Stanford编程方法学公开课作业 1 ----关于Karel 中点寻找问题的讨论 (Midpoint finding)


Problem 3

As an exercise in solving algorithmic problems, program Karel to place a single beeper at the center of 1st Street. For example, if Karel starts in the world 

it should end with Karel standing on a beeper in the following position: 

Note that the final configuration  of the world should have only a single beeper at the midpoint of 1st Street.  Along the way, Karel is allowed to place additional beepers wherever it wants to, but must pick them all up again before it finishes. 

In solving this problem, you may count on the following facts about the world: 

  • Karel starts at 1st Avenue and 1st Street, facing east, with  an infinite number of beepers in its bag. 
  • The initial state of the world includes no interior walls or beepers. 
  • The world need not be square, but you may assume that it is at least as tall as it is wide. 

Your program, moreover, can assume the following simplifications: 

  • If the width of the world is odd, Karel must put the beeper in the center square. If the width is even, Karel may drop the beeper on either of the two center squares. 
  • It does not matter which direction Karel is facing at the end of the run. 

There are many different algorithms you can use to solve this problem. The interesting part of this assignment is to come up with a strategy that works.

1. 先将第一行填满,然后左右各取出一个,并在第二行放下一个,当第一行beeper取完的时候,第二行的beeper数目即为第一行长度的一半
  1. /*
  2. * File:
  3. * -------------------------------
  4. * THe MidpointFindingKarel class will leave a beeper on the corner
  5. * closest to the center of 1st Street
  6. * (or either of the two central corners if 1st Street has an even
  7. * number of corners). The world may be of any size, but you are allowed to
  8. * assume that it is at least as tall as it is wide.
  9. */
  10. import stanford.karel.*;
  11. public class MidpointFindingKarel extends SuperKarel {
  12. public void run() {
  13. fillFirstRow();
  14. //midpoint finding part
  15. while (beepersPresent()) {
  16. collectLeftEnd();
  17. secondRowAddOne();
  18. collectRightEnd();
  19. //step forward one more to make sure there is no more beeper
  20. if (frontIsClear()) { //check whether all beepers have been collected
  21. move(); //if width is odd number Karel will finally arrive (1,1)
  22. } //if width is even number, Karel will finally arrive mid-point
  23. }
  24. //go to the midpoint of the first row, put beeper then collect beepers
  25. //on the 2nd row
  26. goToMidpoint();
  27. putBeeper();
  28. collectSecondRow();
  29. goToOrigin();
  30. moveToBeeper();
  31. }
  32. /*
  33. * fillFirstRow method is defined to fill the 1st row with beepers
  34. * Karel will put only one beeper at each corner
  35. * precondition: facing east, at (1,1) point
  36. * postcondition: facing east, (1,1) point
  37. */
  38. private void fillFirstRow() {
  39. goToOrigin(); //go to (1,1) facing east
  40. while (frontIsClear()) {
  41. putBeeper();
  42. move();
  43. }
  44. putBeeper(); //Off-By-One-Bug
  45. //make sure go back to (1,1) point facing east
  46. turnAround();
  47. moveToWall();
  48. turnAround();
  49. }
  50. /*
  51. * Collect the most left beeper on the 1st row, if there is any
  52. * Precondition: any case
  53. * Postcondition: facing east, stop at the position where Karel
  54. * just collected one beeper, 1st row
  55. */
  56. private void collectLeftEnd() {
  57. goToOrigin();
  58. moveToBeeper();
  59. if (beepersPresent()) {
  60. pickBeeper();
  61. }
  62. }
  63. /*Similar as collectLeftEnd, while in this method, Karel will start
  64. from the most right end, and try to collect the beeper at the
  65. most right end
  66. */
  67. private void collectRightEnd() {
  68. goToOrigin();
