

MySQL中不同的版本优化器会有很多新特性,比如MRR、BKA等,optimizer_switch这个参数就是控制查询优化器怎样使用这些特性。很多情况下我们会根据自身的需求去设置optimizer_switch满足我们的需求。前段时间客户的环境中遇到一个奇怪的问题,select count(*)显示返回是有数据但是select * 返回是空结果集,最终的原因就是因为optimizer_switch设置引起了一个BUG。这里和大家分享下防止大家也遇到同样的坑。





  1. select * from (select o.orderid,o.orderdatetime,o.orderstatus,o.price,o.expway,o.paytype,o.fee,o.ordertype,o.realid,mm.account,ms.shopname,mmt.organcode, o.activitype,o.channelcode, ma.activitytag,md.tagtip from mall_order o left join mall_member mm on o.buyerid=mm.memberid left join mall_shop ms on o.salerid=ms.userid left join mall_merchant mmt on mmt.merchantid=o.salerid left join mall_activity ma on o.activityid=ma.actid left join mall_direct_activity md on ma.actid=md.actid where 1=1 and o.orderdatetime >= '2017-03-01 01:40:03' and o.orderdatetime <= '2017-03-25 01:40:03' ) as tab where tab.organcode = '805000' order by orderdatetime desc limit 10;



  1. select * from (select o.orderid,o.orderdatetime,o.orderstatus,o.price,o.expway,o.paytype,o.fee,o.ordertype,o.realid,mm.account,ms.shopname,mmt.organcode, o.activitype,o.channelcode, ma.activitytag,md.tagtip from mall_order o left join mall_member mm on o.buyerid=mm.memberid left join mall_shop ms on o.salerid=ms.userid left join mall_merchant mmt on mmt.merchantid=o.salerid left join mall_activity ma on o.activityid=ma.actid left join mall_direct_activity md on ma.actid=md.actid where 1=1 and o.orderdatetime >= '2017-03-01 01:40:03' and o.orderdatetime <= '2017-03-25 01:40:03' ) as tab where tab.organcode = '805000' order by orderdatetime desc limit 10;


  1. select * from (select o.orderid,o.orderdatetime,o.orderstatus,o.price,o.expway,o.paytype,o.fee,o.ordertype,o.realid,mm.account,ms.shopname,mmt.organcode, o.activitype,o.channelcode, ma.activitytag,md.tagtip from mall_order o left join mall_member mm on o.buyerid=mm.memberid left join mall_shop ms on o.salerid=ms.userid left join mall_merchant mmt on mmt.merchantid=o.salerid left join mall_activity ma on o.activityid=ma.actid left join mall_direct_activity md on ma.actid=md.actid where 1=1 and o.orderdatetime >= '2017-03-01 01:40:03' and o.orderdatetime <= '2017-03-25 01:40:03' ) as tab where tab.organcode = '805000' order by orderdatetime desc limit 10;
  2. Empty set (0.41 sec)
  3. select count(*) from (select o.orderid,o.orderdatetime,o.orderstatus,o.price,o.expway,o.paytype,o.fee,o.ordertype,o.realid,mm.account,ms.shopname,mmt.organcode, o.activitype,o.channelcode, ma.activitytag,md.tagtip from mall_order o left join mall_member mm on o.buyerid=mm.memberid left join mall_shop ms on o.salerid=ms.userid left join mall_merchant mmt on mmt.merchantid=o.salerid left join mall_activity ma on o.activityid=ma.actid left join mall_direct_activity md on ma.actid=md.actid where 1=1 and o.orderdatetime >= '2017-03-01 01:40:03' and o.orderdatetime <= '2017-03-25 01:40:03' ) as tab where tab.organcode = '805000' order by orderdatetime desc limit 10;
  4. +----------+
  5. | count(*) |
  6. +----------+
  7. | 475 |
  8. +----------+
  9. 1 row in set (0.41 sec)

