused the thread to be unresponsive.
OGG-06033: Thread {0} has not received message from Coordinator. Heartbeat timer expired.
Cause: The coordinated thread did not receive a statistics request from the Coordinator in the time period specified by the heartbeat timer.
Action: Check the logs to see what may have caused the Coordinator to be unresponsive.
OGG-06034: This Coordinated Replicat thread matches multiple login specifications. Only the first will be used
Cause: There are multiple login specifications in the Replicat parameter file that match the Coordinated Replicat thread.
Action: Modify the parameter file so that no Coordinated Replicat thread is specified in multiple login specifications.
OGG-06035: The startup line or parameter file contains a Coordinated Replicat specific option (like THREAD or THREADS). This option is incompatible with regular Replicat.
Cause: The parameter file or startup options for a non-coordinated Replicat contains an option such as THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE, which is not supported.
Action: Remove the coordinated specific option or run the Replicat as a Coordinated Replicat.
OGG-06036: Unable to access checkpoint table for thread: {0}. Ignore if this is the first startup of this group.
Cause: A call to access CSN information in the checkpoint table failed.
Action: If this is the first time that you started this group after creating it, ignore this message. Contact Oracle Support if it persists.
OGG-06037: Start parameters SKIPTRANSACTION, ATCSN, AFTERCSN and FORCECURRENTPOSITION are mutually exclusive. Only one may be specified per thread. Thread {0} has multiple specifications
Cause: Two or more mutually exclusive parameters are specified in the START REPLICAT command.
Action: Re-issue the START REPLICAT command with only one of the options per thread. Do not use FORCECURRENTPOSITION. It is not valid for START REPLICAT.
OGG-06038: Thread ID {0} is greater than the MAXTHREADS value specified when the Replicat group was created
Cause: A thread ID was specified that is greater than the maximum number of threads specified when the Replicat was created.
Action: Specify a thread ID less than the specified maximum number of threads or delete the Replicat and then re-create it with a greater maximum.
OGG-06039: Thread ID {0} is not active.
Cause: A thread ID was specified for a thread that is not active.
Action: Specify the ID of an active thread.
OGG-06040: Column "{0}" specified in the THREADRANGE parameter does not contain a before image. Either use primary key columns for THREADRANGE or specify the GETUPDATEBEFORES parameter for Extract.
Cause: The THREADRANGE parameter contains a column that is not a primary key and that column was updated. The THREADRANGE parameter uses the before image for update operations but cannot find one in this case, because before images are not logged unless the GETUPDATEBEFORES parameter is specified for Extract.
Action: Either use primary key columns for the THREADRANGE clause or add GETUPDATEBEFORES to the Extract parameter file. Contact Oracle Support if the error persists.
OGG-06041: Sequence {0} is specified in a MAP statement containing a THREADRANGE clause. This is not allowed in Coordinated Replicat. Please map sequence to THREAD clause instead.
Cause: THREADRANGE and sequence object type are incompatiable in a MAP statement in Coordinated Replicat.
Action: MAP the sequence to a THREAD clause.
OGG-06042: This thread and the Coordinator are connected to different catalogs. All processes of a Coordinated Replicat must be connected to the same catalog.
Cause: All processes of a Coordinated Replicat must connect to the same catalog, but the parameter file specifies different catalogs for some processes.
Action: Modify the parameter file so that all processes connect to the same catalog.
OGG-06043: The coordinator has not received a heartbeat message from thread {0}. ({1} seconds since last stat message received)
Cause: The coordinator did not receive a heartbeat message from the specified thread. If the coordinator does not receive a heartbeat message soon, Replicat may abend.
Action: Check the status of specified thread. It may be hung or in bad state.
OGG-06044: Statements can only have one THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE parameter
Cause: A statement contains more than one THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE parameter.
Action: Remove all but one of the THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE parameters from the statement.
OGG-06045: Could not find column {0} specified in the THREADRANGE parameter
Cause: The process cannot find a column that is specified in a THREADRANGE clause.
