select语句查询 行列转换 行间比较 删除重复记录
1.子查询 出现的位置 分类
SELECT 列1,列2 ... from TABLE_NAME WHERE 列 = 值 GROUP BY 分组列 HAVING 分组列 = 值 ORDER BY 列
子查询需要用括号( )括起来
select * from stu;
select * from stu where sname='张飞'; 非关联子查询
select * from stu where weight>(select weight from stu where sname='张飞');
2.) 2班3班中哪些同学的身高比1班的平均身高高?
select avg(height) from stu where cno=1;查一班的平均身高
select * from stu where cno in (2,3) and height>(select avg(height) from stu where cno=1);
select cno,max(score) from stu group by cno;每个班最高分
select * from stu where (cno,score) in (select cno,max(score) from stu group by cno) and cno is not null order by cno; not in
select avg(weight) from stu where cno is not null group by cno;每个班的平均体重
select avg(weight) from stu group by cno;
select * from stu where weight>all(select avg(weight) from stu where cno is not null group by cno) and cno is not null;
select * from stu s join (select cno,avg(height) havg from stu where cno is not null group by cno) t on s.cno=t.cno where height>havg order by s.cno;
From后面的子查询也叫内联视图, MySQL中这个内联视图子查询必须起个表别名,否则报错
select cno,avg(height) havg from stu where cno is not null group by cno; 每个班平均身高 也叫内联视图
select sname 学生姓名,(select teacher from class where cno=3) 班主任 from stu o where cno=3;老师和学生
select teacher from class where cno=3;
select * from stu where cno=3;
select o.cno 班号,o.sname 姓名,(select teacher from class where cno=o.cno) 班主任 from stu o where o.cno is not null order by o.cno,o.sname;
select sname,cno,(select teacher from class where cno=3) 班主任 from stu ;
select sname,cno,(select teacher from class where cno=o.cno) 班主任 from stu o;
单独执行:select teacher from class where cno=o.cno; 报错,因为不知道o.cno中的o代表什么,o是外部主查询的别名,脱离了外部查询,子查询执行不了
select sname 姓名,sex 性别,height 身高,weight 体重,(select bname from bmi i where o.weight/(o.height/100*o.height/100) between i.lval and i.hval and 体态 from stu o where o.sname='赵云';
3.)使用关联子查询, 在已分班学生中 列出身高 高于本班平均身高 的学生
select *,(select avg(height) from stu where cno=o.cno) havg from stu o where o.cno is not null and o.height>(select avg(height) from stu where cno=o.cno) order by o.cno;
4.SELECT - 查询综合练习:
方法一:(多表连接 + 非关联子查询)
select sname,weight,teacher from stu s,class c where s.cno=c.cno and weight=(select max(weight) from stu);
方法二:(多表连接 + >=all + 非关联子查询)
select sname,weight,teacher from stu s,class c where s.cno=c.cno and weight>=all(select weight from stu);
方法三:(关联子查询 + 非关联子查询)
select sname,weight,(select teacher from class where cno=o.cno) teacher from stu o where weight=(select max(weight) from stu);
方法四:(多表连接 + 非关联子查询)
select s.sname,s.weight,c.teacher from stu s join class c on s.cno=c.cno join (select max(weight) maxweight from stu) t on s.weight=maxweight;
方法一:(多表连接 + 分组)
select c.cno 班号,cname 班名,teacher 老师,count(s.cno) 人数,ifnull(group_concat(sname),'') 学生列表 from class c left join stu s on s.cno=c.cno group by c.cno,cname,teacher order by 1;
select cno 班号,cname 班名,teacher 老师,(select count(*) from stu where cno=c.cno) 人数,(select ifnull(group_concat(sname),'') 学生列表 from stu where cno=c.cno) 学生列表 from class c order by 1;
select sname 姓名,'学生' 角色 from stu where sname like '曹%' union all select teacher,'教师' 角色 from class where substring(teacher,1,1)='曹';
4.统计学生表中 所有学生的 姓名所用到的汉字,以及每个汉字用到的次数。即统计有多少个‘张’,多少个‘曹’,多少个‘刘’,多少个‘羽’等
select max(char_length(sname)) 最多字数 from stu;
用substr函数切割名字,用union all运算符叠加字,
select zi 字,count(*) 数量 from (select substring(sname,1,1) zi from stu union all select substring(sname,2,1) from stu union all select substring(sname,3,1) from stu) t where zi<>'' group by zi;
create table login_info (
id int,
login_time datetime,
login_count int
insert into `login_info` values (1, '2018-12-23 08:19:30', 4);
insert into `login_info` values (2, '2018-12-23 09:19:50', 45);
insert into `login_info` values (3, '2018-12-23 10:20:30', 36);
insert into `login_info` values (4, '2018-12-23 11:21:50', 74);
insert into `login_info` values (5, '2018-12-23 12:24:50', 23);
insert into `login_info` values (6, '2018-12-23 13:00:40', 55);
select hours 小时,ifnull(sum(login_count),0) 登录次数 from (
select '00' hours union all
select '01' union all
select '02' union all
select '03' union all
select '04' union all
select '05' union all
select '06' union all
select '07' union all
select '08' union all
select '09' union all
select '10' union all
select '11' union all
select '12' union all
select '13' union all
select '14' union all
select '15' union all
select '16' union all
select '17' union all
select '18' union all
select '19' union all
select '20' union all
select '21' union all
select '22' union all
select '23') t left join (select * from login_info where date(login_time)='2018-12-23') l on t.hours=hour(l.login_time) group by hours order by hours;
6.查询方法补充示例 名词 分数 排名
