SQL Full Text Search service

SQL Full Text Search service

  • 2007年11月21日 下午 06:40 Ryan Versaw

    I am attempting to get Team Foundation Server 2008 working on the latest build of Windows Server 2008 (from Monday on Connect) along with the November build of SQL Server 2008.


    When installing SQL Server 2008, I told it to go ahead and install all components, making sure that the Full Text Search was one of them. After that install finished successfully, I started the install for TFS2008, and it reported that the SQL Full Text Search service is not installed. I loaded up the Sql Server Configuration Manager, and I am not seeing it listed under the Services, as I am under the impression that it should belong there. I also checked the service listing within Windows, services.msc, and it is also absent from there.


    Is there something obvious I am missing, or did the SQL Server install misreport the "successful" install of the Full Text Search service? If this is the case, could someone point me in the correct direction so that I can install this feature? I am not familiar with SQL Server's command-line installation interface (which is required to add features in this CTP).





  • 2007年11月24日 下午 04:57 Sin MinMVP

    Hmm...Please check if you have the file msftesql.exe installed at C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/. Then, you may use sc.exe to register that executable as a service. I referred to my current SQL Server 2005 installation and checked the details from Services and Registry.


    This should get rid of the error...


    Hope this help...

  • 2007年11月26日 下午 05:00 Legon2k


    Thanks it helps me.


    my steps to solve this trouble


    1) run command like


    #sc.exe create msftesql binPath= "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/msftesql.exe -s:MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER -f:MSSQLSERVER" DisplayName= "SQL Server FullText Search (MSSQLSERVER)"


    2) go to registry and correct path (put it into double quotes)






    C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/msftesql.exe -s:MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER -f:MSSQLSERVER



    "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/msftesql.exe" -s:MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER -f:MSSQLSERVER





  • 2007年11月24日 下午 03:54 Thomas N_

    Hi Ryan,

    Hi TechNet-Community,


    same here...:-( I try to install TFS 2008 RTM on a Windows Server 2003 R2 (SP2) with SQL Server 2008 Developer (CTP Nov.). Only in the SQL Management Studio at Management the Full-Text index is listed.


    Is there any solution? How can I add features with command-line in SQL 2008?

    There's no "How to"-Direction at TechNet.





  • 2007年11月24日 下午 04:57 Sin MinMVP

    Hmm...Please check if you have the file msftesql.exe installed at C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/. Then, you may use sc.exe to register that executable as a service. I referred to my current SQL Server 2005 installation and checked the details from Services and Registry.


    This should get rid of the error...


    Hope this help...

  • 2007年11月26日 下午 01:00 Sebastian P.R. Gingter

    Hi Ryan,


    I had a smiliar problem. Actually, I did not install the full text search option because it's not mentioned in the TFS installation document.


    What I did was sort of hard way, but it is (imho) a fast solution:

    Detach any databases. If you did the same thing as I did, you should have three databases from the sharepoint services installation.


    Remove the whole SQL Server and re-install ist again, and double or better triple-check the checkbox in front of the full text search ;-)


    Attach the databases, install TFS and that's it.


    That was roundabout 15 to 20 minutes. I'd guess, you would spend more time on researching how you can install the full text search in an existing SQL Server instance.





  • 2007年11月26日 下午 05:00 Legon2k


    Thanks it helps me.


    my steps to solve this trouble


    1) run command like


    #sc.exe create msftesql binPath= "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/msftesql.exe -s:MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER -f:MSSQLSERVER" DisplayName= "SQL Server FullText Search (MSSQLSERVER)"


    2) go to registry and correct path (put it into double quotes)






    C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/msftesql.exe -s:MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER -f:MSSQLSERVER



    "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/msftesql.exe" -s:MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER -f:MSSQLSERVER




  • 2007年11月26日 下午 11:14 Ryan Versaw

    Thanks Legon2k, your steps worked great!



