【ogg 】Error Messages(OGG-00521 to OGG-01042)

OGG-00521: Object was resolved, however in the same resolution call both DDL history and database metadata resolution failed, cannot recover, {0} [{1}], object id {2}
Cause: The DDL object was not found in the database nor in in the DDL history record. Depending on the object, this message may or may not be ignored.

Action: Check whether the object was dropped from the database. Also, make sure DDL history table did not get partially or fully truncated. If it did, restore the missing records. Make certain that the PURGEDDLHISTORY parameter does not delete DDL history records while they are still needed.

OGG-00523: Object ID in in marker data is not a number
Cause: The object metadata contains an object ID that is not in the form of a number.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00524: Error in DDL trigger has been detected: {0}. Please investigate trace log file or contact Oracle Support
Cause: There was an error while processing DDL with the DDL trigger.

Action: Examine the DDL trigger trace file and determine if the error is due to a system problem (such as a shut-down of the database or a lack of space for the DDL objects) or if it requires the attention of Oracle Support.

OGG-00525: Oracle GoldenGate DDL trigger is not installed correctly, details: {0}.
Cause: The DDL trigger was not installed correctly.

Action: Install the DDL trigger again. For instructions, see the Oracle GoldenGate installation documentation for the Oracle database. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00526: Cannot find DDL statement in marker data
Cause: Extract could not find the text of the DDL operation in the DDL record.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00528: The DDL parameter is not supported for this data source. Please remove this parameter and all DDL operations will be propagated in pass-through (PASSTHRU) mode.
Cause: The DDL parameter is specified in the parameter file of a data pump. DDL mapping or filtering is not supported for a data pump and must be passed through as-is.

Action: Remove the DDL parameter from the data pump parameter file, and place the PASSTHRU parameter before all of the TABLE statements that contain tables that use DDL support. You can place the NOPASSTHRU parameter before any TABLE statements that contain tables that do not use DDL support, if you want data filtering, mapping, or transformation to be performed for them. For more information on configuring DDL support, see the Oracle GoldenGate administration documentation.

OGG-00529: DDL Replication is enabled but table {0} is not found. Please check DDL installation in the database
Cause: The specified table supports the Oracle GoldenGate DDL configuration and cannot be found during processing.

Action: Consult the Oracle GoldenGate installation documentation for your database to find out which objects must be installed in the database to support DDL Replication. Install the objects according to the instructions in that documentation.

OGG-00530: Table DDL metadata changes are only changes supported at this time, type found [{0}]
Cause: Extract encountered an unsupported DDL operation. Oracle GoldenGate currently supports only table or sequence DDL operations.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00531: Cannot resolve sequence: {0} because of invalid ROWID for sequence UPDATE
Cause: A DDL change to a sequence produced incorrect ROWID data.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00532: Cannot convert highwater value for sequence, value [{0}]
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate cannot update the target sequence to increase the highwater value, so that the target sequence remains ahead of the source.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00533: Sequence name "{0}"."{1}" doesn't match hashed name "{2}"."{3}" and object id [{4,number,0}] (DDL may have been used, but not enabled)
Cause: DDL operations were performed on sequence objects, but Oracle GoldenGate DDL support is not installed.

Action: Install Oracle GoldenGate DDL support before executing DDL operations on sequence objects. For instructions, see the Oracle GoldenGate installation and setup guide for the Oracle database.

OGG-00534: Sequence update too large [{0}]
Cause: The update to the sequence value is greater than, or equal to, 100 million. Oracle GoldenGate does not support value updates that are greater than 100 million.

Action: Use an update value of less than 100 million.

OGG-00535: Sequence cache value too large [{0}]
Cause: The sequence cache size is too large. Oracle GoldenGate does not support sequence CACHE values greater than 100 million.

Action: Use a CACHE value of less than 100 million.

OGG-00536: Sequence increment by value too large [{0}]
Cause: The sequence increment interval is too large. Oracle GoldenGate does not support INCREMENTBY values greater than 100 million.

Action: Use an INCREMENTBY value of less than 100 million.

OGG-00537: Object type found [{0,number,0}] when resolving DDL object attributes unknown
Cause: The object type was not a table or sequence.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00538: Metadata not invalidated for "{1}".{2} because of {0}
Cause: Usually this message is for DDL operations that do not affect metadata, such as TRUNCATE TABLE or ANALYZE TABLE. This message explains why Extract did not clear the metadata (remove it from the DDL cache). It is beneficial not to clear metadata if possible: retaining it improves performance because the process does not need to re-read the metadata for the next DML operation.

Action: None

OGG-00539: Metadata not invalidated for "{1}".{2} because of {0} [{3}]
Cause: Usually this message is for DDL operations that do not affect metadata, such as TRUNCATE TABLE or ANALYZE TABLE. This message explains why Extract did not clear the metadata (remove it from the DDL cache). It is beneficial not to clear metadata if possible: retaining it improves performance because the process does not need to re-read the metadata for the next DML operation.

Action: None

OGG-00540: Metadata not cleared for "{1}".{2} because of {0}
Cause: Usually this message is for DDL operations that do not affect metadata, such as TRUNCATE TABLE or ANALYZE TABLE. This message explains why Extract did not clear the metadata (remove it from the DDL cache). It is beneficial not to clear metadata if possible: retaining it improves performance because the process does not need to re-read the metadata for the next DML operation.

Action: None

OGG-00541: Metadata not cleared for "{1}".{2} because of {0} [{3}]
Cause: Usually this message is forTRUNCATE TABLE or ANALYZE TABLE. This message explains why Extract did not clear the metadata (remove it from the DDL cache). It is beneficial not to clear metadata if possible: retaining it improves performance because the process does not need to re-read the metadata for the next DML operation.

Action: None

OGG-00542: Unexpected threading library failure. Error code {0,number,0} ({1})
Cause: An internal error occurred while the process was executing a multi-threaded application.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00543: Unexpected threading library failure. Error code {0,number,0} ({1})
Cause: An internal error occurred while executing a multi-threaded application. Oracle GoldenGate recovered from the error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support for assistance if this warning continues to be issued.

OGG-00544: Invalid argument passed to threading function.
Cause: An unexpected programming logic error has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00545: Threaded access not supported
Cause: Call Attachment Facility (CAF) does not permit a process to be threaded. There can be only one thread per Oracle GoldenGate process.

Action: Either use the RRSAF (Recoverable Resource Manager Services Attachment Facility) attachment type or do not configure processes to be multi-threaded. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate installation and setup documentation for DB2 z/OS.

OGG-00546: Default thread stack size: {0,number,0}
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate determined the default number of Posix threads on the system.

Action: None

OGG-00547: Increasing thread stack size from {0,number,0} to {1,number,0}
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate is increasing the number of Posix threads to support its processing requirements.

Action: None

OGG-00549: Database operation failed: {0}. Unable to initialize using RRSAF - please check that RRS is available and functioning correctly. {1}
Cause: The MVSATTACHTYPE is set to RRSAF, but RRSAF could not be initialized.

Action: Install RRSAF and make certain that is is configured properly.

OGG-00550: Database operation failed: {0}. Unable to initialize using RRSAF - please check that RRS is available and functioning correctly. {1}
Cause: The MVSATTACHTYPE is set to RRSAF, but RRSAF could not be initialized.

Action: Install RRSAF and make certain that is is configured properly.

OGG-00551: Database operation failed: {0}. ODBC error: SQLSTATE {2} native database error {3,number,0}. {1}
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate process could not complete its SQL operation because of the specified errors.

Action: Correct the problem with the driver or database, and then restart the process.

OGG-00552: Database operation failed: {0}. ODBC error: SQLSTATE {2} native database error {3,number,0}. {1}
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate process could not complete its SQL operation because of the specified errors.

Action: Correct the problem with the driver or database, and then restart the process.

OGG-00554: Failed to execute SQL statement '{0}'
Cause: The specified SQL statement returned an error on execution.

Action: Correct the problem that is related to the SQL statement and then restart the process.

OGG-00555: Executing fetch. ODBC error ({0,number,0}). {1}
Cause: A fetch failed.

Action: Fix the problem based on the ODBC error message, and then restart the process.

OGG-00556: ODBC Driver for {0} does not provide ODBC level 1 conformance
Cause: ODBC driver conformance level of at least level 1 is required.

Action: Contact the database vendor and download the latest ODBC driver with conformance level of at least 1.

OGG-00557: ODBC Driver for {0} does not adequately support prepared statements
Cause: The ODBC driver for this database does not support prepared statements.

Action: Upgrade to the latest ODBC driver for this database to correct the problem, and then restart the process.

OGG-00558: Failed to set implicit transactions off
Cause: An error occurred while disabling implicit transactions.

Action: Determine whether the underlying database supports the SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS OFF command to return to autocommit mode. Correct the problem, and then restart the process.

OGG-00559: Failed to begin named transaction {0}
Cause: An error occurred while trying to start a named transaction command (such as BEGIN TRANSACTION tran_name).

Action: Determine whether the underlying database supports named transactions. Correct the problem and then restart the process.

OGG-00560: Failed to change IDENTITY_INSERT state for table {0}
Cause: The execution of SET IDENTITY_INSERT failed with an error.

Action: Make sure that the user that is used to connect to the database has sufficient privileges to use SET IDENTITY_INSERT. The user must either own the object in question, or be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role, or the db_owner and db_ddladmin fixed database roles.

OGG-00561: Failed to rollback to save-point {0}
Cause: There was an error when trying to roll back the transaction to a savepoint.

Action: Note the name of the savepoint and then contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00562: Failed to save transaction {0}
Cause: The process failed to set a savepoint on the active transaction.

Action: Note the name of the savepoint and then contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00563: Failed to retrieve IDENTITY information for table {0}
Cause: Replicat does not have the information that is required to process an IDENTITY column properly.

Action: If the specified table does not contain an IDENTITY column, you can ignore this message. If the specified table does contain an IDENTITY column, make certain that you configured Oracle GoldenGate properly to handle these column types. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for SQL Server. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00564: ODBC Driver for {0} does not support enough concurrent SQL statements. Need at least {1,number,0} and only {2,number,0} are available.
Cause: The ODBC driver does not support the number of concurrent SQL statements that are allowed by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Set the MAXSQLSTATEMENTS parameter to a value that is supported by the driver.

OGG-00565: Cannot initialize ODBC operations
Cause: The system encountered an error while allocating an environment handle and the associated resources.

Action: Contact the DBA of the underlying database, because this error probably relates to an unrecoverable system error.

OGG-00566: Table {0}.{1} does not exist in target database
Cause: The table is configured within Oracle GoldenGate for Replication, but Replicat tried to get column information for the table on startup and was not able to find any metadata for it.

Action: The table probably does not exist in the target database. Either add the table, or remove it from the Replicat configuration.

OGG-00567: Indexed value {2} not a column of table {0}.{1}
Cause: When the process tried to resolve a column name to its index, a column-not-found error occurred when cross-referencing the name with the current table metadata.

Action: Stop and then restart the process to refresh the metadata record that the process keeps. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00568: The current ODBC session does not support multiple active transactions. Oracle Support recommends using multiple transactions to ensure transaction integrity and to enable releasing catalog locks as soon as possible. The ODBC initialization file should have both 'MVSATTACHTYPE=RRSAF' and 'MULTICONTEXT=1'.
Cause: The ODBC session does not support multiple active transactions.

Action: Stop the Oracle GoldenGate process, then add the specified parameters to the ODBC initialization file, and then start the process again.

OGG-00570: Installed Teradata ODBC driver does not support batch SQL statement re-use. Upgrade driver to version {0,number,0}.{1,number,0}.{2,number,0}.{3,number,0} or greater.
Cause: The current ODBC driver does not support the BATCHSQL parameter.

Action: Upgrade to the recommended driver.

OGG-00571: Outstanding SQL statements supported ({0,number,0}) less than maximum ({1,number,0})
Cause: The database does not support the number of prepared SQL statements that the current Oracle GoldenGate configuration allows.

Action: Set the MAXSQLSTATEMENTS parameter to a value that is supported by the database. For more information about MAXSQLSTATEMENTS, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00572: Outstanding SQL statements limited to {0,number,0} by the Teradata ODBC driver.
Cause: The driver does not support the number of prepared SQL statements that the current Oracle GoldenGate configuration allows.

Action: Set the MAXSQLSTATEMENTS parameter to a value that is supported by the database driver. For more information about MAXSQLSTATEMENTS, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00573: SQLExecute did not return a valid parameter status [{0,number,0}]
Cause: During the execution of an array operation into a target table, the parameter status array for this row is not populated correctly.

Action: Report the issue to the ODBC driver vendor. There should be an error message for the offending row. Contact Oracle Support if problem persists.

OGG-00575: Driver for {0} does not support transactions
Cause: The specified ODBC driver does not support transactions.

