


1. Cut corners
5. The __ plane, or S(7)
9. Hydrogen
14. Large reptile
16. Column
17. Gives the slope of a tangent to a curve
19. Book by Zienkiewicz and Taylor, abbr.
20. Divide
21. Sin reciprocal
22. The playing field, in nim
25. "I saw Blanusa's paper __ after it appeared." -- Tutte
26. pronoun
27. Hydroxyl group bonded to a doubly-bonded carbon atom
28. (e^z - e^(-z))/2
29. Bar
30. The sphinx is a __-tile
31. __-digit
32. Fit
35. A type of map projection
38. The ___ hypothesis is independent of Zermelo-Fraenkel-Choice
39. Floor coverings, frequently symmetrical
40. Graph theorist Hai Peng
41. Angle
42. Branch or Dedekind
43. Math __ (where to find a prof)
44. 2, 4, 6, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 42 ...
46. Art __
47. Computer Algebra: Systems and Algorithms for Algebraic Computation editor
48. MAA president Graham
49. Rule
50. As opposed to LHS
51. The gamma function has these at negative integers
57. Puzzle creator van Deventer
58. Tries
59. Paris river
60. Philosopher Descartes
61. Charts


1. Saturnine
2. Director of Ulugh Beg's observatory
3. 3-30 KHz, as heard by "whistler" receivers
4. An OOPL or tower.
5. Plow
6. Supped
7. Proof of existance, without a specific example
8. Hermite orthogonal polynomial
9. Stat
10. GTE rival
11. Quasi-conformal enemy of Edmund Landau
12. (23/9)^5 and 109, for example
13. Ergo
15. Pilot stunt: "pulling ___"
18. Faraday theory, later proven by Arrhenius
22. Peace prize winner Shimon
23. J of ___ and Appl
24. The Inverse Variational Problem in Classical Mechanics author
25. The "sampling" function
26. A searching method for Ramsey numbers
28. "What I give form to in daylight is only one per cent of what I have __ in darkness." -- Escher
29. boxers
31. High school math
32. Add-with-carry, inverse congruential, rule 30, dice, etc.
33. Chaos and Fractals author Dietmar
34. Graphica author Michael
36. ICOSAHOM editor Andrew
37. Focus, for example
42. Triangle part studied by Kimberling
43. In anatomy, away from the origin
44. More than 1500 math papers have his name
45. Where Set theory: On the structure of the real line was written
46. Actor Knotts
47. Number theorist Peter
49. Sported
50. Theorem
52. Cylinder
53. O'__ group (order 460815505920)
54. Skater Midori
55. Mind plotter
56. It's better than angle-angle-side

    O, Draconian devil! Oh, lame saint! = Leonardo da Vinci, The Mona Lisa

    Listen = Silent
    Dormitory = Dirty Room
    Desperation = A Rope Ends It
    Mother-in-law = Woman Hitler
    A telephone girl = Repeating "Hello"
    The country side = No City Dust Here

    To be or not to be: that is the question, whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
    = In one of the Bard's best-thought-of tragedies, our insistent hero, Hamlet, queries on two fronts about how life turns rotten.

    Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one

    The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

    Cozy lummox gives smart squid who asks for job pen.

    Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

    当然,有人肯定想问,有没有最短的Pangram?当然有。有的Pangram只有26个字母(每个字母恰好用一次),这样的Pangram叫做Perfect pangram。比如下面这一个:
    New job: fix Mr. Gluck's hazy TV, PDQ!

    Autogram又叫做Self-enumerating Sentence,是指一句话的内容描述的正是这句话本身。下面是一些常见的Autogram:
    This sentence contains five words.
    This sentence contains thirty-six letters.
    There are fourteen vowels in this sentence.

    1982年,Scientific American月刊上刊登出一个Autogram杰作:

Only the fool would take trouble to verify that his sentence was composed of ten a's, three b's, four c's, four d's, forty-six e's, sixteen f's, four g's, thirteen h's, fifteen i's, two k's, nine l's, four m's, twenty-five n's, twenty-four o's, five p's, sixteen r's, forty-one s's, thirty-seven t's, ten u's, eight v's, eight w's, four x's, eleven y's, twenty-seven commas, twenty-three apostrophes, seven hyphens and, last but not least, a single !


This autogram contains five a's, one b, two c's, two d's, thirty-one e's, five f's, five g's, eight h's, twelve i's, one j, one k, two l's, two m's, eighteen n's, sixteen o's, one p, one q, six r's, twenty-seven s's, twenty-one t's, three u's, seven v's, eight w's, three x's, four y's, and one z.

    Palindrome是指这样一种单词或句子,从左往右和从右往左读都是一样的。例如,单词eye, noon, level, racecar, redivider都是Palindrome。一些比较长的句子也可能是Palindrome,比如USACO上曾出现过这样一个Palindrome:
    Madam, I'm Adam.

    Never odd or even.
    Was it a cat I saw?
    Step on no pets!
    Dammit, I'm mad!
    Rise to vote, sir.
    God lived as a devil dog.
    A man, a plan, a canal -- Panama!

    Able was I ere I saw Elba.


Alphamagic Square
    1986年,一个叫Lee Sallows的电子工程师发现了这样一个3阶幻方:
5       22      18
28      15      2
12      8       25

five            twenty-two      eighteen
twenty-eight    fifteen         two
twelve          eight           twenty-five

4       9       8
11      7       3
6       5       10


