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	 * Open an IMAP stream to a mailbox
	 * @param string $host
	 * @param string $port
	 * @param string $user
	 * @param string $pass
	 * @return resource|bool
	public function mailConnect($host, $port, $user, $pass) {

		$this->_connect = imap_open("{" . "$host:$port" . "}INBOX", $user, $pass);
		if (!$this->_connect) {
			jbxue_Application::getSession()->addError('cannot connect: ' . imap_last_error());
			return false;
		return $this->_connect;

	 * Get information about the current mailbox
	 * @return object|bool
	public function mailInfo() {
		$this->_mailInfo = imap_mailboxmsginfo($this->_connection);
		if (!$this->_mailInfo) {
			echo "get mailInfo failed: " . imap_last_error();
			return false;
		return $this->_mailInfo;

	 * Read an overview of the information in the headers of the given message
	 * @param string $msgRange
	 * @return array
	public function mailList($msgRange = '') {
		if ($msgRange) {
			$range = $msgRange;
		} else {
			$range = "1:" . $this->_totalCount;
		$overview = imap_fetch_overview($this->_connect, $range);
		foreach ($overview as $val) {
			$mailList[$val->msgno] = (array) $val;
		return $mailList;

	 * get the total count of the current mailbox
	 * @return int
	public function mailTotalCount() {
		$check = imap_check($this->_connect);
		$this->_totalCount = $check->Nmsgs;
		return $this->_totalCount;

	 * Read the header of the message
	 * @param string $msgCount
	 * @return array
	public function mailHeader($msgCount) {
		$mailHeader = array();
		$header = imap_header($this->_connect, $msgCount);
		$sender = $header->from[0];
		$replyTo = $header->reply_to[0];
		if (strtolower($sender->mailbox) != 'mailer-daemon' && strtolower($sender->mailbox) != 'postmaster') {
			$subject = $this->subjectDecode($header->subject);
			$mailHeader = array(
				'from' => strtolower($sender->mailbox) . '@' . $sender->host,
				'fromName' => $sender->personal,
				'toOther' => strtolower($replyTo->mailbox) . '@' . $replyTo->host,
				'toOtherName' => $replyTo->personal,
				'subject' => $subject,
				'to' => strtolower($header->toaddress),
				'date' => $header->date,
				'id' => $header->Msgno,
				'seen' => $header->Unseen,
		return $mailHeader;

	 * decode the subject of chinese
	 * @param string $subject
	 * @return sting
	public function subjectDecode($subject) {
		$beginStr = substr($subject, 0, 5);
		if ($beginStr == '=?ISO') {
			$separator = '=?ISO-2022-JP';
			$toEncoding = 'ISO-2022-JP';
		} else {
			$separator = '=?GBK';
			$toEncoding = 'GBK';
		$encode = strstr($subject, $separator);
		if ($encode) {
			$explodeArr = explode($separator, $subject);
			$length = count($explodeArr);
			$subjectArr = array();
			for ($i = 0; $i < $length / 2; $i++) {
				$subjectArr[$i][] = $explodeArr[$i * 2];
				if (@$explodeArr[$i * 2 + 1]) {
					$subjectArr[$i][] = $explodeArr[$i * 2 + 1];
			foreach ($subjectArr as $arr) {
				$subSubject = implode($separator, $arr);
				if (count($arr) == 1) {
					$subSubject = $separator . $subSubject;
				$begin = strpos($subSubject, "=?");
				$end = strpos($subSubject, "?=");
				$beginStr = '';
				$endStr = '';
				if ($end > 0) {
					if ($begin > 0) {
						$beginStr = substr($subSubject, 0, $begin);
					if ((strlen($subSubject) - $end) > 2) {
						$endStr = substr($subSubject, $end + 2, strlen($subSubject) - $end - 2);
					$str = substr($subSubject, 0, $end - strlen($subSubject));
					$pos = strrpos($str, "?");
					$str = substr($str, $pos + 1, strlen($str) - $pos);
					$subSubject = $beginStr . imap_base64($str) . $endStr;
					$subSubjectArr[] = iconv($toEncoding, 'utf-8', $subSubject);
					mb_convert_encoding($subSubject, 'utf-8', 'gb2312,ISO-2022-JP');
			$subject = implode('', $subSubjectArr);
		return $subject;

	 * Mark a message for deletion from current mailbox
	 * @param string $msgCount
	public function mailDelete($msgCount) {
		imap_delete($this->_connect, $msgCount);