  • 2007年11月28日 下午 10:56 MJames.name

    Is this the solution to the problem where after I INSTALLED Katmai, Full Text option is disabled on databases as if you are using SQL Express when compared to SQL Express w/ Advanced Services or Standard edition as an example?


    Appreciate it.



  • 2007年11月29日 上午 01:13 hpkmw
    I registered the service and it started up ok. But when I try to add a new full text index it complains that "cannot open or query the full-text default path registry key: the full-text default catalog path is invalid". What's the problem?
  • 2007年11月29日 上午 03:48 hpkmw
     hpkmw wrote:
    I registered the service and it started up ok. But when I try to add a new full text index it complains that "cannot open or query the full-text default path registry key: the full-text default catalog path is invalid". What's the problem?

    I resolved this problem by specifying the root path for the full text catalog in the 'IN PATH' caluse of the T-sql query. However, I think the missing default path registry key still need to be fixed.
  • 2008年1月23日 下午 03:07 Kastaka
    What should I do if I don't have the file msftesql.exe in the appropriate place?
  • 2008年1月25日 下午 07:31 Paul Francis
    Hi Legon2k,

    I tried your solution and it listed full text search in the configuration manager. But when I run it, it doesn't work still. I installed SQL Server as a named instance. I think that is causing the problem. According to the documentation, I think the name for the full text service needs to be different (see below):

    The full-text engine service manages the filter daemon component, performs administrative operations, and executes full-text queries. It appears as MSFTESQL$ for a named instance.


    Has anyone set it up for a named instance of SQL Server and got full text search to work? How is it done?

    Thanks in advance.

  • 2008年3月9日 下午 08:22 DanyR


     Kastaka wrote:
    What should I do if I don't have the file msftesql.exe in the appropriate place?



    Exactly!  What, if the installation of SQL Server 2008 CTP of February 2008 does not provide the msftesql.exe anywhere on the hard disk?


    Kastaka - I think - and me would appriciate any help here, please.


    Kind regards


  • 2008年3月29日 下午 07:13 amf_silver


    me have same problem... install SQL2008 febCTP with full options instqall (fulltext was checked)... and then wanna try TFS2008, but... heve same problem and no file msftesql.exe any where on the disk
  • 2008年4月6日 下午 11:56 MJames.name


    It appears to be that the the version used more than likely is the problem.


    Guess we need to wait until RC or full version is available?

  • 2009年4月12日 上午 07:28 B. Ariston Darmayuda
    I'm install February CTP and no msftesql.exe too, but during installation features I've check the Full Text Search service. What the mean of this node??? It should be Full Text Search service installed on my machine?
  • 2009年4月28日 下午 12:27 akanimo

    Hi MacJames, Kastaka, Danyr,
    Here is a solution to the missing msftesql.exe file on the MS SQL Server 2008 platform.

    CASE: You instal MS SQL 2008 Server and cannot find file msftesql (most probably in folder: C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/). Because of the absence of this file you are unable to install dependent applications - e.g. MS Dynamics 4.0 etc.

    CAUSE: The msftesql is the "Microsoft SQL Server Full Text Indexing Service" but it goes by a different name under SQL Server 2008.

    SOLUTION: The above conflict is from a version change of name for the 'Microsoft SQL Server Full Text Indexing Service' which was called msftesql previously, but has now been changed to a new name under MS SQL Server 2008. To correct this slight anomally.
    1. Run > Regedit
    2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services
    3. Export MSSQLFDLauncher Folder (safety precaution)
    4. Rename MSSQLFDLauncher Folder to msftesql

    (NB: if you have already run sc.exe to manually create an msftesql entry in Registry you will have a conflict as the folder (msftesql) will already exist in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services, to solve just manually export the msftesql folder you created and delete it. But if you have not run the sc.exe command to manually create a Registry folder (msftesql) you will rename MSSQLFDLauncher Folder to msftesql successfully, proceed to next step).

