2G文件,单个请求32K到16MB分布,测试所有的iozone case,全程使用O_DIRECT。
[root@digoal current]# ./iozone -Ra -I -+u -y 32k -q 16m -g 2G -n 2G -f /data01/test -b /data01/test.wks
详细的参数请参考iozone -h
[root@digoal ~]# mount /dev/sdb1 /data01 -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,data=ordered
[root@digoal current]# ./iozone -Ra -I -+u -y 32k -q 16m -g 2G -n 2G -f /data01/test -b /data01/test.wks
Iozone: Performance Test of File I/O
Version $Revision: 3.434 $
Compiled for 64 bit mode.
Build: linux-AMD64
Contributors:William Norcott, Don Capps, Isom Crawford, Kirby Collins
Al Slater, Scott Rhine, Mike Wisner, Ken Goss
Steve Landherr, Brad Smith, Mark Kelly, Dr. Alain CYR,
Randy Dunlap, Mark Montague, Dan Million, Gavin Brebner,
Jean-Marc Zucconi, Jeff Blomberg, Benny Halevy, Dave Boone,
Erik Habbinga, Kris Strecker, Walter Wong, Joshua Root,
Fabrice Bacchella, Zhenghua Xue, Qin Li, Darren Sawyer,
Vangel Bojaxhi, Ben England, Vikentsi Lapa,
Alexey Skidanov.
Run began: Mon Nov 30 01:47:40 2015
Excel chart generation enabled
Auto Mode
O_DIRECT feature enabled
CPU utilization Resolution = 0.000 seconds.
CPU utilization Excel chart enabled
Using Minimum Record Size 32 kB
Using Maximum Record Size 16384 kB
Using maximum file size of 2097152 kilobytes.
Using minimum file size of 2097152 kilobytes.
Command line used: ./iozone -Ra -I -+u -y 32k -q 16m -g 2G -n 2G -f /data01/test -b /data01/test.wks
Output is in kBytes/sec
Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds.
Processor cache size set to 1024 kBytes.
Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes.
File stride size set to 17 * record size.
random random bkwd record stride
kB reclen write rewrite read reread read write read rewrite read fwrite frewrite fread freread
2097152 32 134418 137172 375562 384119 86187 136983 88777 121142 85634 928787 1422844 7479780 8053423
2097152 64 134167 202202 468653 460789 126486 201188 122861 197159 126381 1383822 1105178 7725882 8586657
2097152 128 76223 246728 478150 476280 132230 232430 133712 218963 141642 1270394 1430517 7054489 7655208
2097152 256 90344 278123 470824 463306 201172 269974 202418 255450 205696 1358647 1442362 6553250 5856184
2097152 512 248710 278122 480782 477937 249097 285558 255350 156027 244695 1386226 1447207 6709274 7163894
2097152 1024 323825 324080 486221 483573 330679 322758 323153 255837 331737 1375727 1444986 6635777 7530193
2097152 2048 346527 347812 456888 473026 362050 347068 386283 353686 369822 1335331 1428099 5584289 5337212
2097152 4096 359385 365783 477321 437269 424284 356512 425930 373190 423774 1335068 1429786 5250308 5224279
2097152 8192 381589 379722 457510 473173 443560 384028 441171 380177 443229 1601698 1416931 5054927 5087076
2097152 16384 360667 370847 456841 465093 458894 380607 455677 390324 460216 1357927 1439198 4670778 5244898
iozone test complete.
