CREATE TABLE [dbo].[dispatch_type_config]( [type_id] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [b_type_id] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [type_name_cn] [nvarchar](200) NOT NULL, [type_name_tw] [nvarchar](200) NOT NULL, [type_name_en] [nvarchar](300) NOT NULL, [sort] [int] NOT NULL, [is_enable] [bit] NOT NULL, [belong_client] [bit] NULL, [is_leaf] [bit] NULL, [layer] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_dispatch_type_config] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [type_id] ASC, [b_type_id] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[dispatch_type_config] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_dispatch_type_config_is_enable] DEFAULT ((1)) FOR [is_enable] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[dispatch_type_config] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_dispatch_type_config_belong_client] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [belong_client] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[dispatch_type_config] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_dispatch_type_config_is_leaf] DEFAULT ((1)) FOR [is_leaf] GO
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[dispatch_type_leaf]( [dispatch_rowid] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [ctrl_type] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [subject] [nvarchar](500) NULL, [context] [nvarchar](3000) NULL, [has_case] [bit] NULL, [is_show] [bit] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_dispatch_type_leaf] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [dispatch_rowid] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[dispatch_type_leaf] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_dispatch_type_leaf_has_case] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [has_case] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[dispatch_type_leaf] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_dispatch_type_leaf_is_show] DEFAULT ((1)) FOR [is_show] GO
由於樹狀層次結構表採用了鏈結構的設計方式,因此要想獲得所有樹狀結構節點的數據需要採用循環inner join的方式,又因設限具體的層次數量,故而將循環inner join的SQL以字符串的形式先組合起來,然後再通過exec來獲取數據。
-- [dbo].[dispatch_GetType] 'cn','0' ALTER proc [dbo].[dispatch_GetType] ( @language nvarchar(10), @bSetting nvarchar(10) ) AS Begin declare @sql nvarchar(max) declare @select nvarchar(max) declare @from nvarchar(max) declare @where nvarchar(max) declare @orderby nvarchar(max) declare @pid nvarchar(20) declare @id nvarchar(20) declare @index int declare @num int declare @maxNum int set @sql='' select @maxNum=max(layer) from dispatch_type_config where is_leaf='1' declare _cursor cursor local for select distinct layer from dispatch_type_config where is_leaf='1' open _cursor fetch next from _cursor into @num while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 begin set @index=1 set @id=CONVERT(nvarchar,@index) set @select=' select A'+@id+'.[type_id] as type_id'+@id+' ,A'+@id+'.type_name_'+@language+' as type_name'+@id+' ,A'+@id+'.is_enable as is_enable'+@id+' ,A'+@id+'.sort as sort'+@id set @from=' from dispatch_type_config A'+@id if(@sql='') set @orderby=' order by sort'+@id set @index=@index+1 while @index<=@num begin set @pid=@id set @id=CONVERT(nvarchar,@index) set @select=@select+' ,A'+@id+'.[type_id] as type_id'+@id+' ,A'+@id+'.type_name_'+@language+' as type_name'+@id+' ,A'+@id+'.is_enable as is_enable'+@id+' ,A'+@id+'.sort as sort'+@id set @from=@from+' inner join dispatch_type_config A'+@id+' on A'+@pid+'.[b_type_id]=A'+@id+'.[type_id] and A'+@pid+'.layer='+@pid+' and A'+@id+'.layer='+@id if(@sql='') set @orderby=@orderby+' ,sort'+@id set @index=@index+1 end set @pid=@id while @index<=@maxNum begin set @id=CONVERT(nvarchar,@index) set @select=@select+' ,'''' as type_id'+@id+' ,'''' as type_name'+@id+' ,'''' as is_enable'+@id+' ,'''' as sort'+@id if(@sql='') set @orderby=@orderby+' ,sort'+@id set @index=@index+1 end set @select=@select+' ,A'+@pid+'.[type_id] as dispatch_rowid ,B.has_case ,B.ctrl_type ,A'+@pid+'.b_type_id, A'+@pid+'.belong_client as dispatch_belong ' set @from=@from+' left join dispatch_type_leaf B on A'+@pid+'.[type_id]=B.dispatch_rowid and B.is_show=''1'' ' set @where=' where A'+@pid+'.is_leaf=''1'' ' if(@bSetting='0') set @where=@where+' and A'+@pid+'.is_enable=''1'' ' if(@sql='') set @sql=@select+@from+@where else set @sql=@sql+' union '+@select+@from+@where fetch next from _cursor into @num end close _cursor deallocate _cursor set @sql=@sql+@orderby exec(@sql) End