Action: Upgrade the ODBC driver to one that supports transactions.

OGG-00576: Unexpected error ({0,number,0}) in fetch status array
Cause: The array fetch through ODBC resulted in an error for one or more rows in the array.

Action: Attempt to resolve the problem based on the error code if possible. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00577: Data length ({2,number,0}) exceeded maximum allowed value ({1,number,0}) for file {0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00578: Key length ({2,number,0}) exceeded maximum allowed value ({1,number,0}) for file {0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00579: Unexpected before image with key length ({0,number,0}) and record length ({1,number,0})
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00580: File {0} does not exist
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00581: C-tree error ({2,number,0}, {1}): {0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00582: C-tree error ({2,number,0}, {1}): {0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00583: Incorrect result type {1,number,0} describing table {0}
Cause: The describe request for the specified table or column definitions returned the specified unexpected result from the database.

Action: Correct the problem based on the message. To help diagnose the problem, look for other Sybase-related messages in the report file for this Oracle GoldenGate process, and also check the Sybase error log.

OGG-00584: Incorrect result type {0,number,0} describing query definition
Cause: There was the specified unexpected result while describing a SQLEXEC query definition from the database. The SQLEXEC syntax probably contains an error.

Action: View the SQLEXEC statement in the parameter file to find and correct the syntax error. For help with SQLEXEC syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00585: Incorrect result type {0,number,0} describing table definition
Cause: While describing the SQLEXEC query definition from the database, the specified unexpected result type was received

Action: View the SQLEXEC statement in the parameter file to find and correct the syntax error. For help with SQLEXEC syntax, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00586: Internal error opening data source for context
Cause: This is an internal error and should not be received in a production environment.

Action: If you receive this error, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00587: error executing sp while retrieving results
Cause: While executing a SQLEXEC stored procedure or query, an unexpected result was received.

Action: View the SQLEXEC statement in the parameter file to find and fix syntax errors. For help with syntax, see SQLEXEC in the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation. If the problem persists, check for other errors in the Oracle GoldenGate process report and the database error log before contacting Oracle Support. You might be able to determine the syntax error or other problem that is the cause.

OGG-00588: Unexpected error describing stored procedure
Cause: The SQLEXEC query execution failed because it failed to get syscolumn information.

Action: Make certain that the Oracle GoldenGate user that executes SQLEXEC has permission to access the syscolumn table.

OGG-00593: SYBUTIL_convert_to_sybase_timestamp: Not one of the date/time data types: {0,number,0}
Cause: The specified data type is not supported by Oracle GoldenGate for this database version.

Action: For supported data types, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation that applies to the database.

OGG-00594: TIMECNV_convert_to_db_timestamp failed {0,number,0}
Cause: The conversion of a timestamp from the Oracle GoldenGate generic format to the Sybase timestamp data type failed. The timestamp is from a source database of a type other than that of the target.

Action: Verify that the type of timestamp in the source can be converted to the format that is used by the target. For supported data types, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for the database.

OGG-00651: Failed to process SQL statement - error {0,number,0}
Cause: The query in the SQLEXEC statement failed due to the specified server error.

Action: Check the SQLEXEC syntax in the parameter file for errors, and also make certain that the Oracle GoldenGate user that issues the SQLEXEC has the permission to execute the SQL that it contains. If these are not the cause of the problem, note the error number that is in the message text, and then look for possible causes or workarounds within the Sybase database.

OGG-00652: Failed to get results from server - error {0,number,0}
Cause: The query failed while fetching data for a SQLEXEC query or stored procedure.

Action: Check the SQLEXEC syntax in the parameter file for errors, and also make certain that the Oracle GoldenGate user that issues the SQLEXEC has the permission to execute the SQL that it contains. If these are not the cause of the problem, note the error number that is in the message text, and then look for possible causes or workarounds within the Sybase database.

OGG-00653: Failed to send command for SQLEXEC - error {0,number,0}
Cause: The SQLEXEC query failed while sending data to the Sybase database.

Action: Check the SQLEXEC syntax in the parameter file for errors, and also make certain that the Oracle GoldenGate user that issues the SQLEXEC has the permission to execute the SQL that it contains. If these are not the cause of the problem, note the error number that is in the message text, and then look for possible causes or workarounds within the Sybase database.

OGG-00654: Failed to prepare statement for SQLEXEC - error {0,number,0}
Cause: Sybase failed to prepare the SQLEXEC statement.

Action: Fix the problem based on the error that is shown in the message text. Some possible causes are: The SQLEXEC syntax in the parameter file contains an error, or the Oracle GoldenGate user that issues the SQLEXEC does not have the permission for this particular query or stored procedure.

OGG-00655: Failed to allocate statement for SQLEXEC - error {0,number,0}
Cause: The SQLEXEC query failed because Sybase did not allocate space for a command structure for the query or stored procedure.

Action: Check the SQLEXEC syntax in the parameter file for errors, and also make certain that the Oracle GoldenGate user that issues the SQLEXEC has the permission to execute the SQL that it contains. If these are not the cause of the problem, note the error number that is in the message text, and then look for possible causes or workarounds within the Sybase database.

OGG-00656: Server message ({0} Context): number({1,number,0}) severity({2,number,0}) state({3,number,0}) line({4,number,0}). Procedure({5}) Details ({6})
Cause: The specified error occurred in the Sybase server.

Action: Resolve the problem with the server based on the Sybase error.

OGG-00657: Current online log {0} with sequence# {1,number,0} is STALE without alternative. Last read on RBA {2,number,0}, timestamp {3}, SCN {4,number,0}.{5,number,0}
Cause: Extract reached the end of an archive log on RAC, and the next log is not available. This can happen even though the other Extract threads are reading logs. This is by design to maintain transactional integrity. However, it is also possible that one of the RAC instances failed and is not generating archive logs. In this case, Extract stops.

Action: If all RAC instances are running correctly, no action is needed. Extract will continue when more data is available. If an instance fails and you can restore it, do so and then start Extract (if stopped). Parameters are available that enable Extract to continue processing if an instance fails (but with loss of data from that instance). For more information, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00658: Unable to open archive log {0}, {1}
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate could not open the specified archive log.

Action: Check to see if the disk is full. If not, verify whether the Extract user has operating system privileges to read the file. If you have to grant permissions, stop Manager and then exit GGSCI. Next, close the terminal session. Start the processes again from a new session.

OGG-00659: Unknown specifier in archive log format
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate cannot determine the format of the archive logs.

Action: Use the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter with the ALTARCHIVEDLOGFORMAT option to specify a string that overrides the archive log format. For the string, provide the same specifier that is set for the Oracle parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT. On RAC, set this on each node. For other important details, see the TRANLOGOPTIONS reference documentation.

OGG-00660: Could not find unique key column within table definition, SQL <{0}>
Cause: The table only contains columns that are LONG, LOB or UDT. Oracle GoldenGate cannot construct a key from those column types.

Action: Create a primary or unique key on the table, or remove it from the Oracle GoldenGate configuration. To remove a table when its name satisfies a wildcard definition, you can use the TABLEEXCLUDE parameter for Extract and the MAPEXCLUDE parameter for Replicat.

OGG-00661: Error selecting unique keys for {0}: {1}, SQL <{2}>
Cause: The process could not select a unique key for the specified table.

Action: Resolve the problem based on the error that is shown in the message.

OGG-00662: OCI Error {1} (status = {0,number,0})
Cause: An error occurred in the OCI.

Action: Resolve the problem based on the error that is shown in this message. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00663: OCI Error {1} (status = {0,number,0}), SQL <{2}>
Cause: An error occurred in the OCI.

Action: Resolve the problem based on the error that is shown in this message. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00664: OCI Error {2} (status = {0,number,0}-{1})
Cause: An error occurred in the OCI.

Action: Resolve the problem based on the error that is shown in this message. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00665: OCI Error {2} (status = {0,number,0}-{1}), SQL<{3}>
Cause: An error occurred in the OCI.

Action: Resolve the problem based on the error that is shown in this message. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00666: SQL operation failed: {2} SQL Error {0,number,0}: {1}
Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00667: OCI error ({0,number,0}-{1}) retrieving length info of a ROWID/UROWID column (table: {2}, column: {3})
Cause: The specified column name does not exist in the specified table.

Action: Make certain that the column is spelled correctly in any parameters where it is specified in the parameter file. Make certain that the column exists in the table.

OGG-00668: OCI error ({0,number,0}-{1}) initializing query to obtain ROWID/UROWID length (table: {2}, column: {3})
Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00669: OCI error ({0,number,0}-{1}) retrieving precision info of a NUMBER column (table: {2}, column: {3})
Cause: The specified column does not exist in the specified table.

Action: Make certain that the column is spelled correctly in any parameters where it is specified in the parameter file. Make certain that the column exists in the table.

OGG-00670: OCI error ({0,number,0}-{1}) initializing query to obtain NUMBER precision (table: {2}, column: {3})
Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00671: Error selecting table_name from all_tables - SQL <{0}>
Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00672: OCI error ({0,number,0}, {1}) fetching accesible schemas
Cause: An error occurred when retrieving all accessible tables for this user.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00673: OCI error ({0,number,0}, {1}) executing select to get accessible schemas
Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00674: OCI error ({0,number,0}, {1}) preparing query (sql {2})
Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00675: OCI error ({2,number,0}, {3}) fetching unique keys for table {0}.{1}
Cause: The specified table probably lacks a primary key, unique constraint, or unique index.

Action: Check to see if the table contains a primary key, unique constraint, or unique index, and create one of these objects if none exist. If you continue to get this error, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00676: OCI error ({2,number,0}, {3}) executing select to get unique keys for table {0}.{1}
Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00678: Could not determine instance startup time ({0}), SQL <{1}>
Cause: The instance number could be invalid.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00679: Could not determine instance state ({0}), SQL <{1}>
Cause: The instance number could be invalid.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00680: Missing all_objects entry for {0}.{1}, SQL <{2}>
Cause: The object name does not exist in the database.

Action: Add the object to the database if appropriate, or check for spelling errors in the parameter file. If the object does exist and is specified correctly in the parameter file, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00681: Could not retrieve query on all_objects ({0}), SQL <{1}>
Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00685: begin time {0,date} {0,time} prior to oldest log in log history. Last SQL executed <{1}>
Cause: The begin time that is specified with the ADD EXTRACT or ALTER EXTRACT command is prior to the oldest log that Extract can find.

Action: The most recent SQL that Extract can find is shown in the message. If possible, restore the log that contains the data from the specified timeframe from the backups. Otherwise, specify a start time during which there is redo history.

OGG-00686: Could not retrieve row from table {0}
Cause: A call to the database to fetch table metadata failed.

Action: Contact Oracle GoldenGate Support.

OGG-00687: Found inconsistent row in table {0}
Cause: A call to the database to fetch table metadata failed.

Action: Contact Oracle GoldenGate Support.

OGG-00688: {0}.{1} {2}:ROWID/UROWID column length query returned NULL.
Cause: A SQL statement that queries the Oracle system table failed.

Action: Contact Oracle GoldenGate Support.

OGG-00689: {0}.{1} {2}:Column data type is not ROWID nor UROWID.
Cause: A SQL statement that queries the Oracle system table failed.

Action: Contact Oracle GoldenGate Support.

OGG-00690: {0} is not supported for this platform.
Cause: The specified function is not supported.

Action: None

OGG-00691: Error updating I/O checkpoint on thread {0,number,0}, at (Seq#: {1,number,0}, RBA: {2,number,0}) with err: [{3}]
Cause: Extract is updating its checkpoint.

Action: None

OGG-00692: Found a transaction (XID {0}, secondary XID {1}) without header information.
Cause: The specified transaction in the Oracle GoldenGate memory pool does not have the transaction header portion.

Action: Restart Extract.

OGG-00693: unexpected message type {0,number,0}
Cause: The process encountered an unknown message type.

Action: Restart Extract.

OGG-00694: encountered commit SCN {0} that is not greater than the highest SCN already processed {1} {2} ({3,number,0}) xid {4,number,0}.{5,number,0}.{6,number,0} (0x{7}.{8}.{9}), starting seq.rba {10,number,0}.{11,number,0}, scn {12}, commit seq.rba {13,number,0}.{14,number,0} commit timestamp {15}
Cause: Extract processed a transaction that has a commit SCN which is not greater than the previous SCN that was processed. There probably was a misordering of transactions from multiple node threads.

Action: Restart Extract.

OGG-00695: encountered commit SCN {0} that is not greater than the highest SCN already processed {1} {2} ({3,number,0}) xid {4,number,0}.{5,number,0}.{6,number,0} (0x{7}.{8}.{9}), starting seq.rba {10,number,0}.{11,number,0}, scn {12}, commit seq.rba {13,number,0}.{14,number,0} commit timestamp {15}
Cause: Extract processed a transaction that has a commit SCN which is not greater than the previous SCN that was processed. There probably was a misordering of transactions from multiple node threads.