当时也是比较慌张了,count(*)显示返回475条记录但是select *却返回空结果集。。。

  1. explain select * from (select o.orderid,o.orderdatetime,o.orderstatus,o.price,o.expway,o.paytype,o.fee,o.ordertype,o.realid,mm.account,ms.shopname,mmt.organcode, o.activitype,o.channelcode, ma.activitytag,md.tagtip from mall_order o left join mall_member mm on o.buyerid=mm.memberid left join mall_shop ms on o.salerid=ms.userid left join mall_merchant mmt on mmt.merchantid=o.salerid left join mall_activity ma on o.activityid=ma.actid left join mall_direct_activity md on ma.actid=md.actid where 1=1 and o.orderdatetime >= '2017-03-01 01:40:03' and o.orderdatetime <= '2017-03-25 01:40:03' ) as tab where tab.organcode = '805000' order by orderdatetime desc limit 10;
  2. +----+-------------+------------+--------+------------------------+-------------------+---------+-------------------+-------+-----------------------------+
  3. | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
  4. +----+-------------+------------+--------+------------------------+-------------------+---------+-------------------+-------+-----------------------------+
  5. | 1 | PRIMARY | | ref | | | 153 | const | 10 | Using where; Using filesort |
  6. | 2 | DERIVED | o | range | idx_orderdatetime | idx_orderdatetime | 6 | NULL | 46104 | Using index condition |
  7. | 2 | DERIVED | mm | eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx_memberid | PRIMARY | 8 | mall.o.buyerid | 1 | NULL |
  8. | 2 | DERIVED | ms | ref | idx_userid | idx_userid | 9 | mall.o.salerid | 1 | NULL |
  9. | 2 | DERIVED | mmt | eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx_merchantid | PRIMARY | 8 | mall.o.salerid | 1 | NULL |
  10. | 2 | DERIVED | ma | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 8 | mall.o.activityid | 1 | NULL |
  11. | 2 | DERIVED | md | ref | idx_activityid | idx_activityid | 8 | mall.ma.actid | 1 | NULL |
  12. +----+-------------+------------+--------+------------------------+-------------------+---------+-------------------+-------+-----------------------------+
  13. 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  1. explain select * from (select o.orderid,o.orderdatetime,o.orderstatus,o.price,o.expway,o.paytype,o.fee,o.ordertype,o.realid,mm.account,ms.shopname,mmt.organcode, o.activitype,o.channelcode, ma.activitytag,md.tagtip from mall_order o left join mall_member mm on o.buyerid=mm.memberid left join mall_shop ms on o.salerid=ms.userid left join mall_merchant mmt on mmt.merchantid=o.salerid left join mall_activity ma on o.activityid=ma.actid left join mall_direct_activity md on ma.actid=md.actid where 1=1 and o.orderdatetime >= '2017-03-01 01:40:03' and o.orderdatetime <= '2017-03-25 01:40:03' ) as tab where tab.organcode = '805000' order by orderdatetime desc limit 10;
  2. +----+-------------+------------+--------+------------------------+-------------------+---------+-------------------+-------+----------------------------------+
  3. | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
  4. +----+-------------+------------+--------+------------------------+-------------------+---------+-------------------+-------+----------------------------------+
  5. | 1 | PRIMARY | | ref | | | 153 | const | 10 | Using where; Using filesort |
  6. | 2 | DERIVED | o | range | idx_orderdatetime | idx_orderdatetime | 6 | NULL | 46104 | Using index condition; Using MRR |
  7. | 2 | DERIVED | mm | eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx_memberid | PRIMARY | 8 | mall.o.buyerid | 1 | NULL |
  8. | 2 | DERIVED | ms | ref | idx_userid | idx_userid | 9 | mall.o.salerid | 1 | NULL |
  9. | 2 | DERIVED | mmt | eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx_merchantid | PRIMARY | 8 | mall.o.salerid | 1 | NULL |
  10. | 2 | DERIVED | ma | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 8 | mall.o.activityid | 1 | NULL |
  11. | 2 | DERIVED | md | ref | idx_activityid | idx_activityid | 8 | mall.ma.actid | 1 | NULL |
  12. +----+-------------+------------+--------+------------------------+-------------------+---------+-------------------+-------+----------------------------------+
  13. 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  1. set optimizer_switch='mrr_cost_based=on';
  2. Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  3. select * from (select o.orderid,o.orderdatetime,o.orderstatus,o.price,o.expway,o.paytype,o.fee,o.ordertype,o.realid,mm.account,ms.shopname,mmt.organcode, o.activitype,o.channelcode, ma.activitytag,md.tagtip from mall_order o left join mall_member mm on o.buyerid=mm.memberid left join mall_shop ms on o.salerid=ms.userid left join mall_merchant mmt on mmt.merchantid=o.salerid left join mall_activity ma on o.activityid=ma.actid left join mall_direct_activity md on ma.actid=md.actid where 1=1 and o.orderdatetime >= '2017-03-01 01:40:03' and o.orderdatetime <= '2017-03-25 01:40:03' ) as tab where tab.organcode = '805000' order by orderdatetime desc limit 10;





