

RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process
archived log file name=+ARCH/jhdb/archivelog/jhdb2/2_8194_884618889.dbf thread=2 sequence=8194



If we defer an Archive Destination to a Standby Database, the Primary Database will still consider the Standby Database as existing but temporary unavailable eg. for Maintenance. This can happen if you stop Log Transport Services from the Data Guard Broker or manually defer the State for the Archive Destination.

As long as the Archive Destination (log_archive_dest_n) is still set, we consider the Standby Database as still existing and preserve the ArchiveLogs on the Primary Database to perform Gap Resolution when the Archive Destination is valid again.
There are Situations when this is not wanted, eg. the Standby Database was activated or removed but you still keep the Archive Destination because you want to rebuild the Standby Database later again. In this Case you can set the hidden Parameter "_deferred_log_dest_is_valid" to FALSE (default TRUE) which will consider deferred Archive Destinations as completely unavailable and will not preserve ArchiveLogs for those Destinations any more. It is a dynamic Parameter and can be set this Way:

SQL> alter system set "_deferred_log_dest_is_valid" = FALSE scope=both;


delete force noprompt archivelog until time 'sysdate-2' ;
SQL> alter system set "_deferred_log_dest_is_valid" = FALSE scope=both;

在Oracle 10g 后,RMAN提供了配置归档文件删除策略: configure archivelog deletion policy
APPLIED ON STANDBY :设置为该值时,当通过附加的 DELETE INPUT 子句删除Standby数据库仍需要的日志时,会提示RMAN-08137错误。不过仍然可以手动地通过 DELETE ARCHIVELOG 方式删除。
NONE :设置为该值时,则不启用归档文件的删除策略。默认情况下就是NONE。

SQL>alter system set “_log_deletion_policy”=ALL scope=spfile sid=’*’;

设置该参数以后,DB 需要重启。