Action: Restart Extract.

OGG-00696: tran_hdr == NULL. errtext = '{0}'
Cause: A transaction in the Extract memory that does not have a transaction header.

Action: Restart Extract.

OGG-00697: bad txn header mt: {0} th: {1} idx: {2,number,0}
Cause: A transaction that was generated by the Extract producer thread has a thread index that does not match the thread number from any node.

Action: Restart Extract.

OGG-00698: unexpected message type {0,number,0} size {1,number,0}
Cause: A command or message received by the Extract producer thread is not valid.

Action: Restart Extract.

OGG-00699: OCI initialization error [{0,number,0}]
Cause: A SQL statement in Oracle that retrieves metadata for the target table failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00700: Number of columns in table is set to zero
Cause: A SQL statement in Oracle that retrieves metadata for the target table failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00701: No table name given
Cause: A SQL statement in Oracle that retrieves metadata for the target table failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00702: OCI call failed
Cause: An OCI call to the Oracle database failed. This is a generic message that captures any type of OCI failure.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00703: OCIHandleFree error in {1} [type={0,number,0}]
Cause: The attempt to free a previously allocated Oracle OCI handle failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00704: OCIHandleFree error in {1} [type={0,number,0}]
Cause: The attempt to free a previously allocated Oracle OCI handle failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00705: OCIDescriptorFree error in {1} [type={0,number,0}]
Cause: The attempt to free a previously allocated Oracle OCI descriptor failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00706: Failed to add supplemental log group on table {0} due to {1} SQL {2}
Cause: ADD TRANDATA was issued for the specified table, but Oracle GoldenGate was not able to add a supplemental log group on the table.

Action: Fix the problem based on the database error that is returned in the message.

OGG-00707: Table {0} has no valid key columns, no supplemental log group was added.
Cause: The table does not have any primary or unique key columns defined on it, so a supplemental log group cannot be created.

Action: If the table contains any columns that always will be unique, you can specify them as a key by using a KEYCOLS clause. Otherwise, Oracle GoldenGate will use all of the columns as a key. For more information about KEYCOLS, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00708: Key column may exists after column {0}, may not be able to handle row chaining
Cause: There is a key column after a LONG, LOB, or UDT column. This message supports trigger-based Extraction, which is no longer supported by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: None

OGG-00709: OCI error ({0,number,0}-{1}) building query to fetch codepoint info
Cause: The value for NLS_LANG might be invalid.

Action: This warning is deprecated.

OGG-00710: OCI error ({0,number,0}-{1}) fetching codepoint info, use default codepoint value 1
Cause: This is an internal error that indicates the process could not fetch codepoint information.

Action: This warning is deprecated.

OGG-00711: Cannot derive characterset conversion ({0}), use default codepoint value 1
Cause: The process could not derive a character-conversion formula to convert the source data to the target data. This is a warning message.

Action: This warning is deprecated.

OGG-00712: Updating I/O checkpoint after purging orphaned transactions on thread {0,number,0} with current position (Seq#: {1,number,0}, RBA: {2,number,0}).
Cause: A node failed and Extract could not capture the rollback. This causes the transaction to become orphaned. Because the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter includes the PURGEORPHANEDTRANSACTIONS option, Extract validated that the transaction was orphaned and purged it. This message indicates that Extract is updating its checkpoint in consideration of the purge.

Action: None

OGG-00713: [Thread #{0,number,0}] Purging orphaned transaction (transaction id: {1}, start time: {2}, start seqno: {3,number,0}, start RBA: {4,number,0}) due to orphaned transaction with immediate purge.
Cause: A node failed and Extract could not capture the rollback. This causes the transaction to become orphaned. Because the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter includes the PURGEORPHANEDTRANSACTIONS option, Extract validated that the transaction was orphaned and purged it.

Action: None

OGG-00714: [Thread #{0,number,0}] Purging orphaned transaction (transaction id: {1}, start time: {2}, start seqno: {3,number,0}, start RBA: {4,number,0}) due to monitoring on orphaned transaction.
Cause: A node failed and Extract could not capture the rollback. This causes the transaction to become orphaned. Because the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter includes the PURGEORPHANEDTRANSACTIONS option, Extract validated that the transaction was orphaned and purged it.

Action: None

OGG-00715: [Thread #{0,number,0}] Purging transaction (transaction id: {1}, start time: {2}, start seqno: {3,number,0}, start RBA: {4,number,0}).
Cause: A node failed and Extract could not capture the rollback. This causes the transaction to become orphaned. Because the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter includes the PURGEORPHANEDTRANSACTIONS option, Extract validated that the transaction was orphaned and purged it.

Action: None

OGG-00716: Skipping unsupported in-memory undo record in sequence {0,number,0}, at RBA {1,number,0}, with SCN {2} ... Minimum supplemental logging must be enabled to prevent data loss.
Cause: Minimal supplemental logging is not enabled, so Oracle may use in-memory undo. This causes multiple undo/redo pairs to be written within the same redo record. Extract does not support these types of records.

Action: Enable minimal supplemental logging. For instructions on how to set logging for Oracle GoldenGate, see the Oracle GoldenGate installation and setup documentation for the Oracle database.

OGG-00717: Found unsupported in-memory undo record in sequence {0,number,0}, at RBA {1,number,0}, with SCN {2} ... Minimum supplemental logging must be enabled to prevent data loss.
Cause: Minimal supplemental logging is not enabled, so Oracle may use in-memory undo. This causes multiple undo/redo pairs to be written within the same redo record. Extract does not support these types of records.

Action: Enable minimal supplemental logging. For instructions on how to set logging for Oracle GoldenGate, see the Oracle GoldenGate installation and setup documentation for the Oracle database.

OGG-00719: Switched log to seqno {0,number,0} while reading rec with size {1,number,0}, has read {2,number,0} bytes.
Cause: Extract detected a log that spans more than one log file. This indicates possible log corruption.

Action: Restart Extract. If the problem persists, you might need to manually issue ALTER EXTRACT to skip this record or log; however data loss may occur. For help, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00720: Waiting for archive log {0} for seqno {1,number,0} , has read {2,number,0} bytes, to be flushed
Cause: Extract is waiting for more log data.

Action: None

OGG-00721: Not able to open log file {0} for next sequence {1,number,0} after reaching limit of {2,number,0} seconds on waiting. Last read position seqno {3,number,0}, rba {4,number,0}.
Cause: Extract has reached its limit for the number of times that it tries to open a log file.

Action: Make sure that the Extract database user has privileges to read the specified log file, and that the file is not corrupted.

OGG-00722: Failed to process redo records on table {0} due to {12} on record at seqno {1,number,0} rba {2,number,0}, in transaction {3,number,0}.{4,number,0}.{5,number,0} (0x{6}.{7}.{8}), with head rowid {9} row piece rowid {10}, timestamp {11}.
Cause: Extract detected an error while processing a chained record. If the database is Oracle 9i, there could be a problem with the log parallelism feature when parallelism is greater than 1.

Action: If using Oracle 9i, disable log parallelism. If not using Oracle9i with log parallelism greater than 1, restart Extract.

OGG-00723: Record with class# {0,number,0}, slt# {1,number,0}, at seqno {2,number,0}, rba {3,number,0} SCN {4} has secondary transaction ID that is duplicate of existing open uncommitted transaction.
Cause: There is more than one transaction with matching secondary transaction IDs from the same thread.

Action: Restart Extract. If this does not solve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00724: Conflict exists in secondary transaction ID after purging orphaned transaction. Class# {0,number,0}, slt# {1,number,0}, seqno {2,number,0}, rba {3,number,0}, SCN {4}.
Cause: Extract detected a transaction that has a matching secondary transaction ID even after deleting the earliest transaction with this matching transaction ID.

Action: Restart Extract.

OGG-00725: The primary transaction ID is duplicate of existing open transaction. Transaction ID: {0,number,0}.{1,number,0}.{2,number,0}
Cause: Extract detected a transaction that has a primary transaction ID that matches an existing open transaction in the memory pool.

Action: Restart Extract.

OGG-00726: The number of Oracle redo threads ({0,number,0}) is not the same as the number of checkpoint threads ({1,number,0}). EXTRACT groups on RAC systems should be created with the THREADS parameter (e.g., ADD EXT , TRANLOG, THREADS {0,number,0}, BEGIN...)
Cause: The RAC system has the specified number of redo threads (instances) but the Extract group is not configured to read the same number of threads. Data will be missed.

Action: You need to redirect Extract to capture from all RAC instances by doing the following: Issue STOP EXTRACT in GGSCI, then issue DELETE EXTRACT. Next, if the database is Oracle Enterprise Edition 10.2 or higher, issue DBLOGIN as a user with the privileges listed in the DBLOGIN documentation. Finally, issue ADD EXTRACT to add back the group with the same name. Do not change the name. Include the following options in the command: TRANLOG and BEGIN with a begin time. Set BEGIN to the timestamp of the earliest record that the old Extract captured.

OGG-00727: Switch Extract to archived log only mode on physical standby database.
Cause: Extract is configured to capture from an Oracle standby database, but the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter does not contain the ARCHIVEDLOGONLY option.

Action: Add the ARCHIVEDLOGONLY option to force Extract to read the archives that were shipped over from the source. If the _NOARCHIVEDLOGONLY option is being used, remove it. For more information about ALO mode, see the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter.

OGG-00728: Extract is forced to stay in non archived log only mode when the database it connects to is a physical standby database.
Cause: The database is in standby mode, and the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter contains the _NOARCHIVEDLOGONLY option to override the default behavior (switch to Archived Log Only mode and capture only from the archives).

Action: _NOARCHIVEDLOGONLY is an internal parameter, and this setting might be intentional as part of a support case. If this is intentional, no action is required. Otherwise, remove the ARCHIVEDLOGONLY option from the Extract parameter file. For more information about ALO mode, see the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter.

OGG-00729: Running Extract against a single thread (thread# {1,number,0}) in a RAC configuration with {0,number,0} threads. All transactions owned by other redo threads will be ignored.
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate is being started in an Oracle RAC installation that has more than one instance, but the Extract process is only running against a single RAC instance.

Action: You need to redirect Extract to capture from all RAC instances by doing the following: Issue STOP EXTRACT in GGSCI, then issue DELETE EXTRACT. Next, if the database is Oracle Enterprise Edition 10.2 or higher, issue DBLOGIN as a user with the privileges listed in the DBLOGIN documentation. Finally, issue ADD EXTRACT to add back the group with the same name. Do not change the name. Include the following options in the command: TRANLOG and BEGIN with a begin time. Set BEGIN to the timestamp of the earliest record that the old Extract captured.

OGG-00730: No minimum supplemental logging is enabled.
Cause: Minimal supplemental logging is not enabled. Supplemental logging must be enabled for Extract to successfully process records from the redo log.

Action: Enable minimal supplemental logging.

OGG-00731: No minimum supplemental logging is enabled. This may cause Extract process to handle key update incorrectly if key column is not in first row piece
Cause: Minimal supplemental logging is not enabled. Supplemental logging must be enabled for Extract to successfully process records from the redo log.

Action: Enable minimal supplemental logging.

OGG-00732: Found crash recovery marker from thread #{0,number,0} on sequence {1,number,0} at RBA {2,number,0}. Aborting uncommitted transactions.
Cause: Extract found a crash recovery marker in the redo log. This is an informational message only.

Action: None

OGG-00733: Marker table {0} not found
Cause: Extract could not find the DDL marker table.

Action: Install the DDL objects properly by running the ddl_setup script. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle installation and setup documentation.

OGG-00734: Failed to find LONG column index in table {0} to match up LONG data
Cause: The table is marked with a LONG column, but Extract could not find the LONG column when it resolved the table metadata.

Action: Restart Extract to refresh the metadata in memory.

OGG-00735: Error converting Oracle numeric value to ASCII for column {0}
Cause: Extract failed to convert data in a numeric column from the native Oracle format to the Oracle GoldenGate internal format.

Action: Restart Extract. If the problem persists, exclude this table from the Extract configuration so that processing continues, and then contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00736: Transaction has been FORCEd to trail, however there is no valid SCN present, transaction ID: {0}
Cause: SEND EXTRACT was issued with the FORCETRANS option to force the specified transaction to the trail. However, Oracle GoldenGate was not able to locate a System Change Number (SCN) for the commit record.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00737: Cannot support {0,number,0} byte integer boundary
Cause: Extract detected that the native data structure alignment on the specified word is higher than 4 bytes.