Action: Check the THREADRANGE clause to make certain the name of the column is spelled correctly and that it exists in the source data.
OGG-06046: Not the default thread, aborting transaction containing EVENTACTIONS and letting barrier thread apply the transaction.
Cause: Coordinated Replicat thread is not executing a record containing EVENTACTIONS. This is expected for all but one of the threads.
Action: None
OGG-06047: Not the default thread, aborting transaction containing COORDINATED record and letting barrier thread apply the transaction.
Cause: Coordinated Replicat thread is not executing a transaction containing COORDINATED records. This is expected for all but one of the threads.
Action: None
OGG-06048: Error in Replicat communication: {0}
Cause: There was an error in Replicat communication.
Action: If possible, resolve the condition listed in the error message. Otherwise, contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06049: Replicat receieved an invalid connection
Cause: Replicat received an invalid connection.
Action: Make sure that the ports configured for use by GoldenGate are not used by other processes. Contact Oracle Support if the problem persists.
OGG-06050: Error communicating with thread {0}
Cause: Replicat encountered an error when trying to communicate with a thread.
Action: Fix any problems indicated by other error messages. Contact Oracle Support if the problem persists.
OGG-06051: Connection to Master unexpectedly terminated
Cause: Replicat was disconnected from the Master unexpectedly.
Action: Fix any problems indicated by other error messages. Contact Oracle Support if the problem persists.
OGG-06052: Error communicating with Master
Cause: Replicat encountered an error when trying to communicate with the Master.
Action: Fix any problems indicated by other error messages. Contact Oracle Support if the problem persists.
OGG-06053: Conflict in NUM_MAPPERS or NUM_APPLIERS specification for TARGETCATALOG "{0}"
Cause: The parameter file contains two TARGETCATALOG specifications for a catalog with conflicting values for NUM_MAPPERS or NUM_APPLIERS.
Action: Remove the conflicting specification from the parameter file.
OGG-06054: TARGETCATALOG specifications require more Appliers than are available
Cause: The TARGETCATALOG specifications in the parameter files specify a number of Appliers greater than the NUM_APPLIERS parameter.
Action: Modify the TARGETCATALOG specifications to reduce the number of Appliers or increase the value specified for NUM_APPLIERS.
OGG-06055: TARGETCATALOG specifications require more Mappers than are available
Cause: The TARGETCATALOG specifications in the parameter files specify a number of Mappers greater than the NUM_MAPPERS parameter.
Action: Modify the TARGETCATALOG specifications to reduce the number of Mappers or increase the value specified for NUM_MAPPERS.
OGG-06056: A THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE option specifies Thread ID {0}, which is greater than the group's MAXTHREADS ({1}).
Cause: A THREAD, THREADS, or THREADRANGE option specifies a Thread ID that is greater than the value of MAXTHREADS, which was specified when the group was created.
Action: Change the option so that the Thread IDs specified are less than or equal to the value of MAXTHREADS or recreate the Replicat with a higher value of MAXTHREADS.
OGG-06057: The value of SPLIT_TRANS_RECS was changed after Replicat ABENDED. Previous value: {0}.
Cause: The value specified for the SPLIT_TRANS_RECS parameter was changed after Replicat abended. Changes to SPLIT_TRANS_RECS should only be made when Replicat is stopped.
Action: Change the value of SPLIT_TRANS_RECS back to the previous value, SPLIT_TRANS_RECS and SPLIT_TRANS_RECS the Replicat, and then change the value of SPLIT_TRANS_RECS as needed.
OGG-06058: The parameter file of a non-Parallel Replicat contains the SPLIT_TRANS_RECS parameter. This parameter is ignored by non-Parallel Replicats.
Cause: The parameter file for a non-Parallel Replicat contains the SPLIT_TRANS_RECS parameter, which is not supported.
Action: Remove the SPLIT_TRANS_RECS parameter or recreate the Replicat as a Parallel Replicat.