  69. moveToWall(); //Reach the right end of the 1st row
  70. turnAround(); //To face west
  71. moveToBeeper();
  72. if (beepersPresent()) {
  73. pickBeeper();
  74. }
  75. }
  76. /*
  77. * go to 2nd row, add one more beeper
  78. * precondition: anywhere at 1st row facing east
  79. * postcondition: on 2nd row, at the most end where no more beeper exist
  80. */
  81. private void secondRowAddOne() {
  82. goToOrigin();
  83. bigTurnLeft();
  84. turnRight();
  85. while( beepersPresent()) { //arrive at the end of existing beepers
  86. move();
  87. }
  88. putBeeper();
  89. }
  90. /*
  91. * Make sure Karel will go to the midpoint of the first row
  92. * Precondition: any case
  93. * Postcondition: arrive at the mid point of the 1st row, facing south
  94. */
  95. private void goToMidpoint() {
  96. goToOrigin();
  97. moveToWall(); //reach right end
  98. bigTurnLeft();
  99. turnLeft();
  100. moveToBeeper();
  101. bigTurnLeft();
  102. }
  103. private void collectSecondRow() {
  104. goToOrigin();
  105. bigTurnLeft(); //facing north
  106. turnRight(); //facing east
  107. while (beepersPresent() || frontIsBlocked()) {
  108. pickBeeper();
  109. move();
  110. }
  111. }
  112. /*Move Karel back to origin of map (1,1), make it facing east
  113. * Precondition: can be any case
  114. * Postcondition: standing on (1,1) facing east
  115. */
  116. private void goToOrigin() {
  117. while (notFacingSouth()) {
  118. turnLeft();
  119. }
  120. moveToWall();
  121. while (notFacingWest()) {
  122. turnLeft();
  123. }
  124. moveToWall();
  125. while (notFacingEast()) {
  126. turnLeft(); //Karel will face east
  127. }
  128. }
  129. /*
  130. * move Karel to first beeper on its way
  131. * precondition: facing east/west
  132. * postcondition: share same orientation as in precondition, standing on
  133. * the corner where first beeper appears on its way
  134. */
  135. private void moveToBeeper() {
  136. while ( noBeepersPresent() && frontIsClear() ) {
  137. move();
  138. }
  139. }
  140. /*
  141. * go to upper/lower row above without changing column number,
  142. * make a big turn left
  143. * precondition: any case
  144. * postcondition: same column, arrive at upper/lower row
  145. * which is one above/under the row in precondition,
  146. * direction will turn left
  147. */
  148. private void bigTurnLeft() {
  149. turnLeft();
  150. move();
  151. }
  152. // Similar as in bigTurnLeft, but in this case make a big
  153. //turn right
  154. private void bigTurnRight() {
  155. turnRight();
  156. move();
  157. }
  158. private void moveToWall() { //move Karel to wall
  159. while (frontIsClear()) {
  160. move();
  161. }
  162. }
  163. }// end of public class
2. 对于方法1中的思路进行进一步优化,其实左侧取一个右侧再取一个完全可以兼并成为从左侧出发一次取两个,同时放一个到第二行,这将大量节省Karel的运动过程,优化后代码如下:
  1. /*
  2. * File:
  3. * -------------------------------
  4. * THe MidpointFindingKarel class will leave a beeper on the corner
  5. * closest to the center of 1st Street
  6. * (or either of the two central corners if 1st Street has an even
  7. * number of corners). The world may be of any size, but you are allowed to
  8. * assume that it is at least as tall as it is wide.
  9. */
  10. import stanford.karel.*;
  11. public class MidpointFindingKarel extends SuperKarel {
  12. public void run() {
  13. fillFirstRow();
  14. //midpoint finding part
  15. while (beepersPresent()) {
  16. secondRowAddOne();
  17. collectLeftEnd();
  18. //step forward one more to make sure there is no more beeper
  19. if (frontIsClear()) { //check whether all beepers have been collected
  20. move(); //if width is odd number Karel will finally arrive (1,1)
  21. } //if width is even number, Karel will finally arrive mid-point
  22. }
  23. //go to the midpoint of the first row, put beeper then collect beepers