Action: Move the Oracle GoldenGate installation to a platform with a lower data structure alignment. For assistance, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00738: Object id [{0,number,0}], SCN [{1}], commit SCN [{2}] could not be resolved. Most likely this happens if DDL history for it was deleted. Please check purge parameters in manager parameter file (if it is too short). If that is ok, this was probably an object that was not filtered out and this can be ignored
Cause: Either this object ID represents something that Extract is not supposed to capture, or it is supposed to be captured but Oracle GoldenGate could not interpret the metadata, probably because the table was dropped after this record was generated.

Action: If this record is an object that must be captured, restore the GGS_DDL_HIST (DDL history) table from backup to restore the metadata for the specified object ID and SCN. To prevent future loss, set PURGEDDLHISTORY so that the retained history exceeds Extract lag.

OGG-00739: invalid datetime ({1}) for obj attr ({0})
Cause: The specified date or timestamp value is invalid. The date format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS and the timestamp format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF.

Action: Use a value that conforms to the required format.

OGG-00740: invalid number ({1}) for obj attr ({0}), OCI Error {2}
Cause: The specified number value is not a valid Oracle number.

Action: Use a valid Oracle number. For help, see the Oracle documentation.

OGG-00741: invalid string ({1}) for obj attr ({0})
Cause: An attempt to map an XML value attribute of type string to an attribute of an Oracle user-defined data type failed.

Action: Review the schema for the associated user-defined data type. Contact Oracle Support for additional assistance.

OGG-00742: invalid raw string ({1}) for obj attr ({0})
Cause: The field contains invalid characters. A RAW field can have only characters from 0123456789ABCDEF.

Action: Remove any characters that are not from 0123456789ABCDEF.

OGG-00743: Error ({0,number,0}, {1}) start select in {2}
Cause: Parse and binding on one of the internal queries failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00744: Error ({0,number,0}, {1}) start select in {2}
Cause: Parse and binding on one of the internal queries failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00745: Error ({0,number,0}, {1}) start cursor in {2}
Cause: Parse and binding on one of the internal queries failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00746: Error ({0,number,0}, {1}) selecting data in {2}
Cause: An error occurred when fetching data from an internal cursor.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00747: Error ({0,number,0}, {1}) selecting data in {2}
Cause: An error occurred when fetching data from an internal cursor.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00748: Error ({2,number,0}, {3}) retrieving data in {4}() for table {0}.{1}
Cause: The process cannot find the specified table.

Action: Ensure that the table exists in the database, and that it is specified correctly in the parameter file of the process. If these checks prove true, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00749: Error ({1,number,0}, {2}) retrieving owner/object name for object id {0,number,0}
Cause: The process cannot find the object name by using the specified object ID.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00750: Error ({3,number,0}, {4}) retrieving LOB object_id for col {2}, table {0}.{1}
Cause: The process cannot find the LOB object name by using the specified object ID.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00751: Failed to validate table {0}. Likely due to existence of unused columns. It will cause data integrity issue if you are not using sourcedefs in downstream Replicat or the target table doesn't have the same unused columns due to ASSUMETARGETDEFS or DDL Replication. Please use 'DBOPTIONS ALLOWUNUSEDCOLUMN' parameter to override this.
Cause: The specified table contains unused columns. Oracle Supports tables with unused columns, but the support is disabled by default. Extract abends on these columns unless you use the DBOPTIONS parameter with the ALLOWUNUSEDCOLUMN option to force Extract to generate a warning and continue processing.

Action: Specify DBOPTIONS with ALLOWUNUSEDCOLUMN. When using this parameter, either the same unused column must exist in the target table, or a source definitions file must be created for Replicat with the DEFGEN utility. For more information about the source definitions file, see the Oracle GoldenGate administration documentation.

OGG-00752: Failed to validate table {0}. Likely due to existence of unused column. Please make sure you use sourcedefs in downstream Replicat, or the target table has exactly the same unused columns when using ASSUMETARGETDEFS or DDL Replication.
Cause: The specified table contains unused columns. Oracle Supports tables with unused columns, but the support is disabled by default. Extract abends on these columns unless you use the DBOPTIONS parameter with the ALLOWUNUSEDCOLUMN option to force Extract to generate a warning and continue processing.

Action: Specify DBOPTIONS with ALLOWUNUSEDCOLUMN. When using this parameter, either the same unused column must exist in the target table, or a source definitions file must be created for Replicat with the DEFGEN utility. For more information about the source definitions file, see the Oracle GoldenGate administration documentation.

OGG-00753: Error ({2,number,0}, {3}) retrieving partition count for table {0}.{1}
Cause: The process could not find the number of partitions in the specified table.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00754: Error ({2,number,0}, {3}) retrieving subpartition count for table {0}.{1}
Cause: The process could not find the number of sub-partitions in the specified table.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00755: Failed to lookup user ID for table {0}
Cause: The process could not find the owner of the specified table.

Action: Ensure that the table is qualified with the correct owner in the parameter file and that the table exists in the schema to which the process is connected.

OGG-00756: Failed to lookup user ID for sequence {0}
Cause: The process could not find the owner of the specified sequence.

Action: Ensure that the sequence is qualified with the correct owner in the parameter file and that the sequence exists in the schema to which the process is connected.

OGG-00757: Error ({2,number,0}, {3}) fetching alternate object IDs for table {0}.{1}
Cause: The process could not get the sub-partition IDs of the specified table.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00758: Error ({0,number,0}, {1}) retrieving user name in {2}()
Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00759: Error ({1,number,0}, {2}) retrieving user_id for username {0}
Cause: The process could not find the specified user name.

Action: Ensure that the user exists in the database.

OGG-00760: Error ({3,number,0}, {4}) select data segcol# in {5}() for {0}.{1} column# {2,number,0}
Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00761: Error ({3,number,0}, {4}) retrieving col# & seqcl# for col {2}, table {0}.{1}
Cause: The process could not find the specified column name in the table.

Action: Add the column to the table, or remove it from any parameters that use it as the basis for filtering or other processing.

OGG-00762: Error ({2,number,0}, {3}) fetching table name {0}."{1}"
Cause: The process could not find the specified table name in the database.

Action: Add the table to the database, or remove it from the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.

OGG-00763: Error ({0,number,0}, {1}) retrieving database block size
Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00764: Error ({3,number,0}, {4}) checking log group on log {2} for table {0}.{1}
Cause: Supplemental logging is not enabled for the specified table.

Action: Enable supplemental logging for the table.

OGG-00765: Error ({3,number,0}, {4}) checking log group on log {2} for table {0}.{1}
Cause: Supplemental logging is not enabled for the specified table.

Action: Enable supplemental logging for the table.

OGG-00766: Error ({2,number,0}, {3}) retrieving total columns for user {0}, table {1}
Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00767: Error ({3,number,0}, {4}) retrieving status in {5}() for trigger "{2}" table {0}.{1}
Cause: This error is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00768: {0}. SQL error ({1,number,0}). {2}
Cause: This is a generic error message and there can be multiple reasons for it. One reason could be that a query to set the session timeout failed. Ignoring this message results in the session being disconnected after a default time period if the connection has been idle. This error message also is used when an operation against the database fails, such as a query.

Action: To resolve this error, verify in the database why the query or other operation would fail. For example, verify that the user that executed the operation has the correct privileges to do so.

OGG-00769: {0}. SQL error ({1,number,0}). {2}
Cause: This is a generic error message and there can be multiple reasons for it. One reason could be that a query to set the session timeout failed. Ignoring this message results in the session being disconnected after a default time period if the connection has been idle. This error message also is used when an operation against the database fails, such as a query.

Action: To resolve this error, verify in the database why the query or other operation would fail. For example, verify that the user that executed the operation has the correct privileges to do so.

OGG-00770: Failed to connect to MySQL database engine for HOST {0}, DATABASE {1}, USER {2}, PORT {3,number,0}
Cause: One of the Oracle GoldenGate parameters that specifies connection information is incorrect.

Action: Verify the login credentials of the Oracle GoldenGate process (as a database user), the connection port, the database name, and the host name that are specified in the parameter file. In the case of the host name, the name might be incorrectly specified, or the MySQL server could not resolve it. It also is possible that the host name was not specified when the MySQL user was created, so the MySQL system table does not contain an entry for the user.

OGG-00771: Cannot initialize MySQL connection handler
Cause: The MySQL API failed to allocate, initialize, and return a new object that is used throughout the session to connect to the object. This error only occurs when there is not sufficient memory.

Action: Add memory.

OGG-00772: Setting session isolation level to REPEATABLE READ
Cause: The query to set the session default isolation level to REPEATABLE READ in the MySQL database failed.

Action: Make certain the user has the appropriate privilege to set the default isolation level.

OGG-00773: Disabling autocommit mode
Cause: The query to set the auto-commit variable (autocommit=0) failed.

Action: Make certain the user has the appropriate privilege to perform this operation, and make certain that the MySQL server is running.

OGG-00774: Unrecognized field type ({1,number,0}) for column {0}
Cause: The specified column contains a data type that is not supported by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Remove tables or columns that contain unsupported data types from the Oracle GoldenGate configuration. For supported data types, see the Oracle GoldenGate installation and setup guide for the MySQL database.

OGG-00775: Unable to determine database case sensitivity, setting to insensitive
Cause: Oracle Supports case sensitivity but cannot determine the case of the database.

Action: Oracle GoldenGate checks the database collation to determine whether the database object names should be compared in case sensitive or case insensitive mode. View the collation of the database to make certain it is set correctly. Certain collation-dependent objects and duplicate names, for example, can cause a COLLATE definition to fail. For more information, see the Microsoft SQL Server documentation.

OGG-00776: 'SELECT INTO/BULKCOPY' option is enabled for database: {0}. SELECT INTO operations on permanent tables are not written to logs. These operations will therefore not get Replicated.
Cause: Bulk copy is not supported.

Action: To avoid this error, issue the following SQL Server command to avoid the select for the specified schema: exec sp_dboption 'owner/schema', 'select into/bulkcopy', false.

OGG-00777: Supplemental logging is disabled for database {0}. To enable logging, perform the following: 1) Set 'trunc. log on chkpt.' to false. 2) Create a full backup of the database. Refer to "Installing and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate for SQL Server" for details.
Cause: Undefined

Action: Undefined

OGG-00778: Logging of supplemental log data is disabled for table {0}
Cause: Supplemental (extended) logging is not enabled for the specified table.

Action: Issue the DBLOGIN command in GGSCI, and then issue the ADD TRANDATA command to enable the supplemental logging. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate for SQL Server documentation.

OGG-00779: Error in getting logging status for table: {0}
Cause: The process could not determine whether the specified table has supplemental logging enabled.

Action: Check the database connection settings and whether SQL Server was configured according to the directions in the Oracle GoldenGate installation documentation for SQL Server.

OGG-00780: Error in getting logging status for table: {0} ({1})
Cause: The process could not determine whether the specified table has supplemental logging enabled.

Action: Check the database connection settings and whether SQL Server was configured according to the directions in the Oracle GoldenGate installation documentation for SQL Server.

OGG-00781: Error in changing transaction logging for table: {0} ({1})
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate failed to enable or disable supplemental logging for the specified table.

Action: Look for other warnings or error messages, because there are many possible causes for this error, such as insufficient privileges for the Oracle GoldenGate user and connectivity failures.

OGG-00782: Error in changing transaction logging for table: {0}
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate failed to enable or disable supplemental logging for the specified table.

Action: Look for other warnings or error messages, because there are many possible causes for this error, such as insufficient privileges for the Oracle GoldenGate user and connectivity failures.

OGG-00783: Unable to enable Replication on {0} ({1})
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate failed to enable or disable supplemental logging for the specified table.

Action: Look for other warnings or error messages, because there are many possible causes for this error, such as insufficient privileges for the Oracle GoldenGate user and connectivity failures.

OGG-00784: Unable to determine if {0}.{1} is of computed column: {2}
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate failed to determine if the specified column is a computer column.

Action: Look for other warnings or error messages, because there are many possible causes for this error, such as insufficient privileges for the Oracle GoldenGate user and connectivity failures.

OGG-00785: Before image with timestamp {0} does not match table definition for {1} at {2}.{3,number,0}. Sync of source and target to a later point in time is required before capture can resume. REORG is recommended.
Cause: The table was altered so that the current definition does not match the log record.

Action: Synchronize source and target data to a point in time beyond that reported in the message. Then, restart Extract.

OGG-00786: DATA CORRUPTION may result from use of the NOMERGEMEMBERS option in a data sharing environment.
Cause: The undocumented option _NOMERGEMEMBERS is specified in the TRANLOGOPTIONS statement for Extract in a data sharing environment.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00787: unexpected status {0} at {1}.{2,number,0}
Cause: This is a warning that the process is at the end of the log and waiting for more data.