OGG-06059: Not the default thread, aborting transaction containing updated source metadata and letting barrier thread apply the transaction.
Cause: Coordinated Replicat thread is not executing a transaction containing updated source metadata. This is expected for all but one of the threads.
Action: None
OGG-06060: Before image record for table {0} does not exist. Either use primary key columns for THREADRANGE or specify the GETUPDATEBEFORES parameter for Extract.
Cause: The THREADRANGE parameter contains a column that is not a primary key and the trail does not contain before image records for that table. The THREADRANGE parameter uses the before image for update operations, but cannot find one in this case, because before images are not logged unless the GETUPDATEBEFORES parameter is specified for Extract.
Action: Either use primary key columns for the THREADRANGE clause or add GETUPDATEBEFORES to the Extract parameter file. Contact Oracle Support if the error persists.
OGG-06061: Cannot alter Parallel Replicat {0} to {1} mode
Cause: Cannot switch apply mode because the specified Replicat is a Parallel Replicat.
Action: None
OGG-06062: Integrated Parallel Replicat not supported for this DB version.
Cause: Integrated Parallel Replicat requires Oracle Database release 12.2 or later.
Action: Run in a supported Oracle Database release or use non-integrated Parallel Replicat.
OGG-06063: Integrated Replicat not supported for this DB version.
Cause: Integrated Parallel Replicat requires Oracle Database release or later.
Action: Run in a supported Oracle Database release or use non-integrated Replicat.
OGG-06064: The dynamic INTEGARATEDPARAMS only supported for integrated ParallelReplicat in commit serialization mode.
Cause: The dynamic INTEGRATEDPARAMS option is only supported for integrated Parallel Replicat in commit serialization mode.
Action: Add INTEGRATEDPARAMS option to the parameter file and restart Replicat.
OGG-06065: Map parallelism must not exceed {1}, current parallelism: {0}.
Cause: Map parallelism exceeds the limit for this configuration.
Action: Reduce Map parallelism in the parameter file.
OGG-06066: Max Apply parallelism must not exceed {1}, current parallelism: {0}.
Cause: Max Apply parallelism exceeds the limit for this configuration.
Action: Reduce Max Apply parallelism in the parameter file.
OGG-06067: Spawned {0} with pid {1}
Cause: Replicat spawned a worker process.
Action: None
OGG-06068: Parallel Replicat only supports trails with full metadata
Cause: A Parallel Replicat was configured to Replicate data from a trail without full metadata.
Action: Configure a Replicat that is not Parallel or generate a trail with full metadata.
OGG-06069: Table {0} operations will be handled as barriers as it have more than {1} constraints defined.
Cause: Table has more constraints than Parallel Replicat supports, so it will be marked as barrier.
Action: Modify table so that it have less constraints than the supported by Parallel Replicat.
OGG-06070: DependencyInfo command only valid for Parallel Replicat.
Cause: DependencyInfo command issued for a non-Parallel Replicat.
Action: None
OGG-06071: DEPENDENCYINFO option {0} has invalid argument: {1}.
Cause: DependencyInfo command option has an invalid argument.
Action: Use a valid DependencyInfo command option
OGG-06072: Invalid DEPENDENCYINFO option: {0}.
Cause: DependencyInfo command has an invalid option.
Action: Use a valid DependencyInfo command option
OGG-06073: Removed {0} with pid {1}
Cause: Replicat removed a worker process.
Action: None
OGG-06074: Unique constraint columns used in dependency calculation for table {0}: {1}
Cause: Map resolved.
Action: Map resolved.
OGG-06075: Referential constraint columns used in dependency calculation for table {0}: {1}
Cause: Map resolved.
Action: Map resolved.
OGG-06076: Bitmap constraint columns used in dependency calculation for table {0}: {1}
Cause: Map resolved.
Action: Map resolved.
OGG-06077: Object constraint columns used in dependency calculation for table {0}: {1}
Cause: Map resolved.
Action: Map resolved.