MySQL中不同的版本优化器会有很多新特性,比如MRR、BKA等,optimizer_switch这个参数就是控制查询优化器怎样使用这些特性。很多情况下我们会根据自身的需求去设置optimizer_switch满足我们的需求。前段时间客户的环境中遇到一个奇怪的问题,select count(*)显示返回是有数据但是select * 返回是空结果集,最终的原因就是因为optimizer_switch设置引起了一个BUG。这里和大家分享下防止大家也遇到同样的坑。





  1. select * from (select o.orderid,o.orderdatetime,o.orderstatus,o.price,o.expway,o.paytype,o.fee,o.ordertype,o.realid,mm.account,ms.shopname,mmt.organcode, o.activitype,o.channelcode, ma.activitytag,md.tagtip from mall_order o left join mall_member mm on o.buyerid=mm.memberid left join mall_shop ms on o.salerid=ms.userid left join mall_merchant mmt on mmt.merchantid=o.salerid left join mall_activity ma on o.activityid=ma.actid left join mall_direct_activity md on ma.actid=md.actid where 1=1 and o.orderdatetime >= '2017-03-01 01:40:03' and o.orderdatetime <= '2017-03-25 01:40:03' ) as tab where tab.organcode = '805000' order by orderdatetime desc limit 10;



  1. select * from (select o.orderid,o.orderdatetime,o.orderstatus,o.price,o.expway,o.paytype,o.fee,o.ordertype,o.realid,mm.account,ms.shopname,mmt.organcode, o.activitype,o.channelcode, ma.activitytag,md.tagtip from mall_order o left join mall_member mm on o.buyerid=mm.memberid left join mall_shop ms on o.salerid=ms.userid left join mall_merchant mmt on mmt.merchantid=o.salerid left join mall_activity ma on o.activityid=ma.actid left join mall_direct_activity md on ma.actid=md.actid where 1=1 and o.orderdatetime >= '2017-03-01 01:40:03' and o.orderdatetime <= '2017-03-25 01:40:03' ) as tab where tab.organcode = '805000' order by orderdatetime desc limit 10;


  1. select * from (select o.orderid,o.orderdatetime,o.orderstatus,o.price,o.expway,o.paytype,o.fee,o.ordertype,o.realid,mm.account,ms.shopname,mmt.organcode, o.activitype,o.channelcode, ma.activitytag,md.tagtip from mall_order o left join mall_member mm on o.buyerid=mm.memberid left join mall_shop ms on o.salerid=ms.userid left join mall_merchant mmt on mmt.merchantid=o.salerid left join mall_activity ma on o.activityid=ma.actid left join mall_direct_activity md on ma.actid=md.actid where 1=1 and o.orderdatetime >= '2017-03-01 01:40:03' and o.orderdatetime <= '2017-03-25 01:40:03' ) as tab where tab.organcode = '805000' order by orderdatetime desc limit 10;
  2. Empty set (0.41 sec)
  3. select count(*) from (select o.orderid,o.orderdatetime,o.orderstatus,o.price,o.expway,o.paytype,o.fee,o.ordertype,o.realid,mm.account,ms.shopname,mmt.organcode, o.activitype,o.channelcode, ma.activitytag,md.tagtip from mall_order o left join mall_member mm on o.buyerid=mm.memberid left join mall_shop ms on o.salerid=ms.userid left join mall_merchant mmt on mmt.merchantid=o.salerid left join mall_activity ma on o.activityid=ma.actid left join mall_direct_activity md on ma.actid=md.actid where 1=1 and o.orderdatetime >= '2017-03-01 01:40:03' and o.orderdatetime <= '2017-03-25 01:40:03' ) as tab where tab.organcode = '805000' order by orderdatetime desc limit 10;
  4. +----------+
  5. | count(*) |
  6. +----------+
  7. | 475 |
  8. +----------+
  9. 1 row in set (0.41 sec)

