A Review on Deep Learning Techniques Applied to Semantic Segmentation:原文链接
深度学习之语义分割中的度量标准(准确度)(pixel accuracy, mean accuracy, mean IU, frequency weighted IU)
import _init_paths
import os
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import io
from timer import Timer
import cv2
from datetime import datetime
import caffe
test_file = 'test.txt'
file_path_img = 'JPEGImages'
file_path_label = 'SegmentationClass'
save_path = 'output/results'
test_prototxt = 'Models/test.prototxt'
weight = 'Training/Seg_iter_10000.caffemodel'
layer = 'conv_seg'
save_dir = False # True
if save_dir:
save_dir = save_path
save_dir = False
# load net
net = caffe.Net(test_prototxt, weight, caffe.TEST)
# load test.txt
test_img = np.loadtxt(test_file, dtype=str)
def fast_hist(a, b, n):
k = (a >= 0) & (a < n)
return np.bincount(n * a[k].astype(int) + b[k], minlength=n**2).reshape(n, n)
# seg test
print '>>>', datetime.now(), 'Begin seg tests'
n_cl = net.blobs[layer].channels
hist = np.zeros((n_cl, n_cl))
# timers
_t = {'im_seg' : Timer()}
# load image and label
i = 0
for img_name in test_img:
img = Image.open(os.path.join(file_path_img, img_name + '.jpg'))
img = img.resize((512, 384), Image.ANTIALIAS)
in_ = np.array(img, dtype=np.float32)
in_ = in_[:,:,::-1] # rgb to bgr
in_ -= np.array([[[68.2117, 78.2288, 75.4916]]])#数据集平均值,根据需要修改
in_ = in_.transpose((2,0,1))
label = Image.open(os.path.join(file_path_label, img_name + '.png'))
label = label.resize((512, 384), Image.ANTIALIAS)#图像大小(宽,高),根据需要修改
label = np.array(label, dtype=np.uint8)
# shape for input (data blob is N x C x H x W), set data
net.blobs['data'].reshape(1, *in_.shape)
net.blobs['data'].data[...] = in_
print 'im_seg: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s' \
.format(i + 1, len(test_img), _t['im_seg'].average_time)
i += 1
hist += fast_hist(label.flatten(), net.blobs[layer].data[0].argmax(0).flatten(), n_cl)
if save_dir:
seg = net.blobs[layer].data[0].argmax(axis=0)
result = np.array(img, dtype=np.uint8)
index = np.where(seg == 1)
for i in xrange(len(index[0])):
result[index[0][i], index[1][i], 0] = 255
result[index[0][i], index[1][i], 1] = 0
result[index[0][i], index[1][i], 2] = 0
result = Image.fromarray(result.astype(np.uint8))
result.save(os.path.join(save_dir, img_name + '.jpg'))
iter = len(test_img)
# overall accuracy
acc = np.diag(hist).sum() / hist.sum()
print '>>>', datetime.now(), 'Iteration', iter, 'overall accuracy', acc
# per-class accuracy
acc = np.diag(hist) / hist.sum(1)
print '>>>', datetime.now(), 'Iteration', iter, 'mean accuracy', np.nanmean(acc)
# per-class IU
iu = np.diag(hist) / (hist.sum(1) + hist.sum(0) - np.diag(hist))
print '>>>', datetime.now(), 'Iteration', iter, 'mean IU', np.nanmean(iu)
freq = hist.sum(1) / hist.sum()
print '>>>', datetime.now(), 'Iteration', iter, 'fwavacc', \
(freq[freq > 0] * iu[freq > 0]).sum()