  24. //on the 2nd row
  25. goToMidpoint();
  26. putBeeper();
  27. collectSecondRow();
  28. goToOrigin();
  29. moveToBeeper();
  30. }
  31. /*
  32. * fillFirstRow method is defined to fill the 1st row with beepers
  33. * Karel will put only one beeper at each corner
  34. * precondition: facing east, at (1,1) point
  35. * postcondition: facing east, at the most right end of 1st row
  36. */
  37. private void fillFirstRow() {
  38. goToOrigin(); //go to (1,1) facing east
  39. while (frontIsClear()) {
  40. putBeeper();
  41. move();
  42. }
  43. putBeeper(); //Off-By-One-Bug
  44. }
  45. /*
  46. * Collect the most left beeper on the 1st row, if there is any
  47. * Precondition: any case
  48. * Postcondition: facing east, stop at the position where Karel
  49. * just collected one beeper, 1st row
  50. */
  51. private void collectLeftEnd() {
  52. goToOrigin();
  53. moveToBeeper();
  54. if ( beepersPresent() ) {
  55. pickBeeper();
  56. }
  57. if ( frontIsClear() ) {
  58. move();
  59. }
  60. if ( beepersPresent() ) {
  61. pickBeeper();
  62. }
  63. }
  64. /*
  65. * go to 2nd row, add one more beeper
  66. * precondition: anywhere at 1st row facing east
  67. * postcondition: on 2nd row, at the most end where no more beeper exist
  68. */
  69. private void secondRowAddOne() {
  70. goToOrigin();
  71. bigTurnLeft();
  72. turnRight();
  73. while( beepersPresent()) { //arrive at the end of existing beepers
  74. move();
  75. }
  76. putBeeper();
  77. }
  78. /*
  79. * Make sure Karel will go to the midpoint of the first row
  80. * Precondition: any case
  81. * Postcondition: arrive at the mid point of the 1st row, facing south
  82. */
  83. private void goToMidpoint() {
  84. goToOrigin();
  85. moveToWall(); //reach right end
  86. bigTurnLeft();
  87. turnLeft();
  88. moveToBeeper();
  89. bigTurnLeft();
  90. }
  91. private void collectSecondRow() {
  92. goToOrigin();
  93. bigTurnLeft(); //facing north
  94. turnRight(); //facing east
  95. while (beepersPresent() || frontIsBlocked()) {
  96. pickBeeper();
  97. move();
  98. }
  99. }
  100. /*Move Karel back to origin of map (1,1), make it facing east
  101. * Precondition: can be any case
  102. * Postcondition: standing on (1,1) facing east
  103. */
  104. private void goToOrigin() {
  105. while (notFacingSouth()) {
  106. turnLeft();
  107. }
  108. moveToWall();
  109. while (notFacingWest()) {
  110. turnLeft();
  111. }
  112. moveToWall();
  113. while (notFacingEast()) {
  114. turnLeft(); //Karel will face east
  115. }
  116. }
  117. /*
  118. * move Karel to first beeper on its way
  119. * precondition: facing east/west
  120. * postcondition: share same orientation as in precondition, standing on
  121. * the corner where first beeper appears on its way
  122. */
  123. private void moveToBeeper() {
  124. while ( noBeepersPresent() && frontIsClear() ) {
  125. move();
  126. }
  127. }
  128. /*
  129. * go to upper/lower row above without changing column number,
  130. * make a big turn left
  131. * precondition: any case
  132. * postcondition: same column, arrive at upper/lower row
  133. * which is one above/under the row in precondition,
  134. * direction will turn left
  135. */
  136. private void bigTurnLeft() {
  137. turnLeft();
  138. move();
  139. }
  140. private void moveToWall() { //move Karel to wall
  141. while (frontIsClear()) {
  142. move();
  143. }
  144. }
  145. }// end of public class
3. 对于方法2中的思路进行进一步优化,其实karel完全可以将用于中点位置计数的beeper直接放在第一行,这样Karel的运动过程将会得到进一步的简化,换言之,Karel将从(1,1)出发,一次取两个beeper,然后折回(1,1),放下一个beeper,之后再去取两个beeper,折回在(1,2)放下一个beeper,以此类推,直至开始时放置的beeper全部取完。具体代码如下:
  1. /*
  2. * File:
  3. * -------------------------------
  4. * THe MidpointFindingKarel class will leave a beeper on the corner
