MySQL 消除重复行的一些方法




MySQL 消除重复行的一些方法_第1张图片

根据其表格 我想到 要求如下:

1,5 6 7 随便留一个;3,2 随便删一个;留下4

SELECT * from myuser m1 , myuser m2  WHERE  ((m1.b =m2.b) OR ((m1.a =m2.a) or ((m1.a IS NULL)AND (m2.a IS NULL)))) GROUP BY m1.b

上面的sql 求出了 所有不重复的项

查找信息时 看到下面这篇文章也不错点击打开链接


MySQL 消除重复行的一些方法

---Chu Minfei

---2010-08-12 22:49:44.660





  create table test_1(id int,value int);

  insert test_1 select 1,2 union all select 1,2 union all select 2,3;


  create table tmp like test_1;


  insert tmp select distinct * from test_1;


  drop table test_1;


  rename table tmp to test_1;


  mysql> select * from test_1;


| id   | value |


|    1 |     2 |

|    2 |     3 |



  create table test_1(id int,value int) engine=MyISAM;

  insert test_1 select 1,2 union all select 1,2 union all select 2,3;

  alter table test_1 add id2 int not null auto_increment,

 add primary key(id,value,id2);

  select * from test_1;


| id | value | id2 |


|  1 |     2 |   1 |

|  1 |     2 |   2 |

|  2 |     3 |   1 |


   delete from test_1 where id2<>1;

   alter table test_1 drop id2;

   select * from test_1;


| id | value |


|  1 |     2 |

|  2 |     3 |




  create table test_2(id int,value int);

  insert test_2 select 1,2 union all select 1,3 union all select 2,3;

  Alter IGNORE table test_2 add primary key(id);

  select * from test_2;


| id | value |


|  1 |     2 |

|  2 |     3 |


  我们可以看到 1 3 这条记录消失了 

  我们这里也可以使用Unique约束 因为有可能列中有NULL值,但是这里NULL就可以多个了..


  create table test_2(id int,value int);

  insert test_2 select 1,2 union all select 1,3 union all select 2,3;

  delete A from test_2 a join (select MAX(value) as v ,ID from test_2 group by id) b

  on and a.value<>b.v;

  select * from test_2;


| id   | value |


|    1 |     3 |

|    2 |     3 |





 create table test_2(id int,value int);

 insert test_2 select 1,2 union all select 1,3 union all select 2,3;

 delete a from test_2 a where exists(select * from test_2 where and a.value