Action: None

OGG-00788: check DB2 maintenance for the presence of PQ78544 and the absence of PQ96356 - contact Oracle Support if PQ96356 has been applied.
Cause: Log record types 10, 11, 12, and 13 are either the result of a short-lived APAR PQ78544 (reversed by PQ96356) or changes subsequent to PQ96356.

Action: Contact Oracle Support if any of these types appear without PQ78544.

OGG-00789: Table Space {0}.{1} is LOG NO - Table {2} Column # {3,number,0} will be captured via fetch
Cause: The specified LOB tablespace was created as LOG NO. So the specified LOB column cannot be captured from the log and must be captured by means of a fetch.

Action: None

OGG-00790: A resource was unavailable while attempting to read the log at {0}. Retry in {1,number,0} seconds.
Cause: The process is retrying a log read.

Action: None

OGG-00791: Invalid log record
Cause: A processing check failed.

Action: Save this message and other preceding messages that provide the context for it, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00794: A resource was unavailable while attempting to read the log at {0}. check SYSLOG for details.
Cause: The process is trying to read a log file that is no longer available.

Action: Make certain that the BSDS name was specified correctly, and that the ADD EXTRACT or ALTER EXTRACT command was issued correctly. If a start time was used, instead of the NOW option, it is possible to specify a start point for which logs are no longer available. If Extract is configured properly, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00795: DB2 Monitor Trace Class 1 must be active
Cause: DB2 Monitor Trace Class 1 is required to allow Extract to read the active log, but Monitor Trace Class 1 is not active.

Action: See the Oracle GoldenGate installation and setup documentation for instructions on activating Monitor Trace Class 1.

OGG-00796: unexpected IFI error {0}
Cause: A processing check failed.

Action: Save this message and other messages that provide context for it, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00797: DB2 IFI abend - check logrec {0}
Cause: A processing check failed.

Action: Save this message and other preceding messages that provide context for it, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00798: BUFSIZE too small for log record
Cause: The internal buffer that holds the results of each read of the transaction log is too small to hold the data returned.

Action: Use the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter with the BUFSIZE option to increase the buffer size.

OGG-00799: Error {4} diagnostic {5} retrieving log record for table {0} (dbid x'{1}' psid x'{2}' obid x'{3}')
Cause: The process could not retrieve the next log record for the specified table.

Action: Save this message and other preceding messages that provide context for it, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00800: Unable to decompress log record for table {0} Error {4} diagnostic {5} (dbid x'{1}' psid x'{2}' obid x'{3}'). The compression dictionary changed since the log record was written
Cause: DB2 z/OS was not able to decompress the log record. It is likely that a compression dictionary matching the record is not available.

Action: Save this message and other preceding messages that provide context for it, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00801: Unable to retrieve log record for table {0}. Error {4} diagnostic {5} (dbid x'{1}' psid x'{2}' obid x'{3}'). The buffer is too small to hold the log record.
Cause: The internal buffer that holds the results of each read of the transaction log is too small to hold the data returned.

Action: Use the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter with the BUFSIZE option to increase the buffer size.

OGG-00803: Unable to find {0}
Cause: The initialization of the IFI interface failed.

Action: Save this message and other preceding messages that provide context for it, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00804: Unable to initialize IFI
Cause: The initialization of the IFI interface failed.

Action: Save this message and other preceding messages that provide context for it, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00805: LOBCol {0} expected {1,number,0} bytes copied {2,number,0} bytes
Cause: The number of bytes that were moved from LOB storage to the base row did not match what the process expected.

Action: Save this message and other preceding messages that provide context for it, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00806: moving {1,number,0} bytes to base row for LOBcol {0}
Cause: The process failed to move data from LOB storage to the base row.

Action: Save this message and other preceding messages that provide context for it, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00808: Invalid sequence at line {1,number,0} - type {0,number,0} cannot be first
Cause: An out-of-sequence log record was encountered.

Action: Save this message and other preceding messages that provide context for it, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00809: Variant mismatch at line {0,number,0}
Cause: An unknown type of log record was encountered.

Action: Save this message and other preceding messages that provide context for it, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00810: Validation error at line {0,number,0}
Cause: An out-of-sequence log record was encountered.

Action: Save this message and other preceding messages that provide context for it, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00811: Invalid sequence at line {0,number,0}
Cause: An out-of-sequence log record was encountered.

Action: Save this message and other preceding messages that provide context for it, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00812: Extract is not APF authorized.
Cause: Extract is not APF authorized.

Action: Determine why Extract is not APF authorized and correct the problem. Extract and all DLL files must have the APF bit turned on and all load libraries in the execution concatenation must be APF authorized.

OGG-00813: Unexpected (non-URCTL) record type
Cause: An unexpected log error was encountered.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00814: SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND from SQLGetData for col {1} table {0} PTF UK34243 is required
Cause: A bug in DB2 z/OS occasionally causes no data to be found when Extract tries to fetch LOB data. Extract checks to see if the specified IBM fix was applied and, if not, generates this message.

Action: Apply the required IBM fix shown in the message.

OGG-00815: db2ReadLog error [RC={0,number,0}:SQLCA structure may be corrupted]
Cause: The DB2ReadLog API has encountered an error reading the transaction log.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00816: db2ReadLog error [{0}] [{1}]
Cause: An invalid parameter has been supplied to the DB2ReadLog API. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00817: db2ReadLog error [{0}]
Cause: The DB2ReadLog API encountered an error while trying to obtain the current LSN in the transaction log. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00818: Unknown Log Manager log record component ID encountered:{0,number,0}
Cause: An unrecognized component ID was encountered during the processing of a log record. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00820: Reposition to key {0,number,0} failed
Cause: Extract was not able to reposition to the specified timestamp. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00821: LSN requested ({0,number,0}) is no longer valid, positioning to the next LSN in the log files
Cause: Extract was positioned to start at the specified LSN, but it does not exist in the log files. Extract is positioned to the closest next LSN that exists in the log files.

Action: None

OGG-00822: LSN requested ({0,number,0}) was not found in the the DB2 log files, using next available LSN at {1,number,0}
Cause: Extract was positioned to start at the specified LSN, but it does not exist in the log files. Extract is positioned to the closest next LSN that exists in the log files.

Action: None

OGG-00823: A key column on the after image was not present in the before image on table {0} column index {1,number,0} This is because column(s) were added to the table after it was originally created. This is a known issue with DB2 LUW that can only be addressed by IBM.
Cause: Columns were added to the specified table, so the after image contains a column that was not present in the before image that is used by Oracle GoldenGate for comparison purposes.

Action: Exclude this table from the Oracle GoldenGate configuration, stop user activity on it, and then resynchronize it with the target table. Add it back to the Oracle GoldenGate configuration, and then restart the processes.

OGG-00824: Column index {1,number,0} in table {0} cannot be used as a key field
Cause: The table has a unique index that includes a column type that is not supported by Oracle GoldenGate as a key.

Action: Use the KEYCOLS clause to specify unique columns that can be used as a key. You can use the existing index columns minus the unsupported column in the KEYCOLS clause, if the remaining columns ensure uniqueness.

OGG-00825: Table {0} column {1,number,0} : Invalid LOB column value
Cause: The Extract process encountered an internal error while processing a log record containing a LOB column.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00826: Table {0} column {1,number,0} : Invalid packed decimal column value
Cause: The Extract process encountered an internal error while processing a log record containing a PACKED DECIMAL column.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00827: Insert of new hash item for tablespace:table:transID {0,number,0}:{1,number,0} failed
Cause: The Extract process encountered an internal storage allocation error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00828: Retrieval of hash item for tablespace:table:transID {0,number,0}:{1,number,0} failed
Cause: The Extract process encountered an internal storage access error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00829: Retrieval of hash item for tablespace:table:transID {0,number,0}:{1,number,0} succeeded unexpectedly
Cause: The Extract process encountered an internal storage access error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00830: Delete of hash item failed
Cause: The Extract process encountered an internal storage access error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00831: Neither a valid checkpoint start LSN nor a timestamp was passed to REDO_position
Cause: An internal error was encountered by Extract where the process could not determine the positioning mode at startup.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00832: ASCII formatting not implemented
Cause: The FORMATASCII parameter is not supported for this database implementation.

Action: Remove FORMATASCII from the Extract parameter file.

OGG-00833: Invalid component ID encountered {0,number,0}
Cause: The Extract process did not recognize the component identifier from the specified record.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00834: Invalid row type {0,number,0} was received while creating a LOB row for an LOB record type: {1,number,0}
Cause: The Extract process did not recognize the row type from the specified LOB record.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00835: Invalid row type {0,number,0} was received while creating a LFM row for an LFM record type: {1,number,0}
Cause: The Extract process did not recognize the LFM type from the specified LOB record.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00836: No items were found in the transaction for tablespace:table:trans ID {0,number,0}:{1,number,0}:{2}
Cause: The Extract process unexpectedly encountered an empty transaction while trying to output the transaction.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00837: db2CfgGet error [{0}]
Cause: An error occurred while processing a table truncate.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00838: db2CfgGet error [RC={0,number,0}:SQLCA structure may be corrupted]
Cause: An error occurred while processing a table truncate.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00839: Table {0} does not have DATA CAPTURE CHANGES turned on : Table will be ignored
Cause: The specified table does not have DATA CAPTURE CHANGES turned on, and Extract is ignoring it because TRANLOGOPTIONS includes IGNOREDATACAPTURECHANGES.

Action: None

OGG-00840: Table {0} does not have DATA CAPTURE CHANGES turned on : Use the TRANLOGOPTIONS IGNOREDATACAPTURECHANGES parameter to override
Cause: The specified table does not have DATA CAPTURE CHANGES turned on. This is required by Extract.

Action: Use the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter with the IGNOREDATACAPTURECHANGES option to cause Extract to ignore tables for which DATA CAPTURE CHANGES is not set. This option enables you to use a wildcarded table specification for tables that have change capture enabled, while skipping tables with matching names that do not have it enabled.

OGG-00841: An update after image converted to an insert was not followed by its corresponding row ID update. An internal dms type of {0,number,0} was encountered in the following record
Cause: The after image of an update that was converted to an insert was not followed by its corresponding row ID update. This is an internal logic error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00842: No records left in transaction:An update after image converted to an insert with LSN {0,number,0} was not followed by its corresponding update
Cause: Extract encountered an internal logic error while processing an update record at the specified LSN.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00843: No tables were defined for Extraction in the EXTRACT param file
Cause: Extract was started but the parameter file contains no table specifications.

Action: Specify tables for capture with the TABLE parameter.

OGG-00844: Source table entry not found in file array
Cause: A table that is specified for capture in the Extract parameter file does not exist in the specified database.

Action: Add the table to the database or remove it from the TABLE parameter file.

OGG-00845: Rollback ID {1,number,0} does not match last record ID of {0,number,0} in FM transaction manager
Cause: An internal inconsistency was detected in the Extract process while processing a transaction rollback.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00846: Row row: Expecting an update/delete/undo record after receiving an update converted to an insert in migrated row sequence: Received record type {0,number,0} instead
Cause: Extract encountered an unexpected sequence of records in the transaction log. This is an internal logic error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00847: Multi-dimensional clustered tables using formatted user data records with value compression are not supported in this release
Cause: The TABLE parameter includes a table that is defined with an unsupported database feature.

Action: Remove the table that is not supported from the TABLE specification. If the table name is one of many that satisfy a wildcard, you can use TABLEEXCLUDE to exclude it.

OGG-00848: A log record with the previous LSN:{0,number,0} was not found in the DB2 log files: lookup failed
Cause: Extract failed to process backward in the LSN chain to find the first record of the transaction. This is an internal logic error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00849: Database name must be 8 characters or less
Cause: The database name that is specified in the parameter file is too long. The database name can be up to eight characters.

Action: Check the parameter file for a typographical error.

OGG-00850: Database instance {0} has both USEREXIT and LOGRETAIN set to off
Cause: The database is not configured to retain the transaction logs.

Action: Turn on the USEREXIT parameter, which automatically sets LOGRETAIN to RECOVERY and forces a user exit program to archive and retrieve the log files. Alternatively, you can set the LOGRETAIN parameter to RECOVERY, which retains the logs and enables them to be used for forward recovery.

OGG-00851: Invalid {1} record: row type {0,number,0} was received with an associated {1} record type: {2,number,0}
Cause: Extract failed an internal sanity check of the log record.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00852: Invalid DMS record type received: {0,number,0}
Cause: Extract failed an internal sanity check of the log record.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00853: Table {0} column {1,number,0} : invalid decimal digit in packed decimal field
Cause: The specified table contains invalid data in a packed decimal column.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00854: Table {0} column {1,number,0} : maximum decimal precision exceeded
Cause: The specified table contains a decimal value that is larger than the maximum permitted value.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00855: Table {0} column {1,number,0} : error {2,number,0} occurred
Cause: Extract encountered an error while converting the data in the specified column.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00856: Table {0} does not have DATA CAPTURE CHANGES enabled for LONG columns. Use the TRANLOGOPTIONS NOREQUIRELONGDATACAPTURECHANGES parameter to override
Cause: DB2 LUW Data Capture Changes is not enabled for LONG columns on this table. The TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter is set to its default of REQUIRELONGDATACAPTURECHANGES, which forces Extract to abend when LONG columns are not captured. When NOREQUIRELONGDATACAPTURECHANGES is used, Extract issues a warning and continues processing the record.

