禁用 authenticity_token


No modifications to work with CSRF protection were applied to the in_place_editing plugin, as a result it doesn't work at all with CSRF protection turned on.

Also, scriptaculous/prototype have moved away from the evalScripts option for Ajax.Request, the option is now htmlResponse (htmlResponse should be the opposite of the old evalScripts). As a result at the moment for some requests the RJS does not get evaluated and instead is inserted into the page as escaped text.

Attached is a patch that fixes both these issues in the plugin, including additional tests.

Also changed: added the :text_between_controls option available in modern scriptaculous, for rendering things like or cancel.


old new
40 40 function << "'#{url_for(options[:url])}'"
41 41
42 42 js_options = {}
44 if protect_against_forgery?
45 options[:with] ||= "Form.serialize(form)"
46 options[:with] += " + '&authenticity_token=' + encodeURIComponent('#{form_authenticity_token}')"
47 end
43 49 js_options['cancelText'] = %('#{options[:cancel_text]}') if options[:cancel_text]
44 50 js_options['okText'] = %('#{options[:save_text]}') if options[:save_text]
45 51 js_options['loadingText'] = %('#{options[:loading_text]}') if options[:loading_text]
50 56 js_options['externalControl'] = "'#{options[:external_control]}'" if options[:external_control]
51 57 js_options['loadTextURL'] = "'#{url_for(options[:load_text_url])}'" if options[:load_text_url]
52 58 js_options['ajaxOptions'] = options[:options] if options[:options]
53 js_options['evalScripts'] = options[:script] if options[:script]
59 js_options['htmlResponse'] = !options[:script] if options[:script]
54 60 js_options['callback'] = "function(form) { return #{options[:with]} }" if options[:with]
55 61 js_options['clickToEditText'] = %('#{options[:click_to_edit_text]}') if options[:click_to_edit_text]
62 js_options['textBetweenControls'] = %('#{options[:text_between_controls]}') if options[:text_between_controls]
56 63 function << (', ' + options_for_javascript(js_options)) unless js_options.empty?
57 64
58 65 function << ')'

说是rails2.0以后,内置了一个防止CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery)攻击的功能,protect_from_forgery 方法。

解决办法是在in_place_macros_helper.rb 文件中加了一段代码:

if protect_against_forgery?
      options[:with] ||= "Form.serialize(form)"
      options[:with] += " + '&authenticity_token=' + encodeURIComponent('#{form_authenticity_token}')"

js_options[' evalScripts'] = options[:script] if options[:script]
js_options[' htmlResponse'] = !options[:script] if options[:script]
js_options['textBetweenControls'] = %('#{options[:text_between_controls]}') if options[:text_between_controls]


由于我的rails是从rails1。0升级到2。1。2的,所以在test环境中也会使用Request forgery protection(防止csrf)攻击功能,所以在environment.rb文件中设置如下,可取消保护
config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false