    5. Reboot System
    6. Go to Administrative Tools > Services > SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher (MSSQLSERVER) and START the service
    7. Rename back msftesql Folder to MSSQLFDLauncher in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services

    Hope this helps!

    • 已提議為解答Miss_H 2009年11月9日 下午 12:06
  • 2009年10月5日 下午 09:49 SACSgtMike
    I ran into the same issue with my workstation under different circumstances, so wanted to make sure this could be googled and found by anyone else it might happen to.

    I'll make a note here though I didn't solve the issue I had on TFS.  I run SQL 2008/VS 2008 on Windows XP.

    I've spent the better part of the day Googling why I'm getting a dialogue box telling me Full Text Search isn't installed when I bloody well knew it was.  I'd added it as a feature and rechecked by running Install up to where I could see "Full Text Search" grayed out and its check box checked.

    I was installing the Adventure Works DB to do some SSIS tutorials and this is where the dialog box was rearing its head tellling me FTS wasn't there.

    The issue is, on an XP Workstation and this may well bite anyone else, is that the .msi package doesn't start the service, though it probably should.

    During install of the FTS, it will be seen that there is no option to change the startup mode from "Manual" at that point.  Well, that was a dead giveaway to change the mode in SQL Server Config Manager.

    I finally located the service during checking if FileStream was also started up.  At this point, I noted in the SQL Config Mgr that the service was NOT running ...

    For what it's worth, make sure the service is actually started; Check in the SQL Config Manager to find it though.
  • 2009年11月25日 下午 09:12 dcp12345678
    SOLUTION : The above conflict is from a version change of name for the 'Microsoft SQL Server Full Text Indexing Service' which was called msftesql previously, but has now been changed to a new name under MS SQL Server 2008. To correct this slight anomally.
    1. Run > Regedit
    2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services
    3. Export MSSQLFDLauncher Folder (safety precaution)
    4. Rename MSSQLFDLauncher Folder to msftesql

    This solution does not work. All it does is make the service to where it won't start. Did you actually test it and try it yourself?
  • 2009年11月28日 下午 11:08 xilihutu
    anyone has solution?

    I do not have that:  msftesql.exe

    now what should I do?
  • 2009年11月30日 下午 08:40 dcp12345678
    The solution is that you have to slipstream SP1 into the Team Foundation Server installation (note that akanimo's solution above does NOT work).  Once you slipstream SP1 in, the installation will work ok with SQL Server 2008.

    Here are some basic instructions for how to do the slipstream:

    1.      Copy the AT folder from the original media to D:

    2.      Make a folder called D:/SP1Install

    3.      Download the SP1 file to D:/SP1Install

    4.      Make a folder called D:/SP1Extract

    5.      Run this command to extract the install to the SP1Extract folder: D:/SP1Install/TFS90SP1-KB949786-ENU /extract:D:/SP1Extract

    6.      Make a folder called D:/Merge

    7.      Run this command to slipstream the SP1 into the install:

    msiexec /a D:/AT/vs_setup.msi /p D:/SP1Extract/TFS90sp1-KB94976.msp TARGETDIR=D:/Merge


    Once you finish the slipstream, then run the setup from the Merge folder. 

    • 已提議為解答dcp12345678 2009年11月30日 下午 08:43
  • 2009年12月1日 上午 05:23 xilihutu

    I do not know what is AT folder, I have SQL Server 2008 Standard edition here
  • 2009年12月2日 下午 02:57 dcp12345678
    I assume you have the TFS install media (either as a DVD or an iso file).  The AT folder is underneath the root folder of the TFS installation media, not SQL Server.
  • 2009年12月16日 下午 08:25 milon
    When you renamed the MSSQLFDLauncher to msftesql go back the Services window and press the F5 (refresh). You will see a new services "SQL SERVER FullText Search (MSSQLSERVER)" , just simple start it. Dont need reboot. I try it, its works.