Action: Change TRANLOGOPTIONS to NOREQUIRELONGDATACAPTURECHANGES to avoid an abend, or enable capture of LONG columns.

OGG-00857: Table {0} does not have DATA CAPTURE CHANGES enabled for LONG columns. Use the TRANLOGOPTIONS NOREQUIRELONGDATACAPTURECHANGES parameter to override
Cause: DB2 LUW Data Capture Changes is not enabled for LONG columns on this table. The TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter is set to its default of REQUIRELONGDATACAPTURECHANGES, which forces Extract to abend when LONG columns are not captured. When NOREQUIRELONGDATACAPTURECHANGES is used, Extract issues a warning and continues processing the record.

Action: Change TRANLOGOPTIONS to NOREQUIRELONGDATACAPTURECHANGES to avoid an abend, or enable capture of LONG columns.

OGG-00858: LONG columns are not supported for the NOCOMPRESSDELETES option for DB2 LUW. LONG columns from table {0} will not be included for delete operations
Cause: NOCOMPRESSDELETES writes all of the table columns to the trail, but LOBs are not supported for this feature. Because this is a DELETE, Replication will not be affected by this limitation.

Action: None

OGG-00862: Number of log records read: {0,number,0}. Number of log records dumped to file: {1,number,0}.
Cause: This message is reported when Extract is running in a diagnostic mode under the direction of Oracle Support.

Action: None

OGG-00863: DB2 Extract log dump stopped
Cause: This message is reported when Extract is running in a diagnostic mode under the direction of Oracle Support.

Action: None

OGG-00864: DB2 Extract log dump has reached the maximum number of log records it can process in a single run: {0,number,0}
Cause: This message is reported when Extract is running in a diagnostic mode under the direction of Oracle Support.

Action: None

OGG-00865: Reached RECORDCOUNT value requested of {0,number,0}
Cause: This message is reported when Extract is running in a diagnostic mode under the direction of Oracle Support.

Action: None

OGG-00866: Reached STOPATLSN value requested of {0,number,0}
Cause: This message is reported when Extract is running in a diagnostic mode under the direction of Oracle Support.

Action: None

OGG-00867: Only dumping propagated log records
Cause: This message is reported when Extract is running in a diagnostic mode under the direction of Oracle Support.

Action: None

OGG-00868: {0}
Cause: The specified database error occurred.

Action: Follow the directions in the error message to resolve the problem, or contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00869: {0}
Cause: The specified database error occurred, but can be ignored.

Action: Contact Oracle Support only if a problem persists.

OGG-00870: Database error {0,number,0} ({1})
Cause: The specified database error occurred.

Action: Resolve the error. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00871: Could not find column {1} in table {0}
Cause: The XML input to the Veridata Agent (VERIAGT) refers to a column that does not exist in the specified table. This usually is caused by an internal error in Veridata Server, which is responsible for validating column references before putting them into the XML messages.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00873: Could not find primary key column {1} in table {0}
Cause: The process encountered an internal error while retrieving primary key information from the database.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00874: Expected number of output params (sqlexec id {0}) greater than actual ({1,number,0})
Cause: The SQLEXEC query or stored procedure contains fewer column parameters than the result of the fetch from the database.

Action: Correct the SQLEXEC parameter specification. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00875: Unexpected error looking for col {0,number,0} in lobmem
Cause: The LOB column is missing from the database. Oracle GoldenGate fetches LOB values in certain cases. The table might have been updated to delete the LOB column between the time the transaction record was generated and the time that Extract processed it.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00876: LOB data exceeds max size ({0,number,0}) for column {2,number,0} ({1})
Cause: The LOB exceeds the size that is supported by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: You can restart Replicat to skip this record with START options, or you can use a REPERROR rule to handle this type of record. Another option is to alter the target table definition to accept null values. For MySQL and Sybase, you can use TRANLOGOPTIONS with ALLOWLOBDATATRUNCATE to truncate LOBs that are too large for a target column.

OGG-00877: Could not map zero length BLOB from source column {0} into non-nullable target column {1}
Cause: The target column does not support null column values.

Action: You can restart Replicat to skip this record with START options, or you can use a REPERROR rule to handle this type of record. Another option is to alter the target table definition to accept null values. You can use TRANLOGOPTIONS with EMPTYLOBSTRING to substitute a string value for empty (zero-length) LOB columns that are Replicated to the target. By default, Oracle GoldenGate sets empty columns to NULL on the target and will abend if the target database does not permit LOB columns to be NULL. EMPTYLOBSTRING prevents Replicat from abending.

OGG-00878: Could not execute SQL, not logged onto database
Cause: The process could not execute the SQL operation because it did not log onto the database.

Action: Check the parameter file for the USERID parameter and, if applicable, the SOURCEDB or TARGETDB parameter. These parameters provide the necessary login information. For more information, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00879: Owner is not specified in table {0}.
Cause: An owner is not included for this table in the TABLE and MAP specification.

Action: Qualify all table names with an owner.

OGG-00880: Owner is not specified in table {0}.
Cause: The specified table is not qualified with an owner name in the parameter file.

Action: Add the owner to the table specification, as in hq.sales.

OGG-00881: NODYNSQL cannot be used for columns > 4K
Cause: The NODYNSQL parameter is specified for Replicat, but a LOB column greater than 4K in size was encountered during Replication.

Action: Remove NODYNSQL or ensure that there are no LOB values greater than 4K.

OGG-00882: NODYNSQL option is not supported for the wide character types (SQL_WCHAR, SQL_WLONGVARCHAR and SQL_WVARCHAR)
Cause: NODYNSQL is being used in the Replicat parameter file, but a wide character type was encountered. In NODYNSQL mode, the process cannot expand the data into a static SQL statement.

Action: Remove NODYNSQL, and then restart the process.

OGG-00883: failed to update entry in trace table {0}, group {1}. Number of rows updated is {2,number,0}
Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00884: Fetched fields ({1,number,0}) does not equal total columns ({0,number,0})
Cause: The number of fetched columns for the specified table does not match the number of columns for this table as shown in the metadata.

Action: Find out whether this table was changed since the time that this transaction record was generated. Try restarting the process to see if the problem resolves. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00885: error encountered converting fetched column ({0}) from ascii val {1} ({2})
Cause: An error occurred when the process tried to convert a fetched column value to an internal format. More information can be obtained from the error message that is provided in the message.

Action: If you cannot fix the problem based on the error message, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00886: Unsuccessful execution on interval: {0}
Cause: An error occurred when the process tried to execute a SQL statement in a given interval.

Action: Resolve the problem based on the error text, and then restart the process. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00887: Unsuccessful SQL execution on interval: {0}
Cause: An non-fatal error occurred when the process tried to execute a SQL statement in a given interval.

Action: Resolve the problem based on the error text, and then restart the process. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00888: SQL statement executed successfully on interval.
Cause: The process successfully executed the SQL statement.

Action: None

OGG-00889: Error performing SQL statement at end of tranaction
Cause: A fatal error occurred when the process tried to execute a SQL statement at the end of a transaction.

Action: Resolve the problem based on the SQL error. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00890: Error performing SQL statement at end of tranaction
Cause: A non-fatal error occurred when the process tried to execute a SQL statement at the end of a transaction.

Action: Resolve the problem based on the SQL error. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00891: Unsuccessful execution: {0}
Cause: A fatal error occurred when the process tried to execute a SQL statement.

Action: Resolve the problem based on the SQL error. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00892: Unsuccessful SQL execution: {0}
Cause: The process was not able to execute the SQL statement because of a database error that is stated in the error text.

Action: Correct the cause of the error, and then restart the process.

OGG-00893: SQL statement executed successfully.
Cause: The process successfully executed a SQL statement.

Action: None

OGG-00894: SQL error {1,number,0} occurred when updating duplicate row in table {0}
Cause: The specified error occurred when the process issued an update on a duplicate row. There may be a constraint error.

Action: Remove the duplicate row or change the constraint, and then restart the process.

OGG-00895: Unexpected error: could not add HASH for table {0}
Cause: An internal error occurred when the process tried to add a hash for the specified table.

Action: Save this message and any related messages, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00896: Unexpected error: Delete of item known to be in hash table failed
Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Save this message and any related messages, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00897: Unexpected error: could not find newly added table {0} by name
Cause: The specified table was resolved by the Extract producer thread but cannot be resolved by the Extract consumer thread.

Action: Check to see if this table still exists. If not, restart Extract.

OGG-00898: Unexpected error: could not find newly added table {0} by Object ID ({1})
Cause: Extract could not find the specified table by its object ID.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00899: Table {0} does not exist
Cause: The specified table does not exist in the database, but is specified in the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.

Action: Remove the table from the TABLE and MAP statements.

OGG-00900: Table {0} object id {1} not found
Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00901: Failed to lookup object ID for table {0}
Cause: The DB2 catalog query for the specified table failed.

Action: The table might have been dropped. If the table still exists, start the process again. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00902: Total byte length of table {0} is too long (at column {1}, offset = {2,number,0})
Cause: The specified column is longer than the maximum length supported by Oracle GoldenGate for the Sybase database.

Action: Decrease the length of the column.

OGG-00903: Error retrieving row count for last executed statement
Cause: The SQLRowCount() call returned an error.

Action: Check the SQLRowCount() API page to see the possible issues associated with this call and correct the problem. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00904: Calling {0} when there is no active transaction (seqno: {1,number,0}, rba: {2,number,0}). Request ignored.
Cause: An internal error occurred because a ROLLBACK or COMMIT was called when there was no open transaction.

Action: Save the trail files, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00905: Calling BEGIN when there is still an active transaction (seqno: {0,number,0}, rba: {1,number,0}). Request ignored.
Cause: An internal error occurred because a BEGIN TRANSACTION was issued for an open transaction.

Action: Save the trail files, and contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00906: Unrecognized data type: {0,number,0}
Cause: An unexpected data type was encountered.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00908: Table {0} column {1,number,0} : value truncated to {2,number,0}
Cause: The value of the specified column was truncated because the target database does not support the full length. The target data may not be an accurate reflection of the source.

Action: Extend the target column length, or you can treat these cases as exceptions and apply the DML manually if you want to retain the full data length. For more information, see the error handling documentation in the Oracle GoldenGate Administration documentation.

OGG-00909: Table {0}, column {1}, unrecognized data type: {2,number,0}
Cause: The specified column contains an unsupported data type.

Action: For supported data types, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for this database.

OGG-00910: Table {0}, column {1}, unrecognized data type: {2}
Cause: The specified column contains an unrecognized or unsupported data type.

Action: For supported data types, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for this database.

OGG-00911: Table {0}, column {1}, unrecognized or unsupported data type: {2}
Cause: The specified column contains an unrecognized or unsupported data type.

Action: For supported data types, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for this database.

OGG-00912: Could not find key column {1} within definition for table {0}
Cause: The key definition probably was changed. Oracle GoldenGate needs to know of the new definition.

Action: Stop and then immediately start the process, so a new object cache can be built.

OGG-00913: Invalid data type ({2,number,0}) processing column {0} ({1,number,0})
Cause: The specified column contains an unrecognized or unsupported data type.

Action: For supported data types, see the Oracle GoldenGate documentation for this database.

OGG-00914: Table {0} contains too many columns. Max columns allowed is {1,number,0}
Cause: The number of columns in the table exceeds that which is supported by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: You can exclude columns, if permissible, by using the COLSEXCEPT clause of TABLE and MAP, or you can remove the table from the Oracle GoldenGate configuration.

OGG-00915: Column {1} in table {0} cannot be used as a key column.
Cause: The specified column is of a type that is not supported for use as a key by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: If the key cannot be altered to remove the column, you can specify a unique index or you can define a key with the KEYCOLS clause of TABLE and MAP. The index or KEYCOLS must match on the source and target tables.

OGG-00916: Column {1} cannot be used as a key column. Define a unique index for table {0} without this column or use the KEYCOLS parameter to correct this issue
Cause: The specified column in the table key is of a type that is not supported for use as a key by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: If the key cannot be altered to remove the column, you can specify a unique index or you can define a key with the KEYCOLS clause of TABLE and MAP. The index or KEYCOLS must match on the source and target tables.