private static string nodeModel = "\"id\":\"{0}\",\"pId\":\"{1}\",\"bId\":\"{2}\",\"name\":\"{3}\",\"is_enable\":\"{4}\",\"isParent\":\"{5}\"{6}";
//對DataRow進行操作 private void getDispatchItem(int n, List nums, List types, DataRow dr, StringBuilder sb) { if (n == 0) { return; } if (types[n - 1] != dr["type_id" + n.ToString()].ToString() || dr["type_id" + n.ToString()].ToString() == "") { getDispatchItem(n - 1, nums, types, dr, sb); types[n - 1] = dr["type_id" + n.ToString()].ToString().Trim(); if (types[n - 1] == "") { return; } string pId = "", str = ",\"open\":\"true\""; if (n >= 2) { pId = types[n - 2]; if (n >= 3) { str = ",\"open\":\"false\""; } } //葉子節點或者沒有節點的父節點 if (n == types.Count || dr["type_id" + (n + 1).ToString()].ToString() == "") { sb.AppendFormat(nodeModel, dr["dispatch_rowid"].ToString(), pId, dr["b_type_id"].ToString(), dr["type_name" + n.ToString()].ToString(), dr["is_enable" + n.ToString()].ToString(), false, ",\"open\":\"false\",\"type\":\"" + dr["ctrl_type"].ToString() + "\",\"has_case\":\"" + dr["has_case"].ToString() + "\""); //sb.AppendFormat(nodeModel, dr["dispatch_rowid"].ToString(), n == 1 ? "0" : types[n - 2], dr["b_type_id"].ToString(), dr["type_name" + n.ToString()].ToString(), false, ",\"open\":\"false\",\"type\":\"" + dr["ctrl_type"].ToString() + "\",\"has_case\":\"" + dr["has_case"].ToString() + "\""); } else { //if (n == 1) { sb.AppendFormat(nodeModel, types[n - 1], "0", dr["type_id" + (n + 1).ToString()].ToString(), dr["type_name" + n.ToString()].ToString(), true, ",\"open\":\"true\""); } //else if (n == 2) { sb.AppendFormat(nodeModel, types[n - 1], types[n - 2], dr["type_id" + (n + 1).ToString()].ToString(), dr["type_name" + n.ToString()].ToString(), true, ",\"open\":\"true\""); } //else { sb.AppendFormat(nodeModel, types[n - 1], types[n - 2], dr["type_id" + (n + 1).ToString()].ToString(), dr["type_name" + n.ToString()].ToString(), true, ",\"open\":\"false\""); } sb.AppendFormat(nodeModel, types[n - 1], pId, dr["type_id" + (n + 1).ToString()].ToString(), dr["type_name" + n.ToString()].ToString(), dr["is_enable" + n.ToString()].ToString(), true, str); } sb.Append("},{"); } } //對DataTable進行操作 private string getDispatchTypeTree1(DataTable dt, string search) { string result = ""; DataRow[] drc = dt.Select(search); if (drc.Length > 0) { int layer = (dt.Columns.Count - 5) / 4; List types = new List(); List nums = new List(); for (int n = 0; n < layer; n++) { types.Add(""); nums.Add(0); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("{"); foreach (DataRow dr in drc) { getDispatchItem(layer, nums, types, dr, sb); } result = sb.ToString().TrimEnd('{'); } return result; }
--[dbo].[dispatch_GetType_Add] 'cn','525d9a53-bc37-5b9e-371a-8d76054cc2ef','0f39b6ba-0ad0-3fb8-df2d-9d187c69a4cb','049b50ab-bb57-9113-be36-34484409c2fb','新增节点' ALTER proc [dbo].[dispatch_GetType_Add] ( @language nvarchar(10), @pId nvarchar(50), @type_id nvarchar(50), @b_type_id nvarchar(50), @type_name nvarchar(200) ) AS Begin Tran declare @sort int--子節點序號 declare @layer int--子節點樹層 --該節點如果為葉子節點,就改為非葉子(葉子節點滿足:dispatch_type_leaf有數據,並且is_show為true) if exists (select * from dispatch_type_config where [type_id]=@pId and is_leaf='1') begin select @sort=1,@layer=layer+1 from dispatch_type_config where [type_id]=@pId group by layer update dispatch_type_config set is_leaf='0' where [type_id]=@pId and is_leaf='1'--改為非葉子 if exists (select * from dispatch_type_leaf where dispatch_rowid=@pId )--改為非葉子,將其節點數據先隱藏,當其子節點都刪除后,再還原 begin update dispatch_type_leaf set is_show='0' where dispatch_rowid=@pId--改為非葉子 end end else--非葉子節點才插入樹狀關係 begin select @sort=count(*)+1,@layer=layer+1 from dispatch_type_config where [type_id]=@pId group by layer /****插入樹狀關係**********/ insert into dispatch_type_config([type_id],b_type_id,type_name_cn,type_name_tw,type_name_en,sort,layer,is_leaf) select distinct [type_id],@type_id,type_name_cn,type_name_tw,type_name_en,sort,layer,is_leaf from dispatch_type_config where [type_id]=@pId end /****插入樹狀子節點**********/ declare @type_name_cn nvarchar(200),@type_name_tw nvarchar(200),@type_name_en nvarchar(300) set @type_name_cn=@type_name+N'**修改**' set @type_name_tw=@type_name+N'**修改**' set @type_name_en=@type_name+N'**Modify**' if(@language='cn') set @type_name_cn=@type_name else if(@language='tw')set @type_name_tw=@type_name else if(@language='en') set @type_name_en=@type_name --插入樹狀子節點 insert into dispatch_type_config(type_id,b_type_id,type_name_cn,type_name_tw,type_name_en,sort,layer,is_leaf) values(@type_id,@b_type_id,@type_name_cn,@type_name_tw,@type_name_en,@sort,@layer,'1') /******插入子節點對應的信息*****/ --insert into dispatch_type_leaf(dispatch_rowid,ctrl_type,[subject],context,has_case,is_show) --values(@type_id,'common','','','0','1') If @@Error <> 0 Begin Rollback Return @@Error End Commit Tran
-- [dbo].[dispatch_GetType_Delete] '0fed864e-1227-f9ac-1df8-c64e84627d0c' ALTER proc [dbo].[dispatch_GetType_Delete] ( @type_id nvarchar(50) ) AS Begin Tran declare @is_leaf bit select top 1 @is_leaf=is_leaf from dispatch_type_config where [type_id]=@type_id --如果為葉子節點 if(@is_leaf='1') begin --如果該發文類型從未被使用過,則刪除 if not exists(select * from dbo.dispatch_info where dispatch_rowid=@type_id) begin /****刪除樹狀子節點**********/ delete dispatch_type_config where [type_id]=@type_id /****刪除子節點**********/ delete dispatch_type_leaf where dispatch_rowid=@type_id declare @pId nvarchar(50) select top 1 @pId=[type_id] from dispatch_type_config where b_type_id=@type_id declare @num int select @num=count(*) from dispatch_type_config where [type_id]=@pId if(@num>=2) begin /****父節點中仍有子節點,刪除樹狀關係**********/ delete dispatch_type_config where b_type_id=@type_id end else begin /***父節點中沒有子節點,就將父節點改為葉子節點***/ update dispatch_type_config set is_leaf='1' where [type_id]=@pId--改為葉子節點 if exists (select * from dispatch_type_leaf where dispatch_rowid=@pId )--改為葉子節點,并還原其隱藏的數據 begin update dispatch_type_leaf set is_show='1' where dispatch_rowid=@pId--改為葉子節點 end end end else--否則將葉子節點隱藏 begin update dispatch_type_leaf set is_show='0' where dispatch_rowid=@type_id end end else---父節點,則遞歸刪除其子節點 begin declare @tmp_type_id nvarchar(50) declare _cursor cursor local for select b_type_id from dbo.dispatch_type_config where [type_id]=@type_id open _cursor fetch next from _cursor into @tmp_type_id while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 begin exec [dbo].[dispatch_GetType_Delete] @tmp_type_id fetch next from _cursor into @tmp_type_id end close _cursor deallocate _cursor end If @@Error <> 0 Begin Rollback Return @@Error End Commit Tran
--[dbo].[dispatch_GetType_Item] '05b1077e-9e65-c6b1-0215-e961d3cb42f4' ALTER proc [dbo].[dispatch_GetType_Item] ( @type_id nvarchar(50) ) AS Begin --該節點如果為葉子節點 if exists (select * from dispatch_type_config where [type_id]=@type_id and is_leaf='1') begin select A.type_name_cn,A.type_name_en,A.type_name_tw,is_enable=isnull(A.is_enable,'1'),B.[subject],B.context,has_case=isnull(B.has_case,'0') from dispatch_type_config A left join dispatch_type_leaf B on A.[type_id]=B.dispatch_rowid where A.[type_id]=@type_id end else begin select type_name_cn,type_name_en,type_name_tw,is_enable from dispatch_type_config where [type_id]=@type_id end end
ALTER proc [dbo].[dispatch_GetType_Update] ( @type_id nvarchar(50), @is_enable bit, @type_name_cn nvarchar(200), @type_name_en nvarchar(200), @type_name_tw nvarchar(200), @has_case bit, @subject nvarchar(500), @content nvarchar(3000) ) AS Begin Tran update dispatch_type_config set type_name_cn=@type_name_cn,type_name_en=@type_name_en,type_name_tw=@type_name_tw,is_enable=@is_enable where [type_id]=@type_id --該節點如果為葉子節點 if exists (select * from dispatch_type_config where [type_id]=@type_id and is_leaf='1') begin if exists (select * from dispatch_type_leaf where dispatch_rowid=@type_id) begin update dispatch_type_leaf set [subject]=@subject,context=@content,has_case=@has_case where dispatch_rowid=@type_id end else begin insert into dispatch_type_leaf(dispatch_rowid,ctrl_type,[subject],context,has_case) values(@type_id,'common',@subject,@content,@has_case) end end If @@Error <> 0 Begin Rollback Return @@Error End Commit Tran
ALTER proc [dbo].[dispatch_GetType_Move] ( @type_id nvarchar(50), @siblings_id nvarchar(50), @span int ) AS Begin declare @sort int select @sort=sort from dispatch_type_config where [type_id]=@type_id update dispatch_type_config set sort=@sort where [type_id]=@siblings_id update dispatch_type_config set sort=@sort+@span where [type_id]=@type_id End