	 * get attach of the message
	 * @param string $msgCount
	 * @param string $path
	 * @return array
	public function getAttach($msgCount, $path) {
		$struckture = imap_fetchstructure($this->_connect, $msgCount);
		$attach = array();
		if ($struckture->parts) {
			foreach ($struckture->parts as $key => $value) {
				$encoding = $struckture->parts[$key]->encoding;
				if ($struckture->parts[$key]->ifdparameters) {
					$name = $struckture->parts[$key]->dparameters[0]->value;
					$message = imap_fetchbody($this->_connect, $msgCount, $key + 1);
					if ($encoding == 0) {
						$message = imap_8bit($message);
					} else if ($encoding == 1) {
						$message = imap_8bit($message);
					} else if ($encoding == 2) {
						$message = imap_binary($message);
					} else if ($encoding == 3) {
						$message = imap_base64($message);
					} else if ($encoding == 4) {
						$message = quoted_printable_decode($message);
					$this->downAttach($path, $name, $message);
					$attach[] = $name;
				if ($struckture->parts[$key]->parts) {
					foreach ($struckture->parts[$key]->parts as $keyb => $valueb) {
						$encoding = $struckture->parts[$key]->parts[$keyb]->encoding;
						if ($struckture->parts[$key]->parts[$keyb]->ifdparameters) {
							$name = $struckture->parts[$key]->parts[$keyb]->dparameters[0]->value;
							$partnro = ($key + 1) . "." . ($keyb + 1);
							$message = imap_fetchbody($this->_connect, $msgCount, $partnro);
							if ($encoding == 0) {
								$message = imap_8bit($message);
							} else if ($encoding == 1) {
								$message = imap_8bit($message);
							} else if ($encoding == 2) {
								$message = imap_binary($message);
							} else if ($encoding == 3) {
								$message = imap_base64($message);
							} else if ($encoding == 4) {
								$message = quoted_printable_decode($message);
							$this->downAttach($path, $name, $message);
							$attach[] = $name;
		return $attach;

	 * download the attach of the mail to localhost
	 * @param string $filePath
	 * @param string $message
	 * @param string $name
	public function downAttach($filePath, $name, $message) {
		if (is_dir($filePath)) {
			$fileOpen = fopen($filePath . $name, "w");
		} else {
		fwrite($fileOpen, $message);

	 * click the attach link to download the attach
	 * @param string $id
	public function getAttachData($id, $filePath, $fileName) {
		$nameArr = explode('.', $fileName);
		$length = count($nameArr);
		$contentType = $this->_contentType[$nameArr[$length - 1]];
		if (!$contentType) {
			$contentType = $this->_contentType['*'];
		$filePath = chop($filePath);
		if ($filePath != '') {
			if (substr($filePath, strlen($filePath) - 1, strlen($filePath)) != '/') {
				$filePath .= '/';
			$filePath .= $fileName;
		} else {
			$filePath = $fileName;
		if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
			echo 'the file is not exsit';
			return false;
		$fileSize = filesize($filePath);
		header("Content-type: " . $contentType);
		header("Accept-Range : byte ");
		header("Accept-Length: $fileSize");
		header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $fileName);
		$fileOpen = fopen($filePath, "r");
		$bufferSize = 1024;
		$curPos = 0;
		while (!feof($fileOpen) && $fileSize - $curPos > $bufferSize) {
			$buffer = fread($fileOpen, $bufferSize);
			echo $buffer;
			$curPos += $bufferSize;
		$buffer = fread($fileOpen, $fileSize - $curPos);
		echo $buffer;
		return true;

	 * get the body of the message
	 * @param string $msgCount
	 * @return string
	public function getBody($msgCount) {
		$body = $this->getPart($msgCount, "TEXT/HTML");
		if ($body == '') {
			$body = $this->getPart($msgCount, "TEXT/PLAIN");
		if ($body == '') {
			return '';
		return $body;

	 * Read the structure of a particular message and fetch a particular
	 * section of the body of the message
	 * @param string $msgCount
	 * @param string $mimeType
	 * @param object $structure
	 * @param string $partNumber
	 * @return string|bool
	private function getPart($msgCount, $mimeType, $structure = false, $partNumber = false) {

		if (!$structure) {
			$structure = imap_fetchstructure($this->_connect, $msgCount);
		if ($structure) {
			if ($mimeType == $this->getMimeType($structure)) {
				if (!$partNumber) {
					$partNumber = "1";
				$fromEncoding = $structure->parameters[0]->value;
				$text = imap_fetchbody($this->_connect, $msgCount, $partNumber);
				if ($structure->encoding == 3) {
					$text = imap_base64($text);
				} else if ($structure->encoding == 4) {
					$text = imap_qprint($text);
				$text = mb_convert_encoding($text, 'utf-8', $fromEncoding);
				return $text;
			if ($structure->type == 1) {
				while (list($index, $subStructure) = each($structure->parts)) {
					$prefix = '';
					if ($partNumber) {
						$prefix = $partNumber . '.';
					$data = $this->getPart($msgCount, $mimeType, $subStructure, $prefix . ($index + 1));
					if ($data) {
						return $data;
		return false;

	 * get the subtype and type of the message structure
	 * @param object $structure
	private function getMimeType($structure) {
		if ($structure->subtype) {
			return $mimeType[(int) $structure->type] . '/' . $structure->subtype;
		return "TEXT/PLAIN";

	 * put the message from unread to read
	 * @param string $msgCount
	 * @return bool
	public function mailRead($msgCount) {
		$status = imap_setflag_full($this->_connect, $msgCount, "\\Seen");
		return $status;

	 * Close an IMAP stream
	public function closeMail() {
		imap_close($this->_connect, CL_EXPUNGE);






public function get($userId){
     $mail = new Email();
     $connect = $mail->mailConnect('', '143','****', '授权码');
     if ($connect) {
	 $totalCount = $mail->mailTotalCount();
	 $list = $mail->mailList();
	for ($i = $totalCount; $i > 0; $i--) {
		$mailHeader = $mail->mailHeader($i);
		if($mailHeader['from'] == '***@***.com'){//邮件来源
			 if ($mailHeader['seen'] == "U") { //未读 
			       $subject = $mailHeader['subject']; //邮件标题
			       $status = $mail->mailRead($i);