OGG-00917: KEYCOLS parameter references column {1} which cannot be used as a key column. Remove this column from the KEYCOLS parameter for table {0} to correct this issue
Cause: The specified column is of a type that is not supported for use as a key by Oracle GoldenGate.

Action: Remove the column from the KEYCOLS clause.

OGG-00918: Key column {0} is missing from map
Cause: Some, but not all, key columns are mapped in a COLMAP clause. If mapping key columns, all key columns must be mapped.

Action: Add all key column to the COLMAP clause.

OGG-00919: Error in {0} clause
Cause: There is a syntax error in the specified clause in the parameter file.

Action: Fix the error. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-00920: Error ({1,number,0}) executing command {0}
Cause: The execution of an immediate SQL statement failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00921: Unable to determine the database name
Cause: The process could not determine the name of the database in order to establish a connection.

Action: Make certain that the Oracle GoldenGate user has privileges to query the database name. Also, make certain that the SOURCEDB or TARGETDB parameter is specified, if required for this database type.

OGG-00924: The wildcard specification length has a length of {1,number,0}. The maximum allowed in the return buffer is {0,number,0}
Cause: The wildcard specification has too many characters.

Action: Reduce the length of the wildcard specification to the size specified in the message.

OGG-00925: tables out-of-sync: source "{0}", target "{1}", rows {2,number,0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00926: tables in sync: source "{0}", target "{1}"
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00927: Error in status file: missing {0} attribute
Cause: The specified attribute is missing from the XML message for the Oracle GoldenGate server or agent process. This indicates an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00928: exceeded max_tables ({0,number,0})
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Agent was asked to list all tables or views in a remote database or schema, and the number of tables exceeds the amount that can fit in the message.

Action: File an enhancement request with Oracle Support to increase the maximum number of tables supported.

OGG-00929: exceeded max_schemas ({0,number,0})
Cause: Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Agent was asked to list all tables or views in a remote database or schema, and the number of tables exceeds the number of schemas that can fit in the message.

Action: File an enhancement request with Oracle Support to increase the maximum number of schemas supported.

OGG-00930: Invalid XML in parameter file {0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00931: Invalid configuration file: {0}
Cause: This message is deprecated.

Action: None

OGG-00932: FILENAME_RESOLVE_ error {0,number,0} on {1}
Cause: This error occurs on a NonStop system when the agent cannot determine the Guardian file name for an Oracle GoldenGate sub-directory. The Guardian error code is displayed with the message.

Action: Take the appropriate action based on the Guardian error code.

OGG-00933: could not find name for table entry {0,number,0}
Cause: The attribute for the table name is missing from the XML file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00934: could not find table-info node for {0}
Cause: The table-info element is missing from the XML file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00935: No keycols specified for table {0} that does not have a primary key
Cause: No defined primary key or user-defined key columns are defined for the specified comparison table.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00936: Access denied (request from {0}, rule #{1,number,0})
Cause: Access to Manager was denied to the specified address based on rules set in the ACCESSRULE parameter.

Action: Determine why the connection attempt was made. If it is legitimate, you can adjust the rules of ACCESSRULE.

OGG-00937: Error ({0,number,0}) decrypting password: {1}
Cause: Manager on the target cannot decrypt the password that was specified with the ENCRYPT PASSWORD command on the source.

Action: If you defined your own key, make certain the ENCKEYS files on the source and target exist, and that they contain the same key. If you used an Oracle GoldenGate-generated default key, make certain it was copied correctly into the USERID or TRANLOGOPTIONS ASMUSER parameters. You might need to retry the default encryption again.

OGG-00938: Manager is stopping at user request
Cause: The Manager process was stopped by a user.

Action: None, if intentional. Note that when Manager is stopped, Oracle GoldenGate processes cannot continue to Replicate data.

OGG-00939: Service Control Manager requested PAUSE
Cause: The Windows Service Control Manager issued a PAUSE command for the Manager service.

Action: None, if intentional. Note that when Manager is paused, Oracle GoldenGate processes cannot continue to Replicate data.

OGG-00940: Service Control Manager requested STOP
Cause: The Windows Service Control Manager issued a STOP command for the Manager service.

Action: None, if intentional. Note that when Manager is stopped, Oracle GoldenGate processes cannot continue to Replicate data.

OGG-00941: Service Control Manager requested CONTINUE
Cause: The Windows Service Control Manager issued a CONTINUE (resume) command for the Manager service.

Action: None

OGG-00942: Service Control Manager requested SHUTDOWN
Cause: The Windows Service Control Manager issued a SHUTDOWN command for the Manager service.

Action: None, if intentional. Note that when Manager is stopped, Oracle GoldenGate processes cannot continue to Replicate data.

OGG-00943: Error in service processing: Creating thread for batch tasks (error {0,number,0})
Cause: The process could not create a thread for batch tasks.

Action: Verify that the system has the capacity for creating more threads. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00944: Error in service processing: Calling {0} (error {1,number,0})
Cause: A call to the Windows SetServiceStatus or RegisterServiceCtrlHandler failed.

Action: Check the Windows system error log and correct the problem. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00945: Startup of {0} {1} failed ({2})
Cause: The specified process cannot start.

Action: Look for additional error messages that indicate why the process cannot start, and then correct the problem.

OGG-00946: {0} {1} abended
Cause: The specified process abended.

Action: Look for additional error messages that indicate why the process abended, and then correct the problem.

OGG-00947: Lag for {0} {1} is {2} (checkpoint updated {3} ago)
Cause: The setting of the LAGINFO parameter prompted Manager to report lag information to the error log. This message is considered a warning message because the lag is greater than the value specified with the LAGCRITICAL parameter.

Action: Correct the problem that is causing the lag. For help with configuring Oracle GoldenGate to reduce lag, see the Oracle GoldenGate troubleshooting and performance documentation.

OGG-00948: Lag for {0} {1} is {2} (checkpoint updated {3} ago)
Cause: The setting of the LAGINFO parameter prompted Manager to report lag information to the error log. This message is considered an informational message because the lag is not greater than the value specified with the LAGCRITICAL parameter.

Action: None

OGG-00949: Invalid checkpoint type ({2,number,0}), cannot determine lag threshold for {0} {1}
Cause: The checkpoint is invalid.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00950: Purge of old Extract file {0} failed because the prev seqno exists. Purge rule was {1}
Cause: There is a MINKEEP rule in the PURGEOLDEXTRACTS parameter that requires a minimum number of files to be retained.

Action: None

OGG-00951: Purging task {0} {1}: could not delete file {2} ({3,number,0} {4})
Cause: Manager could not purge the named remote task because it could not delete the specified file due to an operating system error.

Action: Fix the operating system error.

OGG-00952: Purging log history from {0} older than {1}: {2}
Cause: Manager successfully purged rows in the log table that were older than the date shown. Informational only. This message appears in older Oracle GoldenGate versions that support trigger-based capture.

Action: None

OGG-00953: Purging log history from {0} older than {1}: {2}
Cause: Manager is purging history from the log table. Informational only. This message appears in older Oracle GoldenGate versions that support trigger-based capture.

Action: None

OGG-00954: Purging rows from {0} older than {1}: {2}
Cause: Manager failed to purge rows in the log table that are older than the date shown. Informational only. This message appears in older Oracle GoldenGate versions that support trigger-based capture.

Action: Delete the rows manually.

OGG-00955: Purging rows from {0} older than {1}: {2}
Cause: Manager successfully purged rows in the log table that were older than the date shown. Informational only. This message appears in older Oracle GoldenGate versions that support trigger-based capture.

Action: None

OGG-00956: hours_since_modified calculated as {1,number,0}, modtime is {2,number,0} for {0}
Cause: Manager determined that the specified file remained unmodified for the number of hours shown in this message, with the last modification being performed at the time shown.

Action: None

OGG-00957: Purged old Extract file '{0}', {1}
Cause: The specified file was purged under the rules shown in the message text.

Action: None

OGG-00958: {0} (MINKEEPFILES option not used; last MINKEEP time option entered will be used)
Cause: The PURGEOLDEXTRACTS parameter contains the option MINKEEPHOURS or MINKEEPDAYS with the option MINKEEPFILES. These are mutually exclusive. If either MINKEEPHOURS or MINKEEPDAYS is used with MINKEEPFILES, then MINKEEPHOURS or MINKEEPDAYS is accepted, and MINKEEPFILES is ignored.

Action: Remove MINKEEPFILES (or MINKEEP{HOURS|DAYS} depending on your requirements).

OGG-00959: {0} (MINKEEPFILES option not used.)
Cause: The PURGEOLDEXTRACTS parameter contains the option MINKEEPHOURS or MINKEEPDAYS with the option MINKEEPFILES. These are mutually exclusive. If either MINKEEPHOURS or MINKEEPDAYS is used with MINKEEPFILES, then MINKEEPHOURS or MINKEEPDAYS is accepted, and MINKEEPFILES is ignored.

Action: Remove MINKEEPFILES (or MINKEEP{HOURS|DAYS} depending on your requirements).

OGG-00960: Access granted (rule #{0,number,0})
Cause: Access to Oracle GoldenGate was granted based on the specified rule.

Action: None

OGG-00961: DEBUG {0}: {1}
Cause: This is an informational message for debugging purposes.

Action: None

OGG-00962: {1} did not recognize command {0}
Cause: Manager received an unrecognized command.

Action: Check the syntax of the command for typographical errors or invalid options. For help, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation or the online GGSCI help.

OGG-00963: Command received from {0} on host {1} ({2})
Cause: Manager received the specified command from the specified host.

Action: None

OGG-00964: {0} {1} started automatically
Cause: The specified process was restarted automatically based on the AUTOSTART parameter.

Action: None

OGG-00965: {0} {1} restarted automatically
Cause: The specified process was restarted automatically based on rules in the AUTORESTART parameter.

Action: None

OGG-00966: {0} {1} is already running
Cause: A START command was issued for a process that is already running.

Action: None

OGG-00967: Manager performing AUTOSTART processing
Cause: Manager is automatically starting processes according to the AUTOSTART parameters in the Manager parameter file.

Action: None

OGG-00968: ERROR: can not send command to Manager
Cause: The last command could not be sent to Manager.

Action: Make certain that Manager is running and that the network connections to it are working properly.

OGG-00969: ERROR: Manager responded with {0}
Cause: Manager could not start the passive Extract.

Action: Check the process report and the error log for additional messages that provide context for this problem. If you cannot resolve the problem based on other messages, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00970: ERROR: Bad reply message from Manager
Cause: The Manager reply is not valid.

Action: Contact Oracle Support. Save the process report and the error log for the support case.

OGG-00971: ERROR: {0}
Cause: An Oracle GoldenGate component failed to start.

Action: Check the report file that is issued by the process, and check the error log for other messages adjacent to this one that might help you resolve the problem. Make certain Manager is running for other processes to start. The database also must be running. Trail files must be properly created. Parameter files must be in the expected location. For additional help, see the Oracle GoldenGate troubleshooting documentation. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00972: {0} {1} -> {2}@{3} started on port {4}
Cause: The specified program started on the specified port number.

Action: None

OGG-00973: Manager started Replicat task process (Port {0,number,0})
Cause: Manager started a Replicat task on the specified port number.

Action: None

OGG-00974: Manager started collector process (Port {0,number,0})
Cause: Manager started a Collector process on the specified port number.

Action: None

OGG-00975: {0}
Cause: This is a generic informational message and does not indicate any problem.

Action: None

OGG-00976: Manager started '{0}' process on port {1,number,0}
Cause: Manager started the specified process on the specified port number.

Action: None

OGG-00978: {0} {1} is running
Cause: The specified process is running.

Action: None

OGG-00979: {0} {1} is down (gracefully)
Cause: The specified process stopped gracefully.

Action: None

OGG-00980: Purged task {0} {1}
Cause: The specified task was purged according to the rules in the PURGEOLDTASKS parameter.

Action: None

OGG-00981: Task {0} {1} is running, cannot purge
Cause: The specified task is still running.

Action: Stop the task to enable purging.

OGG-00982: Rule {0,number,0}: {1}, seqno: {2,number,0}, hours_since_modified: {3,number,0}, modtime: {4,number,0}, oldest chkpt: {5,number,0}
Cause: Manager is purging old trail files based on the rules specified in PURGEOLDEXTRACTS.

Action: None

OGG-00983: Manager started (port {0,number,0})
Cause: The Manager process started on the specified port number.

Action: None

OGG-00984: Delaying {0,number,0} minutes, {1,number,0} seconds before further processing
Cause: The BOOTDELAYMINUTES parameter is being used for Manager, and Manager is waiting for the specified amount of time before performing its startup activities.

Action: None

OGG-00985: Purged old veriagt report {0}
Cause: The Veridata Agent report was purged successfully.

