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勇哥 | 我 | Award for professor who couldn't read or write until he was 15
奥克兰理工大学艺术设计学院教授Welby Ings被授予该校最高学术荣誉奖,从国王乡(King Country back blocks)一路走到颁奖台,Ings教授的经历非同寻常。 Welby Ings的父亲是剪切机承包商,直到15岁时Ings都还是个文盲(不能阅读,不会写作)。 他被不仅被中学开除过,在师范学院读书期间又被终止学业。 他承认:任何人都不想自己简历上有两度被学校开除的记录。 但这些经历让我明白了,“质疑”本身很有价值,【没有什么事情是天经地义的,一切都应可创新尝试甚至可以颠覆】。 Ings教授,现年57岁,于1995年加入奥克兰理工大学(AUT)之前长期在中小学任教学工作。 比如普通人常被教成用言语文字来思考问题,而一些人用图像化、空间化的思考更优雅更成熟。 如今,贯穿他教研生涯中的领悟(realisation他的领域:质疑传统,相信每个个体是不同的)和挑战传统的强烈愿望 高等教育、技能与就业部部长Steven Joyce 致辞:该奖颁发给Ings教授,因他对AUT的学术界做出了杰出的贡献 现在Ings教授带的都是博士和硕士研究生
后来在攻读博士学位期间,他编剧并导演了一部片场15分钟的短片《男孩》,入围2006年奥斯卡金像奖。 他的许多短片作品在超过70多个国际艺术节上放映,包括柏林和戛纳国际电影节。 奥克兰理工大学副校长 Derek McCormack表示,Ings教授得奖当之无愧。 “学生们谈起Ings教授时无不称赞他那理论教学与实践教学融为一体的风格【?】”
Award for professor who couldn't read or write until he was 15 (为直到15岁才会读书写字的教授颁奖)
He was kicked out of secondary school and doesn't believe students should receive marks. Welby Ings has had an unusual progression from the King Country back blocks to being awarded his university's highest academic honour. (Welby Ings被中学开除了,因为他不认为学生应该接受评分。他从King郡的贫民窟获得了与众不同的发展,从而被授予了他大学期间的最高学术荣誉。) The Professor of Design at Auckland University of Technology was the son of a shearing contractor, and could not read or write until he was 15. (这个奥克兰科技大学的设计教授的父亲是个剪羊毛的承包商,而且知道他15岁的时候才学会阅读和写字。) After being expelled from secondary school, he would go on to get suspended from teachers college. (被中学赶出以后,她继而又被师范学校停了职。) "It doesn't look like a CV that you want to deal with," he concedes. "But I learned the value of questioning things. It took longer to learn the value of strategically questioning things." (他说,事情不像你处理一份简历一样。但是我学会了质疑事情的价值。学会有策略的思考需要花费很长的时间。) Before joining AUT in 1995, Professor Ings, 57, spent time working as a primary and secondary school teacher, and says a common realisation is that each intellect is different. (Professor Ings,在1995年,57岁加入AUT之前,是一名中小学教师,他认为每个人的才智都是不一样的。) "Often we are trained to think in words. But some people don't. Some people think in the most elegant and sophisticated level in images, or in space," he says. (一般情况下,我们都被训练用文字去思考问题。但是有些人并不这么做。他们用最优雅成熟的图像去思考,用空间去思考。) That realisation and a desire to challenge convention informs both his research and teaching now, for which he was last night awarded AUT's inaugural University Medal, at the Vice-Chancellor's Academic Excellence Awards. (对于昨晚获得AUT的首个大学奖章-副校长学术优秀奖,挑战传统的意识和欲望都深深影响着他的研究和教学。) Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment Minister Steven Joyce presented the award to Professor Ings, which recognises an outstanding contribution to AUT's academic community. (高等教育,技能和就业部长SJ位教授Ings颁发了奖项,并承认他对AUT的学术社区做出的卓越的贡献。) Now working mostly with PhD and masters students, Professor Ings supervises projects ranging from designing new way-finding systems through airports to a new documentary form of film-making based on poetry. (现在,Professor Ings带着大部分博士生和硕士生监管的项目涉及机场寻路系统的设计到基于诗歌的新电影纪录片的制作。) Professor Ings helped establish an alternative secondary school and says assigning marks is deeply destructive and based on "a very deeply embedded ritual". (Professor ings 帮助建立了一所不一样的中学,并且表示:评分制度应该被深恶痛绝。) "A B+ is not feedback. The reason I got thrown out of teachers college, and the reason I've been before boards of governors and things, is because I've questioned it all the way through." (A B+不能作为好坏的反馈。以前我被师范大学赶出来,。。。。就是因为我一直质疑这种观点。) After failing to complete university the first time around, Professor Ings worked as a graphic designer and then studied at AUT when they offered the first graphic design degree. (Professor Ings第一次大学辍学后,当了一名图形设计师,后来在奥克兰理工学院学习并获得了第一个图形设计学位。) Later, Boy, a short film produced during his PhD, was shortlisted for the 2006 Academy Awards. His short films have been shown at over 70 international festivals including those of Berlin and Cannes. (后来,这个男孩在她攻读博士学位期间制作的一个短片,获得了2006年奥斯卡金像奖提名。他的短片已经在超过70个国际性艺术节上展出,其中不乏柏林,嘎纳这样的[大型艺术节]) AUT Vice-Chancellor Derek McCormack said Professor Ings, a previous recipient of the inaugural Prime Minister's Award for Tertiary Teaching Excellence, was worthy of recognition. (AUT副校长DM告诉Professor Ings,作为第一任。。。是值得肯定的。) "He has a remarkable blend of teaching and research expertise ... a teacher who students talk about." () |
从“文盲”到知名教授 Welby Ings“不走寻常路” | |
由 百伦移民留学 编辑于 2013-11-07 04:50:23 阅读:56次 | |
天维网11月7日报道 援引NZ Herald消息 近日,AUT艺术设计学院教授Welby Ings被授予该校最高学术荣誉奖,从穷乡僻壤一路走上领奖台,Welby Ings历程不同寻常。 “但正是这些经历,让我明白了‘怀疑一切’的价值,我花了更长时间学习研究如何更有意义地提出质疑。” 从师范学院肄业后,Ings教授曾作为一名平面设计师工作了一段时间,随后进入AUT学习,并获得了第一个图形设计专业的学位。在攻读博士学位期间,他编剧并导演了一部15分钟的短片《Boy》,并凭借此片入围了2006年的奥斯卡金像奖。 他的许多短片作品在超过70多个国际艺术节上放映,包括柏林和戛纳国际电影节。 |