  • 2007年11月21日 下午 06:40 Ryan Versaw

    I am attempting to get Team Foundation Server 2008 working on the latest build of Windows Server 2008 (from Monday on Connect) along with the November build of SQL Server 2008.


    When installing SQL Server 2008, I told it to go ahead and install all components, making sure that the Full Text Search was one of them. After that install finished successfully, I started the install for TFS2008, and it reported that the SQL Full Text Search service is not installed. I loaded up the Sql Server Configuration Manager, and I am not seeing it listed under the Services, as I am under the impression that it should belong there. I also checked the service listing within Windows, services.msc, and it is also absent from there.


    Is there something obvious I am missing, or did the SQL Server install misreport the "successful" install of the Full Text Search service? If this is the case, could someone point me in the correct direction so that I can install this feature? I am not familiar with SQL Server's command-line installation interface (which is required to add features in this CTP).





  • 2007年11月24日 下午 04:57 Sin MinMVP

    Hmm...Please check if you have the file msftesql.exe installed at C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/. Then, you may use sc.exe to register that executable as a service. I referred to my current SQL Server 2005 installation and checked the details from Services and Registry.


    This should get rid of the error...


    Hope this help...

  • 2007年11月26日 下午 05:00 Legon2k


    Thanks it helps me.


    my steps to solve this trouble


    1) run command like


    #sc.exe create msftesql binPath= "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/msftesql.exe -s:MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER -f:MSSQLSERVER" DisplayName= "SQL Server FullText Search (MSSQLSERVER)"


    2) go to registry and correct path (put it into double quotes)






    C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/msftesql.exe -s:MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER -f:MSSQLSERVER



    "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/msftesql.exe" -s:MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER -f:MSSQLSERVER





  • 2007年11月24日 下午 03:54 Thomas N_

    Hi Ryan,

    Hi TechNet-Community,


    same here...:-( I try to install TFS 2008 RTM on a Windows Server 2003 R2 (SP2) with SQL Server 2008 Developer (CTP Nov.). Only in the SQL Management Studio at Management the Full-Text index is listed.


    Is there any solution? How can I add features with command-line in SQL 2008?

    There's no "How to"-Direction at TechNet.





  • 2007年11月24日 下午 04:57 Sin MinMVP

    Hmm...Please check if you have the file msftesql.exe installed at C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/. Then, you may use sc.exe to register that executable as a service. I referred to my current SQL Server 2005 installation and checked the details from Services and Registry.


    This should get rid of the error...


    Hope this help...

  • 2007年11月26日 下午 01:00 Sebastian P.R. Gingter

    Hi Ryan,


    I had a smiliar problem. Actually, I did not install the full text search option because it's not mentioned in the TFS installation document.


    What I did was sort of hard way, but it is (imho) a fast solution:

    Detach any databases. If you did the same thing as I did, you should have three databases from the sharepoint services installation.


    Remove the whole SQL Server and re-install ist again, and double or better triple-check the checkbox in front of the full text search ;-)


    Attach the databases, install TFS and that's it.


    That was roundabout 15 to 20 minutes. I'd guess, you would spend more time on researching how you can install the full text search in an existing SQL Server instance.





  • 2007年11月26日 下午 05:00 Legon2k


    Thanks it helps me.


    my steps to solve this trouble


    1) run command like


    #sc.exe create msftesql binPath= "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/msftesql.exe -s:MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER -f:MSSQLSERVER" DisplayName= "SQL Server FullText Search (MSSQLSERVER)"


    2) go to registry and correct path (put it into double quotes)






    C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/msftesql.exe -s:MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER -f:MSSQLSERVER



    "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/msftesql.exe" -s:MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER -f:MSSQLSERVER




  • 2007年11月26日 下午 11:14 Ryan Versaw

    Thanks Legon2k, your steps worked great!



