Rust: match 与ref


fn main() {
    // 情景1:匹配
    let t_1 = (42, "i love rust language".to_string());
    let (n, s) = t_1;
    // t_1 has been moved. It is No More
    // n: 42, s:"i love rust language".to_string()
    // 情景2:借用
    let t_2 = (42, "i love rust language".to_string());
    // nn and ss are borrowed from t_2. It still lives!
    //nn: &42, ss:&"i love rust language"
    // 情景3:借用
    let ot = Some((42, "hello world".to_string()));

    if let Some((_, ref s)) = ot {
        assert_eq!(s, "hello world");
    // s: 此时是表示对“hello world”.to_string()的借用,即“hello world”
    // 并不是说要让ref s ="hello world.to_string()"进行模式匹配;


fn match_tuple_0(t: (i32, String)) {
    let text = match t {
        (0, s) => format!("zero {}", s),
        (1, ref s) if s == "hello" => format!("hello one!"),
        tt => format!("no match {:?}", tt),
        // or say _ => format!("no match") if you're not interested in the value
    println!("{}", text);

显然是可以编译的。 运行match_tuple_0(1,“hello”.to_string()), 输出“hello one”;

关于ref mut

    let mut robot_name = Some(String::from("Bors"));
    match robot_name {
        Some(ref mut name) => *name = String::from("Another name"),
        None => (),
    println!("robot_name is: {:?}", robot_name);


fn match_tuple_1(t: (i32, String)) {
    let text = match t {
        (0, s) => format!("zero {}", s),
        (0, ref s) if s == "hello" => format!("hello one!"),
        tt => format!("no match {:?}", tt),
        // or say _ => format!("no match") if you're not interested in the value
    println!("{}", text);

也是可以。运行match_tuple_1(0,“hello”.to_string()), 输出什么?

结果是:“zero hello”, 为什么不会输出“hello one”? 因为被拦截了。