OGG-06078: Column constraint columns used in dependency calculation for table {0}: {1}
Cause: Map resolved.
Action: Map resolved.
OGG-06100: Unable to convert an Oracle NUMBER attribute to a CHARACTER string. OCI Error {0}
Cause: A NUMBER attribute of a UDT could not be converted to a CHARACTER string, possibly because the data is corrupted.
Action: Fix the column value in the source database, and then restart Extract so that it captures the corrected data.
OGG-06101: '{0}': This feature is not supported on the current platform
Cause: An option or resource which is not supported on the current platform has been used.
Action: Use a proper option according to your platform.
OGG-06102: Unable to open credential store. Error code {0}.
Cause: The function call to open a credential store returned with an error code.
Action: Contact Oracle Support for help.
OGG-06103: Alias '{0}' not found in credential store.
Cause: The specified alias-credential group are not contained in current credential store.
Action: Verify the alias and credential group were typed correctly.
OGG-06104: Replicat does not support DDL operations for this database. Ignoring this operation.
Cause: Replicat encountered a DDL operation in the trail. DDL is not supported for this database, so this operation will be ignored.
Action: None
OGG-06105: SHELL argument {0} failed with error value {1}.
Cause: The SHELL argument failed due to improper argument specification or an internal expansion processing error.
Action: Verify that the SHELL expression is valid. If it appears valid, contact Oracle Support for further assistance.
OGG-06106: Bad value for source record.
Cause: The source record required to process SHELL arguments is invalid.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06107: Parameter {0} value was adjusted from {1} to {2}.
Cause: The specified parameter value was adjusted by the system.
Action: None
OGG-06108: Error generating encryption key. Error code {0}. Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate failed to generate an encryption key.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06109: Error encoding encryption key. Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: Trail encryption failed because an encryption key could not be generated.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06110: Error decoding encryption key. Contact Oracle Support.
Cause: An internal error occurred when trying to decode the trail encryption key.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06111: Error trying to use AES for trail encryption. The cipher is not defined properly.
Cause: The process tried to use an AES cipher that is not defined correctly.
Action: Verify that the AES specification is correct in the parameter file. Note that the same AES specification and key must be used to encrypt the trail and also to decrypt it. For example, if the trail is encrypted with AES 256, it must be decrypted with AES 256. If this problem persists, contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06112: AES encryption key length of {0} bytes exceeds the maximum allowed.
Cause: The process tried to use an AES encryption key that is larger than the maximum supported size of 256 bits.
Action: If the AES key is specified in the parameter file, change it to a supported key size. If the key is Oracle GoldenGate-generated, contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06113: Invalid AES encryption key.
Cause: The process attempted to use an AES encryption key with an incorrect value.
Action: If the AES key is specified in the parameter file, change it to a supported AES key value. If the key is Oracle GoldenGate-generated, contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06114: Error retrieving masterkey {0} from wallet at location {1}.
Cause: The process tried to use an encryption key from the master key wallet but could not find either the wallet or the name or version of the master key.
Action: Make certain that the GLOBALS parameter WALLETLOCATION contains the path to the appropriate wallet and that the parameter MASTERKEYNAME specifies a valid name and version of a master key that is stored in the specified wallet.
OGG-06115: Error decrypting trail file. Algorithm not supported on this platform.
Cause: The trail file header specifies that data has been encrypted with an algorithm not supported on this platform.
Action: Make certain that the Oracle GoldenGate source configuration for encryption is supported on the target system. If necessary, recreate and resend the trail file with the new configuration.
OGG-06116: The name of a trace file specified in an EVENTACTIONS clause is too long: {0}
Cause: The name of the specified trace file in the EVENTACTIONS parameter exceeds the length that is supported by Oracle GoldenGate.
Action: Use a shorter file name or file path for the name of the trace file, up to the maximum number of characters supported by the operating system for file names.
OGG-06117: Processed LOG event {0}{1}
Cause: This is a generic Event Marker Infrastructure informational message relating to the use of the EVENTACTIONS parameter. It may be useful for operational, performance, or diagnostic purposes.