Excel output is below:
"Writer report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 134418 134167 76223 90344 248710 323825 346527 359385 381589 360667
"Re-writer report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 137172 202202 246728 278123 278122 324080 347812 365783 379722 370847
"Reader report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 375562 468653 478150 470824 480782 486221 456888 477321 457510 456841
"Re-Reader report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 384119 460789 476280 463306 477937 483573 473026 437269 473173 465093
"Random read report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 86187 126486 132230 201172 249097 330679 362050 424284 443560 458894
"Random write report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 136983 201188 232430 269974 285558 322758 347068 356512 384028 380607
"Backward read report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 88777 122861 133712 202418 255350 323153 386283 425930 441171 455677
"Record rewrite report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 121142 197159 218963 255450 156027 255837 353686 373190 380177 390324
"Stride read report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 85634 126381 141642 205696 244695 331737 369822 423774 443229 460216
"Fwrite report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 928787 1383822 1270394 1358647 1386226 1375727 1335331 1335068 1601698 1357927
"Re-Fwrite report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 1422844 1105178 1430517 1442362 1447207 1444986 1428099 1429786 1416931 1439198
"Fread report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 7479780 7725882 7054489 6553250 6709274 6635777 5584289 5250308 5054927 4670778
"Re-Fread report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 8053423 8586657 7655208 5856184 7163894 7530193 5337212 5224279 5087076 5244898
"Writer CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 30.53 60.79 89.21 92.41 56.59 19.67 19.63 20.76 17.98 16.37
"Re-writer CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 26.89 21.81 17.84 16.17 16.59 19.02 17.47 19.12 18.79 15.68
"Reader CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 67.65 37.39 19.16 14.72 25.13 24.53 28.76 26.52 32.65 34.26
"Re-Reader CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 68.50 38.06 19.45 14.53 21.60 24.35 27.76 30.61 30.78 33.09
"Random read CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 17.01 14.16 15.05 13.30 17.93 19.12 20.03 23.06 30.26 33.92
"Random write CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 26.84 23.07 19.57 15.66 16.07 17.82 16.73 18.39 16.56 22.41
"Backward read CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 16.87 14.43 14.58 12.16 16.66 17.02 21.45 22.85 30.40 33.42
"Record rewrite CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 27.38 22.68 20.13 17.25 15.92 19.72 22.78 22.70 21.70 23.66
"Stride read CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 18.18 13.91 12.72 12.13 14.51 18.89 20.04 23.34 31.29 35.46
"Fwrite CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 20.11 22.00 25.52 21.41 20.77 23.36 24.63 24.11 26.59 24.78
"Re-Fwrite CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 17.98 17.55 18.95 17.68 17.47 20.64 20.77 20.43 20.93 19.63
"Fread CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
"Re-Fread CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
[root@digoal ~]# mkfs.btrfs /dev/sdb1 -m single -n 4096 -f
[root@digoal ~]# mount /dev/sdb1 /data01 -o ssd,discard,nodatacow,noatime,nodiratime,compress=no,space_cache,ssd_spread
[root@digoal current]# ./iozone -Ra -I -+u -y 32k -q 16m -g 2G -n 2G -f /data01/test -b /data01/test.wks
Iozone: Performance Test of File I/O
Version $Revision: 3.434 $
Compiled for 64 bit mode.
Build: linux-AMD64
Contributors:William Norcott, Don Capps, Isom Crawford, Kirby Collins
Al Slater, Scott Rhine, Mike Wisner, Ken Goss
Steve Landherr, Brad Smith, Mark Kelly, Dr. Alain CYR,
Randy Dunlap, Mark Montague, Dan Million, Gavin Brebner,
Jean-Marc Zucconi, Jeff Blomberg, Benny Halevy, Dave Boone,
Erik Habbinga, Kris Strecker, Walter Wong, Joshua Root,
Fabrice Bacchella, Zhenghua Xue, Qin Li, Darren Sawyer,
Vangel Bojaxhi, Ben England, Vikentsi Lapa,
Alexey Skidanov.
Run began: Mon Nov 30 02:13:32 2015
Excel chart generation enabled
Auto Mode
O_DIRECT feature enabled
CPU utilization Resolution = 0.000 seconds.
CPU utilization Excel chart enabled
Using Minimum Record Size 32 kB
Using Maximum Record Size 16384 kB
Using maximum file size of 2097152 kilobytes.
Using minimum file size of 2097152 kilobytes.
Command line used: ./iozone -Ra -I -+u -y 32k -q 16m -g 2G -n 2G -f /data01/test -b /data01/test.wks
Output is in kBytes/sec
Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds.
Processor cache size set to 1024 kBytes.
Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes.
File stride size set to 17 * record size.
random random bkwd record stride
kB reclen write rewrite read reread read write read rewrite read fwrite frewrite fread freread
2097152 32 123755 124696 266012 259530 81904 118866 85865 125944 81506 1000642 1223436 7518993 7328625
2097152 64 181575 193539 467478 470595 115328 191047 114627 177387 118170 1129998 1199197 7728930 8435097
2097152 128 240240 219705 470595 477346 139620 229685 142870 180770 144397 1210305 1378005 7879644 7726370
2097152 256 286119 274818 482720 475115 185018 260297 195585 240211 189769 1349486 1422568 6938493 7246275
2097152 512 297994 285457 473885 475142 258003 283346 246033 152852 233404 1432865 1484320 6834497 7239470
2097152 1024 333364 334765 476736 475768 311638 322389 305667 254151 306960 1413879 1421603 5366004 6433693
2097152 2048 301161 346783 463064 448675 362464 337696 361640 352503 351189 1305534 1429446 5181695 5897865
2097152 4096 359236 359397 456855 458875 410763 356342 406654 366979 407723 1404694 1485010 5273213 5358528
2097152 8192 370117 377368 447627 435809 421917 377948 424365 374778 427770 1374963 1478975 5108439 5320885
2097152 16384 394523 391426 443925 444696 426283 396330 451946 392762 437817 1410894 1472782 4814077 5291389
iozone test complete.