  5. * closest to the center of 1st Street
  6. * (or either of the two central corners if 1st Street has an even
  7. * number of corners). The world may be of any size, but you are allowed to
  8. * assume that it is at least as tall as it is wide.
  9. */
  10. import stanford.karel.*;
  11. public class MidpointFindingKarel extends SuperKarel {
  12. public void run() {
  13. fillFirstRow();
  14. goToOrigin();
  15. //midpoint finding part
  16. while (beepersPresent()) {
  17. collectLeftEnd();
  18. firstRowAddOne();
  19. move(); //go to blank place without any beeper
  20. moveToBeeper();
  21. }
  22. //go to the midpoint of the first row, put beeper then collect beepers
  23. //on the 2nd row
  24. goToMidpoint();
  25. }
  26. /*
  27. * fillFirstRow method is defined to fill the 1st row with beepers
  28. * Karel will put only one beeper at each corner
  29. * precondition: facing east, at (1,1) point
  30. * postcondition: facing east, at the most right end of 1st row
  31. */
  32. private void fillFirstRow() {
  33. goToOrigin(); //go to (1,1) facing east
  34. while (frontIsClear()) {
  35. putBeeper();
  36. move();
  37. }
  38. putBeeper(); //Off-By-One-Bug
  39. }
  40. /*
  41. * Collect the most left beeper on the 1st row, if there is any
  42. * Precondition: any case
  43. * Postcondition: facing east, stop at the position where Karel
  44. * just collected one beeper, 1st row
  45. */
  46. private void collectLeftEnd() {
  47. if ( beepersPresent() ) {
  48. pickBeeper();
  49. }
  50. if ( frontIsClear() ) {
  51. move();
  52. }
  53. if ( beepersPresent() ) {
  54. pickBeeper();
  55. }
  56. }
  57. /*
  58. * go to 2nd row, add one more beeper
  59. * precondition: anywhere at 1st row facing east
  60. * postcondition: on 2nd row, at the most end where no more beeper exist
  61. */
  62. private void firstRowAddOne() {
  63. goToOrigin();
  64. while( beepersPresent()) { //arrive at the end of existing beepers
  65. move();
  66. }
  67. putBeeper();
  68. }
  69. /*
  70. * Make sure Karel will go to the midpoint of the first row
  71. * Precondition: any case
  72. * Postcondition: arrive at the mid point of the 1st row, facing west
  73. */
  74. private void goToMidpoint() {
  75. goToOrigin();
  76. while ( beepersPresent() ) {
  77. pickBeeper();
  78. move();
  79. }
  80. turnAround(); //OBOB, Karel will move one more step
  81. move(); //at the end of this part
  82. putBeeper();
  83. }
  84. /*Move Karel back to origin of map (1,1), make it facing east
  85. * Precondition: can be any case
  86. * Postcondition: standing on (1,1) facing east
  87. */
  88. private void goToOrigin() {
  89. while (notFacingSouth()) {
  90. turnLeft();
  91. }
  92. moveToWall();
  93. while (notFacingWest()) {
  94. turnLeft();
  95. }
  96. moveToWall();
  97. while (notFacingEast()) {
  98. turnLeft(); //Karel will face east
  99. }
  100. }
  101. /*
  102. * move Karel to first beeper on its way
  103. * precondition: facing east/west
  104. * postcondition: share same orientation as in precondition, standing on
  105. * the corner where first beeper appears on its way
  106. */
  107. private void moveToBeeper() {
  108. while ( noBeepersPresent() && frontIsClear() ) {
  109. move();
  110. }
  111. }
  112. /*
  113. * go to upper/lower row above without changing column number,
  114. * make a big turn left
  115. * precondition: any case
  116. * postcondition: same column, arrive at upper/lower row
  117. * which is one above/under the row in precondition,
  118. * direction will turn left
  119. */
  120. private void bigTurnLeft() {
  121. turnLeft();
  122. move();
  123. }
  124. private void moveToWall() { //move Karel to wall
  125. while (frontIsClear()) {
  126. move();
  127. }
  128. }
  129. }// end of public class