Action: None
OGG-06118: Processed LOG event {0}{1}
Cause: This is a generic Event Marker Infrastructure warning message related to the use of the EVENTACTIONS parameter. It may indicate a potential problem and can be used for operational, performance, or diagnostic purposes.
Action: Take action based on the message that is returned. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06119: Trail file {0} is encrypted but no decryption key was found.
Cause: The trail file header indicates that its content is encrypted, but the reading process could not find the key in the trail metadata. The Oracle GoldenGate source configuration might be using an ENCKEYS file to store an encryption key, but the reading process is not configured to use this method.
Action: Make certain that the source and target configuration for trail encryption matches. If using ENCKEYS in source, target needs this method as well. Contact Oracle Support if assistance is needed.
OGG-06120: Trail file is encrypted with masterkey. Ignoring ENCKEYS configuration
Cause: The trail file header indicates that its content has been encrypted using the master encryption key, but the parameter file contains the ENCKEYS configuration.
Action: Remove the ENCKEYS configuration or specify DECRYPTTRAIL with no options to prevent further warning messages.
OGG-06121: Trail file is not encrypted. Ignoring DECRYPTTRAIL parameter
Cause: The trail file header indicates that its content is not encrypted, but the parameter file contains the DECRYPTTRAIL parameter.
Action: Remove the DECRYPTTRAIL parameter to prevent further warning messages.
OGG-06122: Cannot encrypt a trail file twice with masterkey. Encryption algorithm found in parameter file: {0}
Cause: Encryption with a master key is specified in the parameter file, but the input trail file that the data pump reads is already encrypted with a master key.
Action: Delete the ENCRYPTTRAIL parameter, or specify the DECRYPTTRAIL parameter if you want to keep ENCRYPTTRAIL.
OGG-06123: Cannot encrypt a trail file twice. Encryption algorithm found in parameter file: {0}. Encryption algorithm found in input trail file {1}.
Cause: Encryption is specified in the parameter file, but the input trail file that the data pump reads is already encrypted.
Action: Delete the ENCRYPTTRAIL parameter, or specify the DECRYPTTRAIL parameter if you want to keep ENCRYPTTRAIL.
OGG-06124: Cannot find AES key when attempting to reencrypt data record at trail file {0}, RBA {1,number,0}.
Cause: Added/removed token has forced record re-encryption in passthru mode, but the AES key is unavailable in the trail file header.
Action: Copy the ENCKEYS file to the ABENDED pump's Oracle GoldenGate installation directory if not already available. Set the DECRYPTTRAIL and ENCRYPTTRAIL parameters at pump configuration file in order to force re-encryption of the affected record. Optionally, revert back to the previous configuration when the affected record has been processed.
OGG-06125: Trail file uses AES encryption, but the AES key cannot be found in the trail header.
Cause: The incoming trail file was originally encrypted using ENCKEYS file enabled key, but the process's parameter file is either missing a DECRYPTTRAIL statement completely, or the DECRYPTTRAIL statement lacks the KEYNAME option needed to identify a individual keys in the ENCKEYS file.
Action: Copy the ENCKEYS file to the ABENDED pump's Oracle GoldenGate installation directory if not already available. Set the correct DECRYPTTRAIL and ENCRYPTTRAIL parameters in the process configuration file to force decryption and re-encryption of user data.
OGG-06126: Oracle Wallet does not exist.
Cause: The Oracle Wallet used to store the Oracle GoldenGate master key was not found.
Action: Ensure the CREATE WALLETcommand executed successfully.
OGG-06127: Oracle Wallet already exists.
Cause:The Oracle Wallet already exists.
Action: The CREATE WALLETcommand should be executed once. To open a previously created wallet, use the OPEN WALLETcommand.
OGG-06128: Oracle Wallet cannot be opened: '{0}'.
Cause: The Oracle Wallet used to store the Oracle GoldenGate master key cannot be opened.