Excel output is below:
"Writer report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 123755 181575 240240 286119 297994 333364 301161 359236 370117 394523
"Re-writer report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 124696 193539 219705 274818 285457 334765 346783 359397 377368 391426
"Reader report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 266012 467478 470595 482720 473885 476736 463064 456855 447627 443925
"Re-Reader report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 259530 470595 477346 475115 475142 475768 448675 458875 435809 444696
"Random read report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 81904 115328 139620 185018 258003 311638 362464 410763 421917 426283
"Random write report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 118866 191047 229685 260297 283346 322389 337696 356342 377948 396330
"Backward read report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 85865 114627 142870 195585 246033 305667 361640 406654 424365 451946
"Record rewrite report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 125944 177387 180770 240211 152852 254151 352503 366979 374778 392762
"Stride read report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 81506 118170 144397 189769 233404 306960 351189 407723 427770 437817
"Fwrite report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 1000642 1129998 1210305 1349486 1432865 1413879 1305534 1404694 1374963 1410894
"Re-Fwrite report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 1223436 1199197 1378005 1422568 1484320 1421603 1429446 1485010 1478975 1472782
"Fread report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 7518993 7728930 7879644 6938493 6834497 5366004 5181695 5273213 5108439 4814077
"Re-Fread report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 7328625 8435097 7726370 7246275 7239470 6433693 5897865 5358528 5320885 5291389
"Writer CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 31.13 32.56 24.07 20.98 19.19 19.54 16.23 22.89 15.82 20.52
"Re-writer CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 36.68 30.88 21.13 21.15 21.10 19.30 19.13 22.00 16.95 22.20
"Reader CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 67.37 63.95 37.04 24.60 29.54 29.30 28.48 30.28 34.70 40.93
"Re-Reader CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 67.94 63.09 37.30 25.44 28.45 27.81 28.87 28.37 32.42 41.46
"Random read CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 22.26 19.14 17.18 18.82 18.37 21.10 22.86 25.40 34.15 39.66
"Random write CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 36.74 31.76 24.97 21.75 20.55 18.32 20.79 19.50 17.83 19.63
"Backward read CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 22.53 19.80 15.23 18.39 20.34 19.65 24.16 25.13 34.62 42.35
"Record rewrite CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 36.96 30.94 24.51 20.80 20.21 23.24 22.76 25.37 24.11 28.44
"Stride read CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 24.96 18.72 15.47 18.05 22.34 20.85 24.63 25.26 34.36 40.93
"Fwrite CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 37.11 24.38 18.98 19.67 19.13 22.92 25.49 24.95 23.87 22.91
"Re-Fwrite CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 26.77 17.46 17.38 17.31 17.74 17.80 20.47 20.07 20.45 19.73
"Fread CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 98.65 99.79 99.96 99.83 99.72 98.37 99.87 99.97 98.98 99.81
"Re-Fread CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.97 99.88 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
[root@digoal ~]# zpool create -o ashift=13 zp1 /dev/sdb1 log /dev/sdb2 -f
[root@digoal ~]# zfs create -o atime=off -o canmount=on -o compression=off -o dedup=off -o mountpoint=/data01 -o nbmand=off -o primarycache=metadata -o recordsize=128k -o secondarycache=none zp1/data01
[root@digoal ~]# zfs set atime=off zp1
[root@digoal ~]# zfs set canmount=on zp1
[root@digoal ~]# zfs set compression=off zp1
[root@digoal ~]# zfs set dedup=off zp1
[root@digoal ~]# zfs set mountpoint=/data01 zp1
[root@digoal ~]# zfs set nbmand=off zp1
[root@digoal ~]# zfs set primarycache=metadata zp1
[root@digoal ~]# zfs set recordsize=128k zp1
[root@digoal ~]# zfs set secondarycache=none zp1 zp1
root@:~/iozone3_434/src/current # ./iozone -Ra -+u -y 32k -q 16m -g 2G -n 2G -f /data01/test -b /data01/test.wks
Iozone: Performance Test of File I/O
Version $Revision: 3.434 $
Compiled for 64 bit mode.
Build: freebsd
Contributors:William Norcott, Don Capps, Isom Crawford, Kirby Collins
Al Slater, Scott Rhine, Mike Wisner, Ken Goss
Steve Landherr, Brad Smith, Mark Kelly, Dr. Alain CYR,
Randy Dunlap, Mark Montague, Dan Million, Gavin Brebner,
Jean-Marc Zucconi, Jeff Blomberg, Benny Halevy, Dave Boone,
Erik Habbinga, Kris Strecker, Walter Wong, Joshua Root,
Fabrice Bacchella, Zhenghua Xue, Qin Li, Darren Sawyer,
Vangel Bojaxhi, Ben England, Vikentsi Lapa,
Alexey Skidanov.
Run began: Tue Dec 1 10:36:48 2015
Excel chart generation enabled
Auto Mode
CPU utilization Resolution = 0.000 seconds.