4. 对于方案1还有另一种优化的思路,那就是摆脱计数器的限制,左右各取出一个,一直这样取下去,直至取完,那么Karel此时必然自然位于中点位置从而无需计数,其运动过程将更为简单快捷。编程的要点在于要保证Karel始终执行往复运动直至beeper被全部取尽,代码如下:
  1. /*
  2. * File:
  3. * -------------------------------
  4. * THe MidpointFindingKarel class will leave a beeper on the corner
  5. * closest to the center of 1st Street
  6. * (or either of the two central corners if 1st Street has an even
  7. * number of corners). The world may be of any size, but you are allowed to
  8. * assume that it is at least as tall as it is wide.
  9. */
  10. import stanford.karel.*;
  11. public class MidpointFindingKarel extends SuperKarel {
  12. public void run() {
  13. fillFirstRow();
  14. goToOrigin();
  15. //midpoint finding part
  16. while (beepersPresent()) {
  17. pickBeeper();
  18. move();
  19. moveToEnd();
  20. }
  21. putBeeper();
  22. }
  23. /*
  24. * fillFirstRow method is defined to fill the 1st row with beepers
  25. * Karel will put only one beeper at each corner
  26. * precondition: facing east, at (1,1) point
  27. * postcondition: facing east, at the end of 1st row
  28. */
  29. private void fillFirstRow() {
  30. goToOrigin(); //go to (1,1) facing east
  31. while (frontIsClear()) {
  32. putBeeper();
  33. move();
  34. }
  35. putBeeper(); //Off-By-One-Bug
  36. }
  37. /*
  38. * Karel will move to the last beeper of the beeper chain
  39. * Precondition: standing at one end facing that chain
  40. * Postcondition: standing at another end facing that chain
  41. * which means the orientation is changed oppositely
  42. */
  43. private void moveToEnd() {
  44. while ( beepersPresent() && frontIsClear() ) {
  45. move();
  46. }
  47. if ( frontIsBlocked() && beepersPresent() ) { //for the case arrive at the wall
  48. turnAround();
  49. } else {
  50. turnAround();
  51. move();
  52. }
  53. }
  54. /*Move Karel back to origin of map (1,1), make it facing east
  55. * Precondition: can be any case
  56. * Postcondition: standing on (1,1) facing east
  57. */
  58. private void goToOrigin() {
  59. while (notFacingSouth()) {
  60. turnLeft();
  61. }
  62. moveToWall();
  63. while (notFacingWest()) {
  64. turnLeft();
  65. }
  66. moveToWall();
  67. while (notFacingEast()) {
  68. turnLeft(); //Karel will face east
  69. }
  70. }
  71. private void moveToWall() { //move Karel to wall
  72. while (frontIsClear()) {
  73. move();
  74. }
  75. }
  76. }// end of public class

从思想性上,方案4远优于其他方案,而且实现过程简洁漂亮;但就扩展简易性而言不如方案2、3,方案2,3稍作修改就可以实现在1/3,1/4... 处放置一个beeper,而方案4的扩展性相对而言不是特别明显(以1/3为例,需要左侧取一个,右侧取两个)