Action: None

OGG-00986: Error {1,number,0} Purging old veriagt report {0}
Cause: The Veridata Agent report could not be purged due to the specified error from the operating system.

Action: Correct the operating system error.

OGG-00987: GGSCI command ({0}): {1}
Cause: The specified command from GGSCI was received.

Action: None

OGG-00988: WARNING: Unsupported operation. This might cause transactional inconsistency. Modifying input checkpoint #{3,number,0}, Oracle thread #{4,number,0} of {2}: ioseq = {0,number,0} iorba = {1,number,0}
Cause: An ALTER EXTRACT command was issued to alter the read position of an Extract thread that reads one of the logs in a RAC configuration.

Action: None. This is a warning but assumes the action is intentional. For help, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00989: WARNING: Unsupported operation. This might cause transactional inconsistency. Modifying iocheckpoint: ioseq = {0,number,0} iorba = {1,number,0}
Cause: An unsupported ALTER operation was received.

Action: None. This is a warning but assumes the action is intentional. For help, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-00990: {0} stop forced by user
Cause: The specified Extract or Replicat process was stopped forcefully by a user.

Action: None

OGG-00991: {0} stopped normally
Cause: The specified Extract process stopped gracefully.

Action: None

OGG-00992: {0} starting
Cause: The specified Extract process is performing its startup.

Action: None

OGG-00993: {0} started
Cause: The specified Extract process started successfully.

Action: None

OGG-00994: {0} stopped normally
Cause: The specified Replicat process stopped gracefully.

Action: None

OGG-00995: {0} starting
Cause: The specified Replicat process is performing its startup.

Action: None

OGG-00996: {0} started
Cause: The specified Replicat process started successfully.

Action: None

OGG-00997: Purge of old Extract file {0} failed (error {1,number,0}, {2})
Cause: The process tried to purge old trail files based on the rules in the PURGEOLDEXTRACTS parameter, but it encountered the specified operating-system error.

Action: Correct the cause of the error or contact the system administrator.

OGG-00998: Purging old Extract file {0}
Cause: The process is purging old trail files based on the rules in the PURGEOLDEXTRACTS parameter.

Action: None

OGG-00999: Missing transaction begin, {0,number,0} records bypassed
Cause: The process skipped the specified number of records because the begin-transaction record is missing.

Action: None

OGG-01000: Reperror {0} rule for error {1,number,0} found, Action {2}, Maxretries {3,number,0} exceeded
Cause: Replicat parsed a REPERROR rule statement with the specified error number and action, and retried the operation up to the maximum number of times that is specified with the MAXRETRIES option.

Action: Correct the problem that caused the error, and then restart Replicat.

OGG-01001: Reperror {0} rule for error {1,number,0} found, Action {2}
Cause: Replicat parsed a REPERROR rule statement and will take the specified action for the operation that returned the specified error number.

Action: None

OGG-01002: Reperror {0} rule for error {1,number,0} found, Action {2}, retries {3,number,0}
Cause: Replicat parsed a REPERROR rule statement that includes the RETRYOP option, and will retry the operation that returned the specified error number.

Action: None

OGG-01003: Repositioning to rba {1,number,0}{0,choice,-1#|0# in seqno {0,number,0}}
Cause: The process is repositioning its read point to the specified location in the trail.

Action: None

OGG-01004: Aborted grouped transaction on {0}, Database error {1,number,0} ({2})
Cause: Replicat is not able to apply the GROUPTRANSOPS-controlled grouped transaction on the specified table, due to the SQL error that is reported in the message text.

Action: Correct the problem that is reported in the error message. For more information on GROUPTRANSOPS, see the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation.

OGG-01005: A value of zero for GROUPTRANSOPS is invalid. Using a value of one instead.
Cause: A value of zero is specified for the GROUPTRANSOPS parameter. A value of 1 executes the operations within the same transaction boundaries as the source transaction. Any value above 1 sets the minimum number of operations within a Replicat transaction.

Action: Increase the value of GROUPTRANSOPS. See the Oracle GoldenGate reference documentation to determine an appropriate value.

OGG-01006: Maximum records exceeded in discard file ({0,number,0})
Cause: The maximum number of records allowed in the file specified with the DISCARDFILE parameter has been reached.

Action: Increase the file size up to maximum permitted by the MAXBYTES or MEGABYTES option of DISCARDFILE.

OGG-01007: Maximum records exceeded in discard file ({0,number,0})
Cause: The maximum number of records allowed in the file specified with the DISCARDFILE parameter has been reached.

Action: Increase the file size up to maximum permitted by the MAXBYTES or MEGABYTES option of DISCARDFILE.

OGG-01008: Discarding bad record (discard recs = {0,number,0})
Cause: The process is discarding a record that it cannot process, and it is reporting the current number of discarded records that are in the DISCARDFILE file.

Action: None

OGG-01009: Error executing stored proc {0}: {1}
Cause: The process attempted to execute the specified stored procedure, but the specified database error was returned.

Action: Fix the cause of the error that is shown in the message text.

OGG-01010: Error executing stored proc {0}: {1}
Cause: The process attempted to execute the specified stored procedure, but the specified database error was returned.

Action: Fix the cause of the error that is shown in the message text.

OGG-01011: Skipped {0}.
Cause: The SEND EXTRACT command was issued with SKIPTRANS, and Extract skipped the specified long-running transaction.

Action: None

OGG-01012: Failed to skip {0} due to error ({1}).
Cause: The SEND EXTRACT command was issued with SKIPTRANS, but Extract cannot skip the specified long-running transaction. Some possible causes are: the specified transaction is not the oldest one in the list of transactions shown with SHOWTRANS, or the THREAD option was not used if the database is Oracle RAC.

Action: Fix the cause of the error that is shown in the message text.

OGG-01013: Cannot replace missing not-null column {1} of table {0}
Cause: The process encountered a not-null column for which no data existed, and it attempted to fetch a value from the database, but failed.

Action: None

OGG-01014: Positioning with begin time: {0,date} {0,time}, starting record time: {1,date} {1,time} at {2,choice,-1#|0#extseqno {2,number,0}, }extrba {3,number,0}
Cause: The process is configured to start processing at the specified time, and it is starting with the specified record as the first one to be processed.

Action: None

OGG-01015: Positioning with begin time: {0,date} {0,time}, waiting for data: at extseqno {1,number,0}, extrba {2,number,0}
Cause: The process is configured to start processing at the specified time. It is currently waiting for data at the specified position in the data source.

Action: None

OGG-01016: Positioning with begin time: {0,date} {0,time}, skipping incomplete record - starting record time: {1,date} {1,time} at extseqno {2,number,0}, extrba {3,number,0}
Cause: The process is configured to start processing at the specified time. The first record with that timestamp is incomplete, so it is being skipped.

Action: None

OGG-01017: Wildcard resolution set to IMMEDIATE because SOURCEISTABLE is used
Cause: The WILDCARDRESOLVE parameter is set to its default of DYNAMIC, but the process overrode the setting because SOURCEISTABLE is also used in the parameter file. IMMEDIATE is the forced default for SOURCEISTABLE. Source objects that satisfy a wildcard definition are processed at startup.

Action: None

OGG-01018: Recovered from error at rba {1,number,0} in seqno {0,number,0}, Replicat continuing
Cause: The recovery from the failed operation succeeded.

Action: None

OGG-01019: Marker processed by {0}, group {1}, lag {2}
Cause: The Oracle GoldenGate marker record was processed successfully.

Action: None

OGG-01020: Processed Extract process {0} record at seq {2,number,0}, rba {3,number,0} (aborted {1,number,0} records)
Cause: Extract processed the specified record. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01021: Command received from {0}: {1}
Cause: A command was received from the specified process. This is informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01022: Unknown {1,number,0} bytes message received from {2}:{3,number,0} - {0}
Cause: An incomplete command was received from the specified process and cannot be executed.

Action: If this message continues to appear, contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01023: Recovered from retryable error on table {0}
Cause: Replicat successfully applied a SQL operation that caused an error in a previous attempt. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01024: Retrying SQL error {3,number,0} at rba {2,number,0} in seqno {1,number,0}, updating {0} in {4,number,0} seconds
Cause: Replicat is retrying a SQL operation that caused an error, based on REPERROR with the RETRYOP option. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01025: REPLICAT task started by manager (port {0,number,0})
Cause: The Manager on the target started a remote-task Replicat. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01026: Rolling over remote file {0}
Cause: Extract is closing the current remote file and starting a new one. Informational only.

Action: None

OGG-01027: {0}
Cause: A non-recoverable error occurred in Extract or Replicat.

Action: Contact Oracle Support and provide the details of this message.

OGG-01028: {0}
Cause: A non-recoverable error occurred in Extract or Replicat.

Action: Contact Oracle Support and provide the details of this message.

OGG-01029: Extract reposition err - {0}
Cause: The process encountered an error while attempting to position to a specific point in the trail file.

Action: Verify that the specified sequence number and RBA exist, and specify valid ones if necessary. Restart the process. Contact Oracle Support if this problem persists.

OGG-01030: Could not find checkpoint for output file {0}
Cause: During recovery, Extract encountered a trail file that is no longer assigned to it.

Action: Specify the correct trail for this process, and delete the incorrect trail file with the DELETE EXTTRAIL or DELETE RMTTRAIL command.

OGG-01031: There is a problem in the communication with the Collector/Receiver Server. (Reply received is '{0}')
Cause: The Extract, Pump, or Distribution Server was not able to send data to the target.

Action: Examine the network for an outage between the source and target system. Make certain that MGRPORT in RMTHOST matches the one in the parameter file of the remote Manager. Check for errors on the target system that indicate the Manager or Collector process is not running, or that Collector does not have privileges to write to the remote trail. Check for encryption errors if the ENCRYPT option is specified with the RMTHOST or RMTHOSTOPTIONS parameter: This might indicate that the encryption key that was sent from the source does not match the one in the ENCKEYS file on the target, or that the key or ENCKEYS file on the target is missing.

OGG-01032: There is a problem in the communication with the Collector. Length is {1,number,0} - {0}
Cause: Extract was not able to send data to the target.

Action: Examine the network for an outage between the source and target system. Make certain that MGRPORT in RMTHOST matches the one in the parameter file of the remote Manager. Check for errors on the target system that indicate the Manager or Collector process is not running, or that Collector does not have privileges to write to the remote trail. Check for encryption errors if the ENCRYPT option is specified with the RMTHOST or RMTHOSTOPTIONS parameter: This might indicate that the encryption key that was sent from the source does not match the one in the ENCKEYS file on the target, or that the key or ENCKEYS file on the target is missing.

OGG-01033: There is a problem in the communication with the Collector. (Remote file used is {0}, reply received is {1})
Cause: Extract was not able to send data to the target.

Action: Examine the network for an outage between the source and target system. Make certain that MGRPORT in RMTHOST matches the one in the parameter file of the remote Manager. Check for errors on the target system that indicate the Manager or Collector process is not running, or that Collector does not have privileges to write to the remote trail. Check for encryption errors if the ENCRYPT option is specified with the RMTHOST or RMTHOSTOPTIONS parameter: This might indicate that the encryption key that was sent from the source does not match the one in the ENCKEYS file on the target, or that the key or ENCKEYS file on the target is missing.

OGG-01034: There is a problem in the communication with the Collector. (Remote file used is {0})
Cause: Extract was not able to send data to the target.

Action: Examine the network for an outage between the source and target system. Make certain that MGRPORT in RMTHOST matches the one in the parameter file of the remote Manager. Check for errors on the target system that indicate the Manager or Collector process is not running, or that Collector does not have privileges to write to the remote trail. Check for encryption errors if the ENCRYPT option is specified with the RMTHOST or RMTHOSTOPTIONS parameter: This might indicate that the encryption key that was sent from the source does not match the one in the ENCKEYS file on the target, or that the key or ENCKEYS file on the target is missing.

OGG-01035: File {0} already exists and purge not specfied
Cause: The process will not write to an existing file unless the PURGE option is used with the RMTFILE parameter.

Action: Add the PURGE option, and then restart the process.

OGG-01038: Cannot fetch required data from table {0} due to missing key columns
Cause: Row data could not be fetched from the table because no key is defined on the table.

Action: Define a key or specify unique columns with the KEYCOLS clause of the TABLE statement.

OGG-01039: mergeFetchedCols() failed to merge result fetched from table
Cause: Extract was not able to merge the fetched data with the row data that was obtained from the transaction log.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01040: Failed to prepare fetch on table {0}.
Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

OGG-01041: Failed to prepare fetch on table {0} due to lack of defined key columns. Use KEYCOLS.
Cause: Row data could not be fetched from the table because no key is defined on the table.

Action: Define a key or specify unique columns with the KEYCOLS clause of the TABLE statement.

OGG-01042: Invalid token length, expected: {0,number,0}, got: {1,number,0}
Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support.

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