
Guidebee Android Game Engine
Guidebee Game Engine(GGE), whose core is based on libgdx ,but instead of trying to be a cross-platform game visualization development framework, GGE is focus on Android platform and provide much easier Game API interfaces and enforce game development best practices for Android game developers, and since it’s just a game engine (library) for Android ,you can still access all features Android platform supports quite easily. GGE has build-in Box2D physics support, Entity System Framework for cleaner game logic design, Tween Engine and Actions for Animations, 99% of the time you don’t need to know anything about OpenGL ES before you start game programming, supports SVG rendering and vector drawings. it also provides Java ME Game API similar interfaces thus make it more convenient to port old Java ME games to Android platform. It also makes most collision detection algorithms available for majorities of all game scenarios.
dependencies {    ...    compile 'com.guidebee:game-engine:1.0.0'}
Guidebee Android Game Engine Tutorials
  • Android Gradle Project
  • Basics
  • Packages
  • Game Logic
  • Basic Graphics
  • Texture & TextureRegion
  • TextureAtlas
  • Handling Input and On Screen Game Pad
  • Sound and Music
  • Scenery and TiledMap
  • SVG Image and Unmanaged Assets
  • Collision Detection
  • Microedition Game API
  • Bring Physics to your Game World
  • UI Components and HUD Components
  • Camera and Viewport basics
  • User Interface and UI Components
  • Animate With Actions
To use guidebee android game engine in your project in your build.gradle
add the following
dependencies {    ...    compile 'com.guidebee:game-engine:1.0.0'}
Guidebee Android Game Engine Box2D Tutorials
  • Introduction
  • Basic Concepts
  • Control Player
  • Body Types
  • Shape Types
  • Apply Forces and Impulses to Bodies
  • Collision Detection and Collision Filter
  • Sensors
  • Ray Casts
  • Joints
  • More on Bodies
  • The world