CPU utilization Excel chart enabled
Using Minimum Record Size 32 kB
Using Maximum Record Size 16384 kB
Using maximum file size of 2097152 kilobytes.
Using minimum file size of 2097152 kilobytes.
Command line used: ./iozone -Ra -+u -y 32k -q 16m -g 2G -n 2G -f /data01/test -b /data01/test.wks
Output is in kBytes/sec
Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds.
Processor cache size set to 1024 kBytes.
Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes.
File stride size set to 17 * record size.
random random bkwd record stride
kB reclen write rewrite read reread read write read rewrite read fwrite frewrite fread freread
2097152 32 325355 107915 143338 149964 35394 15052 74398 3285408 35786 60713 90725 140505 141348
2097152 64 176581 95661 253717 249525 72847 30346 105825 6446013 73071 57899 88224 234365 245531
2097152 128 179099 165956 341052 342761 140638 117313 142163 9670310 144940 113754 175801 307036 315640
2097152 256 186827 161277 329778 326657 177880 177567 180326 9290488 177305 165554 195725 353961 328730
2097152 512 195290 200283 334442 337011 234452 196693 244377 9129760 241425 204185 196523 340597 341560
2097152 1024 198035 211504 374475 372747 295725 203285 293102 8605003 300160 197968 178176 347560 343489
2097152 2048 194653 197203 357659 366141 289980 189969 313109 6626219 284537 195303 190947 300276 249390
2097152 4096 164893 193768 344436 345652 338939 191322 331562 5749641 325459 180384 175225 299436 284174
2097152 8192 175295 170895 375246 361781 335327 192435 312687 5086840 334125 172890 176487 332262 334838
2097152 16384 196395 188921 377546 373273 341244 167365 339940 5508472 333385 187974 204265 318357 326438
iozone test complete.
Excel output is below:
"Writer report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 325355 176581 179099 186827 195290 198035 194653 164893 175295 196395
"Re-writer report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 107915 95661 165956 161277 200283 211504 197203 193768 170895 188921
"Reader report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 143338 253717 341052 329778 334442 374475 357659 344436 375246 377546
"Re-Reader report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 149964 249525 342761 326657 337011 372747 366141 345652 361781 373273
"Random read report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 35394 72847 140638 177880 234452 295725 289980 338939 335327 341244
"Random write report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 15052 30346 117313 177567 196693 203285 189969 191322 192435 167365
"Backward read report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 74398 105825 142163 180326 244377 293102 313109 331562 312687 339940
"Record rewrite report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 3285408 6446013 9670310 9290488 9129760 8605003 6626219 5749641 5086840 5508472
"Stride read report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 35786 73071 144940 177305 241425 300160 284537 325459 334125 333385
"Fwrite report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 60713 57899 113754 165554 204185 197968 195303 180384 172890 187974
"Re-Fwrite report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 90725 88224 175801 195725 196523 178176 190947 175225 176487 204265
"Fread report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 140505 234365 307036 353961 340597 347560 300276 299436 332262 318357
"Re-Fread report"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 141348 245531 315640 328730 341560 343489 249390 284174 334838 326438
"Writer CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 21.04 6.19 4.49 4.77 4.67 4.68 4.71 5.58 4.64 5.68
"Re-writer CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 26.32 26.22 4.63 4.73 4.64 6.56 6.44 6.04 4.86 5.69
"Reader CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 44.32 43.68 37.44 39.82 41.78 47.55 48.21 48.48 45.13 47.72
"Re-Reader CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 44.29 42.93 37.62 41.01 42.61 48.50 47.30 49.17 47.40 46.61
"Random read CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 13.30 13.06 14.39 23.61 27.35 31.87 46.36 43.20 46.99 50.72
"Random write CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 17.06 16.84 3.76 4.63 5.91 6.55 4.71 6.24 6.50 5.93
"Backward read CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 30.55 24.54 15.15 23.72 28.88 36.62 42.17 44.60 48.48 46.37
"Record rewrite CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 99.88 99.92 100.00 100.00 99.99 100.00 100.00 98.80 99.32 99.99
"Stride read CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 13.12 12.91 13.04 22.87 26.49 33.25 44.24 45.54 47.13 48.65
"Fwrite CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 17.20 16.21 3.02 3.65 4.88 5.32 5.41 5.76 5.94 6.12
"Re-Fwrite CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 25.29 24.17 5.23 5.30 4.98 4.41 5.58 5.66 5.70 7.13
"Fread CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 44.44 45.43 38.57 40.53 48.28 52.60 57.92 56.53 51.43 51.20
"Re-Fread CPU utilization report (Zero values should be ignored)"
"32" "64" "128" "256" "512" "1024" "2048" "4096" "8192" "16384"
"2097152" 45.17 44.55 40.81 44.92 48.16 54.15 62.99 57.99 51.86 53.01