  • 2007年11月28日 下午 10:56 MJames.name

    Is this the solution to the problem where after I INSTALLED Katmai, Full Text option is disabled on databases as if you are using SQL Express when compared to SQL Express w/ Advanced Services or Standard edition as an example?


    Appreciate it.



  • 2007年11月29日 上午 01:13 hpkmw
    I registered the service and it started up ok. But when I try to add a new full text index it complains that "cannot open or query the full-text default path registry key: the full-text default catalog path is invalid". What's the problem?
  • 2007年11月29日 上午 03:48 hpkmw
     hpkmw wrote:
    I registered the service and it started up ok. But when I try to add a new full text index it complains that "cannot open or query the full-text default path registry key: the full-text default catalog path is invalid". What's the problem?

    I resolved this problem by specifying the root path for the full text catalog in the 'IN PATH' caluse of the T-sql query. However, I think the missing default path registry key still need to be fixed.
  • 2008年1月23日 下午 03:07 Kastaka
    What should I do if I don't have the file msftesql.exe in the appropriate place?
  • 2008年1月25日 下午 07:31 Paul Francis
    Hi Legon2k,

    I tried your solution and it listed full text search in the configuration manager. But when I run it, it doesn't work still. I installed SQL Server as a named instance. I think that is causing the problem. According to the documentation, I think the name for the full text service needs to be different (see below):

    The full-text engine service manages the filter daemon component, performs administrative operations, and executes full-text queries. It appears as MSFTESQL$ for a named instance.


    Has anyone set it up for a named instance of SQL Server and got full text search to work? How is it done?

    Thanks in advance.

  • 2008年3月9日 下午 08:22 DanyR


     Kastaka wrote:
    What should I do if I don't have the file msftesql.exe in the appropriate place?



    Exactly!  What, if the installation of SQL Server 2008 CTP of February 2008 does not provide the msftesql.exe anywhere on the hard disk?


    Kastaka - I think - and me would appriciate any help here, please.


    Kind regards


  • 2008年3月29日 下午 07:13 amf_silver


    me have same problem... install SQL2008 febCTP with full options instqall (fulltext was checked)... and then wanna try TFS2008, but... heve same problem and no file msftesql.exe any where on the disk
  • 2008年4月6日 下午 11:56 MJames.name


    It appears to be that the the version used more than likely is the problem.


    Guess we need to wait until RC or full version is available?

  • 2009年4月12日 上午 07:28 B. Ariston Darmayuda
    I'm install February CTP and no msftesql.exe too, but during installation features I've check the Full Text Search service. What the mean of this node??? It should be Full Text Search service installed on my machine?
  • 2009年4月28日 下午 12:27 akanimo

    Hi MacJames, Kastaka, Danyr,
    Here is a solution to the missing msftesql.exe file on the MS SQL Server 2008 platform.

    CASE: You instal MS SQL 2008 Server and cannot find file msftesql (most probably in folder: C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/Binn/). Because of the absence of this file you are unable to install dependent applications - e.g. MS Dynamics 4.0 etc.

    CAUSE: The msftesql is the "Microsoft SQL Server Full Text Indexing Service" but it goes by a different name under SQL Server 2008.

    SOLUTION: The above conflict is from a version change of name for the 'Microsoft SQL Server Full Text Indexing Service' which was called msftesql previously, but has now been changed to a new name under MS SQL Server 2008. To correct this slight anomally.
    1. Run > Regedit
    2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services
    3. Export MSSQLFDLauncher Folder (safety precaution)
    4. Rename MSSQLFDLauncher Folder to msftesql

    (NB: if you have already run sc.exe to manually create an msftesql entry in Registry you will have a conflict as the folder (msftesql) will already exist in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services, to solve just manually export the msftesql folder you created and delete it. But if you have not run the sc.exe command to manually create a Registry folder (msftesql) you will rename MSSQLFDLauncher Folder to msftesql successfully, proceed to next step).

