安装 Java mp3 plugin

用JMF 播放一个mp3时出现,错误Unable to handle format: mpeglayer3。

The reason you are being able to play some of the mp3 files is that they are mpeg1 version or lower than mpeglayer3.So what you have to do is to download mp3plugin for jmf.It is a jar file put it into your jre/s /lib/ ext folder.Just follow the steps given on the download page.Run the command Java JavaEncoder something of that sort, it is given on the download page.What this command actually does is register this plugin into your jmf.preoperties file which is a binary file.Once you have modified your properties file then go to ur project and paste this file.Also put jmf.jar+mp3plgun.jar in your classpath.And see the magic.Cheers