当时也是比较慌张了,count(*)显示返回475条记录但是select *却返回空结果集。。。

  1. explain select * from (select o.orderid,o.orderdatetime,o.orderstatus,o.price,o.expway,o.paytype,o.fee,o.ordertype,o.realid,mm.account,ms.shopname,mmt.organcode, o.activitype,o.channelcode, ma.activitytag,md.tagtip from mall_order o left join mall_member mm on o.buyerid=mm.memberid left join mall_shop ms on o.salerid=ms.userid left join mall_merchant mmt on mmt.merchantid=o.salerid left join mall_activity ma on o.activityid=ma.actid left join mall_direct_activity md on ma.actid=md.actid where 1=1 and o.orderdatetime >= '2017-03-01 01:40:03' and o.orderdatetime <= '2017-03-25 01:40:03' ) as tab where tab.organcode = '805000' order by orderdatetime desc limit 10;
  2. +----+-------------+------------+--------+------------------------+-------------------+---------+-------------------+-------+-----------------------------+
  3. | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
  4. +----+-------------+------------+--------+------------------------+-------------------+---------+-------------------+-------+-----------------------------+
  5. | 1 | PRIMARY | | ref | | | 153 | const | 10 | Using where; Using filesort |
  6. | 2 | DERIVED | o | range | idx_orderdatetime | idx_orderdatetime | 6 | NULL | 46104 | Using index condition |
  7. | 2 | DERIVED | mm | eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx_memberid | PRIMARY | 8 | mall.o.buyerid | 1 | NULL |
  8. | 2 | DERIVED | ms | ref | idx_userid | idx_userid | 9 | mall.o.salerid | 1 | NULL |
  9. | 2 | DERIVED | mmt | eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx_merchantid | PRIMARY | 8 | mall.o.salerid | 1 | NULL |
  10. | 2 | DERIVED | ma | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 8 | mall.o.activityid | 1 | NULL |
  11. | 2 | DERIVED | md | ref | idx_activityid | idx_activityid | 8 | mall.ma.actid | 1 | NULL |
  12. +----+-------------+------------+--------+------------------------+-------------------+---------+-------------------+-------+-----------------------------+
  13. 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  1. explain select * from (select o.orderid,o.orderdatetime,o.orderstatus,o.price,o.expway,o.paytype,o.fee,o.ordertype,o.realid,mm.account,ms.shopname,mmt.organcode, o.activitype,o.channelcode, ma.activitytag,md.tagtip from mall_order o left join mall_member mm on o.buyerid=mm.memberid left join mall_shop ms on o.salerid=ms.userid left join mall_merchant mmt on mmt.merchantid=o.salerid left join mall_activity ma on o.activityid=ma.actid left join mall_direct_activity md on ma.actid=md.actid where 1=1 and o.orderdatetime >= '2017-03-01 01:40:03' and o.orderdatetime <= '2017-03-25 01:40:03' ) as tab where tab.organcode = '805000' order by orderdatetime desc limit 10;
  2. +----+-------------+------------+--------+------------------------+-------------------+---------+-------------------+-------+----------------------------------+
  3. | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
  4. +----+-------------+------------+--------+------------------------+-------------------+---------+-------------------+-------+----------------------------------+
  5. | 1 | PRIMARY | | ref | | | 153 | const | 10 | Using where; Using filesort |
  6. | 2 | DERIVED | o | range | idx_orderdatetime | idx_orderdatetime | 6 | NULL | 46104 | Using index condition; Using MRR |
  7. | 2 | DERIVED | mm | eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx_memberid | PRIMARY | 8 | mall.o.buyerid | 1 | NULL |
  8. | 2 | DERIVED | ms | ref | idx_userid | idx_userid | 9 | mall.o.salerid | 1 | NULL |
  9. | 2 | DERIVED | mmt | eq_ref | PRIMARY,idx_merchantid | PRIMARY | 8 | mall.o.salerid | 1 | NULL |
  10. | 2 | DERIVED | ma | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 8 | mall.o.activityid | 1 | NULL |
  11. | 2 | DERIVED | md | ref | idx_activityid | idx_activityid | 8 | mall.ma.actid | 1 | NULL |
  12. +----+-------------+------------+--------+------------------------+-------------------+---------+-------------------+-------+----------------------------------+
  13. 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  1. set optimizer_switch='mrr_cost_based=on';
  2. Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  3. select * from (select o.orderid,o.orderdatetime,o.orderstatus,o.price,o.expway,o.paytype,o.fee,o.ordertype,o.realid,mm.account,ms.shopname,mmt.organcode, o.activitype,o.channelcode, ma.activitytag,md.tagtip from mall_order o left join mall_member mm on o.buyerid=mm.memberid left join mall_shop ms on o.salerid=ms.userid left join mall_merchant mmt on mmt.merchantid=o.salerid left join mall_activity ma on o.activityid=ma.actid left join mall_direct_activity md on ma.actid=md.actid where 1=1 and o.orderdatetime >= '2017-03-01 01:40:03' and o.orderdatetime <= '2017-03-25 01:40:03' ) as tab where tab.organcode = '805000' order by orderdatetime desc limit 10;.



