JDBC 连接 MariaDB 步骤原理及依赖包

获取driver(Obtaining the driver)

The driver (jar and source code)) can be downloaded from


安装(Installing the driver)

Installation is as simple as placing the .jar file in your classpath.




  • Java 7 (until April 2015) or 8
  • com.sun.JNA is used by some library functions and a jar is available at


  • only needed when connecting to the server with unix sockets or windows shared memory


  • A MariaDB or MySQL Server
  • maven (only if you want build from source)

Installing the driver

Installation of the client library is very simple, the jar file should be saved in an appropriate place for your application and the classpath of your application altered to include the MariaDB Client Library for Java Applications rather than your current connector.

Using the driver

The following subsections show the formatting of JDBC connection strings for MariaDB, MySQL database servers. Additionally, sample code is provided that demonstrates how to connect to one of these servers and create a table.

Driver Manager

Applications designed to use the driver manager to locate the entry point need no further configuration, the MariaDB Client Library for Java Applications will automatically be loaded and used in the way any previous MySQL driver would have been.

Driver Class

Please note that the driver class provided by the MariaDB Client Library for Java Applications is not com.mysql.jdbc.Driver butorg.mariadb.jdbc.Driver!

注意MariaDB 提供的驱动类已经不再是com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 而是org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver了


Connection strings

Format of the JDBC connection string is






can also be used.


Optional URL parameters

General remark: Unknown options accepted and are silently ignored.

Following options are currently supported.

key description supported since version
user Database user name 1.0.0
password Password of database user 1.0.0
fastConnect If set, skips check for sql_mode, assumes NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES is *not* set 1.0.0
useFractionalSeconds Correctly handle subsecond precision in timestamps (feature available withMariaDB 5.3 and later).May confuse 3rd party components (Hibernated) 1.0.0
allowMultiQueries Allows multiple statements in single executeQuery 1.0.0
dumpQueriesOnException If set to 'true', exception thrown during query execution contain query string 1.1.0
useCompression allow compression in MySQL Protocol 1.0.0
useSSL Force SSL on connection 1.1.0
trustServerCertificate When using SSL, do not check server's certificate 1.1.1
serverSslCert Server's certificatem in DER form, or server's CA certificate. Can be used in one of 3 forms, sslServerCert=/path/to/cert.pem (full path to certificate), sslServerCert=classpath:relative/cert.pem (relative to current classpath), or as verbatim DER-encoded certificate string "------BEGING CERTIFICATE-----" 1.1.3
socketFactory to use custom socket factory, set it to full name of the class that implements javax.net.SocketFactory 1.0.0
tcpNoDelay Sets corresponding option on the connection socket 1.0.0
tcpKeepAlive Sets corresponding option on the connection socket 1.0.0
tcpAbortiveClose Sets corresponding option on the connection socket 1.1.1
tcpRcvBuf set buffer size for TCP buffer (SO_RCVBUF) 1.0.0
tcpSndBuf set buffer size for TCP buffer (SO_SNDBUF) 1.0.0
pipe On Windows, specify named pipe name to connect to mysqld.exe 1.1.3
tinyInt1isBit Datatype mapping flag, handle MySQL Tiny as BIT(boolean) 1.0.0
yearIsDateType Year is date type, rather than numerical 1.0.0
sessionVariables = pairs separated by comma, mysql session variables, set upon establishing successfull connection 1.1.0
localSocket Allows to connect to database via Unix domain socket, if server allows it. The value is the path of Unix domain socket, i.e "socket" database parameter 1.1.4
sharedMemory Allowed to connect database via shared memory, if server allows it. The value is base name of the shared memory 1.1.4



JDBC API Implementation Notes

Streaming result sets

By default, Statement.executeQuery() will read full result set from server before returning. With large result sets, this will require large amounts of memory. Better behavior in this case would be reading row-by-row, with ResultSet.next(), so called "streaming" feature. It is activated using Statement.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE)

Prepared statements

The driver only uses text protocol to communicate with the database. Prepared statements (parameter substitution) is handled by the driver, on the client side.


Callable statement implementation won't need to access stored procedure metadata (mysql.proc) table if both of following are true

  • CallableStatement.getMetadata() is not used
  • Parameters are accessed by index, not by name

When possible, following the two rules above provides both better speed and eliminates concerns about SELECT privileges on the mysql.proc table.

Optional JDBC classes

Following optional interfaces are implemented by the org.mariadb.jdbc.MySQLDataSource class : javax.sql.DataSource, javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource, javax.sql.XADataSource

Usage examples

The following code provides a basic example of how to connect to a MariaDB or MySQL server and create a table.


Creating a table on a MariaDB or MySQL Server

Connection  connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test", "username", "password");
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE a (id int not null primary key, value varchar(20))");



经测mariadb-java-client-1.2.2.jar需要SLF4J的支持. 如果没有导入SLF4J 的jar包, 连接数据库时会报如下错误:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory
 at org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver.

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.slf4j.LoggerFactory


导入SLF4J核心包(slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar)后, 程序可以正常运行, 但仍会报一个警告:

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".