    5. Reboot System
    6. Go to Administrative Tools > Services > SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher (MSSQLSERVER) and START the service
    7. Rename back msftesql Folder to MSSQLFDLauncher in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services

    Hope this helps!

    • 已提議為解答Miss_H 2009年11月9日 下午 12:06
  • 2009年10月5日 下午 09:49 SACSgtMike
    I ran into the same issue with my workstation under different circumstances, so wanted to make sure this could be googled and found by anyone else it might happen to.

    I'll make a note here though I didn't solve the issue I had on TFS.  I run SQL 2008/VS 2008 on Windows XP.

    I've spent the better part of the day Googling why I'm getting a dialogue box telling me Full Text Search isn't installed when I bloody well knew it was.  I'd added it as a feature and rechecked by running Install up to where I could see "Full Text Search" grayed out and its check box checked.

    I was installing the Adventure Works DB to do some SSIS tutorials and this is where the dialog box was rearing its head tellling me FTS wasn't there.

    The issue is, on an XP Workstation and this may well bite anyone else, is that the .msi package doesn't start the service, though it probably should.

    During install of the FTS, it will be seen that there is no option to change the startup mode from "Manual" at that point.  Well, that was a dead giveaway to change the mode in SQL Server Config Manager.

    I finally located the service during checking if FileStream was also started up.  At this point, I noted in the SQL Config Mgr that the service was NOT running ...

    For what it's worth, make sure the service is actually started; Check in the SQL Config Manager to find it though.
  • 2009年11月25日 下午 09:12 dcp12345678
    SOLUTION : The above conflict is from a version change of name for the 'Microsoft SQL Server Full Text Indexing Service' which was called msftesql previously, but has now been changed to a new name under MS SQL Server 2008. To correct this slight anomally.
    1. Run > Regedit
    2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services
    3. Export MSSQLFDLauncher Folder (safety precaution)
    4. Rename MSSQLFDLauncher Folder to msftesql

    This solution does not work. All it does is make the service to where it won't start. Did you actually test it and try it yourself?
  • 2009年11月28日 下午 11:08 xilihutu
    anyone has solution?

    I do not have that:  msftesql.exe

    now what should I do?
  • 2009年11月30日 下午 08:40 dcp12345678
    The solution is that you have to slipstream SP1 into the Team Foundation Server installation (note that akanimo's solution above does NOT work).  Once you slipstream SP1 in, the installation will work ok with SQL Server 2008.

    Here are some basic instructions for how to do the slipstream:

    1.      Copy the AT folder from the original media to D:

    2.      Make a folder called D:/SP1Install

    3.      Download the SP1 file to D:/SP1Install

    4.      Make a folder called D:/SP1Extract

    5.      Run this command to extract the install to the SP1Extract folder: D:/SP1Install/TFS90SP1-KB949786-ENU /extract:D:/SP1Extract

    6.      Make a folder called D:/Merge

    7.      Run this command to slipstream the SP1 into the install:

    msiexec /a D:/AT/vs_setup.msi /p D:/SP1Extract/TFS90sp1-KB94976.msp TARGETDIR=D:/Merge


    Once you finish the slipstream, then run the setup from the Merge folder. 

    • 已提議為解答dcp12345678 2009年11月30日 下午 08:43
  • 2009年12月1日 上午 05:23 xilihutu

    I do not know what is AT folder, I have SQL Server 2008 Standard edition here
  • 2009年12月2日 下午 02:57 dcp12345678
    I assume you have the TFS install media (either as a DVD or an iso file).  The AT folder is underneath the root folder of the TFS installation media, not SQL Server.
  • 2009年12月16日 下午 08:25 milon
    When you renamed the MSSQLFDLauncher to msftesql go back the Services window and press the F5 (refresh). You will see a new services "SQL SERVER FullText Search (MSSQLSERVER)" , just simple start it. Dont need reboot. I try it, its works.