Action: Check file permissions on the wallet file.
OGG-06129: Oracle Wallet cannot be created.
Cause: The Oracle Wallet used to store the Oracle GoldenGate master key cannot be created.
Action: Check file permissions on the wallet file.
OGG-06130: Oracle Wallet cannot be saved.
Cause: The Oracle Wallet used to store the Oracle GoldenGate master key cannot be saved.
Action: Check file permissions on the wallet file.
OGG-06131: Oracle Wallet cannot be read.
Cause: The Oracle Wallet used to store the Oracle GoldenGate master key cannot be read.
Action: Check file permissions on the wallet file.
OGG-06132: Oracle Wallet cannot be written.
Cause: The Oracle Wallet used to store the Oracle GoldenGate master key cannot be written.
Action: Check file permissions on the wallet file.
OGG-06133: Oracle Wallet in use by another process.
Cause: The Oracle Wallet used to store the Oracle GoldenGate master key is in use by another process and cannot be used by the current process.
Action: Exit other Oracle GoldenGate applications and try again.
OGG-06134: Oracle Wallet cannot be purged.
Cause: The Oracle Wallet used to store the Oracle GoldenGate master key cannot be purged.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06135: Oracle Wallet purged successfully.
Cause: The Oracle Wallet used to store the Oracle GoldenGate master key was purged successfully.
Action: No action is required.
OGG-06136: Oracle Wallet does not contain a master key: '{0}'.
Cause: The Oracle Wallet in the specified location is empty.
Action: Use the ADD MASTERKEYcommand to create the master key.
OGG-06137: Master key '{1}' does not exist in Oracle Wallet..
Cause: The Oracle Wallet does not contain the requested master key.
Action: Use the ADD MASTERKEY command to create the master key.
OGG-06138: Version {2,number,0} of master key '{1}' does not exist in Oracle Wallet.
Cause: The Oracle Wallet does not contain the requested master key.
Action: Use the ADD MASTERKEYcommand to create the master key.
OGG-06139: Key generation not supported on this platform.
Cause: Key generation requires support for random data generation that is not supported on this platform.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06140: Failed to create new version of master key '{0}'.
Cause: Creation of a new version of the master key failed.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06141: Failed to activate version {1,number,0) of master key '{1}'.
Cause: Activation of a version of the master key failed.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06142: Created version {2,number,0} of master key '{1}' in Oracle Wallet.
Cause: A new version of the master key was created and stored in the Oracle Wallet.
Action: No action is required.
OGG-06143: Master key '{1}' already exists in Oracle Wallet.
Cause: A master key already exists in the Oracle Wallet.
Action: Try the RENEW MASTERKEYcommand.
OGG-06144: VVersion {2,number,0} of master key '{1}' in Oracle Wallet already deleted.
Cause: The master key version cannot be deleted because it is already deleted.
Action: No action is required.
OGG-06145: Version {2,number,0} of master key '{1}' in Oracle Wallet is not deleted.
Cause: The master key version cannot be undeleted because it is not deleted.
Action: No action is required.
OGG-06146: Deletion of version {2,number,0} of master key '{1}' in Oracle Wallet failed.
Cause: The master key version cannot be deleted.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06147: Undelete of version {2,number,0} of master key '{1}' in Oracle Wallet failed.
Cause: The master key version cannot be undeleted.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OGG-06148: Version {2,number,0} of master key '{1}' in Oracle Wallet was deleted.
Cause: The master key version was deleted successfully.
Action: No action is required.
OGG-06149: All versions of master key '{1}' in Oracle Wallet were deleted.
Cause: All versions of the master key were deleted successfully.
Action: No action is required.
OGG-06150:Version {2,number,0} of master key '{1}' in Oracle Wallet was undeleted.
Cause: The master key version was undeleted successfully.
Action: No action is required.
OGG-06151: Cannot set latest version of master key '{0}'.
Cause: Creation of a new version of the master key failed.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.