Introducing generic methods can make it highly complicated for the compiler to resolve method overloads. Each generic method can match any possible substitute for each type parameter. Depending on how careful you are (or aren't), your application will behave very strangely. When you create generic classes or methods, you are responsible for creating a set of methods that will enable developers using that class to safely use your code with minimal confusion. This means that you must pay careful attention to overload resolution, and you must determine when generic methods will create better matches than the methods developers might reasonably expect.
Examine this code, and try to guess the output:
public class MyBase { } public interface IMessageWriter { void WriteMessage(); } public class MyDerived : MyBase, IMessageWriter { #region IMessageWriter Members void IMessageWriter.WriteMessage() { Console.WriteLine("Inside MyDerived.WriteMessage"); } #endregion } public class AnotherType : IMessageWriter { #region IMessageWriter Members public void WriteMessage() { Console.WriteLine("Inside AnotherType.WriteMessage"); } #endregion } class Program { static void WriteMessage(MyBase b) { Console.WriteLine("Inside WriteMessage(MyBase)"); } static void WriteMessage(T obj) { Console.Write("Inside WriteMessage (T): "); Console.WriteLine(obj.ToString()); } static void WriteMessage(IMessageWriter obj) { Console.Write( "Inside WriteMessage(IMessageWriter): "); obj.WriteMessage(); } static void Main(string[] args) { MyDerived d = new MyDerived(); Console.WriteLine("Calling Program.WriteMessage"); WriteMessage(d); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine( "Calling through IMessageWriter interface"); WriteMessage((IMessageWriter)d); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Cast to base object"); WriteMessage((MyBase)d); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Another Type test:"); AnotherType anObject = new AnotherType(); WriteMessage(anObject); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Cast to IMessageWriter:"); WriteMessage((IMessageWriter)anObject); } }
Some of the comments might make it a giveaway, but make your best guess before looking at the output. It's important to understand how the existence of generic methods affects the method resolution rules. Generics are almost always a good match, and they wreak havoc with our assumptions about which methods get called. Here's the output:
Calling Program.WriteMessage Inside WriteMessage(T): Item14.MyDerived Calling through IMessageWriter interface Inside WriteMessage(IMessageWriter): Inside MyDerived.WriteMessage Cast to base object Inside WriteMessage(MyBase) Another Type test: Inside WriteMessage (T): Item14.AnotherType Cast to IMessageWriter: Inside WriteMessage(IMessageWriter): Inside AnotherType.WriteMessage
The first test shows one of the more important concepts to remember: WriteMessage
The next two tests show how you can control this behavior by explicitly invoking the conversion (either to MyBase or to an IMessageWriter type). And the last two tests show that the same type of behavior is present for interface implementations even without class inheritance.
Name resolution rules are interesting, and you can show off your arcane knowledge about them at geek cocktail parties. But what you really need is a strategy to create code that ensures that your concept of "best match" agrees with the compiler's concept. After all, the compiler always wins this battle.
根据编译器的规则来制定best match.
It's not a good idea to create generic specializations for base classes when you intend to support the class and all its descendents. It's equally error prone to create generic specializations for interfaces.
由此可见,对基类和接口创建generic specializations是不好的做法。原因是由于继承关系的存在,对泛型方法的调用容易混淆。
But numeric types do not present those pitfalls. There is no inheritance chain between integral and floating-point numeric types. As Item 2 explains, often there are good reasons to provide specific versions of a method for different value types. Specifically, the .NET Framework includes specialization on all numeric types for Enumerable.Max
But it's best to use the compiler instead of adding runtime checks to determine the type. That's what you're trying to avoid by using generics in the first place, right?
// Not the best solution // this uses runtime type checking static void WriteMessage(T obj) { if (obj is MyBase) WriteMessage(obj as MyBase); else if (obj is IMessageWriter) WriteMessage((IMessageWriter)obj); else { Console.Write("Inside WriteMessage (T): "); Console.WriteLine(obj.ToString()); } }
This code might be fine, but only if there are only a few conditions to check. It does hide all the ugly behavior from your customers, but notice that it introduces some runtime overhead. Your generic method is now checking specific types to determine whether they are (in your mind) a better match than the one the compiler would choose if left to its own devices.
Use this technique only when it's clear that a better match is quite a bit better, and measure the performance to see whether there are better ways to write your library to avoid the problem altogether.
Of course, this is not to say that you should never create more-specific methods for a given implementation. Item 3 shows how to create a better implementation when advanced capabilities are available. The code in Item 3 creates a reverse iterator that adapts itself correctly when advanced capabilities are created. Notice that the Item 3 code does not rely on generic types for any name resolution. Each constructor expresses the various capabilities correctly to ensure that the proper method can be called at each location.
However, if you want to create a specific instantiation of a generic method for a given type, you need to create that instantiation for that type and all its descendents. If you want to create a generic specialization for an interface, you need to create a version for all types that implement that interface.