select *,(select count(*)+1 from stu i where i.height>o.height) height_ranking from stu o order by height_ranking;
select * from stu where height>179;
#dense ranking 稠密排名
select *,(select count(distinct height)+1 from stu i where i.height>o.height) height_ranking from stu o order by height_ranking;
select *,(select count(*)+1 from stu i where i.score>o.score and i.cno=o.cno) score_ranking from stu o where cno is not null order by cno,score_ranking;
select *,(select count(*)+1 from stu i where i.score>o.score and i.cno=o.cno) mm from stu o order by cno, mm;
select cno 班号,
max(case when sex='男' then cnt end) 男生数,
max(case when sex='女' then cnt end) 女生数,
max(case when sex='男' then maxscore end) 男最高分,
max(case when sex='女' then maxscore end) 女最高分,
max(case when sex='男' then minscore end) 男最低分,
max(case when sex='女' then minscore end) 女最低分
from (select ifnull(cno,'未分班') cno,sex,count(*) cnt,max(score) maxscore,min(score) minscore from stu group by cno,sex) t group by cno;
select count(*) from stu where cno=1 and sex='男';
select ifnull(cno,'未分班') cno,sex,count(*) cnt,max(score) maxscore,min(score) minscore from stu group by cno,sex having cno is not null;
# 报表,按照班级号(cno)和性别(sex)统计人数,最高分(姓名),最低分(姓名)
select cno,sex,cnt,
concat(maxscore,' (',(select group_concat(sname) from stu i where and i.score=t.maxscore),')') maxscore,
concat(minscore,' (',(select group_concat(sname) from stu i where and i.score=t.minscore),')') minscore
from (select ifnull(cno,'未分班') cno,sex,count(*) cnt,max(score) maxscore,min(score) minscore from stu group by cno,sex) t;
cno 班号,
max(case when sex='男' then cnt end) 男生数,
max(case when sex='女' then cnt end) 女生数,
max(case when sex='男' then maxscore end) 男最高分,
max(case when sex='女' then maxscore end) 女最高分,
max(case when sex='男' then minscore end) 男最低分,
max(case when sex='女' then minscore end) 女最低分
from (数据源) t group by cno;
CREATE TABLE `sales` (
`pid` char(4) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '产品编号',
`q1` int(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '第一季度销量',
`q2` int(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '第二季度销量',
`q3` int(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '第三季度销量',
`q4` int(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '第四季度销量',
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Dynamic;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sales
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `sales` VALUES ('0001', 25, 32, 27, 19);
INSERT INTO `sales` VALUES ('0002', 83, 72, 66, 53);
INSERT INTO `sales` VALUES ('0003', 26, 18, 33, 12);
INSERT INTO `sales` VALUES ('0004', 105, 17, 33, 89);
select pid,q1 qty,'一季度' period from sales
union all
select pid,q2,'二季度' from sales
union all
select pid,q3,'三季度' from sales
union all
select pid,q4,'四季度' from sales order by pid
select pid,sum(qty),avg(qty),max(qty) from
select pid,q1 qty,'一季度' period from sales
union all
select pid,q2,'二季度' from sales
union all
select pid,q3,'三季度' from sales
union all
select pid,q4,'四季度' from sales order by pid
) t group by pid
#按照score排序,显示间隔分数差值 系统变量
select a.sno,a.sname,a.score,b.score,(a.score-b.score) diff from
(select s.*,(select @rn1:=@rn1+1) rn from stu s, (select @rn1:=0) t order by score desc) a
left join
(select s.*,(select @rn2:=@rn2+1) rn from stu s, (select @rn2:=1) t order by score desc) b
on a.rn=b.rn
select a.sno,a.sname,a.score,if(a.cno=b.cno,b.score,'') lagscore,a.cno,b.cno,if(a.cno=b.cno,a.score-b.score,'') diff from
(select sno,sname,score,ifnull(cno,0) cno,(select @rn1:=@rn1+1) rn from stu s, (select @rn1:=0) t order by cno,score desc) a
left join
(select sno,sname,score,ifnull(cno,0) cno,(select @rn2:=@rn2+1) rn from stu s, (select @rn2:=1) t order by cno,score desc) b
on a.rn=b.rn;
create table x (id int,name varchar(10),sal decimal(8,2));
insert into x values(1,'a',1000),(1,'a',1000),(1,'a',1000),(1,'a',1000),(1,'a',1000);
select * from x;
delete from w where id=1 limit 4;
select * from w;
create table w (id int auto_increment primary key,name varchar(10),sal decimal(8,2));
insert into w (name,sal) values('a',1000),('a',1000),('a',1000),('b',1500),('b',1500),('c',2000);
select * from w;
create table all_id as select id from where (name,sal) in (select name,sal from w group by name,sal having count(*)>1);
select * from w where id in (select id from w where (name,sal) in (select lect name,sal from w group by name,sal having count(*)>1)) ;
create table keep_id as select min(id) from (select * from w where id in (select id from w where (name,sal) in (select name,sal from w group by name,sal having count(*)>1))) w group by name,sal;
delete from w where id in (select * from all_id) and id not in (select * from keep_id);
